You Can't Get Rid Of Me

It was a few days later after the targeting incident. About half a week. Things were a little weird around everyone since but less on the rocks.

Dark was a little distant but Anti could tell he felt bad for losing his shit in front of everyone. He was usually a lot more calm and collected than that but when one of his own gets harmed, all that is thrown out the window.

Of course Mark then heard about the incident and Sean had the idea to have Chase come out to do his part in filming, separating him from Anti. . . . .. but not from Dark. That next filming day was very awkward.

And with Chase out of the way, Jackie was able to finally talk a little more with the glitch. Not that he wanted to. Anti was clear he wanted nothing to do with them but when he tried to hang out with Yan, Google and Yancy, they ditched him. Yan said he really needed to try at least with Jackie. The hero, who was bunking with Yan, had explained to them he just wanted to be friendly and have a good time with everyone.

Reluctantly, Anti let Jackie and Marvin near him and they were now currently hanging out in the gardens.

"Didn't peg Dark to love flowers so much" Marvin commented, "This garden is bigger than I thought it was"

"I didn't expect him to love pink so much" Jackie snorted.

"He doesn't" Anti retorted. He was walking along the path with a hand in his pocket. The other hand held a spray bottle with water. They did look a little dry, after all, "Damien loved gardens though. Mark told me the pink flowers represent Damien and Wilford's friendship or something like that."

"Aw" Marvin lightly trailed his finger along some petals, "That's actually kind of sweet. Depressing. . . but sweet."

"That's also why Dark's office looks over the gardens" Anti nodded towards Dark's office window, "Him and Eric usually tend to this stuff along with Host but sometimes I like to chip in."

Jackie chuckled, "What's your favorite flower?"

Anti sprayed off some daisies, "I don't know. Don't have one"

"Oh come on!" Marvin huffed, "You HAVE to have a favorite flower and for the love of GOD, do NOT say a rose! That's SO cliche!"

Jackie crossed his arms in thought, "Mine's a Poppy"

"Is it because they're red?" Marvin teased him.

"No! What's yours, smart-mouth!?"


"Oooo! Fancy and flamboyant just like you! Predictable!"

Marvin growled at him and flipped him off, "Oh fuck off, Red!"

Jackie snorted with a laugh and shoved his brother lightly before looking over at Anti.

"Well?" Jackie asked him, "What's yours?"

Anti blinked for a moment and cleared his throat, "Oh. . . uh. . . I don't know. Maybe the. . . Lavender or Iris'? But I like . . Cherry Blossom, too. And Lilacs"

"Want a bouquet, glitch?" Jackie teased him but Anti just rolled his eyes.

"Sounds like something Illinois would say"

Marvin smiled, "Hm. . . . So you like purple, huh? That your favorite color or something?"

Anti shrugged, "No. . . I don't know. Doesn't matter, either, doesn't it?" he went over to the herbs section and breathed them in to help calm himself. He knew he was being a bit bitchy but he wasn't too sure on their intentions.

He didn't want to get hurt.

Marvin appeared next to him, making him flinch, "So if Dark hates pink then what's HIS favorite flower?"

"Geez" Anti grumbled, "I don't know! He doesn't tell me that shit! How the fuck would I know?!"

"Whoa there, killer" Jackie joked, "We're just trying to make conversation. What do you THINK his favorite flower would be?"

Anti went to say something but closed his mouth. He was going to spout an insult but he didn't want to make them weary around him.

"I guess . . . .maybe. . . . well he IS sort of corny and predictable. So probably roses? But based on quantity in the garden. . . probably the Hydrangeas'."

"Aw, see? You DO know him!" Marvin teased, "Want to pick some?"

Marvin went to lean and snip a plant only for Anti to rip him away and slap him hand, "ARE YOU INSANE!? Dark would KILL us!"

"Maybe he won't find out?" Jackie provided.

"Host sees everything and this is HIS garden, too! He'll tell!"

"Alright, alright!" Marvin laughed, "No picking the flowers. Got it!"

Anti looked worn out already, his heart pumping from the panic.

"Anti!" someone called from beyond the vine walls, "Anti, what are you doing, bro?!"

Bing popped out along with Illinois, Eric and King.

Anti visibly relaxed seeing them there, "We're walking in the garden, what do you think, asshole!?"

"Ah I was just asking!" Bing laughed, "Have ya seen all of Dark's bodacious greens yet? We were all gonna take a swim in the pool if you guys wanted ta join!"

Jackie smiled wide, "Sure! That's sounds gre-"

Something rustled in the bushes nearby.

Everyone went quiet for a moment.

"What was that?"

After another day of filming, Dark and the others were on their way home to the manor.

It was an awkward day but the filming got done, at least.

There were a few times Dark wanted to kill Chase or Chase said something that really pissed him off but other than that . . . . . .

Dark was the one driving this batch back home. Him, Chase, JJ, Henrik, Google, the Jims and Wilford to be precise. They would of had Dr. Iplier, too, but he liked to have at least one doctor in the house just in case. They could have had all the Septics there but that wouldn't be fair to Anti to just have to wait for his turn without them. Dark's the one that devised the plan to keep a couple Septics back at the manor. He didn't have an excuse for Sean or Mark, it was just is personal suggestion so that Anti wouldn't get jealous or upset.

They drove in to the manor when Dark suddenly froze, stomping on the brakes.

"Wil? Do you feel that?"

The whole car was silent, freaked out over what was suddenly happening. The strange feeling in the air hung and Wilford hummed.

"Familiar. What you wanna do, Damien??"

Dark growled and his anger started to well up higher and higher, "We're going snake hunting."

"The fuck???" Chase voiced his confusion for him and the other Septics in the car.

Anti stepped in front of everyone in defense.

He felt this energy before he heard the noise.

He knew exactly who it was and he was ready.

"Come out now and show yerself ya fooking freak!"

There was a moment of silence because the man finally poked out and revealed himself. A sly grin on his face, his hair slicked back. He looked just as cocky as the last time he tried breaking in.

"Hello again. . . . Anti."

"What are you doing here? Figured you'd still be sore from the last time I beat ya"

Jackie and Marvin suddenly realized who this guy was from Mark's videos but stood frozen. Even if they knew who the man was, they didn't want to attack without knowing what he could do. For now, Anti seemed to have fought him before. They'd let him take the lead.

"What's going on back here!?"

They all glanced behind them to see Dark and the others had come back from filming. Anti nodded to Dark, "He was hiding in the garden."

Dark glared at the man who just smirked back at him, "Thought you'd learn from the last time . .. Actor"

The man nearly hissed at him, "My NAME is MARK, you disgusting abomination! As for why I'm here, I'd think it'd be obvious!"

"Well it's not really a good time, is it, scout!?" Wilford taunted him, "Looks like you didn't account for the Septics being here, too!"

"Doesn't matter" Actor fixed his tie and ran a hand through his hair in vain, "They know not to try and fight me. Anti on the other hand . . . . You'll be the first I wipe out alongside Dark. Unless you join me, that is? I can free you from Dark just like I'll free everyone else from him"

"Never. You're out of your mind" Anti glitched out, ready to attack, "Dark?"

There was an unspoken agreement and Dark smirked at Anti, "Go ahead and kill the snake, Anti. I trust you to exterminate the bastard efficiently just like the last time"

"On it" Anti grinned and went to attack, lunging at the man who seemed to be ready for him.

"The fuck is happening!?" Marvin was freaking out, "You're not gonna help him??"

Dark shrugged, "Eh, this happens at least once or twice a month. I trust Anti can take care of it. He has before without a problem. He's stronger than you think"

"But you're his villain. . . aren't you?" Chase asked, "Shouldn't you be the one to fight him?"

"There's no need. Plus this gives Anti an opportunity to let off some steam. Break out the killer in him, you know?" Dark smirked a little at the off-put looks the Septics gave.

Meanwhile, Anti had lunged at the man and everyone in the garden watched as they fought close-range, throwing punches and dodging. Of course Actor was doing most of the dodging, not wanting to get a bruise on his pretty face.

"You really will do anything for him, won't you!?" Actor taunted him, "Even fight his battles!"

Anti glitched to attack faster only for Actor to trip him over. But he recovered quickly and used the fall to his advantage, grabbing his legs and pulling him down with him.

Before Anti could swipe at him again, though, Actor sunk into the ground, disappearing for a moment.

Anti pounced up and looked around, as did everyone else. It was a little dark outside already so the fairy lights in the garden started to come on, giving Anti an idea. Without any other weapon with him, he'd have to improvise.

"Anti, behind you!" Jackie warned him and Anti ducked down just in time. He glitched away to another side of the garden and swiped the lights, glitching all around until he had them in a bundle.

Putting his glitching to good use, he teleported all around Actor until he was suddenly wrapped tightly with the fairy lights.

None of the Septics were prepared to watch as Anti bellowed out a cry and a thick green lightning erupted from him, wrapping around the lights in and out. Actor actually looked worried as the lights inside glowed green brighter and brighter and he knew his tactic.

"GRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Anti's lightning electrocuted Actor and the lights began to burst, crackling and popping right onto him, jutting glass into him.

When Anti finally stopped, he let go of the lights and Actor fell to the ground seemingly in pain, defeat imminent.

Anti raised his hand at him, ready to strike a killing blow, "Looks like I win again, bitch. This is where the credits roll"

Actor growled but looked up at him with a smirk, "Oh no, Antisepticeye" he glanced over at Dark and the other Septics, "Just you wait. . . . This is just the beginning"

Before Anti could strike him down, Actor diminished into the ground like a shadow, the busted lights falling to the ground as he did so.

Dark sighed as he felt the energy lift, "He's gone" he ran up to Anti as did most of the other Ipliers in the garden, "Anti. . . are you alright?"

"Of course I fooking am!" he hit his chest proudly, "Bitch doesn't ever stand a chance against me!"

Wilford laughed, "Of course not! But just in case, I had my gun ready to shoot 'em between the eyes! Dead and center!"

Chase swallowed and skillfully, hid his gun back in his back pants so no one could see. He was ready to fight, too, if need be.

"Whoo! That was rockin' my dude!" Bing shouted, "We should totally celebrate!"

Anti rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

"That was awesome" Jackie grinned at Anti, "It's quite the treat to see ya fight when your anger's not directed at us!"

"Yeah" Marvin agreed.

Henrik groaned, "At least I do not have to treat anyone"

'You did good, Anti!' Jameson signed to him.

Anti swallowed thickly a bit in embarrassment but nodded to acknowledge their comments. He briefly glanced at Chase but it was clear he wasn't going to say anything. He did nod to him, though, which was odd.

Dr. Iplier then noticed something, "Or perhaps instead of celebrating, you should rest now, Anti. You seem out of breathe. Using that much power on him this time must have worn you out quite a bit"

Dark nodded in agreement, "I was about to say the same. We should all go in, actually. It's getting late. You should go up to your room, Anti, and rest. I can bring you up some dinner if you'd like?"

Anti shook his head, though, "Nah, I'm fine. Stop worrying" he smirked, "I am getting tired of being your little snake-killer though. Maybe next time, you step in a bit"

"Aw, but you're so good at it!" Dark teased him back.

As they all went inside, they told everyone else what happened and they all gathered up for dinner.

Anti seemed to be the talk of the table and Marvin and Jackie couldn't stop boasting about how he used the lights. The glitch found himself blushing here and there but found he liked the positive attention.

"Using my lasso trick" Illinois had mentioned with a smirk, "Works like a charm, don't it sugar?"

Anti had thrown a chicken leg at him in retaliation.

"I likes to think I taught him them swift moves" Yancy suggested, "Eh? Them's dancing feet right there"

Anti blushed red again, "Guys, stop it. It wasn't that great"

"Sounds like it was!" Yandere griped, "Wished I was there"

"Well if ya hadn't left me suffer with those idiots then maybe ya could've been!"

"Aw we're not that bad, are we?" Jackie teased him, "You still gonna make that bouquet by the way?"

"Yeah!" Marvin joined in, "What was it? Hydrangeas' and roses??"

Anti sparked harmlessly, "Shut the fook up!"

No one knew what they meant by that but everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

They had dodged the bullet with Actor once more and were celebrating the night happily together joking and laughing.

Even Chase was having a moderately good time but refused to look Anti in the eye the entire night. He had seen the fight and was pretty impressed but it also brought back a lot of bad memories of their own fights with him.

A memory of the lights bursting stung in his head in particular.

'Next time' the voice came back only softly ringing in his head, 'Next time you should go ahead and shoot him . . . . .we both know you wanted to again just like the other day. You could have been rid of him . . . .'

Chase shook his head to get rid of the thoughts, 'The fuck is that? No, I don't want that. I'm not a killer. Shut up, me.' He looked over at Anti finally. He looked so happy and different. So much different than the man he knew before.

'Tricks. That's all it is, Brody. Tricks, tricks, tricks' the voice laughed in his head, 'You can't get rid of me'

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