His Butler, Omnipotent

The young master had given you quite a lot to think about. Aiding him on cases offered no potential benefit to you except for extra pay which you saw no need for in the first place, it's not like you're paying rent to sleep there. Your leg was healed, not so much your arm, it still hurt but not to the point of needing to level it. Sebastian refused to allow you to bring the tea in today, instead, he had Grell do it. Madame Red wanted Sebastian to properly train him, you thought someone couldn't be more incompetent than your coworkers together.


Oh, how wrong could you be.

Grell had somehow managed to wheel himself into the dining room on top a tea cart crashing into Finny spilling hot tea all over him. Finny pulled the front of his shirt away from his chest. "Hot! HOT!" his eyes brimmed with tears. Grell crawled towards Finny apologizing for his accident, looking around he grabbed a napkin and pulled the whole tablecloth off along with the masters' breakfast. Breakfast was... essentially ruined.

"Young Master, why did you agree to take on such a useless idiot." The young master picked his head up and shot a look of disdain towards him, "You're one to talk Bard."

"Wait that's it! I'll just atone with my death," Grell grabbed a knife that was laying on the ground and put it to his throat. "Wha?!" Mey-rin yelped. "Hold on isn't that a bit extreme?!" Bard shouted at the sad figure on the ground. Your attention was drawn to Sebastian as he walked to the man on the ground about to take his life. He withdrew the knife from his throat and placed his hand on his shoulder, "Just think of the mess you'll make. It'll take hours to clean up all the blood."

Grell looked up at him his hands clasped as if he were praying, "Thank you, Sebastian, you're so very kind."

"That was kind?" Bard looked two the other two for help, and they shook their heads."Now what I'd like to know, is how you expect to serve the master such weak tea. Watch, one teaspoon of leaves for each person and one more for the pot and let steep until dark." The three of them took notes while Grell sat there watching in awe a blush running across his face. The young master left to go to his bedroom after having his tea. Sebastian turned, "Y/n clean this up, and all of you, the master and I are going out for the day. I expect this place in the same condition as we left it." Your eyes shot daggers at Sebastian which was reciprocated. Grell whimpered on the floor still stealing Sebastian's attention. "Oh, and if you do seek your eternal rest, please see to it outside would you and try not to make too big a mess." The young master and Sebastian had gone out to London, Finny somehow managed to break the young lord's walking stick again as you now know.You sighed and started cleaning while the others left you and Grell. "Ahh, Grell how did you even end up on the bloody cart?"


When you finished cleaning up the mess he made, you and Grell joined the others in the garden. It was nice getting to know him, and you found him cute. "Oi! Grell come help with the pruning." Bard had shears in his hand waving them for Grell to take. You had a pocket-sized book concealed in your pocket to take with you instead of having to go to the library all the time. Sitting on the grass with Bard and Tanaka while the other three did garden work, you read 'The Crimes of Love' by Marquis de Sade, a French nobleman, you took a liking to his work. As you read the conversation switched to the history of the Phantomhives, interested you picked your head up. "Yeah, the manor has only been around for two or three years or something."

"Really? But it looks so stately and dignified," Grell was pruning the leaves quite well, they were beginning to look like something. "Naturally, that was the intention." Grell turned around to see whose voice that was. "Wah!" he jumped back a bit. Tanaka had used his energy to appear normal, "Oh look it's the real Tanaka! We barely see him anymore." Finny stopped weeding the garden waiting for Tanaka to talk. "This manor was specifically rebuilt to replicate the one that burned down. It is identical from the stairs to the paintings and even the cracks in the pillars."

"Oh I see and Master Ciel's parents... did they?" Grell's voice trailed off as if he were too awkward to say.

"Yes, sadly they both perished in the fire." Poof. Tanaka was back to his fun-sized self, you scooted over so he could lay his head on your lap while he took a break, a snot bubble coming out of his nose.

"What?! What happened?" Grell was so confused, you couldn't blame the poor fellow. "His energy and stamina levels are way beneath a normal person. He just needs some rest." Bard got up and stretched, and Mey-rin screamed. You looked up to see skulls everywhere.

"Grell, I think it's best to put the shears down."

"Oh no, I've done it again! That's it! I'm going to die," he jumped up on the convenient ladder that had a rope tied from a tree. 'How convenient' "Now Grell I don't think it's best, remember what Sebastian said," you reached out to cut the rope before he could potentially break his neck, but a blonde girl came from out of nowhere removing the ladder from underneath his feet. His face turned blue almost instantly as he was dangling. "Grell!!!" you had no choice you quickly climbed the tree trashing your uniform with rips and scrapes and cut him down. He fell a few feet choking trying to pull off the rope but the same blonde girl in her orange dress dragged him off by the rope making him cough and splutter.

"Who the hell was that?" all of you were confused and decided to run after the girl. Back in the manor, it was redecorated with pink. Pink ribbons, pink streamers, glittery crap that made you cringe. "Oh! Look at all of you, how uncute! I absolutely have to dress you all up for the ball tonight."

"A- a ball my lady?" Mey-rin was skeptical of the little girl; everyone was confused. "Yes!" she clapped her hands together brightly smiling, her green eyes shone with happiness and she giggled. "Now, who's first?"~The little blonde girl made such a nuisance of herself. She tried dressing you and Mey-rin up but you gave the excuse to change your uniform and instead she chased Mey-rin around the manor. They were isolated to the salon as you took a breather in the corner by the entrance.

The door opened, and you heard a gasp from the young master, it sounded like he had a stroke. "Whatever is the matter?" Sebastian peeked in and gasped, a horror-stricken expression on his face. Pink ribbons were placed everywhere. Stuffed animals were put in place of vases and other decorative items. They spotted you in the corner. "What in the everlasting hell happened here?" Bard and the other burst through the door on the side and ran to Sebastian, he seized Sebastian by his coat. "Why are you all dressed like lunatics?!" poor Finnian, he broke down, "It's her she crazy!"

The young master gave a confused expression, "Who is crazy?" You pointed towards the door leading to the salon. Everyone went in to be greeted by even more pink ribbons and Grell hanging from the ceiling. Not asking any questions the young master ordered Sebastian to cut him down. "Ugh my mansion, it's so pink." The little blonde girl ran past Sebastian and into the young master's arms nearly knocking him down. 

"CIELLL!!!" Regaining his balance, his eye widened. "E- Elizabeth what a surprise!"

She giggled, "How many times have I told you to call me Lizzie. I've missed you, darling boy.""Lady Elizabeth," Sebastian approached the fast-talking little girl. "Oh, hello Sebastian. Aww, you took him down," she pouted up at the butler.

"Yes, he detracted from the beauty of the room." You sniggered and took Grell away from Sebastian.

"Oh, and I have a present for you too Sebastian. Here!" A pink bonnet with wildflowers was placed on his head and you laughed hysterically while the others tried to hold in their laughs. Mey-rin Finny and Bard caught a glimpse of Sebastian's expression and fell silent; you however kept laughing. "I am deeply honoured you went to all this trouble for a humble servant, your generosity overwhelms me," he bowed.

"Happy to help."

Grell walked to stand beside you and Sebastian the rope still around his neck and orange, "Sebastian who is that girl?"

"She is the daughter of the Marquess of Midford. Her full Christian name is Lady Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Midford of Scotney, she also the young masters betrothed." You nearly choked on air, 'I sincerely hope by the time they're married I'm out of service'. "Oh, his fiance - wait what?!"

The other servants weren't exactly pleased either. "The young master... Marry... Her?!" Sebastian sighed shaking his head. "Yes, nobles marry other nobles."

"Anyway what I came here for. I prettied the place up for a ball tonight. Just us two, how's that sound?" the young master was taken aback. "Absolutely not, no balls." She ignored him and grabbed Grell by the rope still around his neck, "You come with me I want to make you more pretty than you already are!" Proceeding to haul him by the neck as she did earlier she ran off into another room slamming the door on the young master. "Wait I said no balls!!!"


That night after avoiding the Lady Elizabeth so she couldn't dress you up she was complaining about the young lord being late. The boys were on the short end of the stick, all of them were in dresses. Grell in a white one, Finny in a black one with cat ears and a bell round his neck and poor Bard with a pink dress sporting a bright orange wig. Tanaka at least had on traditional wear for a Korean king. Where she got these costumes from stumped you, at least you didn't have to wear something ridiculous. She was trying to get Mey-rin to take off her glasses when the young master came downstairs in the attire she picked for him.

'He looks, dare I say it, adorable.'

"Leave her alone." she jumped on him whirling him around. "See you look simply adorable- Ciel why aren't you wearing the ring I picked out it goes perfect with your outfit now where did it go?" she pretended to get sad before snatching the ring.

"Give it back!" the anger in his voice snapped you out of your daze. His face bore a scowl that made tears form in her eyes. "I- I just wanted everything to look perfect. Wh- Why are you getting so angry? I hate this ring! Take it!"

She threw the ring on the ground shattering it, piece of the diamond chipped off and the metal snapped in two. The young master went to strike her, but Sebastian grabbed his hand and he whipped his head around. "Master, you forgot the walking stick we went to so much trouble to get today."

Lady Elizabeth was crying on the floor in shock from the attempt to hit her. "Lady Elizabeth, I'm sorry. That ring was an heirloom passed down through that Phantomhive family. It was very important to him, please try to understand." The young lord grabbed the ring and tossed it out the window. "Ciel, wait! Why would you do that?"

He walked to the middle of the room. "It was nothing but a silly old ring. With or without it I'm still head of the family and that won't change." He turned to face his fiancee, "Stop your crying, how can I ask a lady with a runny nose and puffy eyes to dance?" he took his handkerchief and wiped her tears away.

"T- To dance?" he extended his hand to her, and she took it. Out of nowhere, Sebastian started playing the violin, where he got it from or how he got it so quickly was overlooked by everyone. The music was pleasant, Grell ran alongside him to sing. "What the hell?! He can actually sing." Bard was perplexed that Grell can do anything. You giggled and said, "If you get to know him, you'll be surprised what he's capable of."


Grell was leaving. Lady Elizabeth was in the carriage sound asleep. "Thank you, everyone, you all have taught me what it means to be a true butler. They say before a man dies his life flashes before his eyes, and when I die I'm certain that this day will be in my dying vision." Sebastian looked at him confused.

"Hmph, funny you should say that..."

Mey-rin laughed, "That's true, you haven't been very good at dying so far, have you?"

"Oh believe me I'm far more deadly efficient than I look." Grell ran to you and grasped your gentle hands in his. "Thank you, precious darling, I've gained a genuine friend, I don't doubt we'll encounter each other again." You smiled reassuringly at him, "Just be careful."

He drove off to the estate of the Marquess.

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