Anna/Hazel/Adam: Dynamic Check- Pride Month

Anna crawled up to Hazel and Adams feet and tugged at their pants to get both's attention. She was done being on her own, and she couldn't help but remember how rock hard Hazel been under her thigh that morning. In his sleep he'd rocked his hips and grunted, then his dream must have ended. She'd been so disappointed when he'd gone soft, hoping he'd wake up and give her one of those early morning poundings she was so accustomed to getting.

Thank the stars when Adam woke up he was growly and starving to fuck her into oblivion. She didn't know how she'd ever lived a life other than this one, every other scenario sounded wrong or terrible. Adam fucked her silly and kept fucking her until she was mumbling nonsense and groaning undying praise he soaked up like a sponge. She grinned stupidly when his thrusting shuttered and he gripped her ass, signaling he'd achieved his release.

She worried a lot about how often Adam got off and if he was unsatisfied but he preferred something even different from cuckholding: her boyfriend liked to conduct and instruct. He would murmur praise to her and indulge in the faces of pure agonistic pleasure. Anna didn't know why being coached got her off so hard but Hazel had agreed. There was something to the way he actually thought about things. He'd force Hazels power to increase by the inflections of his voice or slow him down with a flick of his wrist.

Adam fascinated them.

The man was small, but nuclear. Her darkest fantasies were fulfilled through him: everything from lightly taboo to full on insanity he gave her with a smile and a soft shushing. "Don't speak any more of that aloud," He'd murmur against her lips. "Just let Daddy do it to you."

Hazel was, on the other hand, almost always smiling. Especially since they'd started their polycule and reached a comfortable rhythm. Let alone when Hazel first kissed Steven. He'd always been pretty cheerful, but it was nothing like it was now. Looking up at him, Anna could see he was smiling in his sleep a little and it made her want to kiss the man.

She tugged at their pants again and Hazel nudged Adam to rouse him out of his slumber. They both regathered their orientation and realized they'd fallen asleep in the commons long after everyone had slept. "Daddies," She murmured, rubbing at her eyes.

Adam smiled and scratched at her scalp. "What's up, baby?"

Anna wrapped her arms around Hazels leg closest to Adam and Adam's leg up against Hazels and rested her chin on the spot between. "I love you."

"I love you too," They chorused, both glancing at each other as if to gush about her sweetness.

Anna's eyes brightened with delight, but her voice dropped to a sultry whisper. "I want attention."

Hazels genuine smile turned flirty and he tipped his head. "Yeah?"

She nodded emphatically. "Uh huh. I need you guys."

Adam rested his chin on his hand as he analyzed her squirming. From head to toe she tingled when those periwinkle eyes swept over her with a look one might equate to boredom but was in fact him switching gears. "Is that so?"

She nodded again and Hazel smirked. "Go get ready, baby."

Anna hopped up excitedly and clasped her hands behind her back as if she were well behaved. "Yes, Daddies."

She scampered off and Hazel clutched Adam's hand. "Rewarding, isn't it?"

His boyfriend smiled big now that he didn't have to put on the tough front and squeezed his hand. "It's so rewarding it's almost painful. I love you, Hazel."

Hazel leaned over to press his lips to Adam's cheek. "Homo or no homo?"

Adam chuckled but let the kisses continue. Hazel loved to shower people with kisses and his scruff made it that kind of scratchy that was pleasant and deep down inside Adam wanted them anyways. "As a homoflexible individual I hesitate to even walk you through all of the reasons why homo..." He casually lifted a hand and caught Hazel by his hair to cease the distracting kisses. "The main reason being I'm your husband now."

Hazel shivered as Adam trailed bunny kisses down to his collarbone and across it. If he had known that flexing fidget Adam used to play with all the time would make his grip actually impossible to escape, he probably would be more careful how often he let Adam use it. Sometimes he forgot that Adam was strong in a lot of ways and not just some tiny flower he was in love with. Since they'd met and since they'd fallen in love, he'd bulked up. The man had gotten sure of himself and his hypermasculine boyfriend could lift Hazel now with the impressive gains he'd made over the year alone.

Speaking of that... Hazel rumbled when Adam nipped at him and let him go. They stared at each other for a moment and then Adam surprised him. He took that thick head of obsidian hair and pushed it back so he could really see Hazel. He must have liked what he saw (which gave Hazel all kinds of gay euphoria) because he grabbed his hand and pulled him up. "You. Me. Slow dancing. Now."

Hazel grinned and cupped Adam's cheeks. "You're being nostalgic again, aren't you?"

Adam nodded and sniffled. "I miss our first dance. If I could live there, I wouldn't but I miss it." He bunted into Hazels chest and sighed in content. "I love my life, I love all of you guys. I love you two."

Hazel could count on seven hands how many times since they'd all gotten together that he had gotten sappy and sweet. It sounded like a lot, but between 7 years together and 5 as a big polycule, it wasn't. He put his hands on his waist, then decided better and just pulled him against him swaying.

It was so nice, their togetherness.

Being Anna's Daddy Doms had been nothing short of the best life experience they had ever had, a life they'd dreamed of and had gotten only after inescapable traumas and horrors. Now they had a bright eyed beauty that let them dress her in the best, only the best for their Anna. She would squeal and gush about things that seemed so small but the way she sparkled made them excited too. She made them laugh, she was a strong woman to her core. Most days one would do her hair while the other picked out her clothes. One day she may be in a sweet sundress with her knee high socks and her hair up in pigtails, another they'd have her in overalls with braids and two bows at the end.

She was perfection.

"I'm ready!" Anna called breathlessly. "I think?"

The two men broke out of their little world for a second and giggled. "Are you sure?" Adam called.

"Hey, I found the glitter you guys hid!" She gasped and they could hear her getting up, the haunting sound of a drawer opening sealing the reality that she had in fact found where they'd put it.

Adam went ashen. Despite Anna being such a good and perfect submissive, there were secret bratty things she did. Like the time she dumped glitter in one of Adam's shoes and forgot about it until he pulled his foot back out at the end of the day covered in glitter.

Jacob had laughed himself to tears over it, then to a Charlie horse that did nothing to stop him from continuing.

Now though, they raced up the stairs to go distract their perfect girlfriend from the hellish reality of glitter.

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