His Butler, Revelation
You were wet, and not the good kind. Freezing waters filled the hallways quickly shocking everyone. Dresses became weighted and slowed women down, but of course, leave it to nobility to take propriety over their life. You hastily groped for your knife and slit the corset strings on the back of your dress, sliding it down and off you stepped out of the red pool of cloth and proceeded to follow Sebastian. Your lack of attire exposed your arms and a bit of your chest area. Sebastian looked at you up and down, "You're lucky we're close by the room. Can't have you walking in anything but a corset and a slip. Come." He busted down the door and rummaged through a random case pulling out his spare shirt. "We haven't time for you to change. You'll have to make do." Grabbing the shirt, you threw it on trying to button it with cold brittle trembling fingers and left.
"You! Servants, help me, and I'll give you this!" It was the same man from before, the one you bumped into. He was holding a cheque out. A carriage and horse burst through the hallway at top speed forcing you and Sebastian out of the way. It crashed into the man and if that wasn't bad enough, those creatures got to him as well. Quietly the both of you snickered and went to find the young lord who literally fell into Sebastian's arms when you both turned down a corridor. After taking the Lady Elizabeth down from the ducts they crawled through an albino snake made its way down and nestled itself around you. "Keats is it?" It flicked its forked tongue and hissed loudly.
"Now my lord, my lady. We must hurry up on deck they're readying the lifeboats.
The ceiling suddenly caved in, more like was cut open in a perfect circle. Two men came down on the part that fell in, Ronald from your previous encounter, and another man, a complete vision of red. You've seen him before but where...?
Madame Red's coat, long luscious red hair, red glasses and even a red chainsaw, all tossed together on one person can make them look quite outstanding. Madame Red was truly a vision, but he seemed brighter.
"Hiii~ Bassy how I've missed you darling!"
He spotted you and gasped, growing visibly excited showing his rather unique set of pearly white teeth. "Oh, Y/n dear it's been far too long. I'm sorry I haven't been in touch, but I'm afraid if I had stepped foot on the perimeter of the manor I would've been killed on the spot."
He grabbed your hands and kissed your cheek, "Love the new hair, you must tell me- hmm? What's this...? A WEDDING RING?!"
You slowly drew your hands away from him as he went on ranting about how Sebastian had the nerve to get married while he was on probation. Attempting to sneak off with the rest, he whipped out his chainsaw again and blocked your way.
"Not so fast."
"Grell, I am afraid we're in a hurry. I shall have to ask you to move," Sebastian said holding them by their waists.
"Oh? And if I say no?"
"I'll force the issue," he growled.
"Ooo yes, I've never been one to mind a little force."
You felt a crude gripping sensation on your heart. Like a green monster ready to leap out and attack Grell but was being tamed by your ego. All you could do was throw venomous looks at him.
"Now come, let's have a death match like the world has never seen," he revved his chainsaw and pointed it in Sebastian's direction.
"Who is that Sebastian?"
"Just a nuisance my lady. Though it would be best to stay away, he might be contagious," he readied himself for a fight and Grell charged at him swinging his death scythe like a maniac. "How rude of you I simply don't repress my feelings." Grell swiped at Sebastian, missing and sawing through a pillar like butter. He landed on the window but in pushing off to avoid getting hit, Grell's scythe slashed the wall and window causing it to shatter and freezing waters to gush inside at incredible speeds. The water knocked Grell and Sebastian over and flooded the room quickly. The young lord grabbed his fiancé and ran, you started following but Grell blocked your way with his scythe grinning widely at you like the Cheshire cat. Sebastian moved to help you but Ronald decided they weren't finished from earlier. He backed you into a remaining pillar wielding the chainsaw above you while you desperately tried to shove him off so he wouldn't have your head rolling around or the rest of the ceiling cave in.
Shots were heard, and you peeked behind Grell to see the young lord injured trying to protect Lady Elizabeth who was surrounded by those creatures that made their way to where you all were.
"Grell, what the hell are you fighting me for?" You yelled over the commotion and his chainsaw.
"You're with the demon as a mate. As much as I don't play by the rules often, you are a threat to my job. Sorry love."
"I'm sure Bassy wouldn't appreciate it if you killed me, you'd have zero chance with him," you spat. "Now let me go save the girl, and we can fight later." Your breath became ragged from the cold water you were in, if hypothermia didn't kill you, the cold that presents itself after this ordeal surely will. Ronald came flying into Grell, courtesy of Sebastian, knocking him over, his chainsaw clipping a few of your hairs.
Better than your neck.
When you looked up Lady Elizabeth had a sabre in her hand. The blade danced with her effortless attempt to save her fiancé. You stood in awe at the raw talent and hard work she put into her sword fighting. Like a prima ballerina performing her solo, mesmerizing. Such fire in her moves as she grabbed another sword to protect her fiancé and discard these creatures. Standing behind you was Grell, who she charged after defeating all those monsters. Sebastian swiftly grabbed the blade preventing her from killing him.
"My lady you've done enough," he got on one knee and hung his head in apparent shame. "I am a failure as a Phantomhive butler for allowing a lady to perform such things. My deepest apologies."
Snake came running into the room, a giant diamondback snake wrapped around his shoulders. "Smile are you alright? Asks Emily."
"Nevermind that, where is the doctor?"
"I'm afraid he slipped away, says Wordsworth." The albino snake that had made its way around your waist jumped to Snake making its way to his dry shoulder.
The young lord grew annoyed and growled, "Sebastian! That's it I'm tired of this. Ryan is the key to this incident. We have to find him now."
"So if we put the screws to this Ryan fellow, we'll know all the details?" Grell asked.
Ronald whistled, "Mr. Sutcliffe look."
"Oh yes, I see... Well, ta-ta for now Bassy. When we meet, I'll be sure to paint you rosy red," Grell blew a kiss to Sebastian and they both went back the way they came, through the ceiling. There came that feeling in your chest again just waiting for its taste of blood.
Sebastian grabbed your chin and peered into your eyes. "My dear, I do believe you're jealous."
You scoffed and shook him off, "Don't get full of yourself."
"Let's go," said the young lord attempting to raise himself off the ground. Lady Elizabeth ran to his side offering to carry him to which he grew embarrassed, to which she started crying saying she was a scary girl he wouldn't want to marry.
"W- what? Elizabeth, how could I be mad at you for saving my life?"
"So you'll still want to marry me?"
"I- uh..." his voice faltered and he blushed. You and Sebastian shared a look before looking down at the young lord and burst out laughing. "Both of you shut up this instant!"
"Oh wow, even in the face of Lady Elizabeth my stoic young lord is helpless," he picked him up and you all proceeded to the lifeboats.
"Shameless, I never took you for that young master," you giggled.
"You're one to talk Y/n."
Up on the decks, Lady Elizabeth was reunited with her brother. You were relieved to see Paula was safe and with the Midfords. The young lord had Snake put in a lifeboat in his place and before Lady Elizabeth could fight with him Sebastian knocked her out earning a yelp of disapproval from her brother. The three of you took off in search of Ryan.
Running towards the main dining room you were stopped in your tracks by Viscount Druitt followed by four other men carrying some odd sort of device. "You look familiar have we met before?"
You gulped smiling awkwardly, "No I don't believe so," you squeaked.
"Pardon my asking but is this the device used to stop the corpses?"
"You'll have to follow me to find out." Lord Druitt seemed different a bit more solemn than he normally is. One of the men carrying it started giggling. "Undertaker?"
"Oh hello there my lord."
"Tell me," he leaned in, "do you know how to activate the device?"
"Now what would an undertaker know about things like this?"
Always answering with a question when he's hiding something. You knew him too well, he knew something. They took it to the main dining room atop the grand staircase and set it down.
"Careful gentleman that is worth more than all your lives."
Stoker yelled from the balcony with Grell and Ronald at his side. More like holding him hostage.
"Ah, Ryan Stoker we've been waiting for your arrival. Today is a historic day for us both. The empire you cleverly crafted is about to crumble and mine shall rise in its stead."
"Huh?" All of you said looking dumbfounded. What empire could this fool possibly raise?
"This is a bit more complicated than I bargained for..." Ronald muttered, but you heard it loud and clear.
"Let's see how this fellow looks bathed in red shall we?" Grell grinned hoisting his death scythe above his head.
"Take care now," he tipped his wine glass over the device slightly only causing a drop to make its way down. Your anxiety piped up hoping that the one thing to end this undead situation wasn't destroyed. "If I'm startled, I might accidentally spill."
"This is power in its truest form. I made the lot of you tremble with nothing but a wine glass." He laughed lifting his glass above the device again.
"May I kill him now," you and Sebastian asked in sync, pulling your knife from your garter.
"No although I understand the urge," the young lord said. Suddenly the creatures came back in droves, shattering glass from windows and doors trying to claw their way in with the living. "Viscount Druitt activate it!"
"No no, I refuse to answer to Viscount. I am Caesar. Call me that and we have a deal," he sent a flying kiss the young lord's way.
"On second thought let's kill him now."
"Patience my lord though I understand the urge," Sebastian said.
You jumped over a table knocking a few of them in the knees seizing the opportunity to smash their heads in the carpet making a few near you stagger at the sheer force you put into your attacks. Using your blade, you cut your slip off in jagged, uneven pieces to help the fluidity of your movement. Your legs up to your knees were on display again. At this point, you were used to it. Smashing head after head stained your cheeks and ruined clothes red. One of the creatures nearly took a bite out of you ripping a piece of your slip exposing your garter. A powerful roundhouse kick from you snapped a few necks while Lord Druitt babbled on.
"YOU GIT. TURN THE BLOODY THING ON WILL YOU?!" Grell roared from the balcony, his chainsaw embedded in a head spitting blood everywhere.
"Very well. But before I build my new empire I will first have to see a display of loyalty by you showing me your Phoenix dance."
"Nevermind let's kill him," the five of you said in unison.
After displaying your Phoenix dance which this time you had no choice in doing, forcing you and the young lord to hide your faces in shame. Viscount Druitt pressed the button and the room went quiet as if the reanimated corpses were looking forward to what the machine does as well.
Both you and Grell lost your patience, Grell jumped over the balcony and you ran down the stairs and raced towards him. "Hey, we aren't allowed to kill humans Grell!" Ronald yelled out to him while the young master called out to you. What stopped you two wasn't their voices, it was the Undertaker. "Sorry dearie, I couldn't let the both of you kill such a comedian the world needs more like him." Grell gritted his teeth and you both were pushed back by whatever weapon the Undertaker wielded. Regaining your balance, you looked up seeing the Undertaker with his hair pushed out of his face. With his dashing green eyes and long silver hair Undertaker no longer looked hidden under his hat and bangs.
And by every demon in hell, this man could give Sebastian a run for his money if you were interested in looks only.
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