Ch 6: First Day at UA

(A/n) The title rhymes lol!!

          My alarm clock went off, scaring me half to death. I jumped out of bed and found my uniform, the gorgeous UA uniform. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating just a little about the uniform, but I'm going to my dream high school! Who couldn't be excited. This is the first step of becoming a pro-hero.

        "Are you ready?" I heard Arther yell from downstairs. I looked at the clock to see that it was 10 minutes before school started. I put my tie on and rushed down the stairs. Hopefully we aren't late on a daily basis.

        "Finally! You're so slow!" Arther teased as we began to jog to the school. I struggled to keep up with him as we ran to school, trying to get there in time. Lucy had gotten so nervous that she walked to school 30 minutes before us.

        We finally got to the school and ran through the halls to find our classroom. The class started in one minute. Our teacher was going to be pro-hero Uwabami, the snake hero. Her quirk was serpentress.

        Me and Arther stood outside of the class.


        This determines our futures, our ENTIRE futures.


        "Are you ready?" Arther asked.


        "Yeah," I responded.


        Arther and I push open the door, ready to start our new lives. The people inside seemed to be happy, making new friends and introducing themselves again to old ones. There was nobody who had not gone to the same middle school. That badger girl was there also, being chatty as usual. Arther and I walked across the room to find our seats. The seats had our names on them, once we got there it said to throw out the name tags and remember where we sat.

        Lucy sat right next to me, while Arther was on the other side of the room, next to the window. The people around us were complete strangers that I never saw when I toured the building. In order to have a good future I should get to know at least some of them.

        "Hi!" I smiled at one of them.

        "Hi," The girl replied. She had purple hair and light grey eyes that pierced into your soul. She had a get away from me attitude and I realized how no one else was even trying to get her attention.

        "Psst!" The girl beside me whispered," She's not really friendly, you should stay away."

        I questioned why they would think of her in this way and what she did. I will stay away until I know completely why. She may have been a bully like that blonde boy is, or just gives off a villain vibe.

        "Hello, class. As of today you will be trained until you've graduated, I suggest you get to know ALL of your classmates and peers in other classes," She explains," This will greatly help with your cooperativeness and help with your overall grade and if you graduate from UA or not."

        "Uwabami Sensei, what are we going to do today?" The badger girl asked.

        "Oh, and another thing, please don't ask us what we are doing today until I finish attendance please," Uwabami Sensei explained.

        Once Uwabami Sensei called out attendance, the room was filled with raised hands wanting their questions to be answered. Uwabami called on one of the students whose arm raised first.

        "Yes?" Uwabami sensei asked.

       "What are we going to be doing today?" Asked the student trying to get clarification for the badger girl.

       "Here, all of you put on your gym clothes and head outside, I'll tell you what you're going to be doing then." Uwabami Sensei demanded. She handed us all our gym clothes and led the way to the outside area where we were going to be doing our activity.

        Once we were outside, we saw class 2-A there waiting for us, the class that helped us with our dorm rooms. Their teacher looked tired, like he has been pulling all-nighters for a month.

        "Uwabami Sensei, I hope you don't mind if we watch your class, after all it was me who gave you this idea."

        "Oh, of course not, I'd be honored to, Eraserhead!"

        So that's what he looks like, I heard people talking about him in my old school but I never actually knew what he looked like.

        "Arther, please go up to the first activity,"Uwabami Sensei asked.

        Arther strolled up to what looked like a shot put field except longer. In our old school, we only had enough money to buy a shot put field and nothing else. We tried to save up more money for more equipment, but we were only able to buy a few more things for extra-curricular activities, like basketball and volleyball.

        Uwabami Sensei threw a ball towards Arther.

        "This ball has a tracker in it, it will tell me all the stats of your throw," Uwabami Sensei started," Arther, what distance was your throw in middle school?"

        "Uh, 65 meters, I think," Arther replied.

        "Okay, well throw the ball," Uwabami sensei ordered.

        Arther threw the ball as hard as he could. The ball landed with a soft thud, the tech Uwabami sensei had in her hands showed a bunch of data from the throw.

        "69 meters," Uwabami Sensei informed Arther and the rest of the class,"Okay, so now, I want you to throw the ball using your quirk to get it as far as possible across the field."

        Arther started to think of a way to get the ball across the field, his face showed it all. Arther makes a weird face when he's trying to think about something. He scrunches his eyebrows and crinkles his nose, honestly, it makes him look pretty ugly. Arther's face softened and he stretched his arm to relax the muscle.

        "All I have to do is lessen gravity's pull on this ball, and it will at least go 100 meters farther, or just fly into space." Arther whispers to himself.

       "Either way, I've still got to give it all I've got!" Arther yells as he throws the ball as hard as he can.

        "369 meters, exactly 300 meters more!" Uwabami pronounced," all right, who's next! Let's see...(y/n)!"

        "Yes Uwabami Sensei!"

        "You're next! Get ready to throw that ball like you mean it! Oh, and also, the person with the worst score will be expelled."

        I got a shiver down my spine, I looked at the former class 1-A and saw them all smirking. Either Uwabami Sensei is saying that so that we all do our best, or she's dead serious. I took a deep breath in and decided how to do this.

        I need to make the ball go far, so all I have to do is control the ball from start to finish as long as possible.

        I took another breath in and exhaled, Uwabami Sensei threw the ball over to me. I analyzed the ball and looked across the field. I stretched my arm like Arther did and got into the throwing position. I had to give this shot my all.

        "Let's do this!" I yell as I throw the ball while controlling it with my powers. I continue to let the ball soar until I feel the slightest bit tired. Uwabami Sensei looked at me.

        "762 meters! Congratulations (y/n)!" Uwabami sensei congratulated me.

        I smiled and walked away, trying not to look at everybody staring at me. The rest of the ball throwing activity went by pretty fast, the next activities did as well, the last two people on the scoreboard. They duked it out and we had a winner, the loser was almost going to cry, until...

        "Just kidding! You aren't getting expelled! I just did that to make you do your best!" Uwabami Sensei cheerfully stated. I sighed, slightly scared for the loser, who I have yet to meet.

        "You guys are all dismissed for lunch! After that, you will be having your regular classes." Uwabami Sensei said. 

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