Chapter 2

Sally was now in the hallways while class was still in session, she was getting a book out of her locker. She closed grabbed it, closed the locker, turned, bumped into someone and immediately fell.

" I am so sorry!" a voice breathed, she looked up to see Archie grabbing the book that fell as well. " Are you alright?"

" I'm fine," Sally answered as he helped her up. " What are you doing out of class?"

" I had to use the restroom," Archie answered. " Why was the Vp out of class?"

" Grabbing a book," Sally answered as she pointed at the one in his hand.

" The Lost Hero," Archie read the title. " Haven't you already read this?"

" I like it," Sally answered.

" You should read other material," Archie advised.

" I already do," Sally answered as he handed the book back to her. " How was your summer Archie?"

" Nothing like breaking rocks with my dad's crew," Archie said. " How about you?"

" Nothing sitting in a classroom three days of the week," Sally answered.

" Your family seems to already have your future planned," Archie said as they started to walk down the hallway.

" Yours too," Sally smiled. " But I don't think thats what you want...your Dad's business."

" What would you know what I would I want?" Archie asked as he looked back at her.

" I don't," Sally answered. " But I can tell you don't want to break rocks for the rest of your life."

" Honestly, I," Archie confessed.

" If it is what your heart wants, then you should follow it," Sally advised. " My parents followed their hearts, even though a lot of people were against it, but it worked out," Archie smirked at her. " What?"

" No wonder why you got Vice President," Archie commented, color rose to Sally's cheeks as she looked at the floor. " Who even is the president?"

" Weatherbee's nephew," Sally answered. " Chester."

" And he picked an incoming sophomore as his running mate?" Archie asked.

" He saw how well I was as a representative last year, and how active I was," Sally answered. " So, I was his who are you going to go to music for?"

" Well, Josie and the Pussycats are out," Archie said. " Ms. Grundy says she's too busy."

" She should be able to help you," Sally said. " She's the school music teacher, helping students with music is kind of her job."

" Well, I better get back to class," Archie said as he rubbed the back of his head.

" Same here," Sally said. " I shall see you later." Archie nodded in agreement, before opening a door and going back into the class.


After school, Sally had to stay for a council meeting, afterward, she was sitting in the stands at the football field, doing homework.

" It's only the first day and you are already doing homework," a voice said, she felt someone sit down next her.

" Why didn't you show up for lunch?" Sally asked without looking.

" People will talk if the school's vice president and it's Danny Darko sat with each other at lunch," Jughead said as he opened his laptop.

" We're cousins," Sally reminded him as she looked at him.

" I see you at school and family holidays, isn't that enough?" Jughead asked.

" You only spend time with me if you have to," Sally said. " I want you to be my friend as well as my cousin."

" That won't work for me," Jughead stated causing Sally to sigh.

" You're so difficult," Sally groaned as she felt her phone buzz from a text.

" What fun would it be, if I made your life easier?" Jughead asked with a smile.

" A lot more fun," Sally said as she took out her phone, it was a text from Dilton.

Dilton: Skip the pep rally, and I can show you a good time at the bunker

Sally smiled at the text, she texted back.

Sally: I helped organize this, I am going to this

" Since Brady doesn't attend this school, I guess it's my job to be the overprotective male relative here," Jughead said as he tried to look at the messages, she pulled it away from his eyes. " What's up with you and Dilton?"

" Nothing," Sally answered.

" You spent a good amount of the summer with him, if I wasn't over, you weren't at Carson," Jughead listed.

" We did summer homework together," Sally answered. " If that is what you are getting at."

" He leaned in for something earlier," Jughead recalled. " What was he leaning in for?"

" If you want to know so bad, become my first," Sally offered as she put her stuff in a backpack. " And then maybe I will tell you."

" I could always just scoop for information," Jughead said as he pointed at his screen, Sally's phone buzzed again. It was from Dilton again.

Dilton: Look down

She looked between the stands and saw Dilton standing right below her.

" Going to learn more survival skills?" Jughead asked as he looked down, glaring at Dilton.

" Probably need homework help," Sally answered as she stood. " And if not...not your concern." She walked down the stands and went under the bleachers.

" I am in trouble now," Dilton smiled.

" How would you like to be punished?" Sally asked.

" At the bunker?" Dilton asked with a toothy grin.

" Maybe," Sally shrugged. " I mean...techincally we are not a thing anymore."

" How can I get you back?" Dilton asked as he took her hand.

" Be my date to the back-to-school, semiformal?" Sally offered.

" Planning a date?" a voice asked from above, they looked to see Jughead trying to put his ear through the hole.

" I'll text you later," Dilton said as he kissed her hand before walking away, at that moment a truck pulled up blaring music, it was Brady's truck. Brady rolled down the driver's window, stood up, stuck his head out and looked at her.

" Get come over here, Captain Rogers!" Brady shouted. " My schedule doesn't revolve around you?"

" You are hanging out at the house with your friends anyways," Sally reminded him, she looked up. " See you tomorrow Jug."

" What makes you think I'm going to the semi-formal?" Jughead asked.

" Knowing you..."Sally began. " You hate cliche high school dances, and will be at Pops all night, writing." She then walked over to the truck, she saw someone sitting in the passenger seat, the back door open, Sally quickly climbed in and closed the door. In the car was a girl with dark brown hair with stand-out light pink highlights. Additionally, she has a small frame, light brown skin, and almond-shaped, brown eyes, tons of jewelry. She sat in front. Then a slim, but also a very tallboy. He has long jet black hair brushed to the side and dark brown eyes, with the gang's symbol of a double-headed serpent tattooed on the left side of his neck boy with a serpent tattoo on his neck and another boy with short jet black hair, faded on the sides with the top of his hair longer, styled neatly and combed well. He also has dark brown eyes and wears a number of pieces of jewelry, rings on both hands, and wears a dog tag around his neck. He has a tattoo with the gang's symbol of a double-headed serpent tattooed on the right-hand side of his arm above his shoulder. All of them wearing their serpents jackets.

" Ah, yes, the smell of shedding skin," Sally stated as Brady started driving. She had to squeeze her way to the middle seat.

" Ah, yes, the smell of polka a dots," Sweet Pea stated, the person she had to climb over.

" That didn't even make sense," Sally stated.

" You don't make sense," Sweet Pea grumbled.

" Says the walking python," Sally replied.

" Fight me," Sweet Pea threatened as he put his fists up. Sally smack his arms, and then two started to playfully throw fists at each other.

" Don't leave me out!" Fangs exclaimed as he jumped into the middle and started to fight the two of them.

" Hey, you know the rules!" Brady shouted. " No brawling till we are inside the house."

" Honestly you three," Toni groaned from the front. The three separated and sat properly in the seats. " Going to the Whyte Wyrm tonight?"

" No," Sally denied.

" A sophomore at Riverdale, and suddenly you're too cool for the serpent bar," Fangs rambled.

" I helped organized a semi-formal back to the school dance, my attendance is required," Sally said.

" Excuse," Sweet Pea denied. " Those things don't go on all night."

" There's clean up," Sally answered. 

" Lame," Toni said.

" Boo!" Fangs and Sweet Pea sounded as they gave her thumbs down.

" I will come tomorrow night, tonight is not good," Sally said. " Can't change my mind."

" Booo!" Everyone sounded at her.

When the five got to the home of Roger's family, they imminently went in and raided the fridge and cupboard.

"Where's the marshmallows?" Toni asked.

" We used them last night," Brady pointed out.

" And you did not get more?" Toni groaned as she slammed the cupboard shut.

" Next person to slam a door shut, loses door privileges," Mom said as she walked into the area.

" I don't even live here," Toni pointed out.

" Your door privileges are gone," Mom said, Toni, laughed.

" When are you coming to the Southside?" Fangs asked as grabbed the peach juice.

" Never," Sally answered as she sat on the couch. 

" To crummy for you?" Sweet Pea rolled his eyes.

" I like my position at Riverdale," Sally said as Sweet Pea sat next to her with a bag of chips. " I would lose that if I transfer."

" Oh, please," Brady scoffed. " You would get the president the moment you step in there."

" So just come to Southside and be a serpent," Fangs insisted.

" I am a serpent, but blood," Sally pointed out.

" Along with ghoulie," Sweet Pea pointed out.

" Maybe I will start my own gang at Southside," Sally declared as she took chips.

" The Serpents will defeat you," Brady said.

" I can kill you with your venom," Sally threatened. Sweet Pea put the chips to the side and grabbed a pillow.

" That's awfully bold of you to say," Sweet Pea said as he stood up. He swung a pillow at her, she grabbed a pillow and swung at him.

" I wanna join!" Fangs shouted as he jumped over a chair, set down the juice, and grabbed a pillow. The three went haywire on each other. 

" Having a brawl without me?" a voice asked, they looked over to see a boy, slim build, with tan skin, medium-length black hair, and very light blue eyes. He had a serpent jacket as well.

" Come on in Joaquin!" Toni shouted as she watched the fight continue from the kitchen. Not too long after that Sally had to go get ready for the dance. She came back down the stairs in an off the shoulder purple dress, hair curled nicely, makeup done.

" An absolute model," Dad complimented as he blew kisses at her. Sally started to do a princess wave as she descended down the stairs.

"An angel," Mom complimented.

" Reasons for me to kill someone," Brady said as he crossed his arms. They all looked at him. " What?"

" How don't you have a boyfriend yet?" Toni asked. " Or a girlfriend?"

" She doesn't have time for one," Fangs said.

" So busy, she won't come to the Wyrm," Sweet Pea added.

" Shut up," Sally rolled her eyes as the doorbell went off.  Joquain immediately walked over and opened, revealing Dilton standing at the door with flowers.

" Just some scrawny kid," Joaquin stood as he examined the kid.

" He's here for me, you dimwitt," Sally said as she rolled her eyes.

" And who is he?" Dad asked as he crossed his arms.

" Dilton," Dilton squeaked out. " Dilton Doiley."

" Have her back by ten," Sweet Pea warned.

" Go scoop some snake poop," Sally groaned as she pushed passed everyone. 

" Go be student," Sweet Pea mimicked.

" That's what I'm doing stupid," Sally said.

" YOU-" Sweet Pea began, he got cut off by Sally slamming the door shut.

" I can see why your house was not an option this summer," Dilton said as he looked at the window, Sally looked to see everyone looking out the window, staring at Dilton, ready to slit his throat.

" Come on, dance time," Sally said as she grabbed his hand, he leads her toward his car. " Then the party at someone's house...then maybe bunker." 

" I can get behind that," Dilton smirked as he opened the door for her.

" What are you smirking about?!" Fangs shouted. They looked to see the windows were now open.

" Mind your own business!" Sally shouted as Dilton shut the door. They sped off to the dance, when they got there, everything looked, how Sally decorated it. Streamers everywhere, posters of Jason Blossom in his football uniform.

" This looks amazing," Dilton complimented. 

" Thank you," Sally smiled as they walked around the floor. " I am going to get hang tight." She left his side and went over to the bowl where Veronica was located." Enjoying the dance?" 

" Not the Met Ball," Veronica answered. " But yes."

" Come here with Betty?" Sally asked.

" And Archie," Veronica answered.

" Ah, two dates," Sally smiled. " What happens when a slow dance comes up?"

" Kevin," Veronica smiled. " What are you going to do? Probably came here busy."

" I came with Dilton Doiley actually," Sally admitted.

" Who?" Veronica asked.

" A classmate of ours," Sally answered. " Leader of the local boy scouts as well."

" Good evening, friends," Cheryl said into the microphone. " Are you all having a good time?" Everyone looked at her.

"I should go find my date," Sally said left the punch bowl, before heading to Dilton. Behind the blossom girl was Josie and the Pussycats. Everyone cheered.

"Your back," Dilton commented as he clapped.

" As honorary chairperson and de facto queen of tonight's semiformal, it is my great pleasure to introduce this evening's main entertainment. To know them is to be obsessed with them. Though they usually perform their own material, tonight, they're making an exception and debuting a cover of the song my parents claimed they were listening to the night Jason and I were conceived. This one's for you, JJ." Dilton held out his and Sally grabbed it. "I give you Josie and the Pussycats". Everyone cheered a bit more.

"Lets dance," Dilton suggested as they took positions.

"We shall," Sally confirmed. The two happily danced with each other.

" So let's be a fall fling," Dilton suggested.

" An upgrade from a summer fling," Sally nodded. " Impressive."

" Want to keep a secret again?" Dilton asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.

" Might be a bit more difficult with the education time, back in session," Sally said.

" That didn't stop us before," Dilton reminded her.

" Back when it was three days a week," Sally reminded him. " Besides my family and friends have all seen you."

" Just a few weeks of secrey?" Dilton requested.

" Yeah," Sally agreed.

After the dance, the two went to Dilton's party with everyone else.

"It's game time at Chez Blossom, kiddies," Cheryl began with a drink in her hand". "We're going old-school tonight," Sally stood on the wall with Dilton and a couple of others. " Seven minutes in heaven".

" Who wants to tryst in the Closet of Love First?" Cheryl asked the group. " My vote is "A " for Archie. Anyone care to second that?" 

"Wait, actually..." Archie began.

"Yes, Andrews!" Reggie interrupted him, he turned to ginger man.

"All right. Gather round, kids," Callie advised as Cheryl prepared to spin the bottle.

"Let's see who's riding the ginger stallion tonight," Cheryl sated as she spun the bottle. The bottle landed on the Veronica.

"Oh, no way!" snickered Reggie.

"It's clearly pointing to the new girl," Cheryl finished. " This should be fun".

"Um...I'm not doing this," Veronica protested, Sally could see how upset Betty was becoming.

" That's up to you," Cheryl rolled her eyes. " But if you don't, house rules decree the hostess gets to take your turn". Veronica then went into a closet with the boy across the street. During their time Betty gets up and leaves the house.

"Nailed it," Reggie laughed as they saw that Archie had his tie around his neck

"Where's Betty?" Veronica asked.

" She spiraled and fled," Sally answered.

"Between us, she's a lot more high-strung than she looks," Cheryl added.

"You shady bitch," Veronica insulted. Archie shook his head at Cheryl as the two left to go look for Betty. That night Sally went to the bunker with Dilton, the next morning Sally stood at the edge of Sweetwater River. With her father, mother, and brother, as the ambulance took care of Jason's body, he was shot in the forehead. And submerged underwater. Everyone looked at each other with the same look of fear in their eyes. Someone was murdered in Riverdale, something bad has happened in Riverdale. With this sudden news, the town began to change just as quickly. 

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