~Making Up~

9: It was middle of day when you heard knocking on doors of yours mothers flat. It was two days from what happend to you and Doctor and you missed him awfully. When you opened doors, there stood black jacked Doctor with sad smile, three [Favorite Flovers] and small chocolade box. "Hello" He mumbled. "I know I am last one who you want to see but I really want to apologize. I know I told you bad things and I an sorry. And I know I kept you inside Tardis like in cage but I just wanted to protect you" He said quietly, looking at ground. He looked like sad puppy. You couldn't be mad at him. You steped out and wraped hands around him. He hugged you back. "It's okay Doc. I just wanted to protect you. I couldn't live with myself if you die and that's why I want to be around you when you are out. Of course I love that fun, danger, spending time with you and you. But I feel that you can get easily injured. So can I go with you outside of Tardis?" You said and he chuckled lightly. "Of course love" He said kindly placing gentle kiss on your forehead. "Thank you for your care [F/N]" He mumbled and you smiled. "No need to thank Doctor. That is because I love you" You said and he smiled. "I love you too" He replied taking your hand and runing outside toward Tardis.

10: It was around two weeks now. You missed Doctor madly but it hurt you that he called you Rose. You knew he felt something toward her, but you were in his life now and it caused you pain. "[F/N]?" You heard your friend call. "Hm?" You looked up. You told [him/her] about Doctor and all adventures you had. "I think you should go outside" [He/She] said with smile on lips. You rised your eyebrow but did as [he/she] said. When you came outside you were amazed. Before friends house is small park. On edge of that park stood Tardis with wide opened doors and Doctor before them with trully scared, yet happy face. It lighted more when he saw you, slowly walking to him. "I thought you wont come back" You said slowly. "I thought same" He replied with low tune of voice. He walked toward you and pulled your hands into his. He was a lot taller so he was looking down at you and you up at him. "[F/N] I am so sorry for what I did. I didn't meant to call you after her. I know I did wrong and I shouldn't call you like her. It took me time to realise that she is really gone. And then you came, lighting my world again, saving me. And in some ways you looked just like her. But now, I realised that you are completly different person, person who I love. And I really did mistakes. I dissapointed you and I am sorry. Will you be able to forgive me and will travel with me again?" All he said, he said in his kind and low tune. Your heart melted in every word. "Of course Doctor" You said hugging him tightly. "And I'd love to travel with you again" He kissed you on lips kindly and you looked into friends window. [He/She] stood there, smiling. You waved your hand and friend waved back. Then Doctor and you ran into Tardis laughing.

11: You were with you mother for a week now. You were thinking about what said Doctor. It is true you frew times broke something but most of times you at leadt tryed to repair it. And to be honest, he is drama queen. But when he said that you shouldn't be yourself, this hit you hardly. You alwayd believed that Doctor liked you because how you were. It was deep in night when you heard Tardis noices. Your head shot up and you walked to window with view at garden. You opened your window and sat into small roof of porch. You sat there, watching Tardis materialise. Soon Doctor walked outside, wishout his suit top. His eyes scanned everything untill stoped on you. He came closer. Porch rooftop wasn'r really high so you could have your legs on Doctors head when you sat on edge. "[F/N]" He said softly with small smile. "Can I come up?" He asked and you nodded. After a while he showed up next to you. He looked up at sky and then at you. "I am so sorry about what I said. I love you by way you are. I wouldn't want you see different. I love everything about you. How you are. Yes, I know I am overdramatic but it's just it is hard to repair things and then I am more and more busy so I can't be with you" He sighed. "Please just don't change" He said quietly. You came closer and kissed his cheek. "I won't" You replied and he smiled, looking at you. "Will you travel with me again?" He asked in his childish tone. You chuckled. "Yes. I will" You replied sweetly. "Thank you" He kissed you on forehead. "No problem" You grabed hus hand and you watched sky untill sunrise.

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