A Loving Father

"Time of birth: 5:19 am, Olfax Baby One. It's a girl."

"One more push, Mom!" Their doula encouraged as Alex got into position.

"One more push," Alex affirmed with a pat to her thigh. "You've got this, bestie."

"Easy for you to say! This is torture!" Jasmin threw her head back and screamed with her push, gripping Jacob's hand as hard as she could. "Fuck!"

Jacob smiled and kissed her her fingers. Everything about this process was somehow beautiful to him. He was drenched in pre-parental panic sweats, exhausted to no end from refusing to sleep during her labor, hungry, no, starving and so emotional. He realized he was crying. "Divine, you're done."

"Time of birth: 5:22 am, Olfax Baby Two. It's a boy."

Jacob blinked and he was a father. He had been in and out mentally during Jasmin's entire labor, he was either in tears realizing this was it, or being screamed at but he loved it all the same. Alex was cheering and crying and now he was sobbing in joy leaned against the edge of the tub loving these two little angels he felt he didn't deserve.

Jasmin had wanted a water birth from the very beginning, and Jacob had to admit she had chosen right (not that he allowed himself to have an opinion on what she chose). It even felt she wasn't as miserable as she could've been according to the doctors and herself. That and she was ethereal to watch progress through labor partially submerged and dripping with sweat.

Jasmin blew out a happy sound as the doctors checked her vitals while two nurses grabbed the babies. As soon as they got just far enough away he stood to walk after them and watch them be cleaned up with starry eyes.

One of them, the little girl he believed, opened big brown eyes to observe her father. She had heard his voice countless times, she'd heard him singing to her while he strummed his guitar or screwed around on the piano while Jasmin lie nearby. She couldn't quite see him, her vision would develop with time, but he felt her eyes searching for him.

He then switched to staring at the boy, his first son, crying and wiggling with the pain of being alive. His thin baby hair was stark blonde but Jacob had been the same as a baby. His eyes popped open brown too, and Jacob smiled at him with all his heart. A son, that was a man's goal he supposed. He couldn't help but imagine a son who loved him like he had loved his father, but he would be better.

Jacob Olfax was going to be better, after all the bar wasn't set very high. But he was an overachiever and would bleed for his children. A rush came over him, he was already feeling that paternal instinct to protect them from any form of discomfort or sadness.

A chill swept over him, he wanted to hold them but stars they were so tiny... He wanted to cradle them and never stop. He was in love with their children already, so in love he could hardly stand to exist.

It made him start to cry all over again as he looked back to his perfect wife, and now the mother of his children with a confirmatory smile. "They seem perfect."

Jasmin's eyes welled and she reached for him. Like any man in love he was easily lured, even with a longing glance back at their babies as they were measured.

He smiled and pushed back her hair to kiss her forehead. "You did amazing. I'm so proud of you." He chuckled when she mumbled something incoherent. "What was that, love?"

"Let's have more," She told him passionately. "I love you."

He was used to her unprompted I Love You's now, and leaned to lock their lips repeatedly. "Their freckles will likely start coming in at six months."

Both burst into giggles and Jacob grabbed her hands to squeeze. "How are you feeling? What can I do for you?"

"Go get our babies," She urged when a nurse called for him. "I'll be there in a minute."

He kissed every one of her fingers and took off to follow the nurse into their birthing suite. Two healthy twins lay in incubators that looked little plastic tupperware containers with wires and tubes. Tightly swaddled creatures slept in either one and the nurse smiled at him. "You can pick them up, Dad." Jacob got a blow of potent dopamine at that. He was Dad. She was talking about him. "The incubators are just there to make sure they stay stable. They could use some kangaroo care."

He nodded and hesitated before tugging off his shirt and carefully picking up his daughter. "Look at you, you're beautiful just like your mother."

She stirred and squawked softly as he sat in the recliner and settled her on his chest. The nurse brought him the boy, he was fussing at being woken up. As soon as he rested on Jacob's chest he wound down to coo at him.

Jacob felt his brain accepting this now. This was real and his children already needed him. He kissed the tops of their heads and brushed fingers over their backs covered in languo, the soft downy hairs babies came out with. "There, there. Mum will be in soon, you'll love her."

They rested there for an indeterminate amount of time; his new children existing and Jacob in the deepest peace he'd ever experienced. This was what the church talked about: a peace that surpassed all understanding. God didn't give him that, this did. Holding his children on his bare chest was giving him a peace that surpassed any he'd ever felt.

This felt right, and then things just kept getting better.

"My turn!"

Jacob's eyes opened to see his beautiful wife in a robe being helped to her bed. "They're so cute," She murmured jealously. "I wanna hold one."

He decided to watch them feed. Actually he wasn't certain if he had a choice but now he was watching Jasmin coax their daughter to eat while he started a sway with his son. It was instinctive, buried deep within him to hold this little boy and create this motion. He felt it must be familiar to him, the womb cradled them too and they swayed in there.

Finally their girl latched on and began to suck. Jasmin yelped and giggled. "Ow, that's a strong latch!"

"That's good!" The nurse assured with a smile.

Jacob chuckled. "She's probably hungry, I wonder if it'll be chronic like my hunger. I love this, this is amazing."

Her eyes went to him suddenly and he watched with delight as her face went beet red. "Why do I feel like I'm just meeting you?" She mused playfully.

"So we're having kids with strangers now, are we?" He teased back, carefully sitting on the rocking chair next to her to keep her gaze. "I love you. I love our children."

She blew him a kiss and he brightened, she'd rarely done such a sweet thing. "Didn't you already say you loved me earlier?"

Jacob snorted and wished he could pinch her cheek. "You know I'm never going to shut up about it."

Their eyes locked for a moment as they studied this new glow to each other. Parenthood had already started changing them both, and the people they loved around them, too.

The nurse came to knock gently. "We have a lobby full of crying partners very excited to come in! Two at a time, or the whole group?"

Jasmin smirked knowingly at Jacob. "We happen to have an extremely healthy family, they can all come in."

Steven poked his head in first and squealed under his breath so to not disturb Lucky sleeping in his arms. "Oh my stars, I'm so jealous!" He giggled. "Congratulations!"

Connie bustled in next with a begrudging smile to her husband. "I happen to be quite thankful you didn't start me off with twins. Jasmin can take it, I've gotta work my way up."

Next came in Adam, Hazel and Anna. Adam had almost hit the end of his recovery period after having Asher, and he grinned at the two so big they thought he might just turn into a ray of sunshine. "Congrats, you guys! Daddy brought Jasmin those granola cookies she likes, and chocolate milk for Jacob."

Jacob was a strong, brilliant and noble man, but he absolutely cracked at the idea of food. He started to cry for no reason and Adam glanced at the bag apprehensively as Anna and Hazel organized the diaper bag and the car seat holding Asher. "That sounds lovely, s-sorry, I've been so emotional today."

Anna giggled and pulled a box of tissues out of the diaper bag, glancing at Hazel inconspicuously. "We have tissues in here, babe. For some people."

Hazel grunted as Asher started to wake up but smiled at him. "Oh hush, I'm not the only one that's been emotional."

Steven grinned at the twins and their parents, then squinted down at the hospital bands around their ankles. "Olfax Baby Girl One and Olfax Baby Boy Two. Are you gonna hyphenate those names or...?"

Adam swatted at him and Jacob laughed as Anna wiped away his tears. "The Dad Jokes. I'm allowed to do them now, this opens up a brand new world of comedy."

Olfax Baby Girl One pushed off Jasmin's breast and started to whine, shifting to convey her discomfort. "Connie, could you grab her and switch her out with her brother?"

Her eyes welled with happy tears. "Yeah, absolutely," She whispered breathlessly.

"She's gonna be cocky about this forever," Hazel muttered to her clear smugness. "Just don't steal her."

They chuckled as she protested she wouldn't but started to sway with her. "She's got attitude like her Mommy, and he's blonde!"

Jacob snorted. "I'll have to show you guys baby pictures, he looks just like I did when I was born. Gave Tiffany quite the disappointment."

She switched them out and groaned at their daughter adoringly. "You're so awake!" She cooed up at Connie and she handed her over to Jacob. "Steven."

He turned and grinned at her. "Hm?"

"More babies—,"

He pumped a fist and let Anna take Lucky as he crushed her in a hug. "Bet, let's start now."

Connie whined for Hazel to save her and cowered in his arms. "I was going to say in a year or so!"

He huffed and sat in a chair rather poutily. "I'll take it."

Hazel stood to gaze at the twins and let out a low breath of wonder. "I can't believe it, we're all parents. And our kids are so cute."

"Well, did you think Asher would be ugly?" Adam asked incredulously. Hazel shook his head frantically but Adam held up a hand and he shut up instantly. "No child we birth you baby fiends will be anything less than perfect."

Jacob brushed a finger over his daughter's cheek in bliss. "I agree."

Alex sauntered in and smiled apprehensively. "How's everything going? Doctors and I just had to go over some paperwork, you'll be getting that tomorrow when you're more settled. Can I get you anything?"

They all exchanged a quick glance of surprise. Alex had been this attentive after delivering all of their children as a now certified doula and birthing assistant but it was still a little strange. He was growing up and changing with each little addition to their family.

Jacob stood slowly and walked over to stand in front of him, offering him his daughter. "Actually yeah, I'd love to use the bathroom."

Alex went pale and then red one after the other. "You... want me to hold her?"

Jacob stared at him like he was stupid for a good minute, then smiled as his emotions evened out again. "Of course dipshit, you're a caregiver now. Their caregiver. We did this together."

As soon as she was set in his arms he started to cry and laugh as quietly as he could manage, which wasn't much. "Gosh, she's like a little daisy all perfect and pretty."

The polycule gasped and Jacob glanced back at Jasmin to confirm. "She is, isn't she? Daisy Imani Olfax."

They were all tears and smiles watching Alex have parent panic and joy at the same time. "Oh god, I'm not good with kids!" He whined in horror with his gaze locked onto her like she might disappear. "Oh god, but I love her so much."

Alex glowed.

Jacob's eyebrows darted up in elated shock. He didn't know why but he'd been worried Alex wouldn't bond with their children, and he and Jasmin had laid into his crying fit that they wouldn't like him. These were their children, and Alex was snagged in that mess too. Whether he liked it or not.

Alex kissed her forehead in the most tender expression they'd ever seen from him, then looked longingly at her brother. "Can I hold him next?"

They switched them and he broke down all over again. "Wow, this is great," He giggled to them all. "Round one complete."

They chatted for a while animatedly, all holding their newborns of various stages while they burped, changed, swaddled and patted the bottoms of them all. The room was filled with infatuation and love, and better than that: peace.

At everyone's else's departure, Jasmin grabbed Jacob's hand. "Honey, go home and get a good nights sleep. It's late."

Jacob ended his goodbye kiss with Adam and turned to frown at her deeply. "How dare you suggest I leave the mother of my children anywhere I am not?"

Alex rolled his eyes. "He gets so British when he's serious."

Steven tugged at Connie's arm after checking his phone. "Two out, two in. Lucky needs to be bathed before bed."

They snuck out and Rebecca and River bustled in with presents and huge grins. "Oh, look at our grandchildren!" Rebecca cried under her breath. "River, be a dear and get out your phone after asking Jasmin if she's allowed."

River nodded profusely. "Yes, dear. Manners before fun." He set his present down and bear hugged Jacob. "How are you, son? I'm so proud, look at my boy becoming a father!"

Jacob just melted for any kind of affection and praise from the two, and he glowed his pride the entire time they showed them off. "Daisy's the eldest, followed by her brother, of which we haven't named yet."

Rebecca pulled away from Alex after pecking his cheek. "Well, what are you thinking?"

Jasmin motioned her closer and squeezed her hand. They'd talked about names but just couldn't decide between both being hormonal and emotional messes near the end, they'd ran out of time. "We were hoping you guys could help."

Just then, their son began to fuss again and River carefully collected him into his freckled hands to hold up and peer at with interest. "Well, this is a lion of a boy! He's got pipes!"

"Leo," Jacob murmured achingly. The second it fell from his lips the room got warmer. "His name is Leo Alexander Olfax... and he is a little lion." He blinked tears out of his eyes as the name made a home for itself in his heart. "Daisy and Leo. What do you think, love?"

Jasmin bunted into his chest. "I love it. I love you guys."

He got down on his knees to coddle her while his parents held his babies and kissed her as long as he could. "Jasmin, I'll never get sick of your shit."

His wife chortled and pulled him into another kiss he felt he could lose himself in forever.

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