Darling: Freedom Prolouge

Jacob tried to sit still while Jasmin wrestled his hair to look at least 10% less messy than it normally did. "You look so handsome. My handsome husband looks so handsome!" She squealed at him, littering him with kisses.

Alex readjusted his collar and kissed over his heart. "Ugh, he is sexy isn't he? I hate it! Stop being hot!"

Jacob couldn't even respond past a little titter of flustered laughter. He just grinned and caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. "W-why am I so dressed up? I look like..." His smile flickered. He kind of looked like a lawyer.

Memories of the trial came rushing back. Oliver had been found guilty of numerous charges, and got 15 counts of life in Prison. He'd die there if the others didn't kill him first, and they undoubtedly would.

From murderers to crooks to quacks, they all shared one single moral: pedophiles deserve death and nothing less.

"Like a fucking model!" Alex blurted, kissing him deeply. "Ugh, stop being so sexy. I can't stand it."

The anxiety melted away for the moment and Connie appeared in their doorway. "It's time."

Nerves made his heart skip beats as his friends stood on the porch like proud parents, all holding hands and beaming, even his Adam. "Quit staring at us, you're gonna miss the surprise!" He scolded playfully.

Anna started bouncing in place. "Here it comes!"

Part of him half expected a parade. They were acting so giddy and excited that he couldn't help but worry a little. He definitely didn't need a parade.

Instead, a car pulled up the driveway, the gate of which was now guarded by Jasper soldiers, with darkly tinted windows. He could see a figure sitting in the seat and wondered who they'd brought to see him.

His heart fluttered. "Oh my stars." It was all he could say. Five, maybe six weeks had passed. It couldn't be. He couldn't dare to hope.

The driver opened his door and stepped around the car to the passenger seat side. "Top of the morning to you, Jacob. My wife has told me many fantastic things about you."

Rebecca stepped out of the car and gave him a watery smile. "Jacob. I've missed you terribly."

She spread her arms and he melted into them, aware he was taller than her now instead of being so little. The safety he felt there was like he'd never known as she rubbed at his back lovingly. "You've grown up so much! I've missed so much! I'm sorry!" She cried into his chest. "I prayed every day that I would find you again, we've been searching for years and they wouldn't let me see you and I–,"

Jacob hushed her and held her tighter. "I'm so glad to see you. I've missed you too."

The driver was wiping wayward tears as he watched. "Rebecca never wanted kids until she met you. We've been looking for ages."

Rebecca pulled away and motioned him closer. "Jacob, this is my husband, River. Did your friends tell you part two of the surprise?"

Jacob glanced back at them to see them all little puddles of smiles and tears. "I don't think they can get much else out."

Rebecca clasped his hand with a gentle grace that took his breath away. "We've decided to move to Beach City. I've never forgotten you, I've never stopped thinking and wishing and hoping to see you again. If it would be okay with you, we would like to move here and get to know you again."

He ran a hand through his hair as he started choking up again and what was probably half of his polycule cried, "Dammit, Jacob leave your hair alone!"

Jacob giggled and dropped his hand. "I think I'd like that very much. But..." It felt like the storm clouds of his depression wouldn't leave him. "It's expensive, I wouldn't want you to do all of this just because of me."

Rebecca pursed her lips. "Young man, none of that talk or so help me! You deserve the world, and I cannot give it to you. But I can be here, and that's all I want to do."

He hugged her again because that's all he could do. To have her in his life again was another large, unquantifiable blessing. There was nothing that could make this better. "Thank you."

Over the next year, he spent his time varying between his polycule and Rebecca and River. What his polycule hadn't told him was that they'd already bought a house nearby and the land around it, the men had paid the Bismuth's to rebuild it, and it was set and ready to be lived in. The British couple moved in a couple of months later.

A beautiful mediterranean villa greeted his eyes every time she wished for his company and he began to grow comfortable with River too. He was a brassy and bold man, kind to no end and cheerful like no other.

One day, River sneezed and scared the hell out of Jacob, which sent him flying into a panic attack. River was heartbroken and tried to comfort him but he cringed away. "Go get Rebecca. Please."

River backed off and went to retrieve her, but not before he gave Jacob this dismayed, yearning expression to make everything better.

Jacob couldn't deny he was afraid of him at first, but he never forgot that moment every time he wanted to wince away.

Sometimes they'd sit in a comfortable silence while they cooked together, Jacob pleased and flushed because River could cook like he could. He had sprinkles too, like Rebecca.

He wondered if this growing adoration for River was what it was like to love a father.

He lived in a world where when he was afraid or he needed someone to vent to, he could call Rebecca or River and immediately be soothed by their voices coaxing him to relax. Rebecca got a job at The Big Donut and River joined, pleased to be working with his favorite confection. They were so amiable and friendly the business was booming better than it ever had, and they were donating funds to help children being abused at home. That grew so much Rebecca gained another job too as the volunteer coordinator and head of A Child's Love.

His polycule worked there often too as volunteers when it took off, organizing papers and recruiting others who wanted to make the world a better place for children. They hosted seminars, Connie started taking classes in law geared toward protection for children. Her passion stemmed from her husbands deep trauma, and was only strengthened by Jacob's.

The world around him was changing as he knew it due to his own suffering and things went back to semi-normal until a Sunday when Adam dropped his phone. "Shit, I forgot we invited Rebecca and River over for dinner. Probably should make dinner to eat."

Jacob smiled at him and leaned over to steal a long kiss. "Just get takeout."

"Unacceptable. Only the best for them."

Adam could make a mean meal when he was determined, and his polycule was acting antsy. Anna had to be patted on the butt multiple times for spilling over with random loud excitement and Connie and Jasmin were equally thrilled.

The boys were quiet but full of a smug excitement that Jacob wanted to ask about. They all loved Rebecca and River, but this was a bit much even for them. "What's going on? You guys are acting even crazier than usual."

Steven coughed out a laugh. "Sorry. We just... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

"You're done, Steven." Connie tapped him out and he sulked while she took over. "We're just happy, Jacob. We love seeing you happy and it makes us happy so quit your whining, Mister."

He motioned her over, needing to kiss her and dazzle her with his graces. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you this, Connie," He murmured, rubbing his nose against hers to make her giggle. "You absolutely cannot top me no matter how hard you try. My Daddy Issues are so bad Mommy Domming only makes me want to put your head into the mattress and go to town."

She swooned and ran her fingertips over his ears. "I love how hard you love."

"They're here!" Anna squealed and nearly exploded into confetti. "Quick! Everyone act vanilla!"

"Actually–," Adam started smugly to a bunch of hushing. "Ugh, fine. But I'm not acting vanilla. I'm white enough as it is."

They started giggling as Rebecca and River entered to be greeted with a hug from Jacob. He couldn't help it, he had so much love for these people. "How are you? Can I get you anything?"

Rebecca tsked him. "You can sit down and relax. I'm not a child, I don't need to be taken care of until I'm older than 63."

River chuckled and pulled off her overcoat to kiss her cheek. "Rebecca, behave now. And 63 is a very specific number."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes at Jacob. "You men."

He chuckled when Adam making a series of suspicious faces in the background and seeming to be sensing a vibe from Rebecca and River earned him a swat to the head. "I'm just saying—,"

"You big doofus," Hazel laughed, tugging him in for a kiss. "Yeah, we get it and you're right."

"That's all I ever wanted to hear."

Rebecca presented Jacob a box. "Open it now!" She exclaimed, but River raised a stern eyebrow that she pouted at. "Oh, you're no fun, you big bully! Fine, we can open it after tea."

Jacob sighed his relief. "Refined, classy British folk that understand my lingo has been quite ace!" He shifted the box around, noting it was a bit heavy. River walked off to talk with the rest animatedly about his latest find, that Americans called chips "fries". He had been rather easy to explain to that he was apart of a polycule. So had Rebecca. They'd accepted with open arms and open hearts, even dropping a few terms like "Your pod" and "Mains" that made them all a cheerful shade of red.

Jacob leaned over to Rebecca to murmur lowly, "Now keep your hair on, but I'd love to know what's in the box."

Rebecca clicked her tongue. "No, no. River is right," She whispered to him. A bit louder she said, "Oy, I'm rather cream crackered from dealing with Rivers rambling. Mind pouring me a Rosie Lee, Steven?"

Jacob grinned. This was his favorite game. They'd speak with the most cockney of accents, refuse to elaborate, and use the wildest of terms to confuse the bloody hell out of his American friends.

He watched as Steven stood to do that but paused and cringed. "Uh... Okay. Of course, I'd love to."

Connie giggled. "Just admit you don't have a clue what they're saying."

"No way!" He exclaimed. "They're always picking on us, I'll get it... British people like tea, so that's what I'm going to pour."

Rebecca looked up at Jacob and winked as they sat on the couch and Jacob took his turn. "You know what? That sounds lovely, Steven pour me one too, alright?"

He beamed and pumped his fist. "Of course."

"Tickety boo, then."

Jasmin bounded up to him and squished his cheeks. "Ugh, you're so British, I can't believe I didn't know how British! I love it!"

Jacob was enamored with the woman Jasmin had become since the trial. "You're my cup of tea, love. Come sit on my lap." She sat halfway and he rolled his eyes at Rebecca before pulling her on all the way. "Where's my other darling, then? Is he hiding?"

Hazel ran into Jacob's house and a yelp was heard before he walked up and sat him in front of them. "He was screwing around with his camera and mumbling to himself."

Alex glared at him but Hazel kissed his cheek anyways. He sighed and looked to Jacob. "You called, Your Majesty?"

"That I did." He patted the spot next to him. "I've not seen you in a donkeys life."

Steven groaned lowly until it turned into a wail. "Will the Europeans ever stop tormenting us?"

"Actually, tickety boo stems from a Hindi word so I understood that much," Connie supplied as he grumbled and nuzzled into her neck.

Alex blushed hard when Anna sat next to him and pinched his cheek. He looked at her in horror. "You just took five years off of my life with your girl hands."

Anna crushed him in a hug. "Awww! I love you, Alex!"

"Ah! Gross! Assault! I'm gay!"

"But I used to be a boy!" She countered giddily, nuzzling in further and dripping sweetness.

Alex groaned. "Ugh, but you're not a boy! If you were a boy I'd be fine with this crass display of reckless affection!" When she peeked up at him with puppy dog eyes he sighed heavily and patted her head. "I hate it here."

Connie grinned at him from across the room and picked up one of the perfect strawberries she'd been about to cut. "Uh oh, I hear Alex is whiny~!"

He blanched. "Don't you dare! You stay away from me with your feminine wiles! They don't work!"

Jasmin giggled and wiggled on Jacob's lap to lean over to Alex. "I love my bestie! He looks like he wants Connie to feed him a strawberry!"

Connie skipped over and held it out. "Say, ahhh!"

Alex was so red he looked seconds from a fatal explosion but then it melted away into a normal blush and he opened his mouth to retrieve his favorite snack. After chewing he muttered, "I hate it here slightly less."

They cheered, Rebecca and River included, for no reason but to further fluster him.

River seemed to break out of chatting with the boys and brought them both their tea. He set it down and stared at his wife. "Are you behaving like I asked you to, Miss Rebecca?"

"Oh, piss off with it," She grumbled playfully, a rosy happy blush coating her cheeks. "Can't you see I'm busy?"

River laughed heartily and scooped her up into his arms. "Aw, Rebecca's all roses for me! Look at the way she blushes!"

Anna beamed. "I don't think I've seen Millennials this happy in a marriage ever."

He chuckled. "Right, you are! Me wife's my fancy to the extents of the universe!"

"Ugh, you're so shmaltzy!" Rebecca laughed, pinching his cheek.

Jacob's jaw dropped. "Pause!" He rushed Steven and Connie and dragged them both giggling over. "I've made a connection with my massive thinking skills after a year!"

Connie giggled and batted at Jacob's chest. "Stop it, Steven's just a— ah!"

He picked her up the same way and she giggled. "I swear," He said to River as he laughed. "They complain and complain but when push comes to shove they love this."

Adam pointed at Hazel cheekily. "Hazels the romantic of the three of us. He's so sweet."

"And you?" Rebecca teased.

"I don't do romance, Rebecca."

Anna shot out of her seat. "Liar!"

They joined after her calling him a liar, liar, pants on fire and he chuckled as he turned the stove off. "I'm not good with—,"

"He thinks flowers and poems are romance," Hazel sighed, picking him up and ignoring his indignant cry to put him down. "But he's such a sucker! You should see how soft he really is. He just thinks he's jaded but he's such a sweetie."

Jasmin pressed her hand to her cheek. "Every time that I've kissed him he immediately goes for another one. Every. Fucking. Time!"

"He likes black roses but he packs my lunches and leaves the petals in there with notes," Anna revealed to a horrified groan from Adam.

Steven smirked at him. "You should see the way he complains when he can't get cuddles. It's so loud."

They turned to Jacob and he grinned broadly. "I cannot disclose 90% of my additions with present company if I'd like to keep my image as a refined gentleman."

Adam raised his hands to strangle him but couldn't keep the smile off of his face. "I hate you."

"I don't believe you." Jacob got up to saunter up to him and he scrambled onto Hazels shoulders so fast Hazel looked disoriented.

He did snort and look up at him though. "He's the house kitten, as you can see."

River was laughing so hard he had to put Rebecca down before he dropped her. "Look at the chum all kinds of pissed!" He cackled. "You kids are the greatest!"

Dinner was served, an exemplary meal full of laughter and togetherness that made them so happy Rebecca gasped and exclaimed, "You're glowing!"

Jacob chuckled. "I know. I'm a handsome lad, I can't help it."

She tossed a roll at him. "No, glowing pink!"

Steven gasped and immediately turned off his glow. "Oops. Guess the cats out of the bag."

River looked at Rebecca then back to Steven. "My, are you one of those gems?"

He sighed with a smile and nodded. "I figured keeping it a secret would make things easier for you guys."

Well, blimey!" River exclaimed. "I've gotta know more! Why's everyone else glowing? You're human! I'm gobsmacked and stoked!"

They took turns explaining while they ate like kings, conveniently leaving some parts out because why concern the lovely couple?

"Basically, and I didn't know this until recently," Steven finished. "Close romantic proximity to my music and powers can transfer small amounts of magic that stick to their blood cells and DNA. The long and short of it is that pretty much. The longer we love each other, the more it'll happen but they're human so it'll probably have a cap."

Jacob grabbed his hand. "Oh, please let me show them!"

Steven sighed and rolled his eyes as if it were laborious and difficult to do. "Fine, but Connie and Jasmin have to make sure they don't have strokes."

They fused and Rebecca squealed so loud they could barely hear Rivers gasp. "Oh my stars, it's like anime! Look at you! You're a fusion! An experience!"

Steven was so shocked they unfused and turned his eyes to Connie. "Yeah. That... pretty much sums it up. You guys are so accepting."

River grabbed Rebecca's hand. "Well, you're all dashing young men and women. If Jacob trusts you so do we."

They started on another subject as if it were common dinner talk and Jacob caught Steven beaming down at his meal.

He wondered how long the anxiety of hiding it had been eating away at him. He'd have to climb onto his lap later and talk with him.

After dinner, River poured more tea and they sat on chairs surrounding the couch with Jacob holding the box. "It's not my birthday is it?"

Connie snapped a picture. "Maybe."

He didn't even bother checking because the best birthday gift would've just been being with them all anyhow. Nothing in the box could possibly equate to the peace he felt now. "Can I just open it?"

Rebecca nodded quietly, gripping Rivers hand so hard he was visibly in pain.

It made him nervous and he carefully unwrapped it, aware of all of the eyes on him.

"You got me a packet?" He almost wanted to laugh as the tension dissipated.

"Read it, goofy," Jasmin groaned.

He pulled it out and skimmed the page. "Adoption papers for—,"

He recoiled and read it again. Then again and again until his eyes were swimming with tears and perplexity. "What— what is this?"

"Well," Rebecca sniffled. "We have been patient but I couldn't wait anymore. Jacob, we would love to adopt you. As an adult, you have a say now."

The only thing he could think to say was, "And what of Oliver?"

"Ah the ole scum died a vicious death, he did!" River boomed. "Good on them, I say."

When Jacob smiled through the tears, Rebecca reached forward to squeeze his knee kindly. "That technically makes you an orphan."

His heart palpitated. Before him was the very woman he had loved with all of his heart as a small child slowly dying a death of his soul. She'd come back. She'd come back for him. "Please don't let this be a cruel, unjust joke."

"It's not, son. We'd love to be your parents," River told him kindly, already crying. "It's all we've ever wanted since Rebecca first came home to tell me about you. And look at what you've done. You've made changes and grown so much. I wish we could've been there for all of it, but we're here now. Whaddya say, chum? Would you give us a chance to have you as a son?"

Jacob's tears evaporated on the spot. "You know, I think that'd be just darling. Someone grab me a pen?"

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