Companions United

Prompt: Alternate Universe (AU) where the four modern Who Doctors and companions go to a high school, called Companions United High School, or CUHS for short. Drama ensues and there will be plenty of fluffy stuff...

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Rose slammed her locker shut, and sighed, wiping a tear that had some how found it's way down her face.

Earlier this month, she was dating Mickey until she caught him cheating on her with Martha. So she dumped him.

But now, Martha had found Rose an easy target for her teasing. Martha was head cheerleader, and Rose was at the bottom. She didn't even like cheerleading, she just did it for popularity- which seemed to be backfiring at the moment.

She had always hung out with Martha's group before, but never really had any close friends except for Donna. But now she was sick, and wasn't going to be back for a long time. She had needed some sort of spinal surgery, the doctors had said there was something funny on her back...

Get yourself together, Rose. She told herself and took a deep breath. It's just high school, you'll get through it eventually.

But her reassurance and confidence had faded when Martha, Cassandra and Amy passed by.

Martha approached her, frowning. "Hey, slut!" She said with fake happiness. "I heard you went ahead and snogged Eleven again yesterday, it would be such a shame if Clara found out..."

"I didn't." Rose said honestly, and tried looking somewhere else until Cassandra blocked her view. Amy just stayed behind Martha, not really doing much and not sure what to do.

"Liar." Cassandra spat in her face.

Rose made the movement to wipe it away, until Cassandra grabbed her arm and prevented her. "Nah, I think it should stay there as a reminder- right, Martha?"

Martha smirked and nodded. "You're lucky you're not with Mickey anymore. Otherwise this would be much worse for you, bitch."

She giggled and walked away, Cassandra and Amy following suit. And to Rose's distaste, Mickey, Adam and Rory quickly joined them.

Rose sighed, and wiped away more tears. She hated being treated this way.

Ten walked over to Rose, after seeing the commotion from afar. He was going to come stop them, but had got distracted by Jack and Ianto wanting to have a threesome with him... Sometimes he wondered what was wrong with those two.

"Hello." He said to Rose, blushing slightly.

"Hi." Rose sniffed afterwards, and tried to turn away so he wouldn't see her face that still had Cassandra's spit on it.

"Hey, don't do that." Ten frowned and turned her face to look at him, and sighed when he saw the saliva- he wiped it off gently.

Rose then blushed as well, but tried her best to hide it.

"What did they do to you?" Ten asked, hoping it wasn't anything too bad.

"Nothing." Rose lied. "That spit was an accident, Cass didn't mean to do it."

"That's a lie." He shook his head, removing his hand from her face. "Tell me the truth."

"W-well..." Rose was about to start but the bell rang, and she had never felt so relieved. She didn't need Ten on her case, or Martha's.

"We have Biology together now, Rosey." Ten joked, using his old nickname for her from when they were elementary friends. "Allons-y!" He unexpectedly grabbed her hand by instinct, and pulled her along.

She nearly stumbled, but kept up with him, the slightest smile on her face as well.

Once they sat down next to each other in biology, they ignored Mr. Three's jokes about the human body, and looked over at each other.

Rose gave in and wrote it all down on a note, passing it to him to read while Mr. Three was giving a lecture to Sarah Jane.

Ten was fuming once his finished, and flipped the scrap paper over to write a note back: "We need to stop her." And to be charming, drew a rose next to it.

Rose rolled her eyes at the doodle, but shook her head at Ten and whispered: "We don't. She'll leave me alone eventually."

Ten frowned again and looked like he was going to yell again, until Rose raised her and and asked to be excused to the bathroom.

Mr. Three responded with a "Hurry along.", and Rose left quickly.

But she was surprised to be greeted with a sound of crying in one of the stalls, and approached it.

"H-hey, are you okay? Wanna talk about it?" Rose offered awkwardly, trying to help whoever it was.

"I'm fine." A sick-sounding voice came. "Go away."

But Rose's breath hitched when she heard who said it. She recognized the voice right away...


"M-Martha?!" she said in disbelief, standing against the wall to the side so she doesn't invade her privacy.

Even if it was Rose's bully, she couldn't help but feel pity. No one should have to feel like that.

"I said, go away." She responded.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong." Rose insisted.

Martha got up, and slammed the stall door against another, approaching Rose with a sad look on her face.

"Mickey broke up with me. Said he missed you and wanted you back." But surprisingly, she didn't sound mad. Rose was absolutely shocked, but allowed herself to answer quietly.

"I don't want to be with him anymore." She said, also honestly.

"I-I..." Martha looked down. "I'm sorry, Rose. I didn't realize until Mickey left me how rude and mean I've been to you..." Rose took a few moments to respond. She was completely petrified. "N-no hard feelings, Martha, it's okay."

Martha hugged Rose. "Thanks."

They both said goodbye afterwards, agreeing to talk more often.

Rose returned to class with a curious Ten looking at her the whole time, he could notice her drastic change of mood.

At lunch, Rose sat down with Ten for the first time since junior high. She had fun with the rest of his friends, Nine (who she had also been friends with before), Eleven, Jack, Ianto, Clara and Jenny.

"Good to have another girl in the group, hey Jenny?" Clara said to Rose, smiling. Rose agreed.

Rose didn't have the opportunity to tell Ten what had happened until the bell rang at the end of the day, when Ten blocked the classroom door so she couldn't get out. "Now tell me what happened during your 'bathroom break'. In the non-perverted way, of course."

Rose giggled and told him the whole story, and glad that Ten seemed immensely relieved.

"Why're you so worried about me, anyway?" Rose asked as they walked through the now almost empty parking lot together.

"I care about you, Rose. Even if we haven't talked in ages..." Ten admitted, putting his hand on his now sweating neck.

"The feelign is mutual, I suppose. You'd better not go supposedly snog Ianto and piss off Jack!" She joked.

"Never. I have eyes for one person only." He joked back as he stared into Rose's eyes.

She blushed, and looked away. "Too cheesy, Doctor."

"Doctor?" Ten asked, questioning that name.

"It's you old nickname, idiot. Remember?" Rose sighed.

Ten hit himself in the forehead. "Oh yeah!"

Rose was about to enter her car. "So... I'll see you around, I suppose?" She offered.

"No doubt." Ten responded with a wink, heading over to his dark blue minivan.

Rose rolled her eyes and scoffed, but she knew that this wouldn't be over yet. She definitely wanted to become much closer to him.

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