Doctor Who Social Network ~ 2
A/N: Any shortcuts such as "u" and "brb", or wrong grammar are/is only used because this is set on computers and phones. That isn't my actual writing, I am much more punctual than that!
Prompt: The (10th) Doctor and Rose attempt to private chat on Facebook, but they end up going to a public room by accident... Whoops?
The 10th Doctor has logged on.
Rose Tyler has logged on.
Rose: Doctor? Is this working?
10th Doctor: Of course it is, don't be foolish Rose. I'm very good with computers- you know that.
Rose: Oh, sure, like the time you accidentally hacked into America's secret government files for no reason!
10th Doctor: I told you not to mention that again.
Rose: Too bad. So sad.
10th Doctor: :( Can we talk about something else?
Rose: Okay, what about... We talk about us.
10th Doctor: W-what do you mean, us?
Rose: I... I dunno. Sometimes we seem like best mates, and then we're just- I dunno, mad at each other.
10th Doctor: Oh. Well if you wanted to leave then you could have said so...
Rose: I never said I wanted to go! I love it here with you, in fact I wish I wasn't at mum's right now so we could go somewhere... Where are you anyways?
10th Doctor: Time Vortex. Not much to do when you're not here.
Rose: Aww... :)
10th Doctor: What are you "aww"-ing me for?!
Rose: I think it's cute when you say things like that.
Captain Jack Harkness has logged on.
Jack: Ooh... What are you two up to? Dancing?
Rose: JACK!!
10th Doctor: What?? How did you get on here?!
Jack: You made it public. Anyone can join.
Rose: DOCTOR!!
10th Doctor: Not my fault!
Amy Pond has logged on.
Rose: Who're you?
Amy: Sorry... My Doctor told me not to say anything, sorry. Kept talking about- what was it again? Paradoxes.
Rose: Alright then... Am I still with him?
Amy: Can't say!
10th Doctor: How do I make this private?
Jack: So, Doctor, you and Rose are gonna do something on you own? I'll leave. Have fun!
Captain Jack Harkness has logged off.
Rose: Sometimes I feel like punching him... And hugging him at the same time.
10th Doctor: I know! He's brilliant, yet... Inappropriate.
Amy: I think we should have some more people join. Be right back!
Amy Pond has invited the 11th Doctor, Rory Williams and River Song to the conversation.
Rose: Oh, great...
10th Doctor: No! Please don't invite any others!
Amy: Too late!
River Song has logged on.
River: Hello, sweeties.
Amy: I suppose... We're going to have to use that memory thing on them later, right Melody?
Rose: Melody? Who's Melody?
River: Me, Sweetie. And yes, mum... They obviously can't remember this.
The 11th Doctor has logged on.
10th Doctor: Here it comes... Meeting my future self. Haven't done that in awhile.
11th Doctor: Oi! Don't be so grumpy, you're the one with the converse.
Amy: But you're the one with the bow tie and fez, Doctor.
Rose: Bow tie? Fez? Doctor, I need to come over there and sort your wardrobe.
River: Always wanted to do that.
Rory Williams has logged on.
Rory: Erm... Hello?
Amy: Hi, honey.
River: Hey dad.
10th Doctor: My future seems so complicated... Am I travelling with a family? I said I would never do domestics...
11th Doctor: They're not like a normal family. And we're never domestic!
Rory: True.
Rose: What is everyone doing here, though? I thought that me and The Doctor would be together until I died. Unless... I did already?
*No one replies for a long time*
Rose: 'Ello?
11th Doctor: We get separated. And I... I didn't tell you that I-
10th Doctor: Zip it. That's for me to tell her.
11th Doctor: Well, you never did!
The 9th Doctor has logged on.
9th Doctor: If you idiots aren't gonna say it, then I will! I love you Rose.
Rose: ...What?!
10th Doctor: It's... It's true.
11th Doctor: I always have... Even if I do have River now.
River: I'll leave all of you alone...
Amy: Me too, I'm out.
Rory: Me three. Sorry.
River Song, Amy Pond and Rory Williams have logged off.
Rose: I don't believe it... If you want to say it, then tell it to my face!
Rose Tyler has logged off.
9th Doctor: Nice going.
10th Doctor: Like you helped! I'm supposed to tell her.
11th Doctor: You didn't though.
The 12th Doctor has logged on.
The 12th Doctor has logged off.
10th Doctor: That was... Weird.
11th Doctor: I thought... How does he exist?
9th Doctor: No clue...
Captain Jack Harkness has logged on.
Jack: Hey, Doctor... Can I play along with you and Rose?
9th Doctor: What did I say?!
10th Doctor: GET OUT.
11th Doctor: Let's just go...
The 9th Doctor, The 10th Doctor and The 11th Doctor have logged off.
Jack: :( Nobody loves me...
ALL THE FANGIRLS have logged on.
Fangirls: We love you, Jack!!
Jack: Woah, woah, ladies. One at a time!
Well? How is it? Please give feedback, it really helps!
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