Dares and Prayers

Steven grinned from ear to ear at the footage and nudged Hazel and Jacob. "He's shameless, but he's shy and doesn't like other people."

Adam shot the hidden camera he was passing a rueful grin and muttered under his breath, "No, I just don't like you guys."

Jacob grabbed the mic. "Tell the people you're escorting you don't like them."

Hazel and Steven burst out into crowing laughter and Adam sighed heavily before he turned to the kind looking people suddenly. "You know what? I really don't like you guys. Something about you is just terrible."

The lady's jaw dropped and her husband choked on a disbelieving laugh.

Steven giggled. "Okay, now when you escort them to their car, act like you're looking for your tip in there. Just go through the visors and middle console like you own it."

Adam dropped his head and groaned. "Fuck. I don't know if I can do that."

The man frowned. "I'm sorry?"

He shook his head and started digging through their things, searching high and low for a perceived tip he was almost certain he wouldn't find. "Oh, nothing."

"Hey, my sweet lovely fiancé," Hazel crooned. "You look so handsome in your suit~,"

Adam narrowed his eyes and tried to ignore the indignant scoff behind him as he searched through their glovebox. "What?"

"Ask if they need any condoms for the road trip ahead."

"Nope." He leaned out and tried not to seem like he was plotting a murder. "Just was checking for tips. You two have a lovely day."

He got his tip somehow, by some miracle, and dusted himself off as he walked away.

Steven shook his head. "As they get in tell them they're still terrible, though."

Adam stopped halfway and turned just as the man was about to shut the door. "You're still terrible though."

The man grinned. "Aren't we all?"

"Absolutely. You guys drive safe now."


Steven was a giggly little bitch, there was no way he was going to win this challenge but he was going to do his very best.

"Alright, Steven. For your guitar lesson, I want you to insist it's a piano and teach her accordingly." Jacob shut off the mic and watched as Steven's face morphed into borderline fury. "I'm just gonna leave him with that for a moment."

Adam was still feeling the after effects of complete humiliation, but he slapped Jacob's back affectionately. "That's so cruel. I love you."

"What?! That's stupid as fuck!" Steven blurted. "Hello?!"

The woman getting lessons frowned at him in confusion. "What's stupid?"

He sighed. "Sorry, just a random shower thought passing through my head. Anyways, you're going to want to... avoid the black keys on this."

"The black keys?" She lifted it and scanned the guitar for said black keys. "Where?"

"Well, when you're playing piano we try to avoid the black keys at first so there's not as much confusion," Steven said as confidently as he could. "Anyways–,"

"This is a guitar."

His face turned bright red and they cackled at him, Adam deciding to flip the mic back on. "Hey, don't let her talk to you like that. You're the professional here, not her."

Steven dropped his head but Hazel tsked him. "Rude. Make eye contact and be dead serious when you tell her."

He did exactly that, and his student was so shocked and baffled she couldn't even respond save for, "O-okay. Uhm, so the strings are like the white keys?"

"Exactly. We won't use the frets at first, which are kind of like black keys." He nearly slumped in belief until Jacob teased,

"But that's a piano, Steven. It doesn't have strings on the outside. You'll have to play it like one." He shot the others a mischievous grin and Hazel returned it.

"Make the sounds too," He added to a giggle.

"Oh! And you're also tone deaf." Adam watched Steven's horror like he was watching his child take their first steps. "I love humiliation kinks."

The amount of horror on that poor woman's face as Steven started playing was worth every bad experience the other three had ever had, but they were just getting started.

As soon as they could stand by themselves instead of hanging off each other and wheezing.

The girls shuffled in and Jasmin shook her head. "Oh, you guys are good. That's stage 3 embarrassment."

Connie picked up the mic and giggled. "Hey, Biscuit." His discomfort disappeared and he smiled. It was so cute Connie almost wanted to give him something easy. "You've gotta give her a song to learn! Why don't you play her one?"

He blanched and looked right at the camera but stood. "So the song we'll be playing to is this one here." Everything in him hoped it would be at least respectable, but if the girls wrote it, it would be the most embarrassing thing to have his name on ever.

"I'm a sensitive guy
I love to cry
I'll cry on you and you
And maybe that girl too
I cry all the time
Cause I'm a sensitive guy
Guys cry too
Let this man cry on you, oh baby
I cry in the shower, on the toilet
I cry when I'm sad
I cry cause I enjoy it
I just cry and cry and cry
And cry and cry and cry
And cry and cry and cry–,"

The sounds of their bellowing laughter and the song obviously written by some cruel and dark evil force made his face go so red the girl almost looked sympathetic. Curse Jacob for having such a similar voice, he'd have to tear him in half after this.

His student smiled and reached over to pat his knee. "Guys can cry too. It's cool. Did you write it?"

Anna choked on a giggle. "Tell her you played the harmonica."

"I actually played the harmonica," He mumbled miserably.

Her brows furrowed. "Huh, I didn't hear one."

The awkward silence almost killed him, and he realized he couldn't hear anything at all anymore. They'd left him to fight on his own.

"Uh..." Now he had to convince her to get a second lesson for double the price.

If he couldn't convince her, he'd lose. And Adam had picked the punishment, so he couldn't afford to.

"Anyways," He turned off the song continuing to sing over and over how often he cried. "Would you like to schedule your next lesson for this next week?" Trying to be as charming as possible, he tipped his head. "Love your shirt by the way. Metallica is awesome. They have some of the most incredible music of their time."

She brightened a bit but then glanced back at the guitar. "Do you actually know how to play?"

Steven nodded quickly. "Yes. I swear to god, I do."

Jasmin hummed. "Ah! No, you don't. You know how to play the triangle. But that's basically the same thing right?"

No matter what way he tried to formulate it in his brain, it would come out stupid anyhow. "I mean... I know how to play the triangle."

She burst out laughing. "Are you flirting with me now?!"

The realization that he'd been tricked nearly brought him to his knees. "I- No! I– fuck! I give!"

Cheering in his ear made him pull out the earpiece and sigh. "I hate these people so much."


Jacob ran his fingers down his piano in a beautiful melisma of colorful sound and groaned. They'd moved it into a music store while he paced nervously like a helicopter mom. "Please don't make me do anything stupid to Mallory."

Steven clicked his tongue. "Someone walked in. I want you to repeatedly slam your entire hands against the piano as loudly as possible like a toddler."

"Fuck." The clashing notes were terrible, and due to the wonderful commentary of his wife he knew the person who walked in was staring at him in complete contempt for his idiocy.

"You know, Jack, I don't think that's enough," Adam mused, brushing his hand through his hair to squint at the monitor. "Use both of your arms to cover as many keys as possible and continue doing that."

"Quit messing with your hair," Steven mumbled. "It's hot and really distracting."

Adam did it again, and smirked at Steven as he licked his lips. "How about a kiss then, Puppy?"

Hazel smacked his shoulder in Steven's defense when he blushed. "You're so evil."


No matter what position Jacob tried, he couldn't get every key to be hit until he lifted his foot to sit on the bench and slammed his arms on the piano, creating one of the worst sounds known to mankind. "Oh my god, baby I'm so sorry," He whispered brokenly. "These evil people are making me. Daddy loves you, I swear."

Jasmin shook her head and poured. "Shame on you, flirting with that thing in front of your wife. A bunch of students just walked in. Since you love it so much, why don't you propose to it?"

That was easy. He moved the bench and got down on one knee, proclaiming loudly, "Mallory, you're the kindest woman I've ever met. So much nicer to me than any other women I happen to know. Would you do me the honor of marrying me?"

Anna poked out her lip. It was kind of cute how much he loved his piano. "Act like she said yes, and then make love to her."

"Fuck that, I'm not losing my balls for trying to fuck a piano in public." Jacob walked right out of the store, but paused as he opened the door and grinned at the students gawking at him. "She said yes, by the way."


Hazel jogged in place and stared down at the hotdog cart. "Please be nice to me. I'm so nice to you guys."

Steven grunted, "Usually yes, but not today in particular."

Jacob snorted and pinched his cheek as he crossed his arms. "Aw, you made the puppy sad, Hazel!"

Hazels heart cracked a little. He wanted to run in and shower Steven with kisses, anything to make him smile and slump into him for more.

A kind looking man and asked for a hotdog. It should've been simple, Hazel knew how to make them and how to dress them. He liked to grill with the others but these were premade and smelled delicious. Unfortunately, his partners were monsters when it came to petty revenge.

"Tell him you don't serve those, pull one out and eat it making eye contact," Adam told him.

Hazel glared at the man as hard as he could. Sure the others would get an embarrassing loss, but he'd also get his brain scrambled later. Losing wasn't an option. "We don't serve hotdogs, bro. You'll have to order something sensible."

His jaw dropped a little in surprise as he watched Hazel make one, pack it with ingredients and eat it, making searing eye contact.

Anna grabbed Adam's hand and gave him a sweet smile. "Hazel, ask if he likes that. Those are some pretty sexy bedroom eyes you're giving him."

Hazel blushed, but winked at the man between bites. "You like that?"

Thank god, the customer burst out laughing hysterically and nodded. "Not gonna lie, you're pretty cute."

"I'm better as a concept, trust me," He warned through a laugh of his own.

Steven only grew more frustrated. "Ugh. Why am I jealous?"

They started teasing him about being Hazels damsel and then acting how they act towards each other until Steven was so red he had to sit down.

The next kid walked up and put ten dollars down. "Can I have two hotdogs, please?"

"Hand him a bunch of hotdogs. No bun, no tray. Just bare hand it, don't even use the tongs." Connie giggled when Steven shook his head at her and called her cold.

Hazels lips tucked in and he glanced at the parents nearby watching a little menacingly. The kid was so polite, their eyes were glossy with innocence and Hazel wasn't going to be the one to take it. He could survive Adam in place of mentally scarring this child. "Fuck. I bail." He handed the kid exactly what he ordered and grinned when they said thank you with a squeaky squeal. "Aw! Worth it."


Since Adam was the only real winner, he staged a conference meeting and a list of questions to ask. The catch?

He'd written all of their answers.

He adjusted his button up knowing damn well he looked sexy as all hell and smiled warmly. It was absolutely insanity how a metal head who wore chains and black all the time could dress up so nicely he looked like he was everyone's boss in the world. "Welcome everyone. Let's get this show on the road. First question, when you think of smart phones, what comes to mind?"

Steven stared down at his paper and his face dropped. No way he could say that. The lady next to him answered so sensibly, but he forced himself to say it anyways so he wouldn't be the biggest loser. That would be way worse of a punishment. "I think of the time... oh god... I think of the time I sent my sister a naked picture." He shut his eyes in pain but Adam cleared his throat with silent expectation. Steven looked dead at him and tried to flip him the bird with his eyes. "And she sent one back."

Everyone, including Jacob and Hazels, jaws dropped in concern and disgust. You could hear at least three of them stop breathing entirely.

Steven gathered his courage and tried to laugh it off. "W-We've all been there."

Jacob shook his head. "No, we haven't."

Multiple people started laughing, but Adam nodded to Hazel. "Mr. Nutella?"

Hazel sighed. "Reminds me of the time I called my mom during sex to ask where the clit was." He tried to sound confident but the judgement turned to him so hard he could feel it on his skin. "Very important knowledge."

The girl next to him shook her head. "There's google for that. How old are you?"

Hazel chuckled tensely. "I'm not sure, honestly."

Adam pushed down a belly laugh and nodded to Jacob. "What's your favorite thing to do on a lazy day? Mr. Olfax?"

Jacob read over the answer six times. "Uh... I...,"

"Mr. Olfax, I'll have you know we have multiple questions to get through," Adam sighed in irritation, though there was no mistaking the chaotic smile.

Jacob closed his eyes and tapped his paper. "What I wrote down was uh... if there's a girl over... I like to get lazy all over her. You know, cause my wife's hot."

Someone clapped and it spread, causing him to light up in a delighted grin. He caught Adam's eye and winked, making him scowl a bit.

"What's your favorite go to topic?"

Hazel grinned ruefully. Everyone was always teasing him and Adam about this. "My mommy. She's so cool." It was only made worse by the girl next to him already convinced he was completely fucking stupid.

Jacob fiddled with his list and groaned under his breath. "Well personally I like to talk about how I like to let my boss bang my wife."

Adam nodded as if he were waiting for a further explanation as the other oblivious guests gasped. "Is there context to go with that?"

"Y-yes there is..." He scrambled for a split second before he smirked at Adam. "Anyways boss, I'm just wondering when it's my turn to get some from you." Adam's jaw dropped. "What? I guess I'm tired of being such a cuck."

"Oh my god," Someone muttered. "What is going on?"

Steven felt his was easy until he spoke it out loud. "I like to talk about how satisfied my wife is. I'm good at what I do..." His mouth crumpled at the next sentence. "I... Take it in the ass very nicely."

The man sitting next to him gave him a once over. "That checks out actually."

He rested his elbows on the table and buried his face in his hands. That comment was worse than answering somehow.

"Next question: What's your favorite animal? Mr. De Mayo?"

Steven looked in pain, but he pulled it together. "My wife." He would've added he loved her, but his answer demanded he say that and just that.

Connie's jaw dropped indignantly as she watched the screen. "I'll show him an animal."

Jasmin nudged her out the door, and shortly after she walked into the room in a stunning pantsuit. "Hello, all. My name is Connie, coming to sit in with my husband." She sat right on Stevens lap and he groaned lowly as someone cleared her throat to get Connie's attention.

"He called you an animal," They snitched with a giggle.

Steven gripped her sides. "I said favorite!" He protested as she gave him a furious glare that felt too real not to cower at. "My love!"

"She's certainly an animal in bed," Hazel muttered to Jacob.

Adam caught that. "I'm sorry, could you repeat that?"

Hazel sucked in a breath. "I said she's certainly one in bed?"

The rest of the participants started murmuring and laughing in shock while Stevens jaw dropped. "Have you been sleeping with my wife?!"

Jacob raised his hand, face red with effort to stay serious. "Me too, since we're getting it all out there now."

Steven pushed her off his lap gently and stormed over to pick Jacob up by the scruff of his shirt. "I oughta kill you right here."

"And scene!" Adam stood and applauded, finally letting out a wheezing laugh. "Thank you to our participants who joined today. Please see yourselves out."

Jacob's face was red for a completely different reason now as everyone filed out. Stevens smirk was giving him the worst case of pansexual panic to date, especially with that ruby red button up. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

He swallowed and glanced at the other two men who were making faces behind Steven and pretending to fuck on the conference table. Steven got back in his line of view, licking his lips and leaning in a bit. "God you're so fucking cute."

"Steven you're going to give the poor kid a stroke," Connie laughed, watching Hazel and Adam start swatting at each other. "I guess I always have had a taste for men dressing nicely. You guys are hot, but we should go home so Alex can upload all of this."

Steven dropped Jacob but caught him when his knees buckled for a searing kiss. Jacob melted into it, mentally berating himself for becoming a schoolgirl for the men in his life. Jacob pulled away and kissed him again to attempt to regain control, but groaned, "These pants are going to get very uncomfortable very quickly."

"Better take you home and get them off then," Steven joked, pinching his cheek. "My favorite animal by the way is a Lioness." He turned back to Connie and her eyes widened at the aroused flush spreading across his cheeks.

Anna and Jasmin ran in and laughed at all the different expressions of discontent with their lack of privacy.

"And this is why we don't take you guys anywhere," Jasmin told them.

Anna kissed Jacob's cheek and pulled Adam off of Hazel to sandwich herself in between. "Aw, leave them alone! They can't help being perverts!"

The indignant cries and tickling only made her statement more true. TokTok had better be appreciative.

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