Conniverse Wedding
There was simply nothing that could've gone better than Steven and Connie's wedding. From their perfectly colliding vows to the kiss to the fusion at the end, it just was perfect in every way.
In his own personal waiting room, Steven sat with his hand in an ice bucket to combat the heat of glowing like a nightlight. "Guys, no one ever said we had to get here and then just wait."
Adam nodded, rubbing at his shoulders. "Yep. Gotta make sure everything's in order, Big Guy."
"Also, you kinda said six million times that it has to be perfect," Jacob added. "So we're doing that, we promise."
His glow heightened. "Damn it. What if they forget the flower arrangement style? Oh god, what if everyone dies? This has to be perfect."
The men sighed, there was no getting through to him. He'd just have to wait and see.
On the other side of the equation, Connie was reading a book while she waited and got her hair, dress and makeup redone. Or rather, she was reading the same page for the thirtieth time because she couldn't focus. "Ugh."
Priyanka smirked next to her. "It's a waiting game. If Steven faints, it adds another thirty too."
Connie groaned even louder. "I just wanna marry my jam bud. Why couldn't we have just gone to a courthouse?"
Jasmin barked out a laugh and pulled away the curling iron. "Because Steven would never allow anything but the best. Jacob texted me to say he's been getting on everyone's last nerve."
She giggled. "That does sound like my romantic perfectionist husband. When I jumpstarted his proposal, he had two entire pieces of paper and then got halfway down it only to completely abandon it."
"He likes the environment to be perfect. At least he didn't have it on Homeworld." Anna put her foot on the back of Connie's seat, careful to avoid her pink dress. "Let out your breath and hold it."
At the right moment Anna pulled at the corset and leaned back with her entire body weight, which wasn't much. But it was enough to get it to meet an inch apart like it was supposed to. Supposedly when Steven bought this dress, Connie's boobs were smaller. They looked even better now.
Jasmin scoffed when Connie didn't show the slightest sign of discomfort. "That's an entire reinforced corset and you just took it like nothing."
"I have to wear corsetted dresses on Homeworld all the time. White won't take me seriously if I don't show up looking like I own the entire damn planet." Connie rolled her eyes hard, but her mother chuckled.
"That's the responsibility of being a Queen. Not as glamorous as the princess movies say, is it?"
She shook her head and stared at the clock. "But with Steven, everything feels glamorous."
The time for the official march came, and to Connie's surprise, all of their band excused themselves to pull out their own string instruments. Sure, she was being nosy by peeking around the corner, but no one could see her so whatever. Her jaw dropped and her father clasped his hand over her one tucked in the crook of his arm.
"Your friends love you so much. I love you so much." His voice was watery again, and he sighed when it found his eyes. "Steven loves you, too."
The deep, throbbing notes of a cello and the tingling high accompaniment of the violins and violas were breathtaking.
And terrifying.
"Please stand for the bride."
Panic. Panic from the deepest recesses of her soul ripped through her so badly she thought she would run off. But no, when her father took a step she did too and turned the corner to see what was probably everyone she knew personally and then some.
As it turned out, Adam was playing the cello seemingly without music. Had she even known he knew how to play one? Steven had made it a point to own every instrument at least one time over, but these weren't color coded like she was used to. Maybe they were rentals?
Halfway down the aisle she found her fiancé smiling like she was the best thing he'd ever seen ever. She returned it and he grew tense with excitement, glancing over at the band with a quick raise of his brow as if to say, 'Surprise!'
She giggled softly and nodded her intense appreciation. 'Thank you. It's beautiful."
It was a little bit of a far reach to hope Steven wouldn't cry, and that's not where her mind settled. If Steven didn't cry when she walked down the aisle, he just wasn't at the wedding in general. Her father was crying too, she was pretty sure everyone was choked up.
The Diamonds were in attendance "earth style" or human sized as requested, and Spinels attendance in her own more humanized form was a little off putting. But they were family. Various gems filled the audience and stood at the back, Quartzes and Rubies tense with security jackets on in case they had to draw swords at their wedding. Connie's sword was technically in Stevens gem, but her original Crystal Gem sword was tucked behind a flowering bush next to where she'd be standing. Steven hadn't gotten to the Diamonds in time to tell them not to cast it through the farthest expanses of the universe, so there was no telling who would show up when gems hadn't a clue what an RSVP was.
They had security. At their wedding. As if that wasn't enough to make her want to laugh, she'd forgotten that she was in fact wearing a tiara that didn't exactly disprove that she was about to become a Queen.
Only then did it occur to her that this wedding was apparently a very big deal.
Her father sobbed as he released her and gave Steven a thumbs up. That caused a few giggles and a playful swat from Priyanka. Connie could swear her parents were becoming more like people every day.
Steven admired Connie as Garnet started talking and glanced out at the audience before leaning back to Hazel. "Am I getting married like, right now?"
Hazel, his best man, choked on a laugh so hard that Garnet had to stop reading and cross her arms humorously. "Alright, what's going on, you two?"
Hazel let it out and shook his head. "He's just realizing he's getting married is all."
Behind him, he heard Adam and Jacob mumble in unison, "Oh, my god..."
It continued on until Steven frowned again and stared at Connie's hand. He knew where the ring was, it was in the front row held by Nova, basically their niece now. His gaze was magnetized to his... his fiancée still right? They weren't married yet but he could've sworn the sun was about to set and that he'd been here for six years.
"This is taking forever," He sighed aloud. His brain caught up to his mouth, his lips curled in to hide his embarrassed smile and Connie guffawed weakly. "Just forever and ever and ever."
"I know, right?" She smiled like she was burning with the energy. A fun little moment happened when their fingers glowed in sync, signaling the beginning of a very untimely fusion before Garnet could even get past the fifth paragraph. They'd been there for ten minutes, and it was dragging on and on and on.
Greg chuckled in the front row and grabbed Karla's hand. "These two are never gonna make it twenty minutes."
Karla nudged him playfully. "Give the kids some slack, Gregory. They've been waiting too long already."
"And now, the vows. Then we can all breathe a sigh of relief." Garnet turned to them and smiled. "Who wants to go first?"
Connie squeezed Stevens hands and he nodded. Unfortunately, the signal meant two different things to them and they started speaking at the same time. It was the exact same line, almost with the same inflection.
"You said I was going first!" Steven protested with a laugh. "That's what a squeeze means!"
"No it's not! You're just being difficult on purpose!" She laughed too, nodding for him to go if he really wanted to so badly. He shook his head and insisted she did. Fine, she was already itching to just be married already and get this stupid dress into a more manageable two piece for Stevens first surprise as a married man. "There was no such thing as soulmates before I met you, Steven Quartz De Mayo Universe. My world radically shifted to reading about fantasy to living one every day with you. Every time we wake up in the same bed, I want to just stay there forever. I never thought I'd get this moment to be with you forever in one moment of time like this one, but..." She sniffled and groaned loudly. "Damn it! Crying is so cliche!"
The audience laughed as Steven let go of one if her hands to wipe at his face. "I'm gonna be in full tears in like, a minute, darling."
"I'm almost done," She promised tearfully. "Uhm okay... moment of time... Right. I'm so thankful that through everything, from your jam bud and knight to your best friend and wife that I'll get to be there for every bad day, every argument and every single tear. I'm so thankful I'll get to be there for every ridiculous pun, every song you'll ever write for me, and every kiss you'll steal. I'll always love you, no matter what, Biscuit." She exhaled, thankful most of all that she wasn't sobbing yet.
"There was no such thing as soulmates before I met you, Connie Maheswaren. Two weeks after I tried to ride my bike on the sand to impress you, I told my dad you were my best friend. When I found out Universe was a pseudonym on my 14th birthday, I told my dad I wanted to change mine to Maheswaren." He giggled as his face turned red and his dad cackled, nodding in confirmation. "I knew you were my wife the day we met, and maybe I jumped the gun just a tiny bit, but it was so worth it. Every time I look at you I see reasons why every thing I've ever been through was worth it, and it makes my life so much brighter. You're my stars, my moon and my sunshine. You're the grass and the sand and every seashell I bring home that you set on the counters even though I know it annoys you when I bring home twenty." She giggled and squeezed his hand with a shrug. Yes it was tedious to clean them, but when he brought them home with stars in his eyes saying they reminded him of her, she couldn't turn them away.
"You're my everything, and I swear I'll be the very best husband I can be for the rest of this lifetime. I promise in every lifetime afterwards that I'll find you just so we can be together again. I love you with everything I am, Connie– oh honey, don't start!" He lolled his head back and fought the urge to hug her as she broke down. "Garnet, we're burning daylight! I just wanna hug my wife without worrying about fusion too soon!"
"Fuck it." Garnet tossed the book into the ocean behind her. "Steven Quartz Cutie Pie De Mayo Diamond Universe, do you take Connie Maheswaren to be your lawfully wedded wife to live together in matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?"
Steven nodded firmly, a smile trying to break through in his excitement. "I do. I really, really do."
Garnet smiled too and turned to Connie. "Connie Maheswaren, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?"
She nodded vigorously and reached back for Anna to pass a tissue for her. "Uh huh. Yeah."
Priyanka cupped a hand around her mouth, trying to keep her own spirits to a manageable degree. "Connie, you have to say 'I do'!"
She nearly facepalmed and shied away from Steven's gaze. "I'm so bad at getting married."
Steven giggled. "We can practice."
"Deal. I do."
Nova toddled up with the rings and grinned from ear to ear. "I kept them warm."
Steven only realized how tightly Connie was holding his hands when he had to pry his from hers just a little. It slipped on as perfectly as it did before, but now with the added edition of a wedding band that sparkled in the sunlight.
Connie grabbed his and slid it on as romantically as she could, clasping their hands and nearly bouncing with excitement. "You ready?"
He returned her childish glee with his own. "As ready as I'll ever be!"
"By virtue of the authority vested in
me under the laws of the State of Del Marva, I now pronounce you husband and wife." Garnet paused for a painfully long time and everyone waited with bated breath.
Garnet had seen this possibility in over six trillion possible timelines over the course of the last decade or so. There was no sense in waiting any longer. "You may now kiss the bride!"
Their lips found each others immediately in a beautiful dip that had everyone cheering so loud even the cops drove by to see the commotion. The bright flash of light between them made them both cry even harder and Steven tossed his bride in midair just to catch her again and dissolve into the happiest being on the planet.
Stevonnies mixed pink gown and tux combo was as killer gorgeous as they felt. They stared at it in wonder, then gave the audience the happiest smile ever recorded. "Oh my stars, I'm Stevonnie De Mayo-Maheswaren now!"
If everyone had been in a dining hall, the windows would have shattered and the building would've collapsed with the raucous crowd and their hurrahs would have reached all the way to Homeworld.
It was just barely the beginning of quite possibly the most amazing day of both of their lives, though their fusing was in and out with so many strongly explosive emotions Steven had to unfuse just so he wouldn't burn out his wife.
"Connie, or should I say, my beautiful splendid wife?" He teased lowly as they found a brief moment alone. "You're so beautiful, I love you times infinity."
She laughed and cupped his cheeks. "You're absolutely stunning in your white tux. So sexy, I have such a sexy husband!" She squealed at the mention. "You're the husband by the way."
He glowed so brightly she had to turn away mid laugh. "I'm sorry I keep giving away our hiding spots, I just am so excited and god I'm so horny!" Steven blew out some of the giddiness he could hardly contain. "I just married my best friend in the world and I literally don't know what to do with myself! I'm trying to be a grown up about it but all I wanna do is hold your hand and sing you songs!"
Connie's own erratic behavior evened out a bit as she placed a hand on his chest. "I know something you could do in the meantime."
"Tempting..." He eyed her dress again. "The pink is certainly getting to me. Our wedding was perfect. You're perfect. This is perfect."
Their now matching ring fingers looked so pretty intertwined, and exactly how he'd described it. Perfect.
"I can't believe they sent his father to find them. I'm going to walk in on them again and I'm not sure my heart can take it," Greg's voice cut through their moment of quiet adoration and they unhid themselves before they could be found. There was no use in embarrassing Connie's father in law. Again.
They still stayed with their gazes locked on each other. Sure, they were going to get dragged back to the public eye, but they could indulge for a bit longer.
"There you two are!" Greg visibly sagged in relief. "First dance, remember?"
Steven groaned to their surprise. As crazy as it sounded with how borderline psychotic he ended up being about the wedding (the name Groomzilla was tossed around so much it almost became his permanent nickname), he just wanted to have his wife to himself. "Right. No, I'm totally excited! I'm just one track minded."
Of course, once all eyes were on them again, it was just the obvious task of not fusing.
Steven was the first to notice it as he rested his head on hers and closed his eyes. "This is too sweet and romantic. We're gonna fuse."
Connie hummed in amusement. "But you'd be so sad we missed our first dance."
She was right, and he willed his gem to just go dormant. Human feelings, he needed to focus on the human aspect. He pulled her back just to stare at her and twirl her once to get a full view. Connie curtsied and he bowed, grabbing her hand again to pull her close.
He caught a glimpse of Doug taking a video while crying his eyes out. Priyanka snatched it away and told him the only sound would be him crying. She held it closer to the newlyweds and patted his back. "It's everything we could've hoped for, I know."
"She got the best man on the planet for her," Doug choked out, pulling his glasses off to wipe his eyes. Garnet passed around tissues along with Amethyst and Lapis. There wasn't a dry eye in the room, not with how many of them had watched them grow up together.
Steven kissed the top of Connie's head and fought the urge to tell her Earth genuinely belonged to her now. Probably a bad joke to make with The Diamonds here. "I think your parents finally have no choice but to like me now that we're married. Being married to you just keeps getting better."
"They already love you," Connie replied sternly. "My parents are just hardasses who barely smile. They're changing though."
It was then he noticed their friends huddled up and whispering in a way that made him suspicious. It was brief but a clear agreement had been made. A key was handed to a Rose Quartz and that was that. They all smiled and waved excitedly upon noticing his eyes on them, the dudes pumping their fists. It had been a real chore to wait for the two to finally get married. The world had been on the verge of blowing up from the tension as the day dragged closer and closer.
"Steven." Connie's hand found his cheek and she pressed her forehead to his lips. "I'm so happy to be your wife. I'm so happy you love me the way I love you."
It was so sudden he broke down softly. His heart hurt with how bursting it was with love for her. The tears glowed when he willed himself not to. If one thing wasn't going to happen at their wedding, it would be any kind of accidental love explosion. With the way he was feeling, everyone might start falling in love with each other and that probably wasn't the best way to start off the party. But he was so happy that when the milliard of tears found their way to the ground, they grew picturesque pink roses in their path.
It wasn't until just before people were supposed to leave that Steven grew wary again. Now certain people were simply disappearing out of thin air, incredibly important people. He'd gotten to have a talk with everyone, it was important to him to let the people he'd invited know he invited them specifically for a reason. But even The Diamonds in their human sizes had vanished without saying goodbye.
"I've gotta pee so bad," Connie blurted. "Is that socially acceptable? For a bride to urinate at her wedding?"
Stevens attention focused on her completely as he giggled. Had his Connie always been so blunt? "Baby, my darling wife, go pee if you must but I will yearn for the moment you're by my side again." The poet in him had gotten married to her too, apparently. Her blushing gave him confidence like nothing else. "Unless you're hinting at something else?"
She winked and stood. "Not quite. I'll see you in five minutes and fourty five seconds."
What a specific time. Steven wondered if his wife would ever– ah his wife!– would ever stop being intensely interesting to him. He could safely guess no. Even with her wedding attire, Connie had made Stevens life something incredibly interesting and very worth living. She'd briefly explained to Steven that Anna had hemmed her dress to accommodate for a zipper and had added a completely new element: the option to unzip it and wear the top half like a jumpsuit. Gorgeous, she was just so gorgeous and smart. If he'd had even an eighth of the brain she had, it would've already crossed his mind. But his wife didn't need any damn body to make her decisions for her. What a woman.
He may have waited exactly as long as she'd asked before his seat fell backwards with the force of his standing. Exactly that time had passed and she hadn't returned. Who cared if he was being clingy at full force? He surely didn't give a flying fuck, and he missed his wife. Just as he was going to find her, Pearl appeared out of nowhere.
"Steven, you're married!" She pulled him into a hug that he returned to her just as forcefully.
"Thank you for helping me keep her in my childhood, Pearl," He told her sincerely. "I owe you so much." He was also grateful Pearl hadn't continued to teach her she was worthless and instead taught her the same self worth she wore every day like a badge of honor. Probably best not to mention that unspoken half.
She scoffed and dusted off her dress. "Nonsense, you two were made for each other and I'm so proud of you. You turned out wonderful, Steven." Pearls Proud Momma moments were not far and few between, and this one was as anticipated as the last. Her eyes brimmed with tears and she patted his arm. "Bismuth went to grab your gifts, but Amethyst is going to try to eat your snack table so there's less clean up. I had a suitable amount of food."
Steven actually hadn't thought of that, and a tiny bit of the guilt he felt over just leaving the clean up lessened. "Thank you, Pearl. The Crystal Gems have been such an amazing help. Anyways I've–,"
"Oh! Uhm, Peridot says she demands to be the favorite aunt of the very anticipated De Mayo-Mahaswaren baby," Pearl added, grabbing his hand.
Steven had already heard that, and it was bound to happen when he was already thinking about how many kids he wanted. Perhaps a simple 70 or so, just the right amount of De Mayo-Mahaswaren's running around with their features and being little balls of passion and smarts. "Of course, tell Peri not to worry about that."
Jacob ran back in and grabbed something Steven couldn't see. The lanky man avoided looking at Steven at all costs, and once again he felt a bit of impatience.
"Gifts! I organized gifts from smallest to largest and we'll have them back at your joint house in the garage!"
He wasn't sure why she was telling her about that when he couldn't care less, but he smiled anyways. "Pearl, have you seen my wife?"
Her eyes darted around anxiously. "N-no. Why would I have seen your wife? Don't be silly!"
There was always going to be paranoia in Steven De Mayo-Mahaswaren. He was always going to worry about gems that could shapeshift. It wasn't like the wedding was a quiet affair, Steven loved too many people to leave most out. It was bound to get around eventually, and maybe to some shady gems. "Pearl, do you remember the kind of tea we had when Connie stayed over that really really snowy day?"
Happy to have his attention again, she projected the image and hummed. "I believe it was Darjeeling since it was early mid day, but it also could have been Earl if we were trying to get you children to relax after so many marshmallows. You grow up so fast." A flicker of sadness and fear crossed her face before her eyes darted to his left and she sighed. "Oh thank the stars, I'm not good at distracting people."
Steven tried to catch the person whom Pearl had seen but they were gone in a flash. "Yeah, I'll admit, I caught on when Dad vanished and Connie didn't come back. Do I need to go on a scavenger hunt?"
She nodded. "Wait another two minutes though, I want to be there."
Impatiently he started counting sheep. It was strange and not at all the most normal thing to be doing at a wedding, but in his white and pink tux he felt like he was possibly not at a normal wedding and that was okay. He hoped in every universe there was that he ended up with her, that he would find this deep peacefulness.
The speakers and lights shut off around him, and with a start he realized he was standing on the dance floor alone staring up at the sky still. Music, clear and crystalline caught his ear in the distance, and he followed it like a moth to a flame. It was pretty, hazy and sweet. Romantic, that was the word. The song dripped romance.
After wandering a bit and finding himself following light and sound, he circled around the front of their houses and into a literal tent. How had they erected a tent without Stevens knowledge? Inside were probably six hundred pictures of them from the age they'd met until just a few days before. "Screw the tent, how did they do this?" His best man had mentioned something about pictures being super important today, and Steven thanked Hazel for handing Alex a camera. He'd completely forgotten in his excitement and need to make sure everything was quick marriage-wise.
'School bell rings, walk me home
Sidewalk chalk covered in snow," Her voice, soft with nostalgia lured him forward. He realized that as he walked, a picture exactly like she'd described lit up and dangled from fairy lights.
"Lost my gloves, you give me one
"Wanna hang out?"
Yeah, sounds like fun
Video games, you pass me a note
Sleeping in tents," That triggered another and another, all of their adventures to the snowy area where they found Jasper and the corrupted, them in space with Lars, even just camping in the front yard while Greg barbecued. Steven smiled when he saw a picture of him teaching her Lonely Blade and her arms up in the air in victory. She'd learned fast and kicked his ass for the first time.
"It's nice to have a friend
It's nice to have a friend."
Steven knew Connie's biggest fear was that she'd never make friends. He'd never forget the day he'd handed her back that bracelet and told her he would be her friend. It was the best decision he'd ever made.
His hands found his pockets and another strand lighting up found his attention.
'Light pink sky up on the roof
Sun sinks down, no curfew
Twenty questions, we tell the truth
You've been stressed out lately?
Yeah, me too."
He remembered this night up on the temple roof. Pearl had nearly poofed in a blind panic, and had nearly interrupted their first kiss. Thankfully, he'd gotten it anyways on the beach later. Stress seemed to melt away when his lips were on hers.
"Something gave you the nerve
To touch my hand
It's nice to have a friend
It's nice to have a friend."
He chuckled tearfully, curling in his lips. This was peak romance: following the sound of her voice through a tent full of their memories together. Connie was so romantic and she didn't even know it.
He stopped when he got to their last one before their breakup; a picture of both of them at Jayhawk with Connie's hair in pom poms and Steven in his letterman's jacket throwing up the peace sign and grinning from ear to ear.
Then there was a literal gap. No pictures hung for a few feet, five exactly as Connie had actually measured out five feet between more. The song had accompaniment that was ethereal and beautiful enough to be his friends. Her singing had stopped to let the track play a bit by itself, and he took his time to remember the five year break. That was important now too, he had to remember how he'd gone wrong. He had to briefly remember why Allison was not the one, and he had to be grateful with his entire soul, mind, and body, that he had put his foot down and stole his wife back from this wicked world.
Now discreet pictures at Nova of the gang and themselves, cheering, laughing, loving with all of their hearts. Pictures of Stevonnie whooping ass at laser tag, Steven and Connie laughing in a picture that had hadn't known was taken. He looked closer at the rest and realized so many more of these were pictures of him and Connie that he had no idea where to place in his memories. The only thing he knew for sure was the way they were never more than a few inches apart, the crystal clarity of them, and how happy they looked. It nearly shocked him. Steven remembered a time when happiness felt unachievable.
"Are these..." The entire row of ones in front of him lit up and just past them, the end of the tent was wide open. "Wedding photos."
Alex, that secretly sweet son of a bitch. He'd gotten the absolute best polaroids of the absolute best moments. Their vows, Connie walking down the aisle, their first kiss as husband and wife, them having an intense conversation he didn't remember at the reception, their first dance.
This must've been why his friends were acting so strangely. And truthfully, this was the best gift they could've given. The gift of memories were so precious he was aglow with love.
He pushed through them to see his wife, his knight in shining armor, singing while she sat on top of the limousine that would take them straight to the airport. Their bags were packed, and they were headed to The Cities Of Love Cruise and Tour with their hair clips safely packed in her purse, and backups in Stevens suitcase.
"Church bells ring, carry me home
Rice on the ground looks like snow," Connie's face was covered in fresh tears, but her voice stayed steady as she reached for him. At her beckon, he found movement to stroll toward her.
"Call my bluff, call you "babe"
Have my back, yeah, everyday
Feels like home, stay in bed
The whole weekend
It's nice to have a friend," He reached her, barely noticing the vast majority of wedding attendies on either side softly applauding. No, his eyes were locked on his wife. His wife. The love of his life was so thankful to have him as a best friend, and he kissed her hand like every best friend should do to their number one.
"It's nice to have a friend
It's nice to have a friend." The music drifted into cheering as Steven picked her up off of the limo and kissed her fiercely.
"We need to get the hell out of here," He murmured against her lips. "I need to take my wife to Paris and I need to do things that are slightly less sinful since we're married now."
Connie snorted and kissed him with so much passion it was almost beginning to feel like a competition. "You think martial sex is going to save us? You're nuts, my sweet husband."
"Nuts about you, my lovely wife." He turned almost reluctantly to toss his house keys to Jacob. "Don't burn it down, don't kill each other, don't kill anybody."
They all scoffed as if that was an insane and unfair line of expectations until Adam sighed as if relenting. "Fine, but if you're not back in a month and a half, we're coming to get you."
Steven chuckled. "We won't be gone that long."
"I kind of don't believe you," Anna mused. "Please don't kidnap each other. We love you guys!"
"Don't worry, go be married, Steven. Connie is threatening to strangle us for keeping your attention." Hazel pointed out Connie and her arms quickly swung back to her sides.
"I did nothing of the sort," She lied. "Anyways!" Connie intertwined her hand with his and they fused into Stevonnie.
Stevonnie tossed their head and had a very mild adult tantrum. "Dang it. Why can't I exist only when I want to?" They slid into the car and poked their head out to wave.
One last look at their wedding, and Steven felt like he just hadn't appreciated it enough despite the hours he'd just spent appreciating it to the fullest extent he knew how. Maybe he should've meditated beforehand instead of having a nice little panic attack.
They unfused and Connie's mouth found his neck. "You're such a good husband, but you quit that thinking you didn't do good enough. You're not allowed to feel like you failed me when I am living my Disney Princess fantasy."
"You have Disney Princess fantasies?!" He exclaimed, suddenly proud he was a kind of royalty. "My Connie has fantasies about wanting to be swept off her feet and becoming a queen?" His wife had completely forgone most forms of makeup today, so her skin wasn't waxy against his fingers but smooth and lovely. He wanted her to look at him head on and confess the most unlike her thing to his face.
She nodded shyly. "Only with you."
He lit up for her and pulled her over onto his lap. "You were a queen the day we met." Stroking her hair, he tried not to get ahead of himself and savor this moment. "Your wish is my command, My Liege." She could have anything, anything she wanted. But he knew what she'd ask.
"Kiss me like this is the last night of our lives, then. Your queen demands it." They were royalty now after all, no sense in pretending otherwise even if it was the silliest kind of fun they could be having after their wedding. Though, a source of slightly less silly fun was beginning to make itself known. "I just wanna be horny teenagers in a backseat with my husband." He smiled broadly and she did too. "We do have time to kill."
"As you wish."
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