"Once a living mortal has agreed to make a contract, a demonic pact is formed via many varied means, the most common way believed by humans is by signing with your blood. Indeed, that is a way but the most common is with a mark from the demon. Consensual sex is also another way. Demons have distinctive marks, the more obvious place the mark is, the tighter the demon and prey are bound. In the past years, humans frequently mistook birthmarks and scars as demonic marks, which was an indication that it was their contract with Satan and the human was a witch/warlock. They were wrong, of course, I doubt there are any demonic marks in the shape of a common birthmark or beauty mark. Contracts are not only formed with humans, demons mark each other when they have found their chosen mate. Male demons normally mark their female counterparts, but it isn't uncommon for a female to mark a male. Demons cannot love, they mate for breeding purposes. Both are possessive creatures by nature and if another demon tries to steal another's mate they would fight to the death for the demon in question. Normally the demon's mate wins, it is rare for the other to succeed."
Setting the book down you rolled your eyes.
'How cliché, demons are basically sadistic powerful creatures who can't die'
Jack the Ripper strikes again.
The young lord was beyond pissed off, "It seems the Viscount wasn't our man after all. Come, there's no use obsessing about it, let's relax with a game of chess." Madame Red attempted to take his mind off it.
Sebastian approached you, his face although neutral like it is when he doesn't wear a smirk seemed troubled to you. "Sebastian...? Are you alright?"
"Yes, this case is quite troublesome at the moment. I wonder how the young lord will take it. The Viscount was the only humanly possible suspect. Odds are the answer is staring us in the face..." His face bore a frown as he reread all the information he had.
"I'll look over the case after I serve the tea." sighing you walked off, "I feel like being alone anyway," you muttered low so no one heard you, or so you thought.
"A Fortnum and Mason blend my lord."
"Fine," he took a sip.
"May I be excused? I don't feel too well, I'll be looking over the case if you'll allow me?" trying to look as miserable as you could without overdoing it hoping he'd pity you must've worked because he allowed you to. Although he wasn't known to pity people, especially those he knows are lying. You've been in a right state all morning, more sombre than usual, he's probably just letting you go. Whatever the case you were appreciative.
"Say Madame Red. You work at a hospital right? Can all doctors perform a fundectomy?" you turned and asked.
"That depends dear, depends on the type of fundectomy and gender, they don't teach every student every field of doctoring."
"Oh okay, I was just curious how they taught doctors, if every doctor can perform the same procedures." Sebastian handed you a copy of the suspect list and other details for you to use.
Six. Whole. Pages. And Sebastian's handwriting isn't exactly huge...thankfully it isn't minuscule either. This was too much, you'll have to read through and condense it. Seizing pieces of paper, you started to read what each suspect was doing on the nights the murders occurred and everything pointed to Viscount Druitt. Maybe you were looking at this all wrong.
Sebastian came knocking at your door with the young master in tow. "Any luck?"
"Ah my lord. Not as of yet, it still points to Druitt. Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way. I"ll let you know if I find anything," you gave a business smile to the young lord who stood there with his arms folded.
"Sebastian and I are going somewhere. I advise you not to follow if you value your sanity." Raising your eyebrow at him, you almost had the urge to laugh at him, being an assassin, having to take someone's life and still maintain your sanity? A dream only people with a conscience have.
Noting your expression he gave a little laugh, "A joke only. We'll be back as soon as we can. Continue searching. I'm anxious to see what you come up with." Nodding your head, he and Sebastian left. After about an hour of dismissing people from the list who you were certain had absolutely nothing to do with you were left with about twenty doctors. Turning everything around you decided to see what the victims had in common besides prostitution. All were around the same age and all were murdered before their uterus was taken out. The uterus was never recovered.
'Why the uterus, no recent donations were made at any hospitals. And I doubt anyone would specifically need a uterus in the underworld.'
So a doctor murdering local prostitutes, writing this down made you feel like you were getting somewhere. This was strange, what hospital could a prostitute afford? There's the hospital in Whitechapel, the Royal London Hospital. The medical records there say they all recently had a procedure for an abortion done by Angelina Dalles. Placing Madame Red underneath Lord Druitt's name you looked at her alibi. Each time she was with the young lord or asleep with Grelle as her witness so that rules her out. Nothing else really ties them together besides each having an abortion performed by the same person. You doubted Madame Red would commit these murders but she fits the culprit more than Druitt does but she provided an alibi each time. Remembering what Madame Red said, "type and gender, not all doctors are taught the same thing" you removed all the male doctors instead of Druitt, he could have had a possible accomplice like that woman who was handling the money last night. Three female doctors left, the prostitutes never met those other two doctors. Something Sebastian said came flooding back in your frantic thoughts, "Odds are it's staring us in the face."
Madame Red... but how to explain if she was with the young lord during certain murders and was with us at the soiree? It finally hit you, Grell. It all fits, Grell is not here sometimes but he's a servant so people aren't going to think anything of it, and who better to confirm a fake alibi than someone who commits the crime with you. Like the other day when Madame Red came for tea, Grell wasn't there and you paid no mind. The only one who would be able to take a uterus out quickly enough is Madame Red, she herself said she would have the medical skills to do it. A recent prostitute that had the same procedure done by her was Mary Kelly, but she's still alive, it's all on file, everything all up to where she lives.
"Oh shit. It's Madame Red and Grell."
Dashing out the townhouse to Mary Kelly's home in a small secluded part of Whitechapel, you wondered if the young master knew already.
'Why would they leave me?'
'That's why- '
Your skin was ice in the cold streets of dark London. The adrenaline rush coursing through you kept you ignorant to it. What you witnessed was a scene of utter chaos frozen like the temperature of your skin.
Sebastian's foot on someone's face, in his hand a chainsaw mere inches away from the person. Staring at the person underneath him your breath hitched in your throat and your eyes widened in shock, "Grell..?" His whole appearance was different, luscious red flowing hair and Madame Red's coat, his face was beaten almost to the point of no recognition.
Madame Red on the ground, the young master bleeding, Sebastian bloody, and Grell fully in red with a chainsaw at his face held by Sebastian and they all looked at you with the same expression on their faces. At least those who were still alive. Right now you weren't sure who was Jack the Ripper, those who were dead and about to die, or those who were injured about to slay a man with a chainsaw.
"Y/n!" the young master called out your name and you were hit from behind your head, knocked all the way to the ground you turned on your side to see a tall bespectacled man, you don't know if it was the blow to your head or if he was truly standing on the pinnacle of a building. Your vision was rapidly becoming blurry as you forced yourself to squint, dark circles were forming in your vision and your nerve endings were on fire. He was suddenly at your side, and he glanced at you before consulting a book it seemed. The man stared down at your barely conscious figure.
"Interesting," he said in a completely monotone voice. You heard the clicks of some sort of machinery before passing out completely.
(Holy crap I realized I have Y/n pass out a lot. That'll end soon I swear. T^T)
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