– M A K A Y L A –
"I cannot believe your father has not yet made a public statement to the inner sectors." Velron murmured as we walked slowly down the open marble floor. This room once held dancers and string quartets. It once held Champagne and an Underworld leader lurking behind a crimson mask... I snapped my thoughts back to the present.
Back to Velron and his fitted navy suit with the silver trim showing his respect to the Silver Sun. His neatly arranged chestnut hair and clean shaven jaw. I left my guard at the doors and they did not bother to trail within earshot, he was cleared the moment he entered the lobby.
He raised an eyebrow at me when I didn't respond for moments.
"I think he has been more occupied with keeping a war from erupting in the outer sectors lately... my return is not much of an affair to him." I noted with humour entering my voice. I suppose it would have been bitter if I cared for his sentiment–if I didn't see a monster now.
Velron nodded carefully at this. "We have seen the live feeds. Fires, deaths, Imperial weapons in the wrong hands–"
"I suppose any hands are the wrong hands in guerilla warfare." I dropped him a sly smirk, tying his own words to him. "Would you not agree?"
His face flushed slightly before he cleared his throat and composed his words. "I– well I agree, the violence–" I chuckled and he paused his attempt to morally compass us.
"I only tease you, Velron. Truly, we are not at the edge of a political knife now. Speak your mind to me because I have no reservations that I will do so with you today." I told him plainly as I turned us down an archway and sunlight shone through the windows coating the marble in gold.
He smiled more broadly now at me dropping me a nod. "Who could blame me?" He responded wryly, "Last we spoke I almost had a man gutted and an evening 'sabotaged'."
I laughed and shook my head, a few strands of my blonde hair played down my cheek. I took him in more seriously and he watched me in return. I wasn't sure what he searched for in me but his earnest expression never wavered.
"Why did you accept my invitation?" I asked suddenly.
But he did not flinch, he almost seemed prepared for it.
"Believe it or not I think you and I have a lot more in common than you think, Makayla." I felt the frown form on my brow but he paused out walk and watched me.
I stopped with him at a respectful distance. "I know the burden and tirelessness being under the shadow of a powerful man. I know every waking moment is a show–a performance for others. I also know that I too would want an escape, if the opportunity presented itself." He said with heavy implication.
My body stiffened slightly. How much did he know and what gossips had spread to him... did he know I sought out of the outer Sectors? That I stayed willingly. I turned my head over my shoulder, checking the placement of guards remaining at the far edges of the stone walls.
Then I turned to him and watched his eyes closely. They were alight in the daytime sun, a brighter forest green.
"I don't know what you heard, or what you think now–"
"You misunderstand, Makayla." He spoke over me calmly. Intently.
"A life of success, does not always mean sky towers and evening galas. I think you, out of anyone knows this to be true. I think the moment you stepped in front of the Emperor that night and shielded a man picking up glass from no fault of his own–a man not from our world..." well that was a very accurate description. But I didn't fill him in on how the waiter worked for a certain criminal overlord.
"–was the most admirable thing I have seen in years." He said reverently, there was such passion and admiration held in his eyes that I had to look away. Out past the windows into the sky beyond. How little he knew of what I had become. That woman was no longer the same, the one stood before him had taken a life. Had willingly been at a crime lords side... a killers side and I had no regrets about it. That woman loved her.
I felt a light pressure on my wrist and I looked down to see his hand gently hold it. It was not in an intrusive manner, merely comfort... I turned back to face him and let out a breath I held.
"I'm afraid the image you have of me isn't quite that clear. Since I was away, I went outside of the inner Sectors, Velron." I said, watching his admiration morph into curiosity.
"I saw the furthest reaches of this city and its humanity. A side I never thought possible. Yet in its darkness there is also creation, life, a spark of rebellion, of sheer will and passion that I have failed to see down these shimmering hallways and well-kept upper classes." His face remained curious but also not as shocked as I imagined. Almost as if he himself had seen this spark outside our cold, perfected society and craved it himself.
"I went outside my father's reach yes. I did so because I felt it my duty to see every edge of the coin–every side. Lest I let it rest face down forever and accept the fate as it is dealt. What use is that, how could one grow?" I asked of him splaying my arms wider and letting him drop his hand from my wrist.
But he smiled now, his green eyes lit up with something new. Something I had seen before... something dangerously close to passion.
"Believe me. I know exactly what you mean. What you feel. I have scored the realms of data archives and outside sources to show me for myself what lies out of my reach and I am... envious." He finished finally. "I have seen the bars, the chaotic land vehicles, the noise, the food from across the globe filling streets in their colour and variation." He paused collecting himself and took a step back shaking his head at me. "I–I can do nothing but see it and see their freedom. Their utter choices before them to slip into a cab and let the night take them where it may. I see the daily danger and the sheer violence of it all but I think that is the point. It's all just so..."
"Real?" I finished for him with a knowing smile.
"Yes. Yes I think that's it." He agreed watching me closely. "And you got a taste of it firsthand." He said in awe. "I do not know whether to be raving jealous or to ask you to write me a journal of your every moment." He laughed with a half grin. It made him look young, like a teenage boy being told scandalous things.
I grinned back at him and began our walk down the long marble stretch once more. He fell into step beside me continuing to stare at me with that comical wonder.
"You know it was not all cultural splendour and thrills." I told him seriously. "They do have a very heavy helping of their own problems. Criminals, concealed weapons, assassins–" but even my words did not seem to hit him in the way it should have hit me when I witnessed it, we were similar as he said. A desperately deprived bunch.
"Did you ever... did you use one of these weapons?"
"I can disassemble and fully reassemble an automatic fusion rifle in less time than you can make your morning tea." I told him simply. He almost tripped over but I continued. "I have trained with the two most lethal people in the city and I know how to use these skills. Not really the words you should hear from Emperor Xavier's darling daughter are they?" I asked with false sweetness.
Velron could not have looked at me in more shock, his wide eyes couldn't seem to take me all in now. I laughed again but he seemed to stutter before finding the words.
"Remind me not to spill champagne on your dress next time."
I laughed loudly this time and my head tipped back. I heard Velron join me and then saw guards cast glances our way. I had never enjoyed myself much in the confines of this place so its no wonder they were confused... toy robots all of them.
* * * *
We had talked for hours.
I told Velron of the people. The architecture. The lights, the sounds the life. He ate it up eagerly awaiting every detail. My encounters with death were kept brief and obscure. I couldn't trade Alex's secrets... I couldn't share her world with him. All Velron needed to know was that I was in the thick of Merridian.
When the sunlight changed from gold to the afternoon orange I had lead us back to the glass lifts. But I couldn't yet bring myself to finish this evening–to throw myself back into thoughts of nothing but a certain golden eyed woman that was out of my reach.
So I instead pressed the floor to my lounge level.
"Another detour your majesty?" Velron quipped with a smirk.
"Don't act like you're not enjoying every square inch of the prized Imperial tower." I drawled back.
"Not only the tower." He said quietly, making my brow raise in question. But he remained quiet and smiled ahead of us.
The floors raced by. We ascended in the large clouded glass box before a cheery voice announced, "Floor one hundred and ninety."
Velron gestured for me to exit first. I strode past him with the confidence of the royalty I was. I think I did it just to mock his formality or maybe because he expected it...
Matty greeted me the moment I stepped onto the polished wooden floor of the plush lounge area. Her impeccable uniform and tight bun above her head. The slight creases became many when she smiled even more broadly seeing Velron. Her eyes darted back to me.
"Miss Xavier, good evening. And I see Sir Archeon is your guest tonight. Good evening Sir." She bobbed a shy and quick curtesy to him, already blinking in his appearance and chiselled complexion.
Velron was all smiles and took her in with the eased formality of a seasoned politician.
"Please, call me Velron. I'm pleased to meet you Matty, I have heard wonderful things." He told her as he offered his hand to her.
She blushed profusely at his words and instant charisma. I rolled my eyes as she took his hand and he shook it.
"If you would stop making my maid swoon in her apron I would appreciate it Sir Archeon." I uttered with a side look as I walked past them both.
I heard a nervous laugh and a chuckle behind me. Steps soon followed.
"Miss, if I may offer you and your guest some refreshment tonight?"
"Matty, no need for the formalities. Do you think you could find us a bottle of Junak buried in those shelves and a few tumblers?" I inquired as I took a seat against one of the many soft cushioned chairs and set an arm across the back. It instantly reminded me of how Alex had set her arm subconsciously behind the back of my chair so many times... such natural proximity. I always felt protected–
"Yes. Yes I–well Miss that is not usually a bottle we keep in the tower but... let me see." She started busying herself by scooting behind the long mahogany bar and sweeping across the many bottled shelves.
I was well aware it was not a usual drink for the upper Sectors. In fact I would be impressed if she found one at all of that bright glowing substance. But it was a memory... a lost night. I wanted Velron to have a taste of it.
He paused before me. Appraising my relaxed position. Then he sat in the plush armchair beside it. I smirked as he took his seat carefully. To be honest I would hardly know the woman sat before him if I saw myself months back. I looked the part. Gold trim sleeves and close fitted black top met by a high waisted silk skirt. But my body language spoke a different story.
Before my mind could drift back to the past Velron spoke.
"I have been meaning to ask you something. But I do not mean it to sound too bold."
I let out a half hearted groan. "What is it with everyone in this tower and the fear of speaking boldly?"
He gave me a flat look that told me I should know the answer. I smirked and nodded my head.
"Ask me exactly what you want." I told him slowly, watching for his face to change and decide against it. It did no such thing. His forest green eyes held mine before he spoke.
Then a bright blue bottle interrupted us and his eyes flicked to it as it was set on the cool stone table. A few glasses accompanied and Matty tucked her hands before us.
"Will that be all tonight, Miss?"
"Thank you so much Matty. I had no idea you would find this here to be honest." I said picking up the bottle and catching the same label I saw in Kuzo's bar. I smiled up at her widely and she mirrored it with pride.
"It was no trouble Miss, we stock just about everything when you know quite where to look."
"An interesting concoction to be sure." Velron added as he eyed the bottle with curious eyes. "Where did you try this?" He asked as Matty dropped me a bob and made her way back to the bar.
"A bar in Sector 48." I said grinning as I plucked up the glasses and filled them.
Velron's mouth plopped open. "So–so far to the edge. What on earth was it like?" I drew up my glass as he spoke and clinked it against his. We both took a sip.
"Fun. A lot of fun. I was almost killed that night."
Velron spat out some blue liquid down his chin in the most ineloquent way I had ever witnessed from him. It took all I had to swallow my own Junak in my mouth as I laughed. When we finally sobered or not... he lowered his glass and leaned forward in his chair. His eyes stayed fixed on the liquid in his glass.
"Was there another reason you left?" He murmured quietly. "I... I am not one for the gossips without reason. But I feel I want to hear it from you. There was speculation of your ties to–to the Underworld." He tasted the final word like he would a new delicacy. With caution.
I watched him now. More closely than I ever had. What was he? An instigator? He didn't strike me as one for the circles of social climbing, of information trading–he seemed utterly apart from it all and gave me no impression to think otherwise. It either made him dangerous or trustworthy. Alex always knew which ones to choose. But then again, I was getting less and less concerned with consequence. After all, I had been cut away from the woman I loved.
What exactly did I have to loose in the upper Sectors? Velron was my chance at a friend. A true friend. So I when I opened my mouth finally. I spoke true.
"What do you know about Division 52?" I asked him slowly.
His blank expression told me we were in for one hell of a night. One hell of a revelation.
So it went. The Junak sunk lower in the bottle and our words became more relaxed, more freely speaking–we finally spoke our minds. I barely noticed the sun disappear behind the sky tower silhouettes through the glass. Barely noticed multiple glasses to be filled and refilled. How we laughed. How he grinned and I scorned. How my thoughts finally felt light and not heavy.
When I smiled at him now it was utterly genuine. When he rolled his eyes and told me I exaggerated too fondly I slapped his shoulder. So it went. When he told me he had missed me the night I disappeared I felt a rush. A rush I knew I shouldn't. A rush that should be reserved for one and one alone.
But I was not in the outer sectors of Merridian. I was drinking Jaku with the son of Sir Archeon on the 190th floor. I was feeling the buzz of my heavy thoughts of my future leave me with a man that had care free laughs and no history of blood.
"You are staring darling of Xavier." He drawled in a mock pomp voice as he leant his elbows on his knees. His suit jacket now lay discarded over his armchair and his white shirt clung to his muscled arms–
"I believe my eyes are up here, Madame." He scolded as I ripped my eyes off his arms and smiled over my glass. I took a sip and set my elbows over my knees mimicking his pose and leant forward. Only a foot separated us. Closer than was formal–than was correct–
"I didn't mean–I thought you had some Jaku there." I said dumbly as I drifted my eyes away from him and down to my drink to avoid meeting his eyes. His easy expressions and chiselled face that was close.
He raised his eyebrows at me silently and gave me an exaggerated thoughtful look.
"I did wonder."
"Always dangerous." I smirked taking another drink.
"I wondered what you meant. When you kissed me that night, before running off of course." He said with mockery entering his voice. I caught his eye over my glass before setting it down and playing with the edge of it.
"It was... a fair well of sorts."
"Meaning?" He prompted holding still and watching more intently. I looked up at him. I looked up and felt a rush. It wasn't just the Jaku. It was looking into those forest green eyes and seeing that honesty, that easy and open expression, not guarded or cryptic... something open and whole–before I knew what my body was doing I was closing a distance that had got smaller all evening. Closing a gap and taking in his scent of mint and light musk.
"Meaning.." I murmured, lost entirely.
It was like... like the forest in his eyes. Those eyes that finally moved to meet me.
Then the warmth of our lips met. In a secret promise. A light brush. Something hidden and warm for just a moment. In the next second we parted leaving a breath between us.
When I opened my eyes I met his darker green ones. Felt the warmth of the air around us. Then remembered myself. Where we were. Who I was. This... what had just happened. I pulled back sharply and grasped the fabric of the chair.
"I'm sorry." Was all I could tell him. All I could utter as I ran a hand back through my hair and felt the gravity of what I was doing hit me. "This–we can't." I stumbled and stood.
"Makayla, wait." He stood from the chair but I was already steps away.
I don't know where Matty had disappeared to but I was already typing into my wrist to tell her to escort Velron from the tower. Already telling her that I needed to be gone. Before I reached the lift doors I turned and saw Velron standing there. Nothing but apology yet sadness written on his features.
Before I could make another mistake. Another colossal betrayal I touched the door and stepped into it.
He remained frozen in place as the doors closed between us.
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