Donuts, Sweatpants, Practicing, Enemies, Tutor
Steven had been reminiscing with everyone when something appeared that was rather irrelevant, but kind of funny. "Hey, Jacob?"
He raised a brow. "Lay it on me. I love memories."
"Why would you get a box of donuts with six gluten free if only Adam was gluten free at Nova?"
Jacob's face dropped from confusion to horror, then a sarcastic smile. "I don't know what you're on about, Steven."
Jasmin gasped so deeply it nearly hurt and grabbed Jacob's hand. "You had a boy crush on Adam back then?!"
Adam broke out of his conversation with Anna and Hazel to tip his head. "I'm sorry?"
They all looked to Steven and he smiled as his eyes closed. "It was around the time I asked Connie out again because I was embarrassed by how I asked at first. Jacob brought donuts to class and as VP, he had to have known by that point that Adam was the only one in the school with a gluten allergy." He opened his eyes again and gave Jacob a cheeky smile. "Explain that to me."
Like the idiot he was, he worked himself up protesting. "I-I didn't even think of that!" He cried, red faced and embarrassed. "I- Maybe you were so busy trying to tame Connie that you misconstrued it. It's called being nice."
"Okay but you knew he could get sick from cross contamination and I definitely remember you saying the gluten ones hadn't touched," Connie countered, gaining a gasp and nod from Anna.
"You even handed him the box first!" Anna gasped in epiphany. "You did have a boy crush, didn't you?!"
Hazel narrowed his eyes. "Oh my stars, you know what? I'm just remembering wondering what Adam was blushing about."
"Okay, that's bullshit!" Adam exclaimed, sitting up defensively. "I don't even remember that day."
Alex piped up whimsically, "Adam had a gluten free brownie, actually."
"It was a chocolate donut," Adam corrected brassily. "You guys don't even remember that day." They all smirked at him and Hazel high-fived Alex. Adam's frown got deeper. "Not funny."
Despite the lack of funniness they laughed anyways until they were gasping for air and Jacob leaned over to Adam during the chaos. "That long?"
Adam swallowed and nodded quickly. "I noticed you first."
Alex got up to sit on the floor in front of him. "Tell me a story, Daddy. Tell me how you fell in like with our husband."
Both parties blushed furiously and shook their heads. "No."
Jasmin laid across Jacob's lap and whined, "But baby! I wanna know! I love you and I like when you're happy!"
"He tripped me," Jacob blurted, earning an offended grumble from Adam. "Well, he didn't trip me he just was kind of like..." He cleared his throat awkwardly and turned his head to look up. "Walking... near me?"
Connie snorted and pulled his head back down. "Jacob has a schoolgirl crush~," He was about to demand she correct herself but she kissed him so sweetly it turned into a soft sigh.
"I was staring at him like an idiot, and I was trying to stop but then he finally like, looked at me, and then I tripped," He mumbled. "Nova was a pansexuals dream but I saw Adam and was like, 'Now that's a man I'd let ruin my entire life'." He leaned down to kiss Jasmin. "Just like you. I'd let you burn down my house and blow up my car. I'd probably think it was really hot."
She giggled and poked Adam, who had his face buried in his phone. "Your turn!" When he didn't budge she wigged up and bit his thigh. "Daddy!"
His eyes shot up and he sighed heavily. "I don't wanna blush all day every day for the rest of my life."
Hazel cooed at him, "Aw, but that sounds so cute! I'd love that!"
"Come on, Daddy!" Anna blew him bunches of kisses until he was mildly blushing again anyways. "Tell us!"
He crossed his arms and wiggled until he was slipping between the couch cushions. "No."
Jacob hopped up and climbed over the partially submerged man. "Aw, he sounds like a bratty sub."
"Yes I had a crush on him first," Adam groaned. "He's like..." He winced and patted Jacob's chest before intertwining his hand with his. "This is going to sound terrible, but like... you know how Jezibel is very dead?"
Jacob frowned. "Who?" Anna pinched his butt and he yelped as he put it together. "Oh! Right!" Suddenly he was a little nervous. "Okay?"
"The part of her that is not dead is the part that would have fallen in love with you too," He blurted quickly. "Don't make it weird."
Jacob cleared his throat and squeezed his hand. "I'm not making it weird."
Steven grinned. "Are—? Are you crying?"
Jacob shook his head, clearly crying but smiling ruefully. "No, of course not. That'd be so lame."
Brooding and enamored with Jacob's feelings, Adam cupped his cheeks. "I fell in like with you for sure that time you tripped. You looked down at me and stopped moving before both feet were on the ground and then you face planted. It was really cute."
Jacob sniffled harder. "Hold me?"
They settled comfortably and stilled with Jacob straddling Adam and him rubbing his back tenderly. Adam turned to Hazel with a grin that said trouble. "So, Hazel, since we're coming after me let's go in order. I feel like there was a day at Nova Steven wore sweatpants and—,"
Hazel yelped and shushed him frantically. "Let's not! I- Ugh, no!"
Steven leaned onto his shoulder and whined obnoxiously. "I wanna know!"
Anna giggled. "Our favorite thing to tell Hazel was 'Just fuck and get it over with already!'" Hazel glared at her but she hid by Connie and Steven gave Hazel a protective glance. "Sometimes you'd walk in the room and Hazel would bury his face in his hands, silently scream, and then act like nothing at all was wrong."
Steven frowned. "Why?"
Connie belly laughed and pinched his curly hair between her fingers. "Because you're sexy and adorable. I remember telling Hazel you were gonna fall in love. And he was the first one to notice your little heat cycle."
Steven face turned beet red and he drummed his fingers over the couch armrest. "Oh boy... Sometimes I'll just be doing something random and that day pops up and I have the undying urge to curl up in a ball and wait for you and Hazel to come home."
"Like a puppy," Jacob muttered. "He sits by the door or lurks around it. One time I caught him cleaning the door so it wouldn't be suspicious."
Hazel giggled and kissed Stevens cheek. "Well I'm pretty sure I had a crush on you when you almost iced me with your truck. You rolled down the window and my jaw dropped. You're so fine," He flirted boldly. "It made so much sense that you were there for Connie."
Steven squeezed Connie's hand. "I wasn't."
Jacob snorted and giggled at Adam's quiet moan as he squirmed against him. "Yes, you were. She was one of your welcoming guides with Anna."
Steven shrugged. "And? I wasn't there for Connie."
"So you mean to tell me," Adam started disbelievingly. "That after five years of hiatus and no speaking terms that you two just so happened to end up at the same impossible to find sex ed college, all the way across the country, end up attending the same year and most of the same classes... on accident."
Connie nodded heartily and kissed Steven as romantically as possible. "And now we're married~."
Hazel poked at his ring with Steven. "Strawberry lemonade."
He blushed and slumped. "One time Hazel brushed my hand and I had to lock myself in the bathroom for 47 minutes. Everything people secretly hope girls do at sleepovers is basically us." He scratched at his beard with the cooing and glanced at Hazel. "I think Hazel kissed me first."
He grinned broadly. "You remember that?"
Anna rested her head on Hazels lap. "Daddy, when?! I wanna know!"
"I tucked him in one night cause he was sad," Hazel mumbled nervously. "I kissed his forehead... or I meant to?" They all gasped in excitement and he wrinkled his nose. "It was before everything, that's why my feelings for him got so fucking bad I was ripped going three places at once. Uh, anyways..."
Adam raised an eyebrow. "Before everything but three places at once?"
Hazel blushed hard and avoided his eyes. "We aren't talking about that. A-anyways, I leaned down to kiss his forehead and I accidentally kissed him and I was so shocked and Steven did what I now know is his happy glow and we stared at each other." His lips curled in to hide his joyful smile. "We fell asleep in the same bed that night. Steven, you good?"
He buried his head in his hands and whispered something.
"Speak up, baby boy," Adam urged. "We can't hear you and you know that."
Connie pried his hands away like she was opening a present and his head fell back to show his cheeks were glowing. "I said it's was on PURPOSE!"
They started cackling and he groaned. "St-stop it! It was only a little on purpose but it was definitely more on purpose than not?"
Jacob leaned up to smirk at him. "51% is definitely on purpose. 50.001% is on purpose." Steven sulked as Jacob leaned closer to catch his eyes with intelligent green ones. "1% is on purpose."
Steven scoffed. God it was so sexy when Jacob got all school smart on him, just like his Connie. "No it isn't!"
"Oh, yes it is!" Jacob laughed with a tip of his head. "You still somewhere inside of you would've done it on purpose, had you the courage and chance. If I 1% murder someone, I'm still going to prison. Case closed."
Connie squished his cheeks and peppered kisses on his lips. "It's just practicing!"
Steven melted into them, then frowned. "'Practicing'? For what?"
Her mouth opened to speak and nothing came out. Anna and Jasmin went very quiet and soon they were staring each of them down.
Adam found Jasmin and narrowed his eyes. She'd crack first, he was soft on her. The harder he stared the redder she got and when Jacob turned to stare at her too she blurted, "We had kissing practice!" then immediately after, "Dammit, a double whammy is no fair!"
Connie threw a pillow at Jasmin and Anna tried to burrow under the couch. Hazel caught the cute rainbow harness she was wearing over her dress and lifted her like she was nothing. "Daddy wants to hear about how girl sleepovers are exactly what we hope they'll be."
She sighed and wiggled her legs in midair. "Me and Connie used to kiss all the time, it was very sapphic. Then Jasmin came around and we were like, holy shit she's so fucking hot why don't we just like, kiss her too? And then..." Her nose turned red before her cheeks did and she sighed. "We'd vent about our love interests and then hype each other up. Probably why we were easier to handle at some points."
Jacob hummed into Adam's neck. "At some points, yes. Now you can have your cake and eat more than just eat the frosting."
He grunted at whatever Jasmin threw at him as she cried, "That sounds so gross!"
"Remind me of that next time you want to lick frosting off my muscles," He goaded. "Next time you want to kiss anyone I'll just make a huge fuss about it. No cake, no frosting—,"
Jacob yelped as he was yanked off Adam's lap, expecting it to be Jasmin and instead being met with Connie and Anna. "Well, hello ladies. Don't worry, there's plenty of English delicacy to go around."
Anna glowed the brightest she ever had and leaned to whisper in Jacob's ear. "If you take one of my Mommies, I'll rip one of your balls off myself." Then she returned to normal and kissed his cheek with a giggle. "Okay, Daddy?" She said with all the innocence and playfulness in the world.
Connie summoned her sword. "A 'shish ke-British' rolls of the tongue quite nicely, doesn't it, Jacob?"
Steven gestured to her proudly, then unsummoned the sword itself. "Tell me that's not so fucking hot. She threatens to skewer me in bed and all I wanna do is worship her."
Jacob grew a flirty smile. "You won't lose Jasmin, I like sharing her. Plus, threatening to kill me is a Jasmin thing and it turns me on so you guys aren't winning so much as guaranteeing a good pounding."
Anna sighed and threw up her hands. "I used to practice my Australian kisses. Just for practice."
Adam narrowed his eyes with a smirk. "Why, babygirl?"
Her innocence knew no bounds and she sucked in her bottom lip. "For practice."
He leaned forward with his elbows resting on his knees and tipped his head. "For what, baby?"
Connie coughed and checked a watch she wasn't wearing. "Gosh is it hot in here?"
Jasmin choked on a giggle. "Did you just check your watch to tell the temperature?"
"Watches can do that now!" She whined miserably. Then she smiled at Anna. "She's really good at it."
Adam smirked and relaxed against the couch with a cocky, award winning smile. "I know that."
Steven gave him a weird look. "How... would you know that?"
They lapsed into a quiet staring contest before Adam chuckled. "Transgender, Steven."
He facepalmed. "I have no idea how I forget all the fucking time."
"Speaking of forgetting which is so weird cause we've been together for years now," He started with a happy twinkle in his eye. "Hazel, I never forget anything. What uh, what was that all about earlier? Being torn in three directions? Do I need to make a hit list of who almost stole my man?"
Hazel flushed. "I'm kind of a guy who loves a good hate fuck when I'm stressed," He mumbled. Adam's eyebrows rose slowly, like he was urging him on. "Look, I hated you so much my brain was like, 'I bet the sex would be amazing' and then I started to hate you more because like..." Everyone was staring at him and he wrinkled his nose. "Alright, boy powers engaged. If you guys don't stop smirking at me I'm gonna fart and ruin this whole conversation."
Connie gestured to him. "Okay. Cool. Do it."
He strained for a second and sighed. "Fuck you guys."
Jasmin jumped up and raced into their house. There was shouting and complaining and a few loud bangs, then she came out with Alex on a leash and handed it to Jacob. "I keep asking when Alex fell for Jacob or whatever he wants to call it, and Jacob says he doesn't know so Alex, spill."
He looked up at Jacob, who smiled goofily and started making kissy noises at him. "I hate you people so much."
Jasmin smirked. "He's wearing Jacob's pajamas because they smell like him," She snickered to his horror and Jacob's delight.
"I love you!" He singsonged cheerfully.
Alex sighed and slumped down to bang his head on the floor a few times. "Tutoring."
Connie gasped and grabbed Steven's hand. "Steven asked me out during tutoring! I'm all invested now!"
He gagged but rested his cheek between Adam and Jacob's legs so they'd pet him. "Whatever. He got too close and he smelled good and when I realized I liked him being close I stopped coming to sessions. When he showed up to ask why looking all sad and offended I..."
Jacob grabbed at his heart. "He asked me if I was gay and I asked why and then he said he was gay but not attracted to people and I was really confused and then he went to the kitchen, downed three glasses of vodka and burped, then blurted out he was kind of sort of maybe attracted to me." He did a happy wiggle that made them all laugh and patted his head regally. "And now he doesn't get mad when I put him on a leash."
Alex growled and struggled at the leash, but left his collar unharmed. "Ugh, take it off!"
Steven snorted under his breath. "He doesn't ever touch the collar. He likes being owned."
Alex threw his phone at Steven but his shield blocked it and he didn't even flinch. "You're lucky I love you guys."
Jacob held it in but it was hard. He wanted to throw a party starting right now with balloons and confetti cannons, maybe a few clowns on unicycles. But he kept it in until his face was burning red.
Anna narrowed her eyes, waiting for him to correct himself then shrugged. "We love you too Alex."
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