Data 2 crack

With Aoba's new command, Ren prepared an attack, then sent it blasting toward the opponent and his many rabbits.

"Counter attack en route! We lost three fighters! Endurance level is down to 12!" The rabbit Allmate informed

" a-aoba?..." kyouka breathed

Aoba chuckled, then he suddenly came back to his senses

"Ren. Kyouka. What did I do just now?" He asked. "You gave me an order to attack them, Aoba."

"Attack them?"

" you also looked like you knew what you were doing...." kyouka says whole he looked at her in shock and confusion

" what?...."

"You won't get away with that!" The rabbit Allmate declared, "Jubilation!" The rabbits all came in for an attack,

"Aoba! What are your orders?" Ren asked. As the two dodged "What are you talking about?" Aoba asked back.

"Do you think I'm joking?" The opponent asked, "their Allmate's in armor are incredibly old. Do they think I'm a pushover?"

"Those guys are naked! They're disrespecting us!" The Allmate rabbit said

"Fine. Let's just wipe them out."

"What the hell is going on?!"

"Dart wall set!" The rabbit Allmate yelled. "Roger!" The rabbits attacking yelled in unison.

They surrounded Aoba and Ren and then shot toward them with their attack. That caused Aoba and Ren to lose their barrier

"The enemy's barrier has received 100% damage." The rabbit informed. "I suppose I shouldn't have hoped for a better fight."

" guys!" kyouka tried to get to them, but got surrounded by the rabbits

"You aren't going near them, kyouka or should I say, Rhyme Name: demon snow."

her eyes widened "I never played Rhyme in my entire life! Your got the wrong girl!" she yelled, facing him.

" attack!" the guy with the rabbit head commander

Her eyes widened and just before they could attack, some of the rabbits screamed when they were sent away by something or someone attacking them

Kyouka's eye's opened in wonder why she had not been attacked yet, but once she opened her eyes, they widened in shock

"Who...who are.." she murmured in shock

"It's time to leave! Fall back!...." the rabbit yells but exclaimed once it saw the meter change for aoba "Wait a second! The enemy's barrier is regenerating faster than I've ever seen before! 40%! 50! 70! 90%!! Alert! Alert! Danger! Danger!" Aoba suddenly rushed to the Allmate rabbit and struck it, sending it flying

The opponent stared at Aoba, who stood, a blue aura surrounding the him, Aoba showed another sphere of blue light in his palm.

"Destruction and death." He stated. The game world was blasted away and everything faded into white.

Time skip

Aoba slowly opened his eyes, back in the real world. He heard someone coming and as he looked up, he could only make out a figure with a mask, a long white coat, and clear umbrella in hand.  "What just...happened?" Aoba choked out. 

"Master? Mistress?" Came a voice, which sounded hollow.

Aoba couldn't reply, for he passed out once again.

Time skip

Aoba's soon regains consciousness and finds himself outside the junk shop again " I'm back at" he leans forwards a little " hold did I get back here...." he grunted from the pain and placed his hand on the ground to maintain his balance, but then saw ren and kyouka lying next to him "Ren. Kyouka. Wake up!" he said, There was the sound of a signal, Ren opened his eyes And the girl grunted

"Aoba?" Ren said while the girl slowly got up " what?...."

Aoba had a face of relief, happy to see that his friends were alright.

He picked ren up looking back from him and kyouka "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice full of worry. "Self diagnoses seems okay so far." Ren replied.

"I just wanna make sure that the match we just had didn't mess you up." Aoba said. " kyouka?" he then turned to her

" I-i think head hurts a little" she relied

"Part of my database looks like it's been corrupted." Ren said

"That's gonna end up being a big problem Ren! I'll check you out completely when I get home." Aoba said " and we'll get gram to give you some meds for your head" he said to kyouka

"I'd really appreciate that." Ren said, licking his cheek.

" thanks" kyouka smiled slightly

"The funny thing is, I feel there's some data is missing in my head too. I remember bits and pieces about us fighting a little while ago." he said. "But I don't remeber any of the details."

"It would seem that's where the corruption in my data is too." Ren said

"Me too" kyouka adds

Aoba "hmmed" Well damn. I can't remember any of it. Just what in the hell is going on with my memory?"

"That might be a mood point, Aoba. If the average human males memory has a value of 100. I could give you a score..." Ren was cut of by Aoba putting him in his arm. "So you're jump on my ass about that?" Aoba said, making kyouka laugh a little, he then started to look a little sick. He groaned in pain. "Oh. Ah.. My head's just a little fuzzy Ren." he said. "Aoba." kyouka says worried

"Just hang on. I'll get Mr. Haga." Ren said, walking up to the shop. "Wait up. Ah...." Aoba said, He passed out again.

Meanwhile someone was running from the scene where aoba was trapped in before, he climbed a bunch of crates to jump the fence, but ended up getting cut and drawing a little blood


The Toue District for Platinum Jail were looking through cameras and security levels for Rhyme fights.

Then a researcher found a certain battle. "Huh? Oh man." he said. "I think Mr. Toue is gonna wanna hear about this." he said.

His assistant, Mr. Tagahasi, came up next to Toue, along with Sei next to him on the other couch "One of the lab monitors has some footage to show you Mr. Toue." Tagahashi said

"Alright then, let's take a look." he said. They looked and watched the footage of Aoba and his SRAP power in the battle, along with the mysteriousgirl with the woman protecting her

"Well now.." Toue said interested, Sei kept his straight face, watching

At the shop

"M-my head.." Aoba said in pain, as kyouka stood there worried

Mr. Haga handed him a drink. "Here. Have some water." he said. "Thank you." Aoba said, Aoba took his pill and drank the water. "Hey. Are your okay?" Haga asked concerned

"Yeah. But i still owe you sir." Aoba said. "I'm really sorry that we ended losing the package you gave us to deliver."

Aoba gripped his head again. "Come on. You need to get out of the shop and go home and rest, both of you." Mr. Haga said. "But I.." Aoba tried to say

" what about-" haga cut her off

"I can handle the shop. You two take care of yourself." he said again. "Sorry about that." Aoba apologised.

Then started walking home together "Man that really sucked." Aoba said. "No kidding." kyouka said. "Seriously. How did that giant rabbit know who we were anyway? It's weird" Aoba asked


"Fight. Aoba Saregaki. Kyuoka" it said. "Hang on! How did you know our names?" Aoba asked

"Rhyme names. Sly Blue. Demon snow." it said again

Flash back end

"My Rhyme names? I've never even played that stupid game before." Aoba said.

" neither have I..." kyouka said, trying to remember the details of the right, but struggling

"You were giving me attack commands like you knew What you were doing. Do the untrained eye you look like you've had some experience playing it." Ren said.

"That doesn't make sense." Aoba said. "Anyway, I still don't get that dumb y'know? Even after he forced us into it." Aoba added "Aoba. Is your head feeling any better?" kuouka asked concerned

"Well no. It's not." Aoba said, rubbing the back of his head

Time Skip

"The medicine's not working? And now kyouka's getting headaches?" Tae asked. For once she looked worried. "Mhm. That's why the boss let me leave a little early this afternoon." Aoba replied, the girl had gone to her room to rest

"Are you saying that it didn't do anything for you?" she asked, Aoba hummed. "I wouldn't say that exactly. It's more like it didn't work in the way that it usually does." he replied. "Alright. Then maybe all we need to do is give you a little more." she replied. "I will be forever in your dept Madam Physician." Aoba joked, bowing.

Tae "hmphed". "I haven't been a doctor in a while. Go ahead and put your feet up until dinner's ready." she said, waving him off. "Right." he replied

Aoba went upstairs, but before he went to his room, he stopped outside kyouka's

He hesitated for a moment before knocking " hello?" kyouka called out from inside " hey uh, are you feeling okay?" he asked from the other side of the door

" yeah, my heads feeling a little better" she replied " I'm just gonna rest for a bit" she said

" okay, see ya" he then went to his own room, leaving the girl to ponder about what happened

Aoba lay in his side, facing the wall and Ren laid behind him "I sure caused the boss, kyouka and Grandma a lot of trouble today. Damn. What the hell am I doing now. That day." he said

"Damn, what the hell am I doing now? I said I wasn't gonna make her worry about me anymore after the accident. And now this has come up." he said

Aoba then got up and went on his watch to call two people

Somewhere those two were in an ally, and it also seemed like they were around a fight, virus picked up " hey aoba, you usually don't call us, is everything okay?"

He listened and replied " oh, your not sure of you've played rhyme or not? You aut to know the answer to that better than anyone else right?"

"I've also told you guys, my memories aren't exactly what they should be" aoba stated

" after that accident you had, well I don't remember that" virus said " but are you having a problem with the game?" he asked

" not really, sorry I made you sorry about that" aoba apologised

" it's fine, just let us know if there's something we can do, anytime" virus then hung up

" another one...spirited away..." trip littered while leaning against a wall, on the wall was a symbol, the morphine symbol

Back at aoba's

" I only know I've never played that stupid game before" aoba mumbled lying down on his bed, but then his watch went off, so he looked and saw it was another ad " an ad for the newest cellmate" he then sat up " damn. hey, I almost forgot, I was gonna take a look at your data"

He plugged ren in and started looking at the results on computer

He looked closely at the screen. 

"Hmmm, Kinda looks like your reflexes have slowed down a little bit." Aoba said.  "Sorry to put you through all the trouble. I know the newer models have touchscreen apps and you can just do the maintenance from your watch." Ren said.

Aoba chuckled a little.  "What are you talkin' about Fuzzy? I like doing it manually okay?" he said, a gentle smile on his lips. "And besides, we're done."  Aoba took the chord out of Ren and closed his panel.  "So now, does anything else feel wrong with you?" Aoba asked.  Ren sat up.  "I'm feeling a little weird, but I can deal with it." Ren replied. 

Aoba laughed.  "We did just put another chip in you. Just let me know if it starts feeling more than a little weird, okay?" Aoba said.  "Understood." Ren replied. 

Aoba picked him up.  "I didn't wanna open you up buddy. Sorry for that." Aoba apologized.  "It's fine, really." Ren replied.  Aoba smiled.  "Thanks for being my dog."

"Thanks for being my man." Ren replied.

  Aoba put Ren's forehead against his. "Just keep on putting up with me." Aoba said.    "And me too." Ren replied.  Aoba laughed a small bit again.  "Is that gonna be your answer for everything from now on?" Aoba asked.  "Well there's always this." Ren said, and he cleared his throat.  "I'll appreciate you five million times more than you can ever know! Baby~" Ren joked, wagging his tail in the process. 

Aoba paused for a moment, before....

"You little goof!" Aoba said, he laughed.  "Sorry Ren. You just keep acting the way you have been." Aoba said. 

Ren tilted his head to the side.  After a couple of minutes, Ren fell asleep. 

"Damn. What a day that was." Aoba said. 
"Ow! And it's still hurting!" he said. Aoba put on his headset and pressed the side. Playing his music.

He lies down on his bed, it seemed to help a lot and he feel fast asleep

Time skip

"Get up lazy bones, move your ass dammit! Move it!"  A bird was poking aoba's face, then increased his speed

"Ow!" he said. "Huh? Beni?"  "How long do you plan on sleeping in anyway? I gotta pick yo ass-"

Aoba went downstairs to the kitchen to find Koujaku, kyouka and Tae in the kitchen.  "Hey. Morning Aoba!" he said

"Mm...morning everyone..." Aoba said groggily, scratching the back of his head.  "That's the face! You're at your best Aoba!"Koujaku said with a closed eyed smile. 

"No thanks to you." Aoba said, yawning at the end of the sentence

  "This is yours." He said. Opening his hand and letting Beni fly out and land on Koujaku's shoulder.  "I woke you up and that's how your ungrateful little ass like to treat me!?" Beni complained

"Go back to St. Louis where you belong." Aoba said yawning.  "And don't send him as an alarm clock." He said, pointing at Koujaku

"I don't really have a choice. Your are a bitch first thing in the morning, you know that?" Koujaku said.  "That's not true!" Aoba denied, blushing a small bit. "You just suck at waking me up! That's all!" 

"I always tell Beni to wake you two up gently and he does." Koujaku said, trying to be innocent.  "Yeah. But he keeps coming in and pecking my head until I want to explode." Aoba argued

  Tae tuned from the sink.  "Aoba! If you have time to complain then you have time to move your skinny ass and get the chopsticks and bowls out!" Tae scolded. 

Which kyouka giggled

"Yeah yeah..." Aoba said. 

Tae and Aoba then put out bowls of some delicious food for all of them.  "Thanks for the food!" They said in unison. 

They took a few bites out of some home cooked rice.  "Great!" Aoba commented. 

" yum!" Kyouka smiled brightly

"Yeah it is! Ms. Tae's cooking is definatly the best food I've ever had!" Koujaku commented

"You better compliment me after you showed up uninvited!" Tae said.  "I said I was gonna come by here. Didn't I, guys?" Koujaku said to the two.

"All you said was you're coming by soon!" Aoba argued. 

" you didn't exactly give as a time or day" Kyouka added

"So, I guess I need to put out another bed?" Tae asked.  "I'd really appreciate it." Koujaku said, acting his polite and kind self.  "Damn. Are you familiar with the word "freeloader", Koujaku?" Tae asked. 

"You'd ought to be used to it by now Grandma. But sinse me and kyouka have work in the morning, I'm just gonna have to slap him and that obnoxious little bird of his around." Aoba said.  "Huh. Whatever man." Koujaku defended.  "No kidding. Aoba sucks at getting up and getting started!" Beni added which kyouka snorted

"You're full of shit! Right Ren?" Aoba asked. Looking at his Allmate for his opinion.  "Hm? I wish I could agree with that statement, but I can't." Ren denied, Looking away

  "What? come on Ren! Damn Fuzzbutt! You're supposed to have my back on this!" Aoba said, making Koujaku and kyouka laugh.

Time skip

the door slide open Aoba walked in with a towel on his head, drying his hair

He took a look outside to look at Koujaku, kyouka sat on his bed still pondering, Aoba then moved the towel so it was around his shoulders.

Koujaku then put the cigarette between his lips and inhaled the smoke, and breathed out.

Koujaku then looked behind him. "What's going on?" he asked. "Hm? Grandma wants you to hurry up and take your bath soon." Aoba said, taking the ashtray over to Koujaku.

"Yeah." Koujaku replied with no emotion. "You sure do like coming here." Aoba said. "Yeah maybe." Koujaku said. "Even though that's all you gotta look at?" Aoba asked.

"I suppose so." Koujaku replied. "Possibly, but the feeling of being boxed in is what I like." He added.

"Really?" Aoba asked. In the background dogs kept barking in the distance. "I don't get it at all, but here ya go." Aoba said putting the ashtray next to him.

Aoba leaned back on the railing. "Damn. I never see you smoke anywhere else. And you know you're not supposed to smoke around here." Aoba said

"Hey. Tell me." Koujaku started. Aoba looked at him. "Does it still hurt if someone touches your hair?" Koujaku asked. "Yeah." Aoba replied. "I'm not sure why, I mean nobody else has bad nerves all the way through their hair." he explained

Koujaku reached out to him. "Its not that weird." he said and grabbed his nose. Koujaku then proceeded to pull on his nose. "Knock it off, man!" he said. Koujaku laughed

Once Koujaku let go, Aoba didn't seem very happy.

"Hey, I was just playing." he said. "It's fine. I'm alright, Kou." Aoba said. "I know. You were actually pretty tired earlier." Koujaku said. "Well. Yeah actually..." Aoba dragged off.

Time skip

"Somebody made you two play the game?" Koujaku asked.

"It came right out of nowhere. We're out of the shop delivering something. And then our brains gets hijacked and we're playing Rhyme." Aoba explains " it was close to your turf too. I was in that narrow back alley that's up there." Kyouka added

"I've never heard anything like that." Koujaku said, his hand on his chin as if he was trying to process all of this.

"You know what else was funny? There was no Usui and no crowd to see it." Aoba said.

"What it seems like, someone was looking for a victim and you two stumbled on it." Koujaku said. "A random fight?" Aoba asked.

"I don't know a lot about it yet, but it looks like some people who can start battles without usui or the GM. They can actually play Rhyme battles with the safety protocols turned off, and there are people out there who are getting killed as a result." he explained while kyouka's eyes widened

Koujaku sighed. "I dont like how it works." He said.

"What works?" Aoba asked. "Aoba. Kyouka. You two ought to count yourselve lucky that you you gotta away that time. But I get the feeling that it's gonna happen again." Koujaku said "And that's too dangerous." he added. "Tell me. Are you honestly okay?" he asked concerned

"Yeah." Kyouka replied

"We're gonna be fine Koujaku." Aoba replied. "Just let me know if something happens." He said

"I will okay?" Aoba replied. "Okay..." he replied, a gentle look in his eye.

"So, what's going on with Mizuki lately?" Aoba asked.

" huh?"

"Why are you asking what's going on with him?"


Mizuki was with some guy, staring at him wide eyed " are you sure?"

The guy nods " go ahead" and hands him a paper with some flowers painted on it " this is so cool!"

" I'm glad you like it Mizuki, it's good to know someone does" the guy smiled

Kojaku went and took his shower, remembering his and aoba's conversation

"Spirited Away?" Koujaku asked. "Yeah. He said something that generated a lot of rumors was happening again. Maybe Morphine were the guys making it happen." Aoba explained. "I doubt it." Koujaku replied. "That's what I thought." Aoba replied. "But Mizuki seemed to be really pissed. Not to mention he was sure it was them." Aoba said. "Got it." Kou said. "I'll keep that in mind." he said.

Someone where on a rooftop the same guy who left aoba outside the shop, Some other guy in a gang, and the guy from before looking out a window gazing out the window, a little cub jumping on his hand "Okay are you playing dumb with me?"

Back at work the next day

"We're sorry about that delivery." Aoba apologised while kyouka bowed with him

"There's no need to worry about it. It looks like someone was pulling our leg." Haga said, Aoba looked up.  "The wise guy actually put down the same address for the sender and the recipient. On top of that the name didn't match the person living there either." he said

"Well, I went and gave 'em a call just in case but they said they weren't expecting to get anything from anyone." he said. 


"It's just some moron playing games. Its not like your losing packages every day anyway, right?" Haga said, laughing a small bit at the end.  "Yeah..." Aoba said.  " hmm...." Kyouka hummed

Haga clapped his hands. "Okay. Lets just get back to work alright?" he said.  "Right." Aoba said. 

Then the cleaning robot came out of nowhere. "Working hard. Working hard." it said.  "Well, I gotta step out for a bit. So, keep an eye on the shop for me okay?" Haga said

"Will do!" Aoba called, Aoba sat down in his seat,  Ren hopped up on the stool that was next to the desk. 

"So yeah Here's the thing. If it was a random attack like Koujaku says it was, then why set up a false delivery for it? Why not hit the first guy there?" Aoba asked. 

"It's sure starting to look more and more like someone out there wanted you in the game to fight you." Ren said.

" plus the guy knew both our names" Kyouka added

"That would have to be it, right?" Aoba asked. "But I mean, why would they do that?"  "Unknown." Ren said. 

" I have no idea..." Kyouka said arms crossed

Aoba yawned and stretched his arms out. "Damn that's creepy."

Then they heard something thud. Like something fell, something out the window to see a gush of dust outside.  "What the hell!?" Aoba said, looking out the window.

" what was that?!" Kyouka exclaimed

he getting up from his seat and running out the door with the girl, When they got outside, Aoba stopped and looked at something. 

" huh?"

It was a person, He had white hair with a white coat and a light green scarf, he also
Had some straps on his head

"Hey! Are okay?" he asked aoba asked getting to his level  "Does he look....dead Ren?" Aoba asked his Allmate.  "No. I'm getting life signs from him." Ren said.  Just as he said that. The strange man's head rose and looked at Aoba.  "W-Wha!" Aoba freaked, jumping back from him. 

The guy also had  a gas mask on his face.  the guys breathing "Master! Mistress! I'm glad your okay!" he said. 

"I'm not the one who took a header of the side of the building! And who's this Master and mistress of yours?" Aoba asked the strange man. 

  "Oopsie daisy." he said getting up.  He then pointed at Aoba.  "You're my Master of course!" he said, Aoba looked around " and she's my mistress" he said pointing at kyouka

Aoba Then laughed nervously, Then he waved his hands.  "No way. See, if I was anyone's master I'd already know about it."

"I would say the same. I don't even remember a time of me becoming anyone's Mistress." Kyouka said.

"I beg to differ Master and Mistress. My name is Clear." he introduced. "I brought my Master and Mistress here yesterday, and they're you two." Clear said. Aoba then glared at him. "Oh I see, your the one who dragged us into the game yesterday." he said.

"No. That wasn't me Master." Clear said. "However, I did hear your voice. You said "Destruction and Death"." he said

  Aoba seemed a bit surprised then he looked down a little.  "Okay.." he said.  Then Clear grabbed his cheeks and pulled them. "Uh. Hey! That hurts! Ow!" he said. 

"You're really different from Yesterday Master! I actually can put my finger on it. But your face and voice are a lot messier today, it's almost like your completely discombobulated or something Master." Clear said, continuing to stretch out his face.  "L-let go of my face!" Aoba said.

"Okay." Clear said, letting to of Aoba's face, hearing the "snap" when he let go.  "Dammit! What's your damage man! Who the hell are you? And take off the mask, show me who you really are!" Aoba demanded

"No way! I can't take it off! Please don't ask me to!" Clear said, grabbing the sides of his mask.  "Take it off!" Aoba demanded again. "No!" Clear argued.  Aoba tried to rip the mask off of his face but Clear held his mask to his face.

"Give it here!" Aoba said. Still pulling on his mask

" aoba he clearly doesn't want to!!!" Kyouka exclaimed

He then turned away from aoba. "Why you..!" he said. Then...  He kicked his ass.

Clear somehow jumped up in the air and shouted in pain. He landed on his knees holding his ass in pain.  "Please stop Master! My butt's already been brokening up today!" Clear said in pain. 

Aoba seemed to have calm down a bit.  "So I guess you didn't do it after all. Fine." Aoba said. "Anyway, I'm not your master Mr. Mask. And she's not your mistress And we gotta get back to work now." Aoba said, about to walk back in the shop. "Later."

"What should I do?" Clear said, waving his arms.  "Get outta here!!" Aoba snapped at him. 

Clear then got up. "Okay." he said calmly. "Sounds like a plan to me." He then reached in his jacket and pulled out a clear umbrella. "There we go. See ya later!" 


Meanwhile, Koujaku had dropped by Mizuki's place again, telling him that Aoba was worried about him.  "Aoba and kyouka were worried about me?" Mizuki asked

"Yeah, they really was. So...that made me kind of wonder, too."  Kojaku said

"And that's the reason why you came here. Sorry about that."

  "Well...I was also thinking about doing a little hair cutting in this neighborhood, while I was here. But, things have really changed around here lately, huh?"

Mizuki looked down "It's all those Rhyme heads. Jackasses. They don't give a damn about who's turf they're screwing around on. Tell me, are any of your guys hooked? Once my guys become Rhyme heads, they don't stop."

"It's always been my policy to let my guys do what they want. I've got a couple that play the game."


"It's a fad. All the guys that are playing it will get bored and then they'll cool off."

  "I just hope you're right about that, my friend."

"Watch your guys, just in case."

"I will. And you, too."

"Oh, and by the way. There's something I've wanted to tell you."


"This shop of yours, the Black Needle, it's a nice place, actually."

  "Heh, I've a lot of pride and joy in this tattoo shop. Hey, you want a drink?"

  "It's still the middle of the day."

"Doesn't bother me." They both broke into laughter, "Because you totally gotta try this sake."

"Works for me."



Aoba placed his cup down

After a couple of minutes of working. Aoba was looking through the news on his Coil. 

While kyouka organised the shelf

"You're kidding me. They said a stray cat tore the guts out of a mouse type Allmate."

" your kidding" she said in disbelief

" No I'm serious, check your coil" he said then looked at ren "You should be careful too Ren." Aoba said to his Allmate.  "Definatly." he replied.  Then the door opened

"Good afternoon!" Aoba said.

The guy looked around, He wad wearing a lot of bright green and black. He had piercings all over his face, and a hat with a sort of scary emogi on it. He had blonde hair and gold eyes like Aoba's eyes.  "Now this has a really retro feel." he said

"Can i help you find something?" Aoba asked, The guy then looked at him directly. 

"It's right here.." he said reaching out to forward.

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