His Butler, Freeloader

It is now winter in London, after Jack the Ripper was...one would say evicted, London was peaceful soon after the incident. Temporary for the Guard Dog, per usual. While the rest of the servants enjoyed the snow back at the townhouse, you and Sebastian accompanied the young lord on yet another case.

Englishmen who have recently returned from India have been assaulted, stripped, and hung upside down with a threatening note attached. The public looked on in fear, women shielded their eyes their mouths opened in horror, men shook their heads in fake grief. Grabbing a paper out of Sir Randall's hand who had been mocking the young master earlier, you gave it to him to read. Enraged at you he growled earning him a fake smile, just to piss him off even more. You never understood why he had a problem with the young lord, he did, after all, get rid of the more difficult cases. There have been recordings of at least twenty of these incidents, "Watch this, you wild, pathetic chosen children of sloth and depravity. England is the motherhood of the devil. It steals everything and forces its worthless, rotten, and decadent culture on you instead! To all the bitch-dominated idiots of this land, you are the ones that deserve the vengeance of Heaven! Now, the day has come!" the young lord read aloud. "And a tongue on the bottom. This causes quite a bit of grief for Her Majesty. Naturally, she's asked me to investigate, I had better get a move on before the Yard decides to act," he smirked at the man whose face was turning red due to his resentment. "We'll have a walk down through the East End, Scotland Yard doesn't know the area too well it seems. Come you two."

"Cheeky little brat..." You turned around to glare at the commissioner only to realize you've walked quite a few feet away. There was no way you could've heard that. "Problem Y/n?" the young lord asked. "No my lord."


Walking down the East End in the section where the bulk of the Indians had settled, no one seemed troublesome... that is until someone bumped into the young lord. Grabbing his torso he groaned rather loudly, "Oh I've cracked a rib, I could die from this." His thick accent carried throughout the street attracting more Indians. "What happened?" a bystander asked.

"He should be punished- "

"Excuse me!" Before a fight could ensue another Indian came by. He was well dressed draped in rich colours of white, blue, and maroon. "Have you seen this woman?" Another well dressed Indian, not as lavishly dressed as the first held a picture up of a terrible drawing of what was supposed to be a profile of who he was looking for. "Oh, are you fellows having a duel? I must side with my countrymen. Come Agni! Defeat the Englishman."

"Jo Aagya."

"Stay behind me," Sebastian said as Agni came lunging at him. Agni threw hits at him quickly, so fast all Sebastian could do was block. The rest of the men enclosed you and the young lord.

"Picking on a lady and a little kid, how cowardly of you." the young master spluttered at the words "little kid" and you whipped out your blade and held it with the sharp side facing you.

"I assume you're armed my lord, just don't shoot to kill."

"Hmph, are you now giving me orders Y/n?" he smirked at your boldness.

"Hey, you're armed that's not a fair fight," the well dressed Indian stated, pausing the fight making everyone turn to face the young lord. "We were doing nothing more than walking down the street. Are you all barbarians who will attack anyone who merely passes you?!" The man hummed in confusion, "Is it true men, you attacked this kid for no good reason?" They all fidgeted in their spot not making eye contact. "Apparently my countrymen are wrong, come Agni we are on the Englishman's side."


Let's just say it didn't end well for them, all unconscious regretting their choice to pick a fight. "Well kid, I have someone to look for, goodbye," he tossed back the young lords hat which had fallen off at some unknown point and walked off with his servant. That was the most awkward fight that ever occurred, it left the young lord annoyed though. After informing the Yard of the men who attacked, the three of you went to the townhouse in London.

"Welcome back Master," Finny's soft sweet voice greeted your ears making you smile. Back in the warmth of the house and the people in it. Sighing as you took off his coat and hung it up Sebastian noted that he'll prepare some tea.



"Hello, Earl so nice to see you again." Mr. Lau entered as cheerful as ever. "How many times must I tell you to send a note first?" Irked the young lord placed his fingertips on his forehead shaking his head. "I'll prepare tea for the guest as well my lord."

"Fine whatever."

"Perhaps Chai rather than Earl Grey?" suggested Mr. Lau.

The young lord hummed in response as he turned his attention to who was behind Mr. Lau. "You two again?!"

The two well dressed Indians from before were standing in the doorway as if they were waiting to be admitted, a few snowflakes drifting in along with the cold air making you shiver. The man states that, in India, it is common to welcome benefactors. Since he "saved" the three of you from the other Indians earlier that day, he casually invited himself in to stay for the night. Agni moves to prepare tea, leaving Sebastian stunned. "Oh, Mr. Agni you are guests, please allow me."

He turned smiling to Sebastian. "Please no, it would be my pleasure." He had a confused smile on his face as Agni took off to the kitchen leaving his rather arrogant master to prance around the townhouse. "Normally people in my country greet guests on a bed." Running upstairs the young master yelled to him, "Who said you were a guest?!" Marching upstairs the hot-headed young lord with all his servants in tow, slammed the door open nearly knocking it off its hinges he yelled some more. "And just who the hell do you think you are?!" A scowl rested on his face as he stared at the man casually laying on the bed.

"Who am I? Why I am a prince."

"Please extend your warmest welcome to my master the Prince of Bengal, Prince Soma Asman Kadar." Agni's voice scared the crap out of all of you as he squeezed past you all to serve tea to his master. "Chai with ginger goes well on this cold day highness."

The servants crowded around the prince evidently fascinated by him. "Wow, I've never seen a prince up close before. This Bengal place sounds amazing." You smacked your forehead with your palm, "You work for an Earl, there's no difference besides rank on the social ladder." All the excessive bickering did nothing for the young lords nerves.

"GET OUT!!!"


"Quite an interesting pair don't you think?" you asked Sebastian. Prince Soma and Agni had been granted to stay courtesy of you convincing the young lord. Annoyed that you talked him into it he went to bed early without his tea. Mr. Lau is also staying the night much to the young lord's chagrin. This left you and Sebastian awake and alone in the kitchen preparing tomorrows meal.

"Yes, they are rather an odd pair. Why'd you convince him to let them stay?" You began mixing the raspberry crème for the dessert he'd have tomorrow, you knew he favoured this particular dish so to "apologize" for annoying him tonight you wanted to make it for him. "For one this Agni could be the one stringing the people up. He has the speed to do it and the strength. Keeping them here might prove to be useful, and if they aren't involved at least the young lord has another pawn to call on when he needs to." He chuckled at your reply, "My you catch on quickly."

"Of course, what kind of maid would I be?" you smiled up at him, mocking him, his smile challenged yours. Sticking your finger on the inside of the bowl you got some crème on your finger and swiped at Sebastian's neck. Giggling you ran away from him to the other side of the kitchen. "Since when do you have a childish demeanour? Or is this a part of women I don't grasp yet?"
"It's called teasing Sebastian, also not always sexual." He smirked, "Perhaps I should be the cat in this game." Walking around the counter in an endless circle never moving your eyes off him lest he tries something, you decided to move towards the other counter to put more distance between you. Stumbling on a chair your head snapped to the ground for a second but you picked it back up just as quick to see him standing in front you. "How is it possible to make everything that comes out of your mouth sound sexy?" He pouted and gave a fake sad expression, "It's not on purpose." he leaned into you now smirking as you were getting flustered, your bold, playful act now leaving your system, but not without a last word. You gently reached for his neck with your hand and licked off the crème. A little shock in his eyes told you he didn't expect that. "Well well, kitten... teasing is sexual after all. And I'm supposed to be seducing you."

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