His Butler, Dancing

You, the young lord, Sebastian, Madame Red, Lau and Grell were on your way to a Viscount Druitt's estate. Jewels from everyone's party attire glittered in the light of streetlamps as Grell drove the carriage.

"The Viscount Druitt, he has a medical license but hasn't gone into practice ever since he graduated. Lately, he's thrown several parties at his home."

'That's odd, how could prostitutes be invited to a party thrown by a gentry... could he be kidnaping them and dumping them?'

So many questions entered your mind tuning out Sebastian's talking. Never realizing your arrival Madame Red shook you, "Y/n, are you okay darling?"

Jerking your head you gave her a nervous laugh, "Oh, my lady, I'm sorry yes." A man extended his hand for you to take and you gracefully accepted it descending to the ground. Grinning you looked up and down at the young lord sporting a pink dress with a pink-flowered hat, underneath were hair extensions gathered up into two ponytails. Black gloves reaching his elbows and heels under his dress. He actually passed off as a girl, how entertaining for you and Sebastian.

"Tonight is the last party of the season. This is our last chance."

Walking in next to the young lord the six of you gathered in a corner to discuss what would happen. "Ciel and Y/n will be my nieces visiting in from the country and Sebastian will be their tutor. Lau will pose as my beau and Grell is, well... Grell." Stifling your need to laugh with a stoic facade, the young master yelled at Madame Red for dressing him up as a girl.

"By any means necessary, you did say that earlier, my young mistress." The young master shot a glare at Sebastian then glared at your back as you hid your laughter. All of you spread out through the party, Madame Red with Grell and Mr. Lau, and you with Sebastian and the young lord.

"Alright, we have to find the Viscount, Y/n I want you to go your own way. If you locate him first then- " the young lord was cut off by the one voice you three never wanted to hear there. "You in the pink, your dress is so lovely! Wait!!" the Lady Elizabeth was there, complimenting women on their dresses, being fawned over by everyone who had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting her. "Y/n go!" the young lord pushed you away, and Sebastian grabbed him and went while you regained your balance, these dresses were too big and so easy to fall in. You saw your reflection in the shattered crystal on the wall, red reflected on all the diamond-shaped pieces. The black lace on your soft skin was perfect across your arms and chest held together by a rose brooch at the throat. The corset and style of the dress pushed your breast up and exposed some of your chest. Your hair in loose curls pinned halfway up by Sebastian and a black teardrop hat with red roses, feathers and black lace topped it all off. (Outfit and hairstyle with hat as seen in the picture). You looked stunning, on your hands were short black gloves like the ones Madame Red usually wears. A figure approached you from behind, "Would it be too impolite to strike up a conversation with one so beautiful as yourself?" A blonde handsome young man dressed in all white with touches of baby blue greeted you with the kindest smile. Smiling politely you almost curtsied, remembering you were acting as the niece of a noblewoman you saved yourself with pretending to hide your face by shying away. "What would be impolite my lord is not telling a lady your name."

Smirking he moved a bit closer, "I am the owner of this estate, my dear, the Viscount of Druitt, Aleister Chambers and who might you be?" He took your hand and kissed it. Panic-stricken you gave the first thing that popped to your head. "Oh silly little me? I'm Vera, a niece of Angelina Dalles, I'm visiting from the country."

"Oh, Madame Red? You've taken her style of clothing I see, I guess it runs in the family," he laughed gently.

You mimicked his gently laugh, "Sadly I wasn't prepared for a soiree, so I had to borrow a dress from her, my sister was prepared though. She looks stunning tonight, you should meet her." Scanning the room for the young lord, you saw him dancing with Sebastian on the dance floor trying to avoid a persistent lady Elizabeth. "There she is my Lord, please she would love nothing more."

He watched them intently, and they danced across the floor over to where you were standing. Slowly clapping he greeted them with you at his side, "Your dancing was exquisite like a lovely little robin, my sweet. Your sister here tells me you would like to meet me."

Sebastian bowed his head, "My lady, I have danced with your sister but not you. Would you do me the honour?" Here was the signal to know whether you're needed or not.

"Oh, I wouldn't want my sister to leave me. We're quite a pair." And the young master clearly wanted you to stay.

"Surely she can spare a dance. The tutor seems quite eager, he can escort the lovely lady back." the Viscount said, he apparently wanted the young lord alone for a moment.

Hesitantly taking Sebastian's hand he dragged you out to the dance floor. He looked like he had the urge to laugh and cleared his throat, "Let's see if you dance better than you did the other day shall we?"

'Crap... I can't dance.'

"Se-" Too late, the musicians started up a new song and people were looking since there were few on the dance floor. Sebastian drew you in tightly and began the dance. Desperately clinging on to him, you moved with him to the slow pace of the music drawing in breaths every time you unexpectedly turn in hopes of not screwing up. "You know, this would go more smoothly if you relaxed and looked at me." Picking your head up you realized how short you were with heels on, you were eye level with his lips. Trying to let your body just flow was sort of hard before inhaling his scent, tea and roses again. It coursed through you like a drug, calming your nerves and muscles. Looking into his eyes, a small smile graced your lips and the both of you danced like there was something magical in the air between you. Instinctively you moved closer closing the almost non-existent gap between your bodies making women gossip of how jealous they were their male friends couldn't create what was occurring between you two. Even Madame Red stopped chatting to look at you both. An enchanting scene for all who bothered to look, even more enchanting for someone falling for their superior. The music ended and the ballroom erupted in cheers before turning to talk about both of you. Moving off the dance floor, you and Sebastian had stepped into a corner a few feet away from Druitt who was so enamoured with the young master.

"I have an idea, fetch me a glass of champagne Mr. Michaelis," winking at the butler he smirked and bowed, "Of course, my lady."


"Oh Lord Druitt why have fun with her alone when you could have us both? I'm sure my sister wouldn't mind sharing." You winked at the blonde man grinning widely with your glass of champagne, giving the illusion you were drunk. Draping your arms around his shoulders, while the viscount was indulged with you, you saw the young master gag and mentally laughed.

"Oh how inseparable you two really are, I suppose the more the merrier. Come let's slip away while no one is looking," he snaked his arm around your waist and let the young Lord follow behind. He led both of you behind a curtain in the ballroom which concealed a hallway, a door was visible at the end. He opened the door and held it open for the both of you, "Right this way."

Entering the room, you began to lose focus, something was suffocating you and you staggered back hitting the wall finally passing out.


Coming to, you were locked in a cage with your hands bound. An old man with a mask on was handing a woman who was barely dressed with a mask on something. She smiled and walked off, leaving the old man in the room with you. This scene was too familiar...The memory hit you instantly, human trading. Druitt was removing the organs and selling them.

'Why would people need a uterus, this doesn't make sense.'

Noticing you were awake the old man grinned, "Well now looks who's awake." He licked his lips greedily, approaching the cage and bent down, "What's your name pretty?" Panicking you backed up and struggled with your bonds. "Come on I won't bite... well maybe I will later," he jeered eyeing you up and down, pushing his hand through the bars hoping to caress your leg. Kicking at him violently you shouted at the top of your lungs hoping to alert the party guests that something was going on.

"Don't touch me you perverted scum!! "

He laughed at your attempt to get him away, kicking more violently the cage tipped over and you fell knocking your back on the mixture of the polished floor and steel cage bars, the oxygen in your lungs almost exited your body completely. He grinned looking over you, but not for long his face hit the floor and he remained there unmoving.

"Oh, whatever am I going to do with you?"

You rolled your eyes calming down, "Maybe pick up the cage and let me out?"

Sebastian kneeled down opening the cage and picked you up, "I'd rather do it this way." He placed you sitting in his lap and untied your bonds.

"Where's the young master? " You stood up and looked at the disgusting old man.

"Leave him," Sebastian said in a warning tone. "The young master is safe and is waiting outside for us, the Yard will be here any moment. We should go."


In the carriage back to the townhouse you were more quiet than usual, the young master took notice.

"Something the matter?" He snapped you out of your train of thought.

"Nothing my Lord."

You stared at your hands in your lap. You felt utterly useless, barely any input on the case and ended up captured and practically sold. If it weren't for Sebastian who knows what would have happened to you. Arriving at the house you excused yourself and went into your room. Tears surfaced and you leaned your head back trying to blink it out of your eyes. You removed the stunning gown that you borrowed and placed it in the chair for Madame Red to take when she's ready. Taking off the corset and discarding it, you took a deep breath not bothering to change into your nightgown, you buried yourself under your covers and squeezed your eyes shut hoping to fall asleep soon.


Grabbing the book under your pillow, you lit a candelabra and had the small flames illuminate the pages.

"Demons still walk amongst us today, and they are hard to distinguish. Flawless and demonic in their ways they seem like sadistic humans. Cruel but loveable, open yet closed, they are contradicting creatures. Rare you will see a demon freely walking around; they are chained to their human prey. They are bound by a contract. A deal between them is made. The human's soul for a wish, when it is fulfilled the demon will then consume the promised soul."

Feeling sleepy you stopped at the end of the chapter, but too interested you looked at the title of the next chapter. "Types of contracts" tucking the book under your pillow you fell asleep waiting for morning to come so you can start the new chapter.

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