"Five" Diego said as he walked into a visit room in the psych ward to see Five sitting by a table "Hey, Diego" Five said and Diego sat down across from him.
"You look good in white" Five said, looking at his white clothes "About time you showed up" Diego said "How'd you know I'd be back?" Five asked "Because that's the kind of shit you pull" Diego said angrily as he leaned forward.
"Where are the others?" Five asked "They're not with you?" Diego asked "I'll find them" Five muttered quietly.
"How long have you been here?" he asked "Seventy-five days" Diego answered and Five grunted softly "Landed in the alley behind..."
"Commerce and Knox" Diego and Five said at the same time and Diego looked at him "You?" he asked "I got here this morning" Five answered "How'd you find me?" Diego asked and Five let out a gentle scoff before he pulled up the article "Page 16" he said before he unfolded the article while Diego leaned back in his chair and rolled his eyes.
Five put the article on the table before he began reading from it "'Disturbed man with multiple knives arrested outside 1026 N. Beckley'" he read before he slide the article towards Diego. "That's Lee Harvey Oswald's house. Care to explain?" Five asked as he leaned forward.
"Let's just say. Dallas Law Enforcement has not been supportive of my attempt to stop the assassination of..." Diego started before he looked back up at Five "John F. Kennedy" he said quietly.
"Because it hasn't happened yet" Five said and Diego leaned forward "And it's not going to happen. Not on my watch. Look, I've been shaving down the bars in my room. Another day or two, and I'll be out of this place, then I'm gonna stop Oswald and save the president. You want in, say the word" Diego said.
"Listen to me very closely, you gibbering moron. You are not going to do a goddam thing" Five said softly "Why not?" Diego asked "Because we have to stop the apocalypse" Five said "No shit. But that doesn't happen for another 60 years" Diego said "Not that apocalypse. This is a new one. It followed us. I've seen it. Nuclear war, Diego, in ten days" Five said and Diego let out a quietly and softly laugh before he leaned back in his chair, crossing his arm in front of his chest.
"And I'm the one they locked up, huh?" he said with a smile and Five rolled his eyes with a scoffs as he looked at the window to his right "Fine, I'll play along" Diego said as Five leaned back in his chair before looking at him.
"What cause it?" Diego asked "I don't know. Maybe some looney-tuned asshole with a hero complex tried to save the president and screwed everything up" Five said and Diego leaned forward again "So you're saying it worked?" he asked and Five let out a softly scoffs "I saved the president?" Diego asked and growled softly "I knew I could do it. Okay, okay, I'll help you" he said "Thank God" Five said "After I save Kennedy. And then you swing us back a few decades so I can slit Hitler's throat off with a butter knife" Diego said "This is why you don't have any friends" Five said as they stared at each other.
"If you really need help that bad, talk to your ex-wife, she is here in this timeline, have I heard" Diego said "I know" Five nodded "And?" Diego asked "She refuse to help me" Five said "I wonder why" Diego smiled.
"Have you heard the things she is doing?" he asked "Yeah" Five nodded.
"Well, when I'm out of here. I'm gonna find Y/n and the two of us are gonna stop Oswald and save the president. You want in, say the word" Diego said "Y/n wouldn't do that" Five said "And why not?" Diego asked "Because she know it will affect the timeline which will probably screw it up even more" Five said "Maybe she will do it, I mean just to piss you off" Diego smiled.
"You are not getting near her with that crazy idea" Five hissed "And you are going to stop me? I mean she is not yours anymore, so I don't think you can stop her from not affecting the timeline" Diego said.
"Okay plan B" Five said before he looked at the staff member "Guard" Five called out as he got up from his chair, letting out a sigh "My brother is plotting an escape. The bars of his room have been shaved down" he said and Diego got up quickly, trying to crawl across the table "Piece of shit!" he shouted at Five causing him to take a step back.
The guards grabbed Diego's neck before pressing him down on the table. "No! Here--All right, asshole" one of the guards said "Look, this is for your own good, Diego" Five said as he was looking down at Diego.
"No! Five!" Diego said as he was trying to get off the table and Five looked at the guards "Listen, my brother is a very sick man" he said "No, Five" Diego said "I only pray that he gets the help he so desperately needs" Five said as a nurse walked over to Diego with a needle before she stuck the needle into Diego's arm before squeezing the top of the shot making the liquid go into Diego's body "No, please! Not the needle! No! No! No!" Diego said.
Five then leaned closer down to Diego's ear "Be back for you later, okay? Just...Well, nighty night" he whispered before Diego lost consciousness.
You have just return home from another performing. You felt a little guilt for rejecting Five when he came at your door asking for help. He sounded and look just as desperate as the last time.
Just like last time you could feel that seeing Five again, woke feelings up, feelings that never left. Just like Five still love you, you also still love him, but you are scared that if you get back together, you would just fight which you did all the time before you got divorced.
Beside you were still piss at him for leaving you at The Commission for years. He left you all alone. He left you when you really needed him the most.
You were in the deepest painful hole and when he left he took the last light and your rock with him. When he left, the last part of your happiness left too.
But now he knows how it feel when the person you trusted and love the most, turn your back to you.
Letting out a sigh you unlock the door before you enter your house.
You walked over to the counter to make yourself a cup of tea when suddenly you heard something behind you.
Slowly you pulled up your dagger before you in one quick turned around, throwing the dagger making it say a loud thud when it hit the wall.
"I told you to leave" you hissed, thinking that it was Five.
"Well, well," you froze when you heard the familiar voice.
Turning on the light you let out a gasp as your eyes widened when you saw The Handler standing in front of you.
"Hello Dear" she smiled while your eyes were widened, not expecting to see The Handler again.
"So he have being here, I knew it" she tilted her head before smiling at you.
"What the hell do you want?" you spat "I'm glad to see that you're doing well for yourself, Y/n" she smiled "Answer the question" you snapped "Fine, fine. I was in the neighborhood and figured I would drop by to catch up" she replied with a small shrug.
"I don't believe you. I'm sure your Switchboard rats are still watching my every move. You know how I am already" you said.
"So" she walked closer to you "I thought you were dead" you said "Well, I was very close in being that" she stopped when she was inches from you "But lucky I lived" she poke your nose but you push it away.
"I was actually hoping you were dead" you said "Ahh, you would miss me too much" she smiled before she walked over to sit on the couch "Actually I wouldn't" you said.
"So Five have being here" she said "Yeah" you nodded "And let me guess, he wanted your help?" she said "Yeah" you said "And?" she asked "I didn't want to help him" you said and she smiled "I didn't do it for you. I did it because I'm piss at him" you said.
"Well, anyway how are you dear. I hear what you have being doing. You are a singer for Charity, that's sweet" she tilted her head with a smile.
"What do you want?" you hissed "Is that a way to talk to your own mother?" she tilted her head.
"How you been?" she asked "What do you want?" you asked again "What? Can't a mother visit her own daughter?" she asked "I don't want you here" you said "Is that the thanks I get for rasing you?" she asked "I might be your daughter, but you will never be my mom" you said "After all I did for you?" she asked "You ruined my life" you hissed.
"I'm your mother Sweetheart" she smiled.
"You stop being my mother the moment you didn't got me out of the apocalypse" you said "I did get you out" she said "After I spend over 20 years there. You should have gotten me out the moment I landed there" you said "Then your training would have being for nothing" she said "Training'" you repeated "That was training?" you asked and she nodded while you let out a scoff.
"You left me" you snapped "Hey it's not my fault that you didn't wanted to come back with me when I came to get you the first time" she said and you scoff.
"Come on Dear, you are out and free" she smiled and you looked at her "Show your sweet side to your mom" she smiled.
"It's your fault that I spend years in the apocalypse" you said "You shouldn't have taken that briefcase and travel then" she said "Well, then you should have taught me how to use one, you shouldn't have underestimate me 'cause that is what you did" you pointed your finger at her.
"Come on. I came to get you out a few years later, but you refuse" she said "Yeah, because you refuse to get Five out of there and I wouldn't leave him" you said "That was your choice" she smiled and you scoff.
"Did you know that I have Hitler's very own pistol the one---" "The one he used to shoot himself, yeah, bla, bla, I know" you said, cutting your mom off "I was the one that brought it to you, remember" you said.
"How are you doing?" she asked "Cut the act bitch" you said "Someone is in a bad mood, is it your time of the month?" she asked "What do you want?" you asked "Come sit" she said as she pointed on the chair that was across from her by the coffee table.
"I still don't get why you left" she said "I wanted to try something new, a new start" you said "That don't sound like you. You loved it" she said "Well, I changed" you said.
"Have you met anyone?" she asked "Stop the act, you didn't come here for a girl talk. So why are you here?" you asked.
"I actually came here because I want you back in the Commission" she said "Nope, I'm not coming back" you shook your head lightly "Come on dear, that place is your home" she said and you chuckled.
"Well, I'm here to give you a mission" she said "I'm done with the Commission. They takes helpless vulnerable people and then turn them into slaves for a corrupt system" you said.
"Well, if you do this mission, I will give you a briefcase and you can travel where ever you want" she stretched her arms out to the side "What do you say about that?" she asked.
"What is the mission?" you asked "It is a mission I know you will love" she smiled.
"Kill Five Hargreeves and his siblings" your eyes widened.
"What?" you asked "They don't belong here, and they will just screw up the timeline the longer they stay here, so all I want you to do is kill Five and his siblings. So simple is that" she said.
"No" you said and she looked at you "Come on Dear, you hate Five. I know you miss killing and what's better than to kill your little shit of an ex-husband" she chuckled.
"No" you said and she stop chuckled "What?" she asked "I said 'No" you said "What do you mean no?" she asked "I mean no, you wanna hear it in Spanish? No" you said with a sarcastic and Spanish accent.
"You are joking, right?" she asked "I'm not. I don't wanna kill Five or anyone else anymore. I'm done and even if I wasn't, I still don't wanna kill Five" you said "Don't you hate him?" she asked "I do. But not as much as I want to kill him" you said "You said you wanted to" she said "That's because I was so mad at him for leaving like that. That I couldn't think and if you have asked me there, the chances of me saying yes to that mission would have being higher" you said.
"Come on, don't you want to do this for your family?" she asked "Five is my family" you said "He stop being your family the day he signed those papers" she said "Still he was more family to me than you ever was" you said "Come on, aren't you angry at him for leaving you all alone. For what happen to little Sa---" she was cut off when the sound of a loud clangs was heard as a knife suddenly hit right on the table only inches from her hand.
"Don't you DARE mention his name" you hissed as you looked at her with a cold look before removing the knife again and put it back in your holster.
"You always let your emotions get in the way, that's the problem with you, Y/n. You don't think" she said "Stop it" you said "He is just a man, dear" she said "No, he's not" you said "Oh, so what are you telling me? That this was all worth it because he was the love of your life. And this was the person for you" she said "I don't know. He might have been" you said "It's weak to fall in love with your victim" she said "I know...but I'm not going to kill Five, or kill anyone else from his family" you said.
"Then just stop him from stopping the apocalypse. Tell that you want to help him and then lead him into a trap or lead him out of his track" she said "No" you shook your head.
"You are stubborn like your father" she said and you rolled your eyes.
"Lila would do it" she said "Then maybe you should have sent Lila" you said "I have sent her. But to get close to someone else" she said "I swear if you have send Lila out to get close to Five, I will kill you and if she just touch one hair on his head I will kill her" you said "Why? Can't he sleep with whoever he wants, now that you and him are done" she tilted his head "Five is not that stupid. Beside it took us both years to even touch each other. So..." you said.
"When did you became so wise?" she asked and you chuckled "I always have been, you were too busy noticing my faults" you said.
"You know, I'm glad you didn't decided to help Five. It mean that you still hate him and the two of you are done" she smiled.
"What happen to you, you use to be so tough and heartless, you are not that girl I knew" she tilted her head "Did that little shit really changed you much" she said.
"You had never like Five" you said "You were too good for him" she said "You must have being very happy when you found out that we split up" you said "Almost celebrated it" she smiled.
"A part of me actually didn't believe that you two would get married" she said "Well, that's what happen when two broken people make each other whole. And when two lost people find solace in each other in a miserable place" you said
"Why did you marry him, was it was payback for what I did? For not coming to get you in the apocalypse?" she asked "No, I married him because I loved him and I couldn't imagine my life without him" you said "Well, I guess you were wrong" she smiled and you looked away.
"Aww, are you still heartbroken" she tilted her head "Get over it. Move on. He have. You are probably the reason he left because he couldn't stand the sight of you" she said and you could feel some tears were about to appear but you were able to hold them back.
"Come on Y/n, can't you not at least come back to The Commission with me. I miss you" she said "You don't miss me, you miss your spot at The head of The Commission, you miss the power and you felt that you lost a lot of that power when I left" you said and she chuckled "If you missed me or even love me just for a little bit, you would have show it by now" you put your arms on cross in front of your chest.
"Come on Y/n, do this for your family, the last family you have left" she smiled.
"You are nothing to me. You stop being anything to me the moment you sent me out on that mission to die. I was getting stronger, more deadly, you felt threated that was why you send me out on that suicide mission, put me in my younger body, make sure that I age slowly. YOU DID THIS!" you pointed at yourself.
"Well, then you shouldn't have disappointed me by marrying that little shit" she said "ONE OF THE REASON WHY I LEFT HIM WAS BECAUSE OF YOU, YOU CRAZY BITCH!" you said before you grab a chair and threw it against the wall causing it to break.
"There is the Y/n I know" she smiled "Leave" you hissed "Come one Sweetheart---" "Don't 'Sweetheart' me. FUCKING LEAVE!" you pointed at the door while you stared at your mom in anger.
"Fine, but when you realized that you are nothing without me and that we are the only family you have left, the only people that actually care about you, you will come back to us and we will be waiting with open arms. And your life will turn up again, you will live like a queen, a lot of men want to marry you. And you will find someone so much better than that little shit and you will be so much happier than you ever was with him" she smiled.
With that she left and you let out a sigh as you ran your hands through your hair.
26 years and a few months ago. (For you)
You were walking behind Five as you were walking through the apocalypse, it has being a few months since you kissed for the first time and it like everything have just being better.
You smiled as you ran towards Five before jumping up on his back, your arms wrapped around his throat.
"Hey" Five said with a smile as he felt you on his back "Little Spidermonkey" he said as he put his arms under your legs so you wouldn't fall off.
You both smiled as you were riding on Five's back while he just kept walking. You must admit that every since you kissed, he have being more caring, more protective, more loving and so have you. You have changed because of him. He have open you up.
After walking for a few minutes you jumped down from his back and he turned around before putting your face in his hands "You are happy today" he said "I'm just glad that I have you and that we found each other" you said "I'm too, I have no idea how I was able to live my life without you" he said before he pressed his lips against yours.
You smiled as you wrapped your hands around his neck while sinking deeper into the kiss.
You never thought you would have falling for a guy like Five Hargreeves, but sometimes you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time.
If it was fate that you landed in the apocalypse and met Five, then you believe in fate.
He is the one for you. He is the one you're meant to get married to, maybe have kids with, grow old with, spend the rest of your life with.
Five Hargreeves is the one and nothing will ever changed that.
While Five was out looking for more food, you were at the library cleaning up a bit.
"Hello Dear" a voice made you drop what you were holding and you turned around to see your mom, The Handler, head of The Commission.
"You finally decided to show up" you said "Sorry, I have being busy" she said "Bullshit" you hissed "Language Dear" she said.
"What you doing here?" you asked "I came here to pick you up" she smiled "You are years late" you said "Well, you have show that you are ready" she said.
"Why did you first come now? Why have you not pick me up?" you asked '"Cause you were not ready, beside this was a little punishment for disobey me" she said "Well, some of it was a punishment" you said.
"Do you want to keep acting like angry teen or do you want to come with me" she said "Come with you" you said "Then let's go" she hold out her hand.
"I need to get Five" you said "Sweetheart, he is not coming with us" she said "What?" you asked "His time is not ready just yet, but you are, so come on" she said "I'm not leaving Five" you shook your head.
"You will see him again, in a few years" she said "I don't care" you put your arms on cross "I'm not leaving him" you said "Come on, he don't mean anything to you" she said "He actually mean a lot to me" you said "You don't mean that" she said "I'm not leaving without Five, if not Five is coming neither am I" you said "Are you serious?" she asked and you tilted your head.
"You do realized what you are saying no to, right?" she asked "I'm well aware" you nodded.
"If you don't come with me now, you might spend the rest of your live here in this place" she said "I rather stay here with Five than go back alone with you" you said.
"You will regret this"
With that she click on the black briefcase she was holding before she disappeared in a blue light.
Only a minute later Five came walking up from behind you
"I'm back" he said but stopped when he saw you standing still.
"Y/n you okay?" he approached you.
"Y/n" he put a hand on your shoulder making you snap back to reality.
"Hmm" you looked at him "You okay?" he asked and you nodded "Yeah. I'm fine" you said before wrapping your arms around him.
"Promise to never leave me" you said "I promise" he hugged you tighter.
23 years later (for Five)
Five was sitting in bar looking at a woman dancing on a stage when Luther came over to him before he bend down next to Five's ear "She's too young for you" he said and Five glanced to the side before looking back forward at the woman on the stage "Nice to see you too, Luther" he said.
"So you have finally move on" Luther said "And that comes from you" Five glanced at him "Beside there is only one woman who can get my attention like that" Five said.
"What do you want?" Luther asked "For you to stop hovering like an ambitious stripper and sit down with me" Five said, as he tilted his head back to look at Luther and he sat down next to him.
"How long have you been here?" Five asked him "A year, thanks to you" Luther answered "I'm sorry, Luther. I know that couldn't have been easy" Five said "I thought everybody was dead" Luther said but then he spotted a man talking to his boss "I gotta go" Luther said and was about to get up "Luther, wait" Five said, grabbing a hold on his arm causing Luther to look down at him.
"Look, I get it, okay? I know what it's like to be stuck in time...thinking this is how you're gonna live out the rest of your life. On the run, and not knowing if you're ever gonna see the people you love again, and to be in an unfamiliar world. But Luther, you're not alone. We have to find the others because the world ends again in ten days and I have no idea how to stop it" Five said.
There was a few seconds of silence before Luther spoke up "I don't give a shit" he said "What?" Five asked "You heard me" Luther said before he walked away but Five got up before he walked up in front of Luther before stopping, causing Luther to stop too.
"The hell is wrong with you, Luther?" he asked, pulling him a little bit to the side "I just told you the world's gonna end in ten days" he said "Yeah, well, you're always saying that" Luther said and was about to walk away but Five grabbed him again "And so far, I've been right" he said "Look, you want to save the world. Knock yourself out. All right? I already got a job" Luther said "Wait, so you actually work in this shithole?" Five asked.
"Yeah. Well, my boss owns the place. I'm his body man" Luther said "What's that? Like a masseuse or something?" Five asked "Okay, you can make fun all you want, but I take good care of Mr. Ruby" Luther said "Wait, Ruby. The Jack Ruby, the gangster who shot Oswald?" Five asked "Yeah, the one and only" Luther said and looked over at Jack Ruby "It finally happened" Five said causing Luther to look back at Five.
"That gorilla DNA has taken over your mind" Five said "Hey, watch it, all right? Jack's a good friend" Luther said "And you're Number One. Número Uno. Remember?" Five asked "There is no Number One" Luther said and Five furrowed his brows "Not anymore. Not in 1963. Look, I've been stranded here alone for a year. What did you expect?" Luther asked and Five let out a sigh "I get it, all right? You watched Pogo die, the world exploded and I marooned your big dumb ass in time. I'm sorry, okay?" he said and sighed "But I'm asking for your help, Luther. The Umbrella Academy needs you" he said "It doesn't need me. It never did" Luther said.
"Luther, honey" a waitress said from behind Five "Jack's about to lose it on some half-wit. A little help" she said "Ah, shit" Luther said and was about to walk away from Five.
"Luther, wait" Five said, going after him and Luther turned around "Listen" he said angry "You're the genius who said we should jump. Right? You're the one who got us stuck here. And you're the one who brought Vanya. So if there is a doomsday coming, she's probably the cause. And if I was gonna do something about it, it sure as hell is not gonna be with you" Luther said before he turned around and walked away.
Five sat back down by the counter with his drink and saw Luther dragging a guy away.
He took a sip of his drink before he put the glass on the counter "Dad should have left him on the moon" he said as his eyes followed Luther dragging the guy out.
He then ran his fingers through his hair "I really wish you were here Y/n, I'm so sorry for everything. I need you. I miss you. I miss you so much. I hope you will help me" he said before he let out a sigh and a sob before wiping a tear away.
He then took another deep breath before he got up, but then there was the sound of cloth tearing and he looked down to see where it was coming from. He put his hands in his pocket before he pulled out what look like a video tape.
DATE: 11/22/63
Five remember that Hazel put something in his pocket before he died.
His eyes widened, Hazel must know something, otherwise he wouldn't have giving him that tape. There must be something on it and he knew who could develop the tape, so he walked out of the bar.
You were in a bar sitting over by the counter having a drink after you have just finished another performing.
"You sing amazing" a voice said and your eyes widened a bit when you recognized the voice but you also rolled your eyes before letting out a sigh.
You turned your head to see an older looking man sitting next to you. He had short light brown hair, y/e/c eyes and an alsmost invisible scar over his left eye.
"How did you find me?" you asked "It used to be my job" he said.
"What do you want?" you asked "What? Can't a man come and visit his daughter?" he smiled.
"I have nothing to say to you, so just leave me alone" you said "I just want to check on you" he said "And what, see if I still work at the Commission?" you asked and he scoff as he took a sip of his drink before he looked around.
"She is not here" he looked back at you "I left" you looked at him "My contract expired, so I quit" you said "That was about time" he said.
"It's funny how you think that I'm still following mom around like a puppy. I'm not doing that anymore. I stop doing it when I ended in the apocalypse" you said "Yeah. I heard about that" he looked at you "I'm glad that you are okay. I have actually being worried about you" he said "Cut the crap, if you were worried about me, you would have check up on me when I was a kid. You would have brought me out of the apocalypse" you said "Well, I couldn't, that is the whole point of not working for the Commission anymore, but I was always watching you on the Switchboard when I could" he said and you scoff.
"You abandoned me when I was only five years old" you said "No" he shook his head "No, I left your mother. She was driving me crazy. We both know that she's not the easiest person to get along with" he said.
"You think? Tell me about it" you said "Ah, you see, we have something in common already. We both hate your mother" he said "No" you turned to him "I don't hate my mother, she might be an evil coldhearted bitch. But at least she stuck around" you pointed your finger at him.
"'Stuck around' She left you in the apocalypse for 20 years" he said "Yeah she did, but before that she stuck around" you said and he let out a sigh.
"Why are you even here, dad?" you asked "I wanted to see you, see how you are doing" he said "Well, now you have seen me, so bye" you said "You really are stubborn" he said "Apples and trees" you said "True" he chuckled.
"Y/n" you looked at him "Listen. I also came here to warn you, as you know your mom have being demoted" he said "I know" you nodded "You know how much she love power. And we both know that she is dangerous" you nodded again.
"Be careful around her. She is planning something" he said "What?" you asked "I don't know, probably something that will get her power, more power than she had before, and we both know that your mom would stop at nothing to get what she want" he said "I know" you looked at your drink.
"She can't get what she want" he said "I know" you said "Just be careful" he said "I can take care of myself" you said "Y/n, you have being alone long enough, you need friends, allies, a family" he said "I don't need anyone" you said "We all need someone. What you and Five had was so amazing" he said and you looked at him "I'm so sorry about Sam. I was actually looking forward meeting my wonderful grandson one day" he said and you looked down.
"The only good thing about that he is gone is that he will never end in my mother's claws" you sigh.
"I know the pain you are in, but don't push people away, especially the people that want to be there for you, don't close those people out, 'cause people like that is important. You can find your happy ending again" he said "I have lost everything that lead to that happy ending" you said "Not Five" you looked at him.
"I really hope that the two of you find that love that you once had again" he said "That love isn't there anymore, it's gone, the thread and connection is broken" you looked down with a sigh "I doubt that" you looked at him.
"True love never dies, and sometimes you get a second chance in love, and if two hearts are meant to be together, no matter how long it takes, how far they go, how tough it seems, fate will bring them together to share their love forever. So if you're truly meant to be together, life will find a way to make it happen" he said as he looked at you.
"Listen to your heart Sweetpea, 'cause that never lies" he smiled and you looked down.
"I'm sorry for leaving you like that kiddo" you looked at him "I know that you still are angry at me for leaving you and not contacting you. But I knew that you would be more safe and happier in the Commission, I just never thought that your mom would have turned you into a killer" he said "Well, I wouldn't be alive if my mom haven't taught me the stuff she did, but you could have least called or sent me letters" you said "I know and I'm sorry" he looked at you.
"I hope that one day you will find it in your heart to forgive me, just like you will forgive Five for leaving you" he said "Never" you said "Maybe he made a mistake and he regret it" he said "I doubt that" you scoff.
"Well, then think about it, maybe he left you to keep you safe because he knew what will happen to people that break their contract, so maybe he did it to protect you" you looked at him "Think about that. And also he wouldn't have tried to come for you if he didn't regret what he did" he said "He only came to me because he needed help" you said "Are you sure about that?" you looked at your dad.
"Think about that, Y/n" he took a final sip of his drink "I hope you will forgive me one day, but until then, take care of yourself and listen to your heart and instinct. And watch out for your mom, she might not hurt you, but she can and will hurt anyone you love until you have no one left than her" you looked at him.
"Protect the people you love Y/n, it's rare to find people that love you for you. And it is rare to find a place you really belong in, but once you do, never let go of it and you protect it with your life" he pulled up some money from his pocket.
"And a home don't need to have a roof, it can also have a heartbeat that is always there for you, no matter what" he put down the money on the counter, patted you on the shoulder before leaving.
You let out a sigh as you watch your dad leave while his words entered your heart.
A/N: So The Handler is Y/n's Biological mom, did you expect that?
Are you surprise?
Think it would be more exciting and interesting that Y/n's mom was the Handler and she actually now have to choose.
Her ex-husband, the father to her dead kids. Or her mom and sister.
Wonder what Y/n will choose.
Also what do you think about the conversation Y/n had with her dad?
And what do you think about this chapter?
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