Father and Son

Adam remembered when Asher first called him Dada.

He was crawling around the kitchen to encourage the infant to copy. He was very anxious about milestones like Connie was, he liked that there was a set plan and was disappointed to realize it was just a general guideline. He was already learning Asher comprehended more than he'd thought, so he'd started varying between Spanish and English early in his second month of life. "¡Vamos, Asher! Arrastrarse con Papá!"

He cooed and rocked back and forth on his hands and knees. His father could tell he wanted to copy, so he moved one leg forward on the child, and then the opposite arm. "Like this, see? I'd like it if you crawled on time," He admitted to the baby. "It would really help me worry less about defects because of T."

Asher blinked at him, toothlessly smiling his obliviousness until Adam had to return it. He wasn't often a vocal baby unless it was just the four of them in their main home, so he didn't expect him to cry, "Dadada!"

His eyes widened with horror. "What?" He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding when Asher didn't do it again. "Baby babbles... They're... pretty cute."

He picked Asher up and propped him on his arm while he made a sandwich one handed. He preferred holding him lying over his forearm though Anna often expressed she was worried he'd squirm and get dropped. He wanted to show Asher everything. His favorite thing to do was show Asher new things like forks and the ocean and the trunk of their car. His head jerking back and forth to take everything in sent pangs through his heart. He was so proud.

Hazel walked in and snagged a kiss. "He's such a chill little guy." He grinned at Asher and clicked his tongue so he would smile that huge smile at him. "Hey, buddy! You're so cute!"

"I know you've come to snatch the baby," Adam accused with a low, playful tone. "You got to hold him an hour ago, it's my turn."

Asher gurgled at Hazel and raised his arms so he could go to him. His birthing parent sighed and handed him over as Asher stuck a hand in his mouth while he was smothered with kisses. "Hey, Ash! How's my boy? Did Daddy not make you a sandwich? He's mean, huh?"

Adam snorted. "Whatever, man." He waited until Hazel had almost wandered off with him before he could bring himself to say, "I think he called me Dada today but I'm not sure because he went quiet."

Hazel slowed to a stop and kissed their son's forehead. "That makes sense because you're one of his dads. How do you feel about it?"

He stopped pretending and walked over to bury his face into his chest to hide his tears. "I don't think he means it but I want him to so bad..."

Hazel set Asher down to play and kissed over Adam's face. "Look at you, you're so handsome."

He blushed and tried to hide again but Hazel knew his games. "I love you."

"I love you, too." He kissed over to his ear to tease him a bit and smirked when he stiffened. "He's 10 months, I definitely think he knows Mama and Dada."

Asher squealed at that exact moment and cried, "Dadada!" Then he was tugging himself up to bounce against Adam's leg excitedly, or perhaps with jealousy.

Hazel gasped and cheered, "That is Dada! Look at you using words and stuff!" He went back to attacking Asher's cheek with stubbly kisses from not shaving and the infant started trying to teethe on him.

Adam just walked away to sit in the sun and experience clarity. He was a dad. His baby recognized that he was not his mother. He'd said so not three minutes ago and Asher's word was law.

By the time he decided to come in Hazel and Anna were making the infant kick his legs and drool with how smiley he was. He was babbling at them as they tried to get him to say Poppa. He pressed his lips together to copy the P sound and they cheered.

Adam wiggled between them with jealousy and grinned at them. "We made such a cute baby." Asher's eyes went wide when Adam clicked his tongue at him. "Hey, buddy. How's my son?"

He picked him up and tucked him until he screeched his excitement and grabbed his face to attempt a kiss, or maybe a bite. He bounced on the floor holding his thumbs tightly, eyes shining. "Dada!" He went on babbling and talking about something apparently profound, but Adam's throat closed as he slumped against Anna.

What a perfect baby.


As soon as Asher hit 16 months, Adam was now positively certain something was off despite the input of his polycule. Asher just was too quiet. He hated most table food so he was still eating baby food. He didn't like anything new or any schedule changes like a missed nap or meal time a minute late. He was smarter than they thought babies could even be with how particular he was, they couldn't fool him. Adam's parents had even commented on it that he was just like that as a baby.

He had his blanket pressed to his face and his fingers in his mouth as he backed into Adam's lap to perch like he was a nest. They joked that he was in fact a nest. He'd sit and watch the other babies play with interest, but nowadays rarely ventured out or showed much personality. Not like he used to at one or younger.

Adam wrapped his arms around him and kissed his forehead. "Poor baby. I wish I knew how to help." Then he repeated it in Spanish, noting Asher uttering something he couldn't hear in response.

Lucky walked up to point at Asher with big brown eyes. "Baby."

He laughed and tickled under her chin to make her coo and squeal. "What?! You're a baby!"

Steven snorted at him. "But she isn't wrong." He smiled gently at Asher. "I wonder if it's too loud in here. Maybe noise canceling headphones would help?"

Adam pondered that and watched Jacob, Jasmin and Alex's twins babble at each other and then at Lucky. She had stacking cups and Daisy tried to grab one but the little girl was iffy with sharing sometimes and started fussing. Connie quickly defused the situation with a stern, "Hey, you need to learn to share, Little Girl. Mommy learned sharing is the best thing ever, cause then you get shared with too." She gave both of them a cup again and pulled them a bit more apart with a humorous sigh. "There. See? Sharing is fun."

Steven licked his lips, glancing down at his next daughter that was due any day now really. "Is that so?"

"It is."

There was absolutely no way to know if she really understood her, but Lucky handed another cup to Daisy and then Leo and they sat playing together, occasionally trading.

Asher turned to Adam to whisper a color he saw, blue. "Good job, that cup is blue. Esa taza es azul. Are you thirsty?" Adam signed it to him too, but he shook his head.

Jacob's eyes popped open on the couch. He'd been sleeping against Jasmin's stomach also swollen with baby. "Don't kick me, that's rude," He told his next set of twins. "I get my butt kicked enough by Mommy."

"Mommy?" Jasmin teased to his disapproval. She called him out on it every time just to grind his gears. "Okay, Daddy. Give Mommy a kiss."

Leo dropped his cups to get up and watch his parents kiss, then started to cry. They stopped and turned to him with big smiles as he went, "Mmmm!" and puckered his lips hopefully.

If there was ever a jealous baby, it was Leo. He often butted in on any kind of affection because he wanted some too. They indulged it for now since he was just asking for validation and picked him up to kiss both of his cheeks.

Adam looked back down at Asher sadly. The other kids were hitting milestones so fast and it felt like his was lagging behind. He was staring at the cups like he wanted to play too but he wouldn't get up. Everything in him screamed not to, but he set him on his feet and pushed a little. "Go play."

Their son immediately turned back to him but Adam put his arms out to keep him away even though it hurt. "Just try, Asher. Please."

He looked at him like he was completely heartbroken. His blue eyes went wide like he had struck him across the face; his abandonment was worse than him being shy. Adam raised his arms again. "I'm sorry. Never mind."

Asher started bawling into his blanket instead and Daisy pushed up to give him a clumsy hug. "Okay..." She was trying to comfort him, she often copied the parents when they consoled a child. She probably thought she was one of them in that little mind of hers the way she went around telling everyone to get down and copying the parents sternly telling the other kids no.

Asher stopped crying almost instantly. He leaned his head against her and took his fingers out of his mouth to grab the toy she was offering with fresh tears still there. "Ball."

Daisy giggled and hugged him again. "Ball!"

Alex shook his head humorously. "We should've recruited Miss Supervisor a long time ago."

Asher became a little frightened when Lucky and Leo joined but Daisy squealed and grabbed one of Leo's cups. He didn't mind this time and Asher visibly relaxed.

Adam tightly held his spouses hands as Asher abandoned his blanket and began to talk, babbling with other people around other than his parents for the first time in months. "Look at him go..."

Hazel kissed his cheek. "Give him time. Later when he realizes he's home he'll do his happy stim and you'll feel better."

"And I'll play pattycake 8,000 times in your place," Anna promised, chuckling when Asher stood to hand a cup to Alex and wandered to sit by himself in a little space between two play structures.


He got better after that.

Even when Azalea, Phoebe and Milo were born, Asher wasn't as afraid of new faces. He even pointed out that they were babies like Lucky had done to him. He would rub their heads gently or give them hugs, and then run back into one of his parent's arms.

When Juniper was born the week before school started, Asher started refusing to do anything that separated him from his sister. He would watch her breastfeed and ask Anna questions, he'd come with Hazel to kiss her and wish her goodnight but nap time was meltdown after meltdown.

Adam was sleep deprived and still recovering from his poor experience of preeclampsia. He could hear Hazel suggesting they go lay down while Juniper laid down today so they could be awake for her. Asher declined and shot down every suggestion until Hazel started to get desperate. He had decided not to get involved until he heard Asher scream, "I hate you, go away!"

Their argument went silent and Hazel departed their house into the commons. Adam recognized the click of the door. Anna was out getting groceries, so he lumbered out of bed to sigh at his son. "Vete a la cama. Go to bed, Asher. Now!"

Asher looked back at him blankly and wandered into his bedroom, but poked his head out. "Is Poppa coming back?"

Adam sighed. "Take a nap and he'll be back."

He found Hazel crying in Connie's arms on the De Mayo-Maheswaren couch. She gave Adam a confused and sad shrug. "He just found me and started crying." She kissed the top of his head. "Poor guy. I love you."

Adam rubbed at Hazels back. "He doesn't mean it, Hazel. He's already asked if you're coming back." Hazel turned away and he slumped. "I'm sorry."

"I'm not coming home," He grunted bitterly. His voice got shaky again like it was breaking his heart. "He can keep wondering."

"Hazel," Connie warned sharply. "That's mean."

Hazel pushed her over so he could lie on top of her. "I know. I don't care right now. Call it a lesson if it softens the blow."

Connie called for Steven and nodded to Adam. "Partner switch for a while?"

He was holding Comet at the moment. He didn't hold him like he held any of his or the others' kids. He'd balance them on his arm forwards or backwards, on his shoulder, in a single hand even, but not his survivor baby. He carried him cradled or held very close to him. "Can I take baby with?"

She smiled at him for a long moment. He was such a good dad and yet he was probably telling himself it was selfish to ask. But he also had to know he was taking a load off her shoulders by taking Comet with. Parenting a baby by oneself could be especially hard when she was a bit sick from them letting colds and illnesses to flourish so their bodies could rebuild immunity alongside their children that they'd lost with Steven. And the lingering death of Cosmo. That never left her alone. "Of course. Make sure to come by for good night kisses."

Hazel was gone for another day before he got so restless he couldn't sleep or eat. He missed his son so much but he was afraid to go home because he knew his partners were mad at him and his son maybe didn't even miss him. Sometimes he was so insecure about Asher not being his by DNA, that was a secret downfall he didn't know he had until it happened. He had worked so hard to create a parental relationship with this child and then this had happened. But he loved that little boy through every sensory overload cry, every tantrum and every panic attack. He loved Asher the way he loved Juniper.

As soon as he got within Asher's sight he gasped and stood to run into his arms as he burst into tears. He hugged him so hard Hazel started glowing. Above all he was his father; he valued this boy and his sister above everything and everyone so he hugged him too and rubbed his back. "Hey, you don't have to cry anymore."

"I'm sorry..." Hazel pulled away and tried to meet his eye but Asher wouldn't do it like always. Poor kid. He looked a little pathetic like kids do when they cry so genuinely, but he was the sweetest little boy Hazel knew. "I love you, Poppa. Do you still love me?"

What a creature of growth. He wasn't being manipulative, he wanted Hazel to still love him and apologized with his heart. "It's okay. We all do mean things sometimes when we're frustrated. I'm sorry for leaving, that was mean of me but I won't do it again. Just don't say you hate me again." He paused and mustered up the courage to admit, "It really hurt my feelings and it made me cry." Asher started working himself up again so he cut to the chase. "But I forgive you and I still love you. I promise."

When he tried to pull away from the second hug, Asher clung to him instead of running back to his sister. He seemed panicked. "I missed you! Don't leave me!"

"This is a pretty great consequence," Hazel chuckled, picking him up to visit with his precious daughter. "I'm sorry Daddy left for such a long break. I'll never leave my babies again." She made a squeaky sound and turned toward his voice. Between her instant response and Asher limp against him he already felt so much better.


He got more social that year and Adam released a breath of relaxation when he sent him to his first day of school. Now he was validated: the psychologist they took their quiet, extremely attached, easy to overstimulate baby to had confirmed he was showing signs of early childhood autism and had been for a long time. He'd tried not to be a smug asshole about it but it was hard when everyone told him Asher was "just clingy" and "dramatic". He knew his instincts were right.

He walked him into the classroom and crouched to hold his shoulders. "I'm so proud of you. You're going to have so much fun learning." Asher frowned at him quietly and he felt guilty. "I... know you love to learn."

Asher looked up to Hazel and Anna and lifted his arms desperately. He knew Adam was going to push him again and these two didn't ever push him unless it was directly instructed. They said they trusted him to decide when to try new things but Adam was scared Asher might never if they let him choose. If Adam had chosen he'd still be living with his parents.

Hazel picked him up and Anna hugged them both, kissing Asher's cheek. Adam tried not to scream. He felt so conflicted, but after a while, the teacher came up to give them all a polite smile.

Adam went on the defensive immediately. He knew that having three parents show up for one kid as his main parents, and two of them being trans could and probably would get them some looks. "Sorry, he's having trouble saying goodbye."

Her smile went sympathetic when his tears spilled over. "I just sent mine on her first day of school last year. I know it's really sucky. Mrs. Anders." He shook her hand and Asher peeked out at her. "Whoa, I love sharks! Do you know what kind of shark is on your shirt?"

Asher blinked at her like she might be stupid, but he was interacting with a new human so they were just as excited. "It's a..." His voice got too quiet to hear over the other children and it was lost in the chatter.

Anna rubbed his back. "Can you talk a little louder, Ash? We wanna hear you!"

He nodded. "It's a hammerhead shark. I like sharks, too." He wiggled to get down and Hazel ruffled his hair while he hugged Anna. "Bye, Mama and Poppa." Adam received another long hug and Asher sighed, "Bye, Daddy."

They left and Adam sobbed the whole way back. The others were crying too, but they couldn't help but tease him a little. Adam knew he was overreacting but he felt like he was never going to see his baby again. He was particularly hormonal this postpartum stretch, but instead of grouchy he was just so easy to make weep.

Jacob welcomed him into a hug upon their return and squeezed. "The school just called my phone because you two left yours at home and Adam's is on silent." He kissed Adam until he felt a tingle of energy sweep through him. "Asher is having a meltdown. Principals office."

Adam shoved out of his arms with the other two right behind him. This time the ride was tense with silence, occasionally Adam repeating, "I knew he wasn't ready," or "I knew I shouldn't have pushed him."

The principals office was not a pretty scene. Asher was backed into a corner with his hands pressed hard against his ears, red faced and sobbing, "Go away! I want my Mommy and Daddies!" His son was so deep into his meltdown that he was hyperventilating and about to make himself pass out. "I wanna go home!"

Adam glared at the principal. "Give him some space." They approached him carefully and Adam started telling him in Spanish that they were here for him and he was sorry. He asked him to breathe for him. He didn't always know if Asher understood him, but it often got him out of a freak out since he'd always try. Sometimes he'd even reply back in Spanish.

Asher started using his deep breathing as asked and Anna gasped into her hand. "He's using coping skills." She blinked tears away and crouched. "Come to Mama, Buddy."

He pushed into her arms and started crying all over again. "Why did you leave?! I missed you!"

Hazel huffed his hurt and rubbed his back. "Because it was time for school to start. Grownups can't come to school."

Asher swallowed. "Was I bad?"

"No!" They all exclaimed passionately.

His periwinkle eyes looked around in anxiety, the adults he didn't know very well looked sympathetic but he was too young to understand it as anything but intruders. "But I don't wanna live here. I wanna be a good big brother like you said. I wanna go home with you guys."

Adam's face dropped in realization. "Asher, you were gonna get to come back home at 3:40. We're not leaving you here forever."

Asher started wiping at his face. "Oh. Y-You didn't say I get to come back."

Hazel laughed a little and hugged him. "Of course we're gonna come back, kiddo! And you have friends in class already. Would it help if you sat next to Daisy?"

His eyes widened and a small smile peeked out that reached his eyes. "I get to go to school with Daisy?"

His birthing parent shook his head with a rueful smirk. They all really tried not to project emotions their kids didn't outright say onto them but it was so obvious Asher was infatuated with her. "Don't forget Lucky and Leo."

He nodded as he chewed on the information and Adam apologized to the principal, para and teacher. "I'm so sorry. We're still working through his social anxiety. He's a really literal kid, I-I didn't think I'd have to tell him we weren't leaving him here."

Principal Steinbrenner chuckled. "I've seen it a million times, it's okay. Some kids just think we're never coming back ever."

Mrs. Anders nodded. "I asked the other para to supervise coloring time to make sure Asher was okay."

Anna smiled and rocked with the five year old. "We can't thank you enough. He gets really nervous in new environments."

"Again, totally natural for some kids."

Hazel took him next. "Do you want us to take him home?" He sounded like he wanted to, Asher was completely limp in his arms; his number one sign of complete trust. "We can try again tomorrow."

Mrs. Anders shrugged. "It's up to you."

Asher lifted his head and squirmed to get down. "Are we going to learn things at school?" She answered they absolutely were and he took her hand. "Okay. I'll go to school."

And that was that, they didn't ever receive another call from school as long as he lived with them.


Asher had felt really good about prom.

He'd dazzled Daisy with a promposal, he'd gotten a nice tux as an early birthday present that he felt handsome in, and he was bringing the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. Everyone was excited about Prom, even the parents. The dads were primping and reminding their boys how they were raised to treat partners, the moms were doing makeup and encouraging boundaries the dads backed up by hinting at punishments they'd rather not risk.

A full commune Birds and Bee's Talk complete with a Q&A sounded horrible.

Asher blew out a nervous breath and tried to sit still but he could feel his dads staring at him really hard. Maybe if he ignored them he could get out of the inevitable sentence one would speak.

Adam drew in a breath and tilted his head. "Asher, what time are you supposed to be home by and not after?"

"11:30, a-and I have to have Daisy dropped off by 11:15," He recited with a tiny stutter.

Hazel narrowed his eyes. "What are your intentions?"

Asher blushed, it was uncontrollable unfortunately. He knew what his Dad was hinting at and he'd rather talk about anything else. Avoiding the searing eye contact he mumbled, "Dance, late night dinner, straight back home to study the Bible."

Adam smirked for a second before it was washed away with a cool expression to replace it. "If you get Daisy pregnant I'm going to let Jasmin handle it. Don't risk it."

As quickly as it came, the blood drained from his face. He loved Jasmin but she would tear him in half. "Yes, Sir."

Just then Daisy raced out into his arms in a stunning peach gown and squealed, "We're going to prom!" She kissed him with zero shame in front of his parents and pulled away to beam at him like the sun. "You're so handsome, Asher."

He couldn't have reacted any other way than his brightest, most adoring smile. The entire world faded away because she was so incredibly gorgeous, he forgot anyone else was even there. Her hair done all the way down to her heels that still didn't make her close to his height took his breath away. "You get a gold star. You look gorgeous." The sentences poured out one after the other: his sarcasm and his lovesick mutter gave him away immediately.

Jacob was giving him a murderous glare that was starting to make him sweat though. His face was covered in tears with Jasmin rubbing his back. "Keep my daughter safe. Eyes above her shoulders and hands above her hips. Don't get my daughter pregnant, I know that the heathens do at prom."

Asher nodded vigorously. "Yes, Sir. I promise to be not a heathen."

Daisy crossed her arms at her parents, then hugged Hazel and Adam. "Girls coerce boys too. I promise not to."

Adam snorted and smiled at her. "Have fun."

The second they walked out the door Jacob picked Jasmin up to press her against the wall and cry. "No, not my baby!"

His ugly sobbing practically had them in stitches as they teased him enough that he was alternating between tears and laughter. Leo had simply asked if he could have his girlfriend over to their house, and Jacob was more than okay with that. Leo wasn't the kind of kid who really liked social functions even if he was pretty social.

Everything was going just fine until Juniper poked her head out. "Okay, I think I'm ready."

Hazel and Adam grinned, joining hands to watch as she shyly presented herself. She and Anna had made her dress and the result was so darling it blew them away. Juniper had picked out the fabric and design and together they'd sewn it and added decor.

Adam felt his throat closing up and he couldn't speak. He squeezed Hazels hand to get him to say something but he had a hand over his mouth in awe.

Anna came out behind her and sent both men death stares. "Isn't she beautiful?"

They both burst with overlapping encouragement that had her smiling and hugging both of them. "I also have a surprise... I'm going with a girl."

Adam sighed in relief. "Good. There's no teenage boy good enough for you, sweetie. Not unless he's lying in puddles and proud to be with you all the time." He pointed to Hazel. "You need a man like your father. Loyal and always kind and smart."

Juniper's nervousness melted away as Hazel sent wet eyes to Adam like he didn't know he felt that way about him. "What if I don't like boys?"

Anna burst out laughing and hugged her close. "Then don't bring home a bitch."

"Anna," Adam warned lowly.

"What? It's prom!"

Juniper left when her friend came to pick her up and Steven's eldest children filed out in a perfect rhythmic march.

Connie looked over all of them and the rest prepared for her to really lay it on them but she sighed. "Ugh. Just have fun, don't do drugs, don't get people pregnant or get pregnant. It's really all that simple."

Steven's browns furrowed in what felt like slow-motion. "Don't do anything you wouldn't want being broadcasted on national TV for everyone to see. Being reckless at prom when you're famous is exactly how you end up in a magazine and not in a good way. You are royalty, act like it." He started to cry into his hands. "God I hate watching you guys grow up!" They group hugged him but he didn't stop weeping. "And don't drink alcohol! Your mother forgot that."

"I didn't forget it, I just know they probably won't listen," She said with a casual shrug. "They'll learn how awful it is."

Their father scowled at them. "Don't ingest anything that I haven't already ever fed you." He swept teary eyes over Lucky, Azalea, and Cosmo all giving him sarcastic stares. "Hello? Are you listening to me? Don't! Do! Any! Drugs!"

Cosmos head rolled back. "Aw man, I was gonna try heroin!"

Steven's face went completely red and he just turned to walk away and take a lap. He was so overprotective of his son that when he joked like that he really couldn't take it. Connie tugged at Cosmo's hair gently. "Stop it. You'd better pray we don't pop in for a headcount because we can and we will." She hugged all of them and handed them their previously taken away phones due to a punishment of Steven's. "Get lost and have fun and come back home safe, okay? If you get drunk do not get in a car with anyone but your parents or the others!"

Connie shoo'ed them out and Steven scrubbed at his face. "Thank god they're gone," He sighed happily. "Teenagers are such pills. Wanna order takeout?"

Hazels jaw dropped. "You got rid of your kids so easy," He accused Connie with a laugh. "And you were fake crying?!"

Steven shrugged. "Meh. So-so. You want chinese food?"

Adam sighed restlessly. "I guess. I'm concerned about my son."

"Are you not trusting Asher with Daisy?" Jasmin laughed. "Because it should really be the other way around. She's got that boy for life."


Asher paused and ran his hands through his hair nervously. Truth be told he wasn't as thrilled about prom as he was about Daisy dressing up pretty for him and showing her off without having to say anything to anyone. He was proud to be with her after years of being best friends and then quietly dating.

But prom was so loud. He could hear the bad music from the hallway and the crappy sound system felt like it was buzzing right in his ear. Shivers rolled through him and he started to fidget how uncomfortable he was at the idea of being surrounded by loud, annoying teens and hovering teachers. And God, what if they played their parents music?! What a mood killer. Though he suspected every once in a while when he heard a new song on the radio that they were putting out music under fake names. He was 90% confident his current favorite song Too Sweet was by his Dad, which was weird because that was his and Daisy's song.

Daisy pushed him and he slammed against a locker. Stunned, he blinked to find her giggling up at him on her tippy toes. "Why are we playing Bully Asher?"

Daisy shrugged, the straps of her dress falling a half second late. "Who am I kidding? You don't really wanna go to prom, you just wanted to be with me." Her nose wrinkled. "I don't think you'll like it."

"It's not about what I like," Asher blurted, remembering his mother explaining passionately that prom was a good time to use his coping skills so he could show Daisy a good time. His meltdowns weren't nearly as bad as when he was a kid, but sometimes he just needed a hug to hide from the overwhelming, bright, hectic world. It was embarrassing but if he tried to power through it sometimes he'd have really bad panic attacks where he couldn't move, his words were slow and slurred, and he was filled with an impending sense of doom. "It's about giving you a memory you'll think about at our wedding."

His girlfriend touched a hand to her cheek with shining eyes. "I... I'm going to be thinking about you at our wedding, Asher." She pulled him into her and placed her hands on his shoulders. "Let's practice our first dance. Right here where it's a little quieter."

Asher didn't understand keeping his hands above her hips or waist because if he went high up enough he was still pretty damn pleased with himself. In reality there were three or four inches he could reasonably hold without being pushy or disrespectful of her anatomy. But he had big hands.

Worse than that he didn't really always understand how he was feeling; either just that it was intense with urges, or so minuscule he didn't notice he was feeling a certain way until his mom hugged him and started asking soft natured questions. Would his mom be proud of him right now? He wasn't sure when he wanted to break a rule so badly.

She laughed at him thinking too hard and placed his hands on her hips herself, then returning to brush her fingers over the back of his neck. His skin rose with goosebumps and he pulled her closer, but not too close. "So... did you know we're at prom?"

Asher brightened, he loved when she got a little shy. "You look like a princess."

"We're like Connie and Steven," She laughed. When his face dropped she frowned. "Are you okay?"

No. He wasn't okay because a light from somewhere was shining over her lips and eyes, illuminating little sparkles and her incredibly soft lips. He wanted to kiss her again, they had snuck many over the years but this time he wanted to savor it before they got caught. He wanted more than just a peck.

He wanted an actual first kiss, like how the parents did it. And then he was pushing her away and turning away. "Damn it. I'm sorry."

Daisy leaned against the locker next to him and eyed his embarrassment. "It's a natural reaction."

"Who told you that?"

"My mother," She snorted. "She said during The Talk—,"

Asher grimaced as a both comforting and probably very disrespectful thought crossed his mind. He'd thought about Daisy the entire time during The Talk. He'd never even looked at another girl. "Daisy please don't make it worse..."

"Let's ditch," She said instead. "Let's go back home and change out of our clothes and go stargazing instead. Prom is overrated, I wanna make real memories."

When she pulled Asher followed like she was a siren. He couldn't get over how soft her hand was or the way her body curved in that dress, but worse than that he loved her personality. He loved that she thought about him, he loved that she was so assertive and brave and selfless.

He started to feel restless and anxious as the anticipation built while they walked home. He wanted to kiss her so bad it was the only thing he could think of...

The hard part was sneaking back home and changing. The teens had hidden a ladder for the nights they'd sneak out. Often they were accused of going to parties but most of the time they stayed on the property. Their parents had land for them to wander and make their home for years.

Asher was hardly prepared for glancing up to see Daisy in her bra and underwear taking out her wavy brunette-blonde hair to fall over her shoulders. They had daisies on them and his entire body felt like it was on fire. "I love you," He practiced under his breath. His chest burned the most, he wanted to hold her under the stars and tell her he loved her and that he really really meant it like his dad (Adam) loved his other parents, or like he loved Daisy's father. Asher loved her and it felt so scarily adult he wished he could talk to his dad about it.

So he pulled out his phone.

Asher: Dad I need to talk to you

Spawn Point: what's up kiddo? are you overstimulated?

Asher: I think I'm in love with Daisy. Like really. It feels different today. Is that normal?

Daisy scrambled out of her window and whisper-yelled, "Holy crap our parents are being so loud!"

"Gross," He commented with a gag.

She got to the ground. "They're cheering."

He suddenly felt like crying as he watched his dad type for a long time before he finally sent, "there's no rule saying teenagers can't be in love. i'm proud of you and we can talk about it later with your mom and dad."

Daisy looked concerned. "Are you okay? You look nervous..."

He took her out to the star gazing field and plucked one of the wild flowers to give to her. His dad told him a story like this one time, he hoped it was romantic. "Daisy..." His throat closed and he swore he was sweating profusely but he had to tell her how he felt or he worried he might die. "I'm in love with you. I love you but— But I really mean it this time. I love you... like maybe I would love a wife, o-or a husband. I don't know how else to describe it."

Daisy was quiet for only a second. "I love you, too, Asher."

Asher glanced back at the house in the distance and then pulled her in for a lingering kiss. "Do you wanna get married?"

She gasped and playfully smacked at him. "Now?! Ash, we're 16!"

He laughed and lifted her above his head. He loved when she called him Ash. "No! In like, six years when we're 22."

She kicked her legs a little and blew him a kiss. "After college?"

"We don't have time to be married in college, we'll be scrapping." He smirked at her and set her down so he could lay in the grass and pat his chest. "I set an alarm on my phone. Wanna cuddle?"

She nodded and dropped to her knees to crawl on top of him. "Heads up."

He hadn't realized it yet but he was excited being alone with his girlfriend in the dark far off from where they'd get caught. Feeling a rare dose of emotional didn't help either. She must have felt it, she sat up quickly and fiddled with her fingers. "I... I'm nervous."

He frowned and squeezed her hips. "Quit squirming," He mumbled waveringly. "Just tell me what you want. I'm really bad at guessing."

"Well..." She brushed through a chunk of hair. "Prom traditions of losing virginity are totally out of the question... I'm not ready."

"I'm not either," Asher assured. He was worried a sensory overload during... that.. would be endlessly humiliating. More than that he just wasn't interested in that much. They had their entire lives ahead of them, their parents were right.

"But there's something else we could try."

He nodded a little eagerly. "Like last time? Just... slower?"

"You're so romantic and you don't even know it." Daisy's eyes reflected moonlight at him. "We have a couple of hours to kill."

Asher flipped them and took a deep breath. "Just tell me everything."


They got back home and kissed goodbye since it was dark and their parents were likely asleep. He switched out his bottoms while she turned around and exhaled a deep sigh of relief as the washer started. Daisy was flushed and breathless when he grabbed her for another, more telling kiss. "That was amazing. I love you," She whispered.

His chest puffed with pride. He'd done exactly what his parents told him to, just probably not to the point where they couldn't still get in big trouble. And technically not what they were talking about. "Shhh... You'll get us in trouble with how loud you are," He teased lowly. Asher was riding a high that was still going and he was even more sure he loved this girl with everything he was. He'd be quiet and flustered for days again but it was just as well when she could happily sit in silence with him and rub his head. She didn't need to ramble at him, they could just be quiet together. For now, he pressed her against the wall and kissed under her ear. "Let's get you home, Sunny-D. I'll see you tomorrow."

They made it two rooms before they found Connie and Adam on the couch sipping at something.

Adam stood and narrowed his eyes, immediately clocking that they weren't in prom gear. "I sure hope that washing machine isn't trying to wash a tux."

The only thing Asher couldn't do for Daisy was lie, he struggled immensely to even come up with then let alone say them. "We decided prom was too loud," He said instead.

Connie hummed. "Steven and I left college prom early to spend time together." Knowing, motherly eyes met his with a sharp parental edge. "Did you guys spend time together?" She pressed.

Asher broke out in a sweat so Daisy took over. "Yep." She was smart, she only answered questions that were asked and that was it. She didn't have motormouth like her boyfriend.

Adam crossed his arms. "Did you have sex?"

Asher made an involuntary uncomfortable noise. "No! You told us not to!"

His birthing parent smiled. "I told you not to get Daisy pregnant, but I'm really glad you're waiting."

"You have plenty of time, and it's more special if you wait," Connie added tenderly. "I promise."

Daisy tugged at her hair trying to hide her deep blush. "Why are we getting The Talk for the fifth time when we didn't have sex and we've never had sex?"

Jacob revealed himself hiding behind the couch and leaned against it. "Because as your father I know you did something."

Daisy squared her shoulders with determination that matched her mothers. "I don't care if you don't like Asher, Dad. I really, really don't." She linked hands with him. "You're just going to have to grow up."

Jacob blinked and recoiled. He blushed in embarrassment and cried, "Who said I didn't like Asher?! He perfect for you!"

Asher blushed too, but at the floor. "I promise I didn't have sex with your daughter."

Jacob sighed miserably. "I can't help but notice you haven't said you didn't do anything else either, but I'm not going to ask. Instead I'm going to grow up as my very kind daughter said I should." He reached down and tossed a package at him covered in gift wrap. "Don't open it right away, open it when you're ready." He pointed at his daughter sternly. "Off to bed now, Daisy. Say goodbye to your little boyfriend."

"But I'm taller than you," Asher protested softly.

"By half an inch," His father reminded him. "Be respectful."

Daisy hugged him tight and held it until he hugged her back. For a moment it was just them and Asher tried to remember the pretty perfume she was wearing until someone cleared their throat. "Thank you, Asher. Best prom ever."

She bustled out of the room to head to bed and Asher moved back to sit on the chair and grin into his hands. "Ugh. Mission accomplished."

Connie stuck out a lip. "Look at that lovesick smile! Poor guy. Leave him alone, you two."

Adam tousled his hair. "I didn't know I birthed a lover boy."

"Like father, like son," Asher mumbled. His dad was always going around to love on his parents, or his dad's partners. Before they'd started getting ready for prom he and Jasmin were cuddling and taking up the whole couch. "I'm going to bed."

"We can have that talk you wanted tomorrow," Adam called after him. "I love you, Ash."

He stumbled off red faced, looking possibly a little confused and his bedroom door shut politely. He'd probably expected to be grilled more and possibly punished, but he hadn't done anything wrong so he didn't.

Adam sniffled and sat down again next to Connie, Jacob joining by his side. "I'm so happy he's so happy. I worried he'd always be so awkward but look at him."

Jacob kissed his cheek. "It's kinda like watching us as kids sometimes." He grinned at Connie's tears. "You think they'll make it?"

"My inner Steven says yes." She giggled and wiped at her face. "Come on, let's go to sleep."

Jacob and Adam fused just from holding hands. Liam snorted at Connie's laughter and pulled her close. "Let's sleep in here. That way they won't sneak off to see each other."

"Please don't do that!" Asher complained from his room.

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