"You'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet."

- Foster the People

– K U Z O –

Sector 49 was roaring tonight.

Crowds packed the dark club. Neon blues and purples lit the tables and floor rims. My girls danced slowly on hover pads above the chaos and credits flew invisible through the air. I could practically feel the profit filling the place. The bass was heavy and the beat electric. 

"Make sure the VIPs have their own servers and the regulars a glass in hand." I ordered Mez before she dropped a flowing red-haired nod and commed her ear to relay the instruction.

I caught Tanner grab a drunk by the neck with a thick arm and throw him into the wall. I had given clearance to all my bouncers not to negotiate with trouble tonight. We needed to keep the party alive.


I paused my stride towards the trouble and stopped between the flow of people to listen.

"What is it?" I demanded. "This channel should be kept clear–"

"That rebel–the one with the face tatts he's here."

I froze and my eyes swept the crowds instinctively. I quickly flicked my head at a  serving girl and she swiftly dodged cloaks and dancers to hand me a glowing glass of Junak–cheap shit but that was the point. I downed it back. Then pressed my hand to my ear.

"You better not have let a bunch of his rebel fucktards into my club on opening night." I snarled at Gavki.

"We couldn't do shit–they were armed like–"

"I will fucking show you what armed is if you start arguing with me, Gavki. Now shut the fuck up and tell me where they are." I snapped over the heavy beat of the music.

I nodded and threw quick smiles at some regulars who slapped me on the shoulder as they passed. I'd be damned if that rebel wannabe ruined opening in 49. It wasn't too late to call in a favour from Proximo for that security detail... But then again, Division 52 had their own problems recently–

"VIP room 7, you got girls in there they can give you–"

"Terminate comm, Gavki. Lock out." I demanded into the link.

"Gavki, Romanov lock from comm channel confirmed." A cheerful voice informed.

I necked the rest of the drink and left it on a table.

I commed my dancers on the open channel.

"Ladies, I need eyes on VIP room 7. Clear the channel unless you're in."

Instantly a video feed was sent directly to my holo in my right eye. I saw what she saw and it wasn't good. I knocked shoulders with various dancers as I made my way into the back room. Vaguely aware of two guards that dropped me a nod and flashed a pass at the door. The glass hissed open and I was inside my office.

"Secure room." I called.

The glass clouded rapidly around me and the room sealed the outside sound. The only evidence of a rave feet away were the blue and purple lights that bled into the room.

"What the hell are you up to Hades..." I growled as I watched my dancers give him a one over as he slouched back in seat with his men. He seemed uninterested. But his guards were lost to her skills in the game.

His purple eyes seemed far away, thinking... or watching elsewhere.

"How long have they been here?" I questioned.

Anna filled in for Lex not to give away the surveillance. "About 20 Kuz." She told me. "Rolling in credits, and he's not even asked for much."

"It's not for him." I summarised as I watched his bored expression. "He's entertaining guests." I finished.

His eyes were far too engaged to be drunk or here for no purpose. They were the eyes of a man that had intentions.

"But those boys don't look like the important type..." She ventured. "Clothes are a bit shit."

I let out a short laugh. "Rebel scroungers aren't in the market these days. I'm surprised Scorpion has allowed–"

"Oh think she turned up a few ago." Anna said casually.

"WHAT." I bellowed into the comm.

"Ow, easy Kuz I can't woo guys with deaf ears–"

"Are you all out to get on the streets tonight or can I get some competent fucking workers?!" I shouted, slamming my fist on the thick glass desk and scattering holo screens. "The Underworld's leader is here and you don't THINK to tell me–"

"Gavki cleared him, don't get on my tits cause you locked him out comms!" She snapped back. She gave me attitude on the regular because she was one of my best and she knew I would never dare lay her off. But god fucking damn it all.

"Tell me where now. Anna." I growled through my teeth.

"Noir lounge! Go have a fit at her instead!" She bit back before closing comms.

I stepped out of my chair and adjusted my crisp suit. Charcoal and forest green pocket square that partnered my eyes as usual. It would have to do. Would have been more of a benefit to have one item of red...

I suddenly grabbed my draw and pulled out a bottle. With a shaking hand I threw a 3rd tumbler of scotch in and saw it off. Then I righted my tie and swept my dark hair back past my ears, you own the nightlife, she owns the sectors. We can have a civil conversation. 

I opened the doors wide and stepped into the party.

* * * * * 

The first thing I noticed as I entered the secluded Noir lounge was that crimson cloak. It spilled over the long chair she sat upon with ease. 

Those burning amber eyes of lethal incarnate watching. But not watching her surroundings. Watching the blonde woman of equal beauty sat beside her. It was curious. Her looks were not lethal or savage beauty but more delicate and refined... her clothes too were not of this sector.

It would seem Scorpion's escort comes from richer blood tonight.

An arm stopped my advance. I cut a curt look to one of her guards and cleared my throat. This made her head turn a fraction. She waved a hand in dismissal and he melted back into the shadow dropping his hands.

"Kuzo." Her voice carried over the music that was less loud in the lounge. "Business looks well."

I stiffened at that. So she was here to see that I was paying my share into the Underworld no doubt–

"Relax. I can practically see you double-checking your accounts as you stand..." She drawled with a wry smirk. "I don't have to tell you to sit in your own club do I?"

I allowed a small smile. "Your visits always catch me off guard. Among others..." I told her as I came to sit opposite the glass glowing table.

Purple light caught both her and the unknown woman who was talking with Proximo on her right. It wasn't until my gaze focused that I noticed the weapons splayed on the table and the way he narrated while he disassembled a plasma gun right there–

"I did not introduce you." She said casually as her arms leant along the back of the chair on either side.

"My apologies for not asking."

"Makayla Xavier." The blonde woman cut in, turning her bright blue eyes upon me. Her hand went out for me to shake and her other rested upon Scorpion's knee. So domestic. Such casual an act... very curious. In the many months prior to seeing her in one of my bars she never allowed any escort to lay a finger on her let alone a hand and get to keep it. Always business.

"Charles Tanqer, but most call me–" I began.

"Kuzo." She grinned at me. "Your bar in sector 48 was the first I visited outside of sector 10." She said with a slight chuckle. "It was both a fond and terrifying experience."

I let out a chuckle as I shook her hand. "Well I'm honoured, that was my first bar of many. It does still have its reputation." But I had to frown. "What made that trip terrifying? Was it the whiskey?"

Scorpion watched with genuine humour on her face. There was something I was missing here. And since when was anything amusing to Scorpion... 

Makayla laughed and actually leant an elbow on Scorpion's leg as she answered me.

"I happened to acquire some not so brave mercenaries who didn't do such a fine job of keeping me safe that night." She smirked as she took a sip from her drink and turned to give Scorpion a knowing look.

I was totally captivated by them both. "How did you escape? Sector 48 nights are not kind to beauty."

At that I saw Scorpion's eyes watch me a bit more closely. I noted my words.

"Actually, that was her fault." Makayla said with a scoff, jutting a thumb in her direction.

"Fault?" Scorpion scoffed, turning to her. "I needn't even lift a hand to send them back to the shadows."

"Couldn't quite get the same result with me, could you?" She retorted with a sly look.

Scorpion merely watched her intently before laying an arm behind Makayla's back and returning attention to me.

"Ask your questions, Kuzo. We have much to catch up on." She gestured to a bottle of Zaku in the middle of the table. But filled up a spare glass without waiting for my response. Then filled Makayla's glass before returning to her own. Courtesy from her too? Who was this woman and how had I not heard the gossip of this yet.

I sent out a silent bio scan of her as we drank. My team would know of her identity soon enough.

I lowered my voice and leant forward across the table. "I hadn't reached out, I knew you were indisposed with your own trouble as of late."

She let out a dark laugh at that. "It is one way of looking at it. Another is that we have come to quite a fortunate end position. Don't worry, the Silver Sun are not coming to our doorsteps any time soon." She added as her golden eyes watched me closely.

I paused. "I actually thought more of this rebel group that has been making stirs in the outer sectors."

"Have they caused problems for you?" She asked in a low voice over the rim of her glass. She turned her head and watched Makayla as she made hand gestures to her second. The look. It was so... content.

"They come weaponised, it's not to my taste in groups." I said carefully.

She suddenly looked very deliberately at the table splayed with military grade pistols and laughed.

"Scor–no you know I have the up most respect for Div–"

She raised a hand and shook her head. "I will tell the rebels to relax their presence in your clubs and bars."

As simple as that. I thought they were at odds not on negotiating terms. Either way the Division were the strongest ally you could get in this part of the city and I was not about to let that go.

I dropped my head. "As always. You are an invaluable business partner to me."

My internal comm notified me that the bio scan had come back negative. I almost flinched. But kept my mask in place and took a much longer drink. Check it again. No one is untraceable.

"You really should just ask." Scorpion drawled from across me.

My eyes flicked up to find her staring intently. I also caught a glint in Proximo's eye as he glanced at me briefly. The man always did unnerve me with that calm predatory nature. He no doubt had his own tech that picked up on any external trace requests. So stupid of me.

I let out a sigh and glanced between her and Makayla. She was completely oblivious and peppered Proximo with questions on model and design of the gun in her hand

"Your escort caught my curiosity and I wanted to know–"

"My what." She asked, leaning forward suddenly.

I froze and considered these to be suddenly the most foolish words I could utter. But before I could bury myself further she let out a loud laugh and tipped her head back. I watched in shock and Makayla simply rolled her eyes at her.

"Forgive me..."

"You are forgiven, Kuzo." She said sobering herself. "Miss Xavier, is the furthest thing on this planet from that kind of woman... And I am sure she would be too expensive if she were."

I saw the stunning blonde jab an elbow into her and the leader of Division 52 return it with a grin. What in gods name is going on? New drugs product in her drink? What of this care free nature and easy spirit. I had seen her with nothing but death promised in her eyes for all the years I've known her–under rare exception an occasional smirk.

"You've changed." I noted quietly, sipping slowly.

Her head snapped to mine at that. "Speak plainly, Kuzo. If you doubt my will or ability when you see me at ease I could always remind you of what position I still hold." She ventured, going lethally quite and seeing the dark return to her eyes. That. Was the Scorpion I had grown used to.

"If I were to show you this image of yourself 10 months prior you would have me gutted for fabrication of your identity." I stated candid.

She leant closer and let her elbows land on her knees. "When change comes it is swift. Only those who adapt survive." She said ominously.

And exactly how much had she changed to adapt to this woman... I leant back and finished my drink. So much to catch up on indeed.

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