Main Notes
Disney's The Black Hole: The (story of the) Cygnus ( mission, expedition, etc.) - outline/ideas (some very rough working notes)
(a series proposal for Disney+ / DisneyPlus; with a story-arc of maybe 3-5 seasons?)
The lost expedition (& what about the other ships/craft, etc. mentioned, etc. in tbh movie....? ?). How does mankind's greatest adventure, with a crew of the best and the brightest that humanity has to offer, turn into a nightmare of madness and betrayal, and a ship of the living dead?
the story of the cygnus mission, & how it went from a voyage of discovery, all idealism/man's greatest adventure (first manned interstellar mission/search for [intelligent?] life, etc.), to a nightmare on a ghost ship?
(first, )we are going to make you fall in love (with them (all) /with this ship & its crew, their mission, etc.), & then we are going to break your heart....
(i.e.: what happened BEFORE the movie. what went wrong & how... etc.)
sort of an "anti" star trek/starfleet? (or, more like, starting out that way, it is grand & it is glorious, bold, brave, adventurous, all the good, idealistic things; & for a while it really does work like that, but then it all goes horribly, terribly wrong... )
from the start of the mission (with preceeding-events material/history/etc.) to the situation at the start of 'the black hole' movie
say a 5-season story-arc? (star trek tos references, re: 5-year mission ;p) (whatever the internal-to-the-story timeline; how long for everything to play out? building from the info/history given in the movie: from mission-start to the palomino encounter gives an overall timeline, but how long for the mission to fall apart & things to end up basically the way they are on the cygnus @ the time of the film? enough time to do a lot of their mission, & fall into dispute over whether to continue, or go back home, for one thing. enough time for the crew to get sick of it/(badly?) home-sick? enough time for relationships to build up, & then fall apart? enough time for lots of discoveries & excitements, & wonders & enough time to become weary of all of that...? )
(timeline internal to the story may be different longer/shorter, spaced, intervals, etc., than the external series 5-year timeline. i think maybe, up to?, ~10 years of the expedition, before the crisis/breakdown return home, etc.? )
Season 1.
setting out, back story on developing the mission, etc.
Season 2.
grand adventures & discovery, bonding, etc.
Season 3.
starts with them as the greatest crew ever, best ship, best mission (better than star trek! ;p) &, but, then some troubling signs/undercurrent...
Season 4.
starts with things-are-still-good, but then something (bad?) happens, that breaks it/everything. the trust (leaves them shattred? fast or slow breakdown/break-up?) ends with them (deeply?) troubled. maybe end this season with the return-to-earth order (concealed/kept secret? communications system breakdown? sabotage/destroy the "ensible"-type device?, or ftl messenger probes, or something?)
Season 5.
everything falls apart, disagreements, divisions, factions? (how many? which? etc....?) etc., eventually pro/anti captain max & continuing the mission? eventually just captain max & the robots (his, but not the b.o.b.(s(?)) (what happens to his supporters if/when/any?), ends with the set-up/scenario for where the ship & crew is @ the start of the movie/as the palomino crew finds them (though there's still a long interval between those 2 points end-beginning; do i want to do something with that huge gap of space-time....?)
6 (mini-season or follow-up something?)
life on the cygnus after the end of season 5, to the time when the palomino shows up?
7 the events of 'the black hole', the film, from reinhart/cygnus perspective?
-the cygnus departs (space-dock, earth-luna orbit? @ one of the lagrange points?) , brilliantly lit up, the glass hull-panels in display mode, doing a show/tricks... that huge, beautiful ship, with various images playing over the glass-panel hull (max r. - inspirational speech from the captain?)
partly inspired by the lost franklin expedition, scott-antarctica, etc....
(that theme music from the movie... ^__^ <3 !)
need to sort out the concordance with the film, etc.
- relationships, history, etc. as from the film?
need to reconcile the wonky &/or dated science... . - stick as close to real-world physics/science, space travel, etc. as possible?
The Cygnus Mission
first large-scale long-duration (etc.?,) manned ftl deep-space exploration mission (ftl tests before this, probes, other uses? & what about sub-light-/_t_o_\-lightspeed(?) missions?)
newly-developed ftl drive/system - reinhardt worked on it, not single/solo inventor, but he contributed & did bigly to make it viable / practical.
(plus his other connections &/or work fortunes resources etc. used it, he did, to push the project through)
5-10 yr, minimum 5 , promised (renewal to a) 10 mission (later betrayed....? ?); intended by reinhardt to be a permanent thing, a deep space research campus, reinhardt's academy, etc.
usa but international crewmembers included, the best & the brightest, etc.
each ftl move is a big investment of time & other resources - what ftl technique?
the idea is to jump/move around the galaxy (& beyond....??)/(explore the universe) visiting points of interest, staying for varying lenthgs of time, to study them, but often/usually longish staying in one area, physics interesting/anomalies, etc. astronomical, study/-ies, & such.
search for (exo-)life, intelligence sentience, etc.
gravity artificial in-ship, what was the power system originally & by the tbh movie? (movie, book/s, wikia, etc. check concordence - s S, etc. #todo-'"'~s) , - progression of development changes in ship, tech, etc.... -_? ? (on cygnus & the rest of human society/-ies? ? )
movie era cygnus has been damaged (repeatedly)? & rebuilt
ai main computer ? later limited (partly by reinhardt?) & @various times?
over time, after things have after/as/when & after things start to deteriorate, the capabilities/-y of cygnus & crew become more & more limited (options as well/too? ?) ? esp after the end/fall (recALLED DISPUTE OVER WHETHER TO RETURN OR STICK IT OUT, VIEWS CHANGE OVER TIME, ETC.) when reinhardt takes over with & uses his mind cont - trol l gear/techniques, etc. & by the time the palomino shows up, the cygnus (ship, & crew, etc,....) is stuck in a groove, very limited flexibility/-ies|responsiveness - es , etc.... ? ? (reinhardt as well, mentally, etc.? ? )
* re-work the movie music; main theme (from the movie) into something soaring & inspirational (& still at least just bit nautical... ;D :p ^__^ <3 <3 ? ? * wagnerian music, et/esp. the flying dutchman, & also a bit of don juan, don quixote , fidelio, etc. ? les miserables? too xD 18 12 overture, j.p. sousa, .... -_? ? etc.? ? - s classic & other music - s , everything up to & including the era of the story , musically speaking [s weriersingedyie? ? ] ? <3 <3 ?
& a bit of aerosmith, ....-_? ? john williams, giorgio moroder, & that guy who did the neverending story/-ie'"sS orchestral music s / orchestation, etc....? ?
-_? >__< (if/what more was there....? ?) -_* /|\\|/(our)(popular) scifi exists in this un iverse , but don't inundate them with it/over - _ do it , etc. & do remember that it is still well/far? into the future, from now? (check concorda/ence - s ' s?) ? ? - ENTERPRISE THEME SONG, STAR TREK, STAR WARS, BSG, BSG REBOOT , ETC. BLACK HOLE -(- OF calcutta-ka/olicut/etc.), etc. jokes , behind the green door?, etc....? ?
more goethe....? ?
community/ie'"s, relationships, etc. including adult..., etc. lgbtq+, etc. :) <3<3<3<3 (pan rACIAL, ETHNICITY/-IE'"Ss , ETC.)
changes to world/society/etc. from mission cygnus time to movie era ? politics economic , , etc. ? budget cuts? war scare - s/confrontation - s ? ai restrictions? palomino has vincent (with esper powers!) but not any major ai built in...? ? (for the whole story, have to work out from our present-day tech, to where they are/would-be, etc....? ,.!? ? ? ) & also sci-fi is often (meant to be) about the present day as much as the future &/or story setting(S) time(s), etc....? ?
survey the (local areas of?) galaxy? search for (complex-advanced?/intelligent?) life (going by the present-day state of the science (exo-biology, etc.), basic life might not be all that rare (pan-spermia?), but complex, advanced, & intelligent life would/may occur much less frequently... well need to check & ret-con with the original film (& related materials, merch., etc.) (& the planned re-make stuff?), but let's say they find basic life lots (with various chemistries?), complex-advanced life not so much, no intelligent life (other than that fdrom earth... )anywhere else that they look? & maybe no other planets with anything like the richness & bio-complexity/bio-diversity of the earth? closest it gets is some cases with mostly non-earth-like chemistry? ultra-cold? gas giants? hyper-volatile chemistries? vs hyper-stable?)
what if they find sentient life?, - _ complicated, hidden, time line wiped &/or etc....-_? ?
"reinhart's genius class"? (the ship's crew, mission ppl, etc.)
cygnus crew: say (~100?-)200-300 people? large enough to be a community & man the thing, but still plenty of space & capacity on the ship for a long-duration expedition. how many robots (@start, to @end? bob's sentinels, max (prototype,/when? does rheinhart intend to move his consciousness into max? partially/fully? when he dies as a kind of after-life/continuation? write more on this elsewhere...), any others? remote arms, etc.? drones, probes, etc.?
cygnus crew "after" everything that happens, by the time of the palomino encounter/incident: 100-150? 150 maybe; seems large enough... (reproduction? both before & "after"? somebody might have baby or 2 on the ship, while they are still in the good days... part of life & being human <3)
-those clear panels the hull is made of: an advanced sandwich-composite, ultrahard exterior & interior layers, flex-resiliency layers, tuneable filters for radiation, light/dark, reflectivity, colour, luminescence, thermal radiation/regulation ("maxwell's daemon") etc. & at least some basic sensor-y/antenna capabilities...? etc....-_? ?
so, basically, the glass is like a giant display; dual - facing inside & outside. can be used to make images, lights, etc. the exterior-side does not really need this, but the level of tech makes this an easy, more or less "inherent" feature, & it does have its uses...
max doesn't show this off, for the palomino crew. why? mood? calculation? aging tech not working great? changes to ship? maybe just needs them set the way they are, for filtering or sensing, or something...?
shipboard artificial gravity; max r. worked on developing the tech (with others, from theorhetical work, partly but not entirely by max, do not want to over do it. he is brilliant, but he is not the only smart guy in the universe... ) limitations - expensive($ &/or other ways)?, needs a big ship, etc. to set it up? other penalties/limitations/etc. in the engineering/ship-board use? (hence not on the palomino?)
max later develops it into the much more impressive black-hole defying field, (what about gravity-drive? using it as a "parking"/protective field for the black hole, because needed for that & cannot use it as a drive @ the same time? power/interference/or etc./? not precise enough? or what ....-_? )
- the cygnus is much more maneuverable, (max does some "fancy flying"?) when not parked @ a black hole? & offensive/defensive/etc.... capabilities?
shuttles, probes, probe ships?, lifeboats, pods, etc. ?
(maybe max r. (RE-?)built the remaining probe ship (as seen in the movie), from his own designs, after everything else had played out, or during the mission? later stages?)
defensive-offensive capabilities (other uses?) screens, lasers, (missiles?), ertc.?
they find the black hole (from the movie) @ some point? (loyts of black ghholes out there.... ? ?)
max rheinhardt (*sp?)
-j w goethe fan....? ?
- european (german-language?), comes to america, celeb scientist-inventor (tesla, einstein, edison, goethe/schiller/thomas jefferson? but NOT voltaire? but a bit frederick-the-great -like? maybe? "renaissance man" (da vinci?) etc.), stays? nasa/space program, world genius, space exploration spokseman, etc.
-wealthy/aristocratic family? :"noble" (in various/multiple ways?) handsome, charismatic, engaging, charming, friendly, romantic, etc.? (a really cool, nice, bright, smart, compelling, driven guy, etc. likeable @ the start of the series, changes over time, early signs, then season 4-5)
-that medal? awards, hono(u)rs, etc.? all scientific/humanitarian? any military / heroic? rescue, etc.?
- (early?) 30's "boy genius" in the series (@ the start)? (late 50's (+?) in the movie?)
- that reporter-guy from the palomino meets him, when they were both much younger?
- likes antiques?
Devlin Inc. old disney movie reference?
Dramatis Personae
max reinhart
his crew
his (best?) friend, the father of the lady later on the pali/omino crew
the robots
the b.o.b.'s (about 6-24 of them?)
the sentinels (security-defense?) (brought along, built en-route, or what? partly each/both?)
s.t.a.r.r. - his medal... (back story/-ie~''"s"''~? ?)? ?
(early) the robot - maximillion/maximillian maximum (utility? something about it -_~ portillion/postillion (post (box) - bost (boast-) jokes?) -_? m.a.x....? (*sp? - deliberate?, it changes? maybe? etc....? , . ! ? )
earth/sol pre-launch; : ....
that reporter guy, while young
"with this thing, i thee wed" - ship-board (1st?) wedding? (by reinhardt? as wedding-minister/chaplain/captain-kapitain/etc.?) (scenarios....? ?)
"-_?" (something i thought of, but can't remember >__<!?)
ship-board funerals (not recycling/composting....?) ?
'"kil l roy was here"' - stuff s ? ?
ghost story/-ie'S'? ?
retro-future perspectives on culture, pop, etc. (past-now-future-etc.)
MAYBE upgrade it to a galactic-centre class black hole? ? (our ' s/our-galaxy's/other's ....? , . ! ?) - but then the dialogue in d:tbh movie needs explain/-s/-ing....? >__<)( , . ! ? - _ ok so how would it be surprising , as a find, to the palomino's crew then? & etc....? ? also size/scale/scope etc.... ? , . ! ?
The New York TimesHear the Weird Sounds of a Black Hole Singing16 hours agomore_vertThe Weather NetworkBlack holes play eerie music in these NASA 'sonifications'Yesterdaymore_vertFirstpostNASA releases eerie audio recording from black hole, listen to it here- Technology News18 hours agomore_vertA Journal of Musical ThingsA Journal of Musical ThingsCoolest audio of the day: The echo of a black hole - Alan CrossYesterdaymore_vertFox NewsNASA releases black hole sonifications9 hours agomore_vertFull coverage of this story
The New York TimesHear the Weird Sounds of a Black Hole Singing16 hours agomore_vertThe Weather NetworkBlack holes play eerie music in these NASA 'sonifications'Yesterdaymore_vertFirstpostNASA releases eerie audio recording from black hole, listen to it here- Technology News18 hours agomore_vertA Journal of Musical ThingsA Journal of Musical ThingsCoolest audio of the day: The echo of a black hole - Alan CrossYesterdaymore_vertFox NewsNASA releases black hole sonifications9 hours agomore_vertFull coverage of this story
*(badly) NEED TO SORT THESE NOTES >__<!?*
more is pending...
break now, i'll be back later... ;p & xD
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