R is for Rebel by @katieishere

Chin up. Spine straight. Smile pretty.

That's the life of the Heiress to the second wealthiest empire this side of the Atlantic Ocean. Mother says that "unpresentable is unacceptable" so I'm forced to endure, day in, day out, the primping and preening, and stuffy dresses. The forced smiles, stiff propriety, and strict rules.

It's suffocating.

A puff of air escapes my lungs in a noisy huff. "Can I go now?"

My mother places her fork on the table with a delicate clink and tilts her head toward me, narrowing her sapphire eyes on me. "Aurora. Manners."

"It's just a stupid rehearsal dinner. Do I really need to be here, anyway?"

"Aurora, darling." My father's voice is gentle, but there's no mistaking the iron undercurrent that leaves no room for negotiation. "You know why you must attend."

The sharp screeching of my chair's legs dragging against the marble floor echoes through the room as I push away from the table. "Yes. Because Governor Hubert will be there with his son Phillip. But they're not here now, so neither am I."

"Aurora! Sit down! You are acting like a child."

I ignore her as I stalk away from the table across the massive dining room.

"Let her go, my love. Give her time to cool off and come to terms with this."

"You coddle her far too much, Stefan. It's time for her to grow up and be responsible."

The booming of the gilded door slamming shut behind me keeps me from hearing my father's response.

"Grow up," I mock, sulking to my room. As my parents' only child, I'd been spoon fed responsibility from the crib. I'd never gotten a chance to be a kid.

I'd looked forward to adulthood. Being naive enough to believe I'd be free to make my own choices, I'd never realized that growing up wasn't freedom. That it was nothing more than constricting bonds to hold you down and hold you back.

Flinging my bedroom door shut, I flop onto my ginormous queen-sized bed and chuck my heels across the room. They hit the wall with a resounding thud and clatter to the wooden floor. I glower at the shoes, resenting that they hadn't even scratched the paint.

Huffing, I roll over and snatch up the postcard I keep on my nightstand. Toying with the tattered edges of the paper, I stare at the photo of the happy young couple on the beach, waving at the camera. I sigh and flip it over to read the scribbled words I had memorized a thousand times over.


We're having a blast. The Summer Isles are so perfect this time of year. We should all make a trip of it next year. I know you would love the vacation.Xoxo Rapunzel and Flynn

I set down the postcard, trying to stamp out the wave of jealousy that ripped through me. As much as I love them and don't begrudge them their happiness, I can't help but be envious of what they have.

A princess in her own right, nobody dictates Rapunzel's life. Her parents never tell her what to do, where to go, or who to marry. She's free to live her life however she sees fit. They didn't even complain when she married Flynn - notorious outlaw and thief.I only wish I have half the freedom she did.

Hopping off my bed, I untangle my golden hair from the intricate braids and twist it into a messy bun piled on top of my head. I head into my private bathroom to wash the layers of makeup from my face.

Patting my skin dry with a fluffy white towel, I examine my tired features in the mirror. My lips draw into a small frown at the sight of the dark circles drooping beneath my violet eyes and pallid cast to my complexion.

Barely eighteen, and I already look so worn out and weary. Politics, regulations, and duties have ruled every moment of my life.

I've never really lived.

I was never given the chance.

And tomorrow I will be sitting down to listen to my parents finalize my engagement to a prince I have yet to even meet.

I would wonder how my life had come to this, but it was obvious. Every second since my birth I had been groomed for this, and I had done nothing to contest it. I had followed blindly along the path laid beneath my feet, too much of a coward to deviate and forge my own road.

But no more. After all, Rapunzel didn't find her Happy Ever After by sitting content, locked in her tower. No, she chose to defy what life had dealt her and venture into the world despite her fears.

The only thing stopping me was me. And I was done. Tomorrow will come no matter what I do.

But tonight, I'll live.

Rummaging through my walk-in closet, I manage to find a simple white t-shirt and a pair of black jeans to change into. Crossing my arms over my chest, I stare at the rows upon of heels that make my entire footwear selection.

Cursing my mother's disapproval of practical footwear, I pull on a second layer of socks and abandon the idea of shoes.

With cameras lining every foot of the hallways and Royal Guards posted at every doorway, trying to leave out the front doors would be an exercise in futility. Even if I could, I'd end up with an escort of ten guards trailing me.

I want freedom, not a human cage.

So I fling open my window and stare down the long three stories to the ground.Taking a deep breath, I climb out onto the ledge, clinging to the windowsill for dear life and lower my leg in search of a good foothold.

Don't fall.

Thanking my brain for that wonderful thought, I make my way down the wall and reach the ground with only a few dozen near-death experiences.

My arms and legs trembling from exertion and my heart pumping adrenaline through my body at a frenzied pace, I sneak through the gardens and make my escape.

More thankful than ever for the relaxed security level on the palace grounds, I reach the sidewalk without having encountered a single guard.

Squinting my eyes against the light of the setting sun over the city in the valley below, I take a deep of the fresh air and revel in the sound of silence. Without a security detail casing me in, I can take in my surroundings in full. Without the bustle of bodies encircling me, the gentle sound of chirping birds and water rushing down the river reaches my ears.

A rush of exhilaration sweeps through me and I take off running down the street, savouring my first taste of freedom. Throwing my arms out, I spin around, whooping and laughing like a deranged lunatic.

Aurora, you look like a fool. You're a princess. Now act like it. I hear my mother chastising in my ear. I can picture my father's disappointed frown in my mind.

Refusing to let them ruin my moment, I close my eyes and keep spinning, drowning out thoughts of them with my echoing laughter.

Until I step on a sharp stone.

My ear-splitting screech sends flocks of birds flapping from their perches as I let fly a stream of curses that would give my mother a stroke to hear.

Hopping on my left leg, I double over, clutching my injured foot in my hands.

"What are you doing?"

Freezing at the sound of the smooth, deep timbre, I lower my foot and straighten. Meeting the curious gaze of the young man on the other side of the bridge, I open my mouth to speak. "Um - I, uh..."

"You should really wear shoes."

Crossing my arms over my chest, I huff. Who does this guy think he is that he can tell me what I should do? I shrug. "I'm going on an adventure."

"Without shoes?" He arches an eyebrow and leans back against the wooden railing. "That doesn't seem like a smart idea."

Shaking my head to ignore his fixation on my lack of shoes, I turn to the question at hand. "What are you doing?"

"Me?" He points to himself and glances around as if looking for another person. "Oh, I'm watching the sunset. It's a hobby of mine. Had I known these parts were home to shoeless, raving lunatics, however, I would've taken my sight seeing elsewhere."

My jaw dropping, I stomp across the street. "I am not a raving lunatic-"

"You are shoeless, though."

Despite my irritation, a short laugh slips from my mouth. "I swear I'm not crazy, though. It's just, my parents dictate everything I do, so I wanted to have a night to be free and have fun. To take a walk on the wild side and live in the moment."

"Running away from your problems, then."

"I'm not running away-"

"I do the same all the time. But you really won't get far without any shoes. You're liable to lose a foot that way."

"Yeah, well I don't have any, so what do you suggest I do?"

Ruffling a hand through his messy brown hair, he flashes a charming grin. "You could ride with me on my bike." He gestures to the sleek black motorcycle leaning on its kickstand at the end of the bridge.

"I don't even know you."

He holds out his hand. "I'm Pip."

"Rory." I shake his hand with a smile.

"Well, now that we know each other, whadda you say?"

It's stupid, I'll admit. But the whole point of this expedition is to do something I wouldn't normally do. To be reckless for once. "What the heck? Sure."

Following his lead as he slings a long leg over the bike and settles onto the leather seat, I clamber on behind him. With my arms dangling at my sides, I try to keep a few inches of space between our bodies.

The engine roars to life, rumbling like the soft purr of a cat.

If the cat was the size of a truck.

"Hold on tight."

A scream escapes me as we shoot forward. Throwing my arms around his waist, I squeeze my eyes shut and cling to him, holding on for all I'm worth.

Laughter rumbles from his chest, and I dare to lift my head from his shoulder and peak at the world flying past us.

The trees are nothing but a dark blur in the fading light. The wind whips across my face and a smile tugs up the corners of my lips. Pulling my hair free from its bun, I let it stream out behind us, shining golden ribbons in the fading sun.

Laughter erupts from the long-buried depths of my soul, and I throw my head back, basking in the euphoria infusing me.

The bustle of the city soon surrounds us as we race through the narrow streets, navigating turns at a breakneck pace.

We pull up to an abandoned dock on the lakeside beach and climb off his motorcycle.

"Having fun yet?"

I shake my head, struggling to find words to describe how amazing that was. "I - that... I've never felt so free."

"That's why I love riding so much." He peels off his boots and socks, and curls his toes in the sand. Tossing his leather jacket over the bike, he steps back, letting the waves lap at his feet. "It's an escape. The ultimate freedom."

Pulling off my layers of socks, I step beside him and walk along the shore. "It must be nice to have parents who let you do stuff like this."

He scoffs. "My father doesn't let me do anything. I can't decide if I should be offended that he thinks me unable to make my own decisions, or pity the fact that he has absolutely zero faith in his ability to raise me as a decent and capable person."

"Well, for what it's worth, I think he must've done an excellent job."

A playful light gleams in his soft brown eyes. "Well, I can see why your parents feel the need to dictate your life. You clearly lack rational decision-making skills."

I smack him in the stomach with a laugh. "Hey. I've always been well-behaved. Running off with complete strangers isn't something I make a habit of."

"So what prompted this sudden bout of recklessness?"

I sigh, folding my arms around myself. "My parents decided it was time to find me a husband, so now they're engaging me to some guy I've never met."

He sucks in a sharp breath. "Well, for what it's worth-" he tucks a stray lock of hair behind my ear "-that guy is one lucky son of a gun."

Gazing up at him, I bite my lip as he leans closer.

A devilish grin splits across his face and he swoops down to splash me with the water.

Gasping, I push him back, shrieking with laughter as he pulls me into the lake with him.

The moon is high in the sky by the time we emerge, soaking wet and exhausted. Flopping down in the san, we lay side by side watching the clouds drift idly across the stars.

Dawn arrives faster than I ever would've imagined possible. As the sun crests the horizon, my heart sinks. I'm out of time.

As if sensing my thoughts, Pip stands and helps me to my feet in silence.

The ride back to the bridge where we met fails to lift my spirits. Though we drive back at half the speed, it seems only a heartbeat later that I'm climbing off and saying goodbye to the only person who made me feel alive.


I turn back to face him.

"Will I ever see you again?"

My heart breaks at the longing in his voice. Running the short distance between us, I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.

His hands caress my face as I pull back, and he brushed away the tears that fall from my eyes.

"I hope so, Pip. I hope so."

I wait until he's out of sight before making my way back to the palace.

The guards at the door exchange astonished expressions at my bedraggled appearance, and whisk me inside to where my parents are waiting in the Grand Hall.

"What is the meaning of this?"

I turn my head to meet my mother's furious gaze.

"Where have you been all night? You're a complete mess. We only have four hours until you're to meet Prince Phillip. This is unacceptable!"

"Aurora, what's gotten into you, darling?" My father shakes his head, disapproval weighing heavy in his voice. "Your mother is right. Behaving this way isn't becoming of a Princess. We know this is difficult for you to accept, but it is your duty."

I nod, refusing to look them in the eye. "I'll go get ready."

Turning on my heel, I head to my room to shower.

I make no fuss when my mother sends in an army of handmaidens to do my hair and dress me up. They pluck and preen me while I stare out the window.

How do I do this?

I've spent my entire life asleep. Pip woke me up and brought me to life, and now, I have to close my eyes and figure out how to sleep again.

My glazed eyes drift around my room as they tug at my hair. Braiding, twisting, placing each strand with painstaking care.

A purple silk ribbon is tied around the waist of my silver gown. I stare down at the layers of fabric wishing to be back in my t-shirt and jeans, laying in the sand with Pip.

The clock strikes noon the moment my mother strides into my room to escort me back to the Grand Hall.

I take my place standing between them, a step ahead.

The doors swing open.

My heart skips a beat.

"I present his Royal Majesty, Governor Hubert, and his son Prince Phillip."

His unruly brown waves slicked back, wearing a debonair white suite in place of his tattered jeans and leather jacket, Pip stood tall next to his father, Hubert.

Recognition lights up his gaze as his brown eyes settle on me. A grin curves across his face.

"Princess Aurora." Pip takes my hand and bows, placing a chaste kiss on my knuckles.

"Prince Phillip." I curtsy, my lips curling into a brilliant smile. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Congratulations and thank you for a great read katieishere 

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