Baby Juniper
Adam freaking loved his little girl.
She scooted up to him and pulled herself up by his pants to babble and smile at him. Her curly dark hair was up in pigtails today and it was so cute Adam could just hurl himself from the top of the lighthouse again. "My sweet baby! You want Daddy to pick you up?" She bounced and squealed so he did exactly that.
More often than not the girl was being held, which was stunting her development a teensy bit. The culprit was 100% Adam, he just wanted to snuggle and kiss her all the time. Juniper was his first daughter after all. The protective fatherly instincts were in high gear.
He brought her into the bedroom and strapped on the baby carrier so they could still snuggle, then went into the commons. "Guys, Juniper did the cutest thing earlier, ugh!"
Connie snickered at the baby teething on his harness. Lucky was still breastfeeding, she tried to wean her off and Steven took the brunt of the bites and frustration. She tried to breastfeed from him, even. The poor woman had birthed two Daddy's Girls in a row. Steven was basically the mom. "Enjoying fatherhood? I can't tell."
Adam pinched Juniper's cheeks delicately and cooed, "Aw, Connie thinks she's so clever, doesn't she? Yes! Yes she does!" Juniper kicked him in the stomach from him getting her hyper and he grunted but kept on anyways. "Yes! She's gonna get tied up! And spanked just like a little kid since she thinks she's so smart!"
Her nose wrinkled and she pouted. "Are you guys ready for your Daddy Daughter outing? I can't believe Mommies and Sons aren't invited."
Jasmin came out from their house with Milo in one arm and Leo in the other just then, and Jacob was right behind her with Phoebe and Daisy. "Aw, the Mommies aren't gonna let you have fun, though!" He chuckled to them. "You want some ice cream?"
Apparently Jacob had a problem with giving his babies ice cream before the allotted age. He just loved to spoil them, he couldn't help how badly his heart swelled when they looked up at him with his freckles coming in. He greatly enjoyed watching them smack their lips and make faces when he fed them things.
Phoebe wiggled hard and latched onto the side of his face to start suckling, causing Jacob to cry out, "Ow! She's doing it again! Help!" Her little baby hand had a grip on his hair too, but he still loved her more than all the assholes laughing at him. "Daisy, help Daddy! Ow!"
Jasmin hooked a finger under her lip and the suction was released. "That was karma."
He scoffed as Adam pointed at his own cheek with a similar mark. "For what?"
"I dunno," She said to Milo as she rocked him. "My babies must be getting hungry though."
Connie readjusted as Leo toddled up to her curiously to stare. After a while she laughed. "I know what you're thinking you little cutie!" He laughed mischievously and she groaned. "Our kids are so cute!"
Steven burst out of his house with Azalea. "Say it again!"
"Da!" She cried perfectly on cue. Her rolls on her arms were very, very fat today in particular. "Da da da!"
Steven squealed and tossed her up to catch and cradle. "My sweet girl."
Hazel chuckled and bounced an anxious Asher on his lap. "Steven, she says that all the time! That's not new!"
"I know!" He exclaimed passionately. "But I got a Daddy's Girl all over again! I keep winning and she's so cute!"
Connie hopped up as Lucky finished to kiss Azalea and take her. "Did Daddy wake you from your nap?"
She gurgled and turned to look up at Hazel. "Da!"
Connie groaned and handed her over. "If I don't get a boy next I'm actually going to be actually pissed at you."
Steven kissed her temple proudly. "The toktoks keep saying I must not be well endowed to keep giving you girls. It's all on purpose, baby."
Lucky raised her hands and strained animatedly. "Daddy, up! Daddy!"
Steven pretended to hate it but scooped her up. "My first Daddy's girl! How are you, Lakshmi? My lucky little princess?" She gave him a kiss and he glowed. "God I can't get enough of children. We need more."
Anna grabbed Asher and he moved her hands to play with them. "I'm sending boy energy to you Connie. I hope he knocks you up with four boys that want nothing to do with him."
Normally Connie would decline loudly but she turned her puppy dog eyes to Steven. "You keep giving me girls and they want you all the time! I've never even heard them say my name!"
Azalea blew a raspberry at the perfect time and they chuckled as Steven was held hostage for his laughter by his annoyed wife. "Our children love you! I promise!" She didn't let go so he squeaked as pitifully as he could, "Please let go of my testicles."
She dropped and poked them instead. "Come on, dammit! Make a boy!"
Jacob handed her Leo. "Here."
He was so sweet, he giggled and started playing with her hair with two fingers jammed in his mouth. She relaxed and snuggled him. "Alright, Daddies and Daughters who don't love their Mommies who went through 28 hours of labor can leave now. We're gonna color and eat snacks all day and you guys aren't invited."
Lucky suddenly got jealous at Leo and looked hurt. "Mama!"
They got to see the absolute joy of Connie bursting into tears and crouching to pick her up too. "A kiss! Mommy wants a kiss!" When provided one, she sighed happily. "Alright, I'm not longer butthurt."
"That can be changed," Adam cooed to Juniper. "Cause Connie's a drama queen after having babies! Yes! She is!" His daughter filled him with so much joy and affection, it was impossible to contain.
Hazel huffed. "She's a two Daddies kind of girl, I want her too." Adam slid over to him and they doted on her until she was screeching with joy. "My little chocolate baby got all of Daddy's color! I'm so lucky! No one's gonna ask me if I'm the sitter!"
Anna giggled. "Are you insulting our precious Asher? He can't help that he is the spitting image of Adam. It's definitely not annoying that I got no say in genetics in any way."
Asher turned and looked up at her to sign for food. "Hungry. I'm hungry."
Adam poked out a lip. "Have fun with that little garbage disposal, he's eating so much lately."
Asher had a tendency to continue eating after everyone else was done. He was so hungry all the time it seemed, and getting him off breastfeeding was easy when Hazel kept sneaking him real food just to watch him smack his lips and hum. He grinned at them both. "Daddy!"
"That's me!" They both exclaimed joyfully, then snuggled up to each other happily.
Steven crouched to pick up Azalea and held Lucky tighter. "Daddies and Alex, our reservation is coming up and we gotta buckle... 1, 2, 3... five car seats!"
The dads didn't come back for four hours, and when they did they had so many new baby clothes the wives just had to shake their heads and smile.
"Look!" Jacob giggled as he dropped the bags and set his girls down. "Big sister and little sister outfits! I love having twins."
Jasmin snorted. "Until we can't tell which is which because you keep dressing them the same," She complained playfully.
Steven loved to put Lucky in green, it matched her special shamrock blanket Pearl had hemmed for her. "I got a dad T shirt."
He presented it proudly and Connie scoffed surprised laughter. "Oh Steven... that's... a very..." She shook her head at the entirely human display of pride. "It's a bold choice."
He giggled and shrugged. "It's true."
It read, "My kids are cute, but don't worry. I'm not done."
Jacob hummed as he surveyed all of their children. "Same."
Adam sighed wistfully and brushed his thumb over a sleepy Juniper's cheek. "I think maybe one more. And then I'm done."
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