His Butler, Friendly
Your act was with Beast, the first tier member with the tiger. Joker decided that you should wear a matching costume with Beast with minor adjustments. Black leather hugged your stomach, (more like choked it), and your cleavage was shown profusely. The valley between the squished curves of your breast was shown and it ended around your waist with dangling harness buckles. Accompanied by tight black shorts that would surely put any modest person to shame just by glancing in your direction, and fishnet stockings attempted to cover your legs along with knee-high heeled boots. You looked like a mini Beast except less accentuated. The both of you practised together with Betty, first, you had to let Betty trust you which was fairly easy as she was a tame tiger. "Awh she's such a beautiful creature," you said running your fingers through her luscious fur as she purred into your gloved hand. "Come on time for lunch, we've practised enough for today. You'll need some more practise before you can officially be in the show." You and Beast went to let Betty into her cage, "Later girl," you pat her on the head and headed for the mess tent.
"Do you mind if I ask you a question?"
"Uh, go ahead," she said with a polite tone.
"Joker told me about how you guys started out but what kept you going? You guys don't exactly receive wages for doing this. Why not quit since you're on your feet?"
Her lower lip began to quiver like she was afraid to let something slip and screw everything over. "It's like when you feel you owe someone your life. You doing what they would like is a little thing in return yea?" She gave a small awkward smile.
"So the circus is basically paying your debt to someone," you said.
"It's a little compli-"
You both stopped and witnessed the young lord run past you sopping wet, the freckled boy was calling after him from the tent where the males bathe. Sebastian happened to be running errands there carrying fresh towels, you caught each other's eye and nodded. "I'll catch up with you later Beast."
"I'll wait for you in the mess tent."
You found him shaking like a leaf huddled with his head in his arms behind crates far away from the tents. Sebastian threw a towel over his head, "You'll catch cold my lord." Kneeling down you started to dry him off and he grabbed your wrist. "Enough..."
"Pardon?" He threw an angry look at Sebastian for questioning him slightly increasing pressure on your wrist.
"I said enough!! If I have to continue this I swear I shall go mad," he buried his head back into his knees. "Let me go home, I cannot take this anymore."
"Goodness my lord, giving up already are we? It seems I overestimated your fortitude, allowing such trifles to bother you, well... this isn't like you at all." He narrowed his eyes at Sebastian, looking up and down at the demon remembering why he summoned such a thing in the first place. After a moment of silence, he stood up flinging the towel over his back. "You're right this isn't like me at all, we'll just have to conclude this swiftly."
"There is the confidence of the master I know," you said. After you dried him off Sebastian dressed him while he formed a plan.
"We have dinner then the show, when they go out for the main act we'll search the tents. That freckle chap tails me everywhere so I'll have to figure out how to get rid of him."
"Maybe that little incident will have him back off for the moment. I know I would," you interjected.
"Mm hopefully. The schedule is posted outside the mess tent, we'll see from there. None of us have a direct part in the show so that should give us some time to slip away. With the number of people scurrying around, they won't notice us missing for a moment. We'll search the tents within the time frame we're offered. Sebastian I'm going to need you to tie up the snakes so they won't be sneaking around potentially biting me or Y/n. Y/n, you'll search Dagger and Snake's tent, Sebastian do Peter and Wendy's, I'll do Joker and Beast's, then we'll return to the members while Sebastian releases the snakes. Now, let's go before we miss dinner."
Holy crap it's been hours behind those crates. You hoped Beast didn't wait too long to eat her lunch. You ran off to find her after bidding them farewell.
"I'm so sorry time got carried away I hope you didn't wait too long to eat your lunch!" you called out to her. "It- it's fine. Is everything ok, he looked a bit shaken up?"
"An accident in the showers apparently, the poor boy can't take the cold water," you said looking off to the mess tent in search of the schedule. "Well, at least we can have dinner together before the show. Let's go, you can sit with me and the main cast if you'd like."
"Aye look the women decided to join us," Peter said kicking back in his chair. Dagger, Joker, the young lord, Sebastian and the freckled boy were sitting around the table eating and drinking. "Hope you don't mind drunk men around you sweetheart."
"This is London, all the men are drunk," you took your seat next to Sebastian who excused himself to bring the both of you food, you weren't even going to question how they reached here before you did. "What're you lads talking about, Doll here looks a blushing mess," she pat the freckled boy on the head who blushed even more.
Doll? That means "Freckles" is a she. You smirked wondering if the young lord knew he was bunking with a girl.
"Just reminiscing about the tooth fairy~" Joker jested. Sebastian placed two plates of food down and took his place next to you, pouring himself a shot glass of liquor. From the looks of it, he'd had more than a few already. "Speaking of baby teeth, I have a story of the young master I used to work for." The young lord spit his drink out making you lean closer, desperate to hear this.
"It was around two years ago, I'd notice he had left his favourite dessert practically untouched. Naturally, I asked what was wrong and he complained about a wobbly tooth. Well I asked to take a look and he permitted me, let's say right now he regretted it."
"Why?" Dagger asked.
"I tried to get a grip on the tooth but it was so small I just ripped it right out. I did say I was going to take it out for him. Now that I think about it he was squirming quite a bit." Everyone looked at him with a horrified expression on their faces, you had accidentally bit your tongue and tasted the salty metallic taste of your blood. The young lord had his hands over his mouth as if he c;an still feel the pain. "I thought I would be doing him a favour, however, the grumpy young master threw a fit and he became quite angry with me. From then on he never let me check his teeth for cavities or anything although I've sworn not to take it out ever again. Quite stubborn."
"Back then I had a lot of trouble, I wasn't experienced in taking care of children."
"That's your problem?! Surely you had the same experience too!" Dagger slammed his hand on the table slightly terrified of the man next to you enjoying yet another drink, about twenty-five empty cups stacked in the space before him. "It must be very inconvenient to not be able to grow back your teeth as soon as they come out. For humans."
"Huhhh?" Peter looked at Sebastian confused and your eyes widened.
Does alcohol work on him like it does on humans?
He was about to pour himself another drink but you leaned over, your exposed chest feeling that material you loved so much, and grabbed the bottle handing it to Beast. "I think that's enough for you Black, don't need you falling over when there's a show in a few."
"Blimey, you're right. Come on you lot we need to get ready," Joker said making everyone rush out the tent.
"I wonder what drunk you would look like," he purred in your ear gripping your waist.
"Wonder on lover boy," you pushed him lightly going to the tents to help set up for the troupe.
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