– M A K A Y L A –

I couldn't even wrap my head around the last 24 hours. It was all so unreal.

God, Alex... First I try to kill her and then I... Well. That.

It was an intense dream at first. I was dreaming of the feel of her hands on me, what would've happened if I hadn't protested in pain from my injury. Then it was like I could feel her hands on me, teasing my skin lightly. I escalated it knowing I could take it as far as I wanted because it wasn't real... but suddenly it was very real.

I took a cold shower to clear my mind and become more human once again. When I finally emerged from the bathroom I noticed a folded pile of clothes on the edge of the bed. Alex, no doubt had dozens of hands at her beck and call to arrange that for me.

They were a simple pair of fitted black trousers and a thin long sleeved top with a stripe of red running down one arm. Division 52 colours. I shook my head with a small smile. Always has to make a statement doesn't she...

I almost missed the weapon holster laid to the side with a blade and my pistol holstered into it. I hesitated before picking it up. I'd never had to carry such weapons on my person before like this... It was still a miracle that I hit those two people in Sector 52.

Without thinking longer, I slung it around my hip and clipped it securely.

Satisfied, I headed for the door in the hopes to find a certain criminal overlord. She had been well over an hour now and my curiosity was getting the better of me. The hall was empty when I peered out of the room. The plush red rugs stretched down the long halls and down the grand staircase.

I padded towards it. I became more aware of voices as I got closer to the stairs. A few men and women paused their conversations when they beheld me at the top of the stairs. They were armed to the teeth in blades and guns and held themselves with complete, utter confidence.

But to my surprise, they soon lost interest and turned back to their companions or holo-screens. I descended the stairs more quickly now, hoping to find the one familiar face I knew. Being in a house... or whatever it was, with the most lethal people in the city was anything but reassuring.

"She is not here." A cool, deep voice sounded from behind me.

I turned to behold Alex's second in command. Prem-prof--pr--

"Proximo." He stated, as if reading my thoughts.

I gave him a small smile and extended my hand. "Makayla Xa--"

"Yes, I am well aware of who you are, Miss Xavier." He said smoothly with a small glint in his eye. "However, Scorpion is indisposed I'm afraid." He stated as he studied me closely. His stormy eyes seemed to miss nothing and they hovered over the red stripe on my arm.

"I see..." I trailed off, unsure of how to proceed. But I was dying to know what exactly it was that she was doing. How much danger she faced on a daily basis.

"Yes, I am at a loss too. It would appear that you have a few hours to kill." He murmured. I almost flinched at the way he said kill. It was as if it was his favourite word. "I would offer my services as an escort for the day but I am afraid there are pressing matters at hand." He informed me politely.

"That's completely fine." I jumped in for him. "I'm sure I can find something to do in this place."

He appraised me for a moment before speaking. "There is a training area three floors down. Perhaps you should make use of it." He told me before turning on his heel without another word.

Well, that was the most back-handed insult, layered in formality I have ever received. I thought with a smile as Proximo disappeared around the corner.

– S C O R P I O N –

I was painted in their blood.

The crimson stained everything apart from my trademark cloak that was already a monstrously bloody colour by nature.

The Emperor had responded in force. His daughter had been reported as kidnapped, the craft littered with Silver Sun corpses and no trace of her. So, he lashed out in the only way that made sense. Five apartment towers were burned to the ground in known underworld locations at his hand. The worst part about it was that many were civilians. It turned my stomach to know that children did not escape his wrath.

But my eyes in the city led me to the soldiers responsible. They didn't even make it out of Sector 30 before we turned them into bloody pieces.

The body count was rising too quickly for my liking. I knew that something had to give soon and I worried for what the emperor had up his sleeve. Weapons and technology yes, he did have, but numbers, brute aggression and loyalty he did not.

The wound on my arm throbbed but I barely regarded it. I think it had been a bullet graze, but I was in too much of a rage to care.

When our fusion craft finally touched the rooftop of my home, I almost slumped onto the ground as I exited. A few guards ran towards me in assistance but I held a hand up and refused them.

"Just... clean up the craft and anything else." I muttered, clearly talking about much more than the blood on the side of the fusion craft. They dropped nods and pressed a fist into their chests.

When I finally barged open the door to my room, I saw her there, crosslegged on my bed sketching something intently. Her eyes flashed up to mine and she dropped the paper.

"Alex!" She shouted. "What the hell! Are you—"

I pressed a finger to my lips. "Fine." I grunted, as I approached the bed and flopped onto my back. My eyes closed and I could feel her staring at me in disbelief. Then the bed moved and I heard her footsteps wander into the bathroom.

A few seconds later she sat back down and something cool and damp was pressed over my forehead. I groaned in satisfaction. Then opened my eyes to see the stark worry painted over her face.

"I don't even want to ask you if this is a regular trip out." She murmured as she wiped the cloth over my face, taking the blood away.

I chuckled. "It's not regular that I steal the Emperor's daughter away either."

She swatted my arm playfully but I hissed out in pain because it was right against the wound. She snatched her hand back instantly and stared at my arm in shock.

"Alex, I'm so sorry. Is your arm..." She trailed off allowing me to fill her in.

"The bullet only grazed it." I muttered, closing my eyes once more.

"Bullet!" She cried.

"Ow. Would you knock your voice down a few millions octaves please. If the wound doesn't kill me, that sure as hell will." I muttered.

I could hear her trying to cover a laugh behind her hand despite the situation. I opened an eye and smirked.

"You're still an asshole on your deathbed. Why am I not surprised..." She teased.

Then she moved to shift my cloak away so that she could see my arm better.

"Um. You might need a doctor for this. It looks deep to me." She said carefully.

I pulled my arm up then dropped it. "Graze." I dismissed. "If you would be an absolute angel and go to the cabinet in the right-hand corner, there's a bottle of whiskey... I'm going to need quite a bit of it." I murmured as I looked her in the eye once more.

Flesh wound or not, this was going to sting like a bitch...

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