All Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Outta Me

The adults were pleased to be together so often as their children grew into their personalities and they managed to sneak in some time for more private things as the eldest teens cooked dinner.

Giddy and giggly, they found their way to the commons to find all of the little ones tucked neatly in their seats while Cosmo pulled a pizza out of the oven and Phoebe cut it into slices. Leo put another in while Lucky and Milo strapped on bibs for those who needed them.

It was so familial and a gorgeous scene.

Immediately Jacob frowned at Cosmo. "What are you doing?"

Cosmo smirked. "Making pizza. Your eyes going out?"

Steven choked on a laugh with Azalea. "Watch your tone, son."

"I'm autistic, Dad. I can't help it," Cosmo protested.

"Yeah, come on Dad," Azalea joined to be a menace. "He's autistic, he can't help it."

Their father frowned deeply. "Wha—? Who told you that?"

Seraphine giggled and dropped toothpicks on the ground to Connie's laughing annoyance. "Cosmo, how many toothpicks?"

He acted like he was thinking really hard and blurted, "One!"

"See?" She said as if that proved anything.

"He's so autistic," Celine piped up dramatically. "Poor guy."

Adam was wheezing in laughter, even past the glares their parents were giving. "God, I love your kids!" Then to Cosmo, "Autism isn't bad, though. It would just make you even more special."

Steven groaned and flicked his ear. "He's

"Is it two?" Cosmo asked with fake innocence.

"Nope, it's three!" Celine dropped one more, ignoring the scolding of her parents. "How many now?"


"He's not autistic!" Steven sighed loudly, albeit with a smile. His kids were so silly and sarcastic sometimes, the sense of humor in younger generations was certainly changing. "He's got Asperger's, which is not the same thing, but sort of in the same category."

Cosmo rolled his eyes. "Well, this tone is how I talk all the damn time."

"Language!" Lucky scolded with her mother.


Leo nudged him over. "Go sit down, you're being stupid."

Daisy popped her head up from tying Jack's shoe. "They're making pineapple pizza, which I told them was a cardinal sin."

Milo shook his head in disgust. "There's more but Cosmo insisted we make that one first."

Jacob wrinkled his nose in horror, trying to decide if making a fuss would ruin the meal. "How... lovely," He forced out. "You uh, did you put some grapes and peaches on there, too? With all the meat?"

Jasmin pinched his side. "We're not having this argument again."

Anna giggled. "He's right, though."

So they ate and Jacob tried not to cry genuine tears of distress as the adults and teenagers laughed as quietly as possible. The man would eat just about anything, but his perfect taste palate despised Hawaiian pizza. Every bite took ten minutes to swallow. Eventually Adam leaned over to kiss his cheek which made it worse. "Having fun?"

Jacob gagged discreetly as it went down. "Delicious."

"Not what I asked, but okay," Adam wheezed with laughter.

Steven leaned over to Cosmo. "You don't actually like pineapple on pizza, do you? You know it's wrong and unjust?" He teased with a chuckle.

He nodded his head mischievously. "I don't like it even a little, that's why we made six pizzas and there's only one of them. This is just the first one out. I wanted chaos."

Connie tossed her teenager a wary look. "I know you didn't get that from me."

"I got it from Adam and Hazel."

Hazel stopped chewing mid-bite (he liked Hawaiian pizza) and swallowed as their eyes turned to him. "Now before anyone says anything, I'd like to say I strongly disagree."

Azalea laughed and turned to grin at them. "You guys are always making fun of each other. You're super lucky to have Anna."

Juniper nodded as she picked off the pineapple. "She's in charge of everything. You should see how scared the Dads get when they make her mad."

"It's funny," Asher chuckled. "One time I caught them begging her to forgive them for putting too much soap in the dish washer cause they were arguing about algebra."

Adam frowned at his identical son. "And to think I wanted kids so badly."

Jack picked the pineapple off of Junipers plate and sent wide eyes to Adam. "Aw, but you like us, right Daddy?"

He grinned at all of them and tipped his head. "Of course. I just wish you guys weren't growing so fast—,"

"Oh, don't get him started," Jasmin cried as Jacob choked up. "He's just proud," She assured as he buried his head in her neck.

"They're gonna grow up and forget about us like children do," He muttered nearly inaudibly into her shoulder.

Connie rubbed Steven's back as he nodded solemnly. Celine babbled at her and she chuckled at her trying to hand her a pre-chewed bite of pizza. "Come on, it's not even gross, you guys are just being dramatic."

The rest of dinner went wonderfully, Cosmo and Azalea had put together the menu after practically pleading with Steven and Connie to "let them cook". The parents couldn't help but be amazed and overjoyed.

Later, Jacob supervised his children and helped put on Jack's pajamas. Ever since he'd had kids he'd been so attached that he couldn't bear to think of the future but now for his eldest two of the sets of twins it was so close. Daisy and Leo were freshman going on sophomores and Phoebe and Milo were about to be at the end of middle school. Astro was a space obsessed little second grader. Jack was in the 2nd grade, too, but his sweetness hadn't faltered just yet and Jacob hoped it never would. He hugged Jack goodnight a little tighter and relished in the soft, "I love you, Dad."

"I love you, too." He forced himself to let go but Jack didn't.

"I'll never forget you, I promise."

Tears sprung to Jacob's eyes and he sniffled as a dam threatened to break. Daisy and Leo and Phoebe and Milo came in too to hug him and assure him they wouldn't ever forget him because he was the best dad in the world.

The last to run in was little Astro, who beamed and wiggled his way closest to his father's heart. It was the most affectionate thing he'd ever done toward his father. "I'm never moving out."

Jasmin smiled at the scene and Jacob gave her a guilty glance that made her come over and kiss the top of his head. "Feelings are good. We love you guys so much."

They pulled her into the hug too and she faintly was aware of a camera shutter clicking. "Alright you little nuisances," Alex called after a bit. "Time for bed. All twins have a field trip out of town that I just finished signing for, and Jack has a book report first hour."

He was unprepared for the eventuality that was them all hugging him too. Alex blushed his bewilderment and patted them on the head proudly. "You guys are good kids. Go on now, get lost."

They giggled and dispersed to their bedrooms and Alex melted into the arms of his best friend and boyfriend. "You guys are a pretty good family."

"Jacob, mind if I borrow your switchblade?" Jasmin asked innocently as she dug into his back pocket anyways. Alex felt the blade against his dick and stared at her in shock. "You are apart of this family, dammit. You're the caregiver. Literally never say that bullshit again as if you're not or so help me god I'll cut off your stupid greysexual balls and staple them to your stupid greysexual forehead."

Alex just pulled her into another hug and squeezed tight until she dropped the blade. He didn't want her to see him cry. Jacob saw and after a moment, he smiled largely, eyes glowing as he kissed his nose. "Okay."

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