Alien Vs. Human

Sometimes, everyone completely forgot about Stevens roots. He ate and slept and fucked just like any other human being. He had a lot of feelings, strong feelings, good and bad. Steven looked completely human if he wasn't topless or naked, and an idiot might just shrug and think he had a belly button piercing.

Connie was always aware, not that she cared one bit. He was her Steven, her baby boy, her Diamond, her best friend. Her husband. Every time she look at her ring she was filled with purpose.

Steven was a little quiet today, but nothing that could be attributed to a bad mood. In fact, he almost looked uncomfortable.

"Steven, what's the matter?" Anna pressed a hand to his chest and frowned. "Your heart is racing."

He swallowed and glanced to the side. "Go get Connie, babygirl. Quickly."

She nodded and raced off to find her as Steven pressed his cheek against the fridge. It was cold and he was burning alive with effort to keep himself together. Himselves. Something was triggering the hell out of him for no discernible reason, though if he actually thought about it, there the reason laid.

Jacob walked in to see him so pink it was dousing the entire room in his color. "Uh oh. Hey, you good?"

Connie ran in and pulled his face down to her. "Steven, what's the matter?"

It was too late.

"Back up." Steven pulled her hands off of him and groaned, pain tearing through his stomach and chest. "Back– back up a little more, please."

Jacob raised a concerned eyebrow. Steven wouldn't explode, right? That was a joke he sometimes made, but he wouldn't actually, right? A thought passed through him and his heart sank. "Steven, did my story trigger you?"

The man looked over at him tensely. "No. Sort of. Parent issues. Not your fault."

And then, like magic because it was magic, Steven split.

Connie cried out, frozen in place as two versions of a person that needed to be one stared each other down in fury.

"What is wrong with you?" Steven shouted, color staining his cheeks. "Have you lost your fucking marbles?"

His gem, now fully Diamond form but without Steven to contain him glowered and stuck a finger back in his face. "Don't you dare make this about me. You're the one with so many feelings. I'm responding in kind."

Connie started sobbing, shaking violently. This couldn't be happening again, she thought she was past it and everytime she did, it came back at full force. But never like this. "Wh-what is going– what is going on?!"

They both turned to her in concern, but human Steven growled deep in his chest. "If you touch my wife I'll shatter you myself."

"She's our wife."

"What's going..." Hazel stuttered to a stop. "Uh..." He looked over to Connie now in her knees and being consoled poorly by a frightened Anna. "Oh god." The one thing he knew was Steven would die without his gem. And he was pretty sure that was his gem. "N-no. Not Steven."

"It's my fault, I think," Jacob murmured blankly. "I think I triggered something."

"Star, you need to relax," Diamond Steven demanded, shaking his head as Human Steven burst into tears.

"Why would you unfuse?!" He cried, infuriated to his core. "Jacob thinks it's his fault! You're scaring Connie and Anna! You're scaring everybody! It's your poor self control always causing people problems!"

"My self control?"

They faced off, Steven not an iota afraid of his other half despite the weakness starting to pour into him. Now everyone was staring, unsure if they should leave or wait. Not that anyone could move. A beer can dropped, fizzling liquid popping nearly soundlessly as it foamed and gushed onto the floor.

"It's not my self control. It's your Mommy and Daddy issues. You were driving me crazy with your ridiculous feelings. Aren't you supposed to be the savior of the Universe?"

"Oh my fucking god, I am so FUCKING sick of hearing that!" Human Steven bellowed.
"Quit acting like you don't have feelings, Diamond! It's apparent to everyone in the room that you have feelings!" Steven slammed a hand against his chest. "You are me! You cannot be you, because you're half of me!"

"Steven! Stop it!"

He turned and saw Connie's full misery and terror written all over her face. "I'm sorry. I'm okay." He couldn't lift her, but he rubbed a hand over her cheek. Frustration filled him when his fingers became numb. He couldn't feel as much.

Diamond laughed blankly. "You're a liar."

"And you're a psychopath. I guess we make a pretty good team," Steven– Star? Was that what Diamond had called him?– replied cooly. "Stop yelling at me and we can fix this."

Diamond sighed deeply. "You need to get your shit together."

Star laughed. "You're my shit, and you untogethered yourself. You're not the one dying."

"Who's dying?" Jasmin looked between the two of them, completely horrified. "Who said anything about dying?!"

"St-Steven can't live without his gem." Connie was still shaking, her arm wrapped around Anna pale and sobbing quietly.

Diamond nodded. "He can survive for around three days. He'll be fine until he can act like he's sane again."

Star groaned loudly and clenched his fists. "Why are you always antagonizing me? Why?"

"I already told you. Your Mommy and Daddy issues are getting out of hand." Diamond seemed much calmer now. It was Star who couldn't seem to control his emotional turmoil. Diamond turned to stare at the people he recognized and saw them nearly cowering. "You've made them afraid of me."

"No one's afraid," Adam told him seriously. Calmness was with him, he actually kind of understood what was happening. "We're confused and there's no context, nor did anyone explain this was possible."

Diamond immediately found a favorite, but kept his expression blank. "Stars having problems controlling his emotions based on his intense distrust of parental figures. Jacob's story didn't trigger him so much as it made him angry, and he always thinks about Rose when he's angry. It's making him crazy."

Connie pulled what little she had together and stomped up to him. "Diamond, you shut your fucking mouth. Star is not crazy. Star is allowed to feel whatever the hell he wants, and he has every right to feel that way. You on the other hand are actively causing extra problems by virtue signaling."

Diamonds face softened. "I'm sorry. But we couldn't stay together. It was dangerous and I did what I had to do."

"I'm the dangerous one? You're the murderer."

Dead silence fell upon them as Diamond turned to stare at Star. "We didn't kill Jasper. Being shattered is reversible."

Star sunk to the floor, exhaustion making him nauseous. "So what? We just permanently knocked her out? Right."

Diamond started protesting, "That's not what I meant! You're being difficult on purpose and this is why we had to unfuse," and Steven shook his head, shouting over him with a nasty snarl, "No. No! You're totally right, I get it!"

"You guys need to refuse, right?" Adam glanced at Connie, who nodded. "How do we fix this, then?"

"Star has to admit he's struggling."

Eyes turned to him and he scowled. "Fuck you and your momma."

Connie choked on a humorless laugh. "Star, that's not funny."

"I'm not joking," He replied firmly.

Diamond shook his head, an almost sad expression crossing his face. "I simply cannot fathom how these people love you."

Stars face dropped and he hunched over like he'd been kicked in the stomach. "I know."

This time, Diamond had to catch Connie's hand before she slapped the shit out of him. She would've broken her hand but she wouldn't have cared in the slightest.

"I'll have you know we all absolutely adore Steven, asshole," Jasmin snapped, crossing to stand a bit closer to the two pieces.

Anna tried to pull herself together as best she could. "Yeah, I'm absolutely certain there's not a person on the planet that doesn't love Steven."

Hazel nodded and tried to ignore the fact that he was crying. "I hate that he thinks like that. But it's not about earning it, Steven never had to earn it." His voice cracked violently, sure he was watching the death of his first male love. Adam rubbed at his back, keeping his eyes locked on the Diamond and shaking his head silently in fury.

Connie sighed and rested her head against Diamonds chest. "I'm giving you five minutes before I really start to lose it. This is triggering me."

Star grumbled and pushed himself back to his feet. "Fine. I'm having a shitty time processing things today and I'm exhausted to no fucking end thinking about my family. Can I have my life source back so I don't fucking die in my kitchen in front of my polycule and wife?"

Diamond considered that. "Thats not enough."

"We'll make it enough, dammit!" Alex snapped suddenly. "This is scary as shit and you guys clearly need to figure it the fuck out and compromise. I don't like myself either, you don't see me killing myself adjacently over it!"

Connie pulled out her phone. "He's right. I've already let this go on long enough. Hug it out in five seconds or I'm calling The Diamonds' emergency number."

Star nearly gagged. "I'll shake his hand and keep my opinion of him to myself."

"You're insufferable," Diamond muttered, sticking his hand out with a rueful grin. "You don't even hate me anymore, you're just embarrassed."

"Do you wanna see the other Diamonds? Didn't think so. Don't go thinking I like you either."

A bright flash of light temporarily blinded them and as they blinked it out of their eyes, Steven lifted his shirt to sigh at his Diamond. "I'm the insufferable one, but you're the freak show. Do your fucking job."

He pulled a bottle of Hennessy, freshly bought, out of the fridge and drank half the bottle in one sitting. "I hate my mother and aunts a whole lot today, that's all. It's not Jacob's fault even. I'm just exhausted and it happens and, ugh."

Connie stuck a finger in his face, ready to tear him six new ones. "Steven, you scared us half to death. You scared me half to death."

"I'm okay. I'm so sorry you guys. That's... never happened in front of other people." He looked out at his friends to see their fear dissipating a little bit as they found movement. "Living with me is so traumatizing." He chugged more of the bottle until Connie snatched it away angrily.

"Shut the hell up." Jasmin furrowed her brows and popped her hip. "You'll have to do a whole lot more than that to traumatize me."

Steven laughed, wincing as pain in his ribs made itself known. "Still."

"If you can't survive without your gem, how did it happen?"

He rested his head on Connie's. "He was right, I can survive longer now that I'm not a child and worked more on my human body. It's easier to fix things when both of us don't want me to die, but in a way he was probably right. My anger can have me in shackles sometimes."

Connie wanted to start sobbing again. He'd almost hurt her feelings by doing nothing of the sort to cause that hurt. He was just struggling extra hard today. She almost broke down, then thinking better, pulled him in for a comfort kiss.

Steven was still here. He was fine. He even lifted her into his arms with only slightly more effort than normal. It wasn't long enough to cause any damage that Diamond wouldn't heal quickly.

Stevonnie rubbed at the bridge of their nose and smiled cautiously. "I guess we all kind of have parent issues."

Adam grinned and shook his head. "Personally, my parents are great. But I don't shit on hating bad parents."

They picked Anna up and motioned in the rest, trying to focus on that instead. "These things happen. Rarely. It's likely it won't again."

"I still feel guilty," Jacob admitted shakily. "I also think... I think that like... did something to me? I think I kind of relate?"

"Hear, hear," Alex agreed. "I feel like I just watched an actual skit of myself."

A part of Steven felt the tiniest shred of relief. "I'm sorry you guys had to see that. He makes Steven so angry he can't help but make a scene."

Hazel nodded, still shaken. "What's it like?"

"Painful, but not as much as having it ripped out. It's like all of Stevens self control and way to shield his emotions are gone. Like having your organs out in a snowstorm."

Jacob snorted as Jasmin wiped away his tears and then Stevonnies. "Shit. Is that why I'm so defensive?"

"Yes, darling," Jacob chuckled. "That is why."

Stevonnie stayed fused for four entire days, Connie giving Steven comfort the only way she knew he could handle and vice versa. She was badly triggered, and fusion was the comfort she needed above all. Together, nothing could go so wrongly one of them would lose the other. They had each other in the closest way, and slowly the anxiety tapered off enough for them to unfuse.

Steven sighed and pulled out the ingredients for his father's favorite meal and called him up. "Hey, we need to talk."

Jacob sat on the counter next to him and watched Steven flicker through emotions. He admired his bravery like nothing else. Jacob wasn't strong or forgiving enough to call his father for a talk, but Steven had compassion too big for him to hold. "You're a hero," Jacob told him as he set his phone down.

Steven choked up and shook his head. "Thank you. But don't be so sure."


Steven hadn't realized how upset Hazel was until he found him staring out the window blankly.

"Are you oka–," As soon as Hazel heard his voice he crushed him in a nearly flying tackle and started sobbing, heart wrenching and terrified cries that made Steven drop his phone to hug him back. "What's the matter?"

"I–," He couldn't catch his breath, he just hugged Steven harder. Every ounce of strength he had, he put into that hug. Steven could take it, he'd take it in stride even if it made him feel better. Hazel was being selfish clinging to him like this but he didn't care.

Steven's voice broke as he asked, "Hazel, talk to me. Please."

"I thought I was going to lose you. I was so scared."

His heart cracked. He hated Diamond for doing that so publicly, he'd already spent days as Stevonnie to relax Connie again. The punch of self hatred made his stomach lurch. "You'll never lose me."

Hazel shook his head and tried to focus on the fact that Stevens heart was pounding in his ear. "Please, promise me."

Steven lifted his head. "You will never lose me. I promise." Hazel started shaking his head but Steven held him in place. "Do you hear me, Hazel? Are you listening to me?!"

Hazel buried his face in his chest and nodded. "I lost my sister. I watched her die, I heard the flatline tone."

He swept him off his feet and brought him to the couch. Steven held Hazel far longer than it took for him to calm down and his breathing to stabilize. Once again, Diamond had been wrong.

Anna poked her head in at around three, seemingly on a mission despite the slight sniffle. She was immediately followed by Adam. "Steven?"

He opened his eyes and tried for a smile. It was weak and not believable in the slightest but he had attempted anyways. "Hey, what are you guys doing up? Connie konked out at–,"

"I'm right here." Her voice made him startle.

It wasn't until Jacob shouldered his door open with Jasmin that he began to be concerned that this might be an intervention.

He sighed heavily. "Please don't let this be an intervention. I literally had nothing to do with it."

Jacob didn't smile. "Oh, we talked about it. But that's not necessarily why we're here."

Anna sat at his feet and clung to his leg. "We thought you were going to die. I got so scared."

Adam climbed up and sat behind Steven, shaking his head slightly. "I've been having daymares. Ones where you don't make up and I have to stand by."

"We were clueless." Jacob readjusted his hands under Jasmin and sat on the other side of him, leaving his left unoccupied for his Connie. "I still feel guilty, and I won't stop until you talk to someone. Anyone."

Steven groaned. "Then this is an intervention and you just lied to my face."

"Interpret it however you'd like. But don't be mad at me because I fucking care," Alex said, crossing his arms as he sat on the other side of Anna. "It's like you're refusing to be loved, or feel any of it."

Connie finally made her way over, sniffling and trembling again. "If that doesn't prove to you that Diamond is wrong, then what's the point? Why are we here if you're going to build walls when we try to love you?"

Hazel stirred, Connie's shrill voice awaking him. "Intervention time already?"

"I knew it." Steven pinched the bridge of his nose and let out an exhausted sound. "You guys heard exactly what was wrong with me. I'm over it, it's passed."

"But will it happen again? Are we going to find out you split at some point while out, only to find it's been too long?" Jasmine whisper almost echoed. "I know you're not a liar, so don't lie to us."

"It'll never happen like that, Jazz. It won't happen again period." He fought the spite that was coming out of him in cynical waves and tried not to glow. "Diamond knows that was the wrong thing to do. Unfusing makes me vulnerable to everything, including how I feel about things. I promise to tell you guys if something is wrong, I won't hide it."

That seemed to be enough for the moment. They watched the stars change into a sunrise, all somehow touching Steven just to reiterate to themselves that he was there and he was fine.

Cause who the hell would wanna lose Steven Universe?

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