The Little Mermaid (Part 4)

The following morning arrived and Scuttle was making his way to the castle with a big smile on his face. The silly seagull had a good reason to smile as he had BIG news for Ariel.

Scuttle: *excited* "Ariel! Ariel, wake up! Wake up I just heard the news. Congratulation, kiddo, we did it!"

Sebastian: *yawns* "What is dis idiot babbling about?"

Scuttle: "Right, as if you two didn't know, huh? The whole town's buzzing about the prince himself gettin' hitched this afternoon! You know, he's getting married."

Ariel looks in shock.

Scuttle: "You silly side-walker, I just wanted to wish ya luck. Catch ya later, I wouldn't miss it."

Ariel, though puzzled at first, eventually got excited and jumped out of bed with joy. She grabs Sebastian, twirling around and pecking him on the cheek before putting him down. She checks her hair to make sure its pretty and then rushes downstairs and finds Eric and Grimsby talking to each other, unbeknownst that he's still spellbound.

Grimsby: "Well now, Eric. I must say this is quite breath-taking. You sure you wish to go through with this?"

Eric: "Yes, we wish to be married as soon as possible."

Grimsby: "Yes, of course, but, uh, these things take time, you know."

Eric: "This afternoon, Grimsby. The wedding ship departs at sunset."

Grimsby: "Oh... oh, very well, Eric, uh, as you wish."

Just then, there was a knock on the front door.

Grimsby: "Now, who could that be?"

Eventually, the time came and everyone was boarding the ship, awaiting the biggest moment of Ariel's and Eric's life. But, before they could set sail, you walked up to the bride and groom, which took the guests and Grimsby by surprise.

Grimsby: "Who might you be?"

Y/N: "Pardon me, sir. I'm actually here to give something to these two love birds... a gift that I'm sure they'll both enjoy."

Soon, you reach into your pocket and pull out the conch shell with Ariel's voice in it and then...

Y/N: *whispers* "Now... be set free."

You hold up the shell in the air, channeling your magic into it and letting out the voice of the owner and soon, Ariel's voice finally returned to where it belongs and Eric... was also freed from Ursula's spell... 

Eric: "Wha... That voice. Ariel?"

Ariel: "That's right, Eric."

Eric: "So it was you! The girl who saved my life!"

Ariel: "Well... I had some help... from a dear friend."

Eric turned to you.

Y/N: "She's been thinking about you ever since we got you to safety and... I had to jump through some hoops to get you guys together... you know... like a wingman should."

Eric: *smiles, shakes your hand* "In that case, I'm forever indebted to you both, thanks."

The rest of the guest were also shocked to hear what happened and equally impressed by your brave act.

Y/N: "No need. Now... go on."

Sure enough... the two then embrace each other in their arms and slowly, but surely... their lips met just as the sun was almost set, but... something didn't seem right. 

Y/N: "So... isn't something supposed to happen?"

Ariel: "I... I don't understand... I..."

Just then, as the sun finally sets, Ariel undergoes her transformation back into a mermaid, which even has you shocked.

Y/N: "WHAT?! But... HOW?!"

Suddenly, everyone could hear a cackle from somewhere and right at the edge of the ship, the sea witch, in her original form, climbs on board and crawls over to Ariel, grinning. She quickly grabs Ariel and before she can make her escape... she gloats.

Ursula: "So long, lover boys."

Eric: "Ariel!"

Y/N: "NO! I won't let you take her!!!"

You run over to jump into the water, but Eric stops you, grabbing onto your arm tightly.

Eric: "Stop! You'll drown down there!"

Y/N: "Not when I have this!" *whips out keyblade*

Eric: "What is that?"

Y/N: "No time to explain... I've got a mermaid to save and if I have to die trying, so be it!"

You then break free of Eric's hold and leap high into the air before transforming back into a merman and diving into the water, following the dreaded Ursula into the depths.

Ursula: *satisfied* "Poor princess. It's not you I'm after, I've got much bigger fish to..."

King Triton: "Ursula stop!" *points trident*

Y/N: "You're not going anywhere, sea hag!"

You quickly caught up to the sea witch, keyblade in hand and pointing it at your intended target.

Ursula: *turns to you, then the king* "Why, King Triton! *chuckles* How are you?"

King Triton: "Let her go!"

Ursula: "Not a chance, Triton! She's mine now! We made a deal." *shows him the contract*

Ariel: "Daddy, Y/N, I'm sorry! I... I didn't mean to! I didn't--"

Y/N: "It's not your fault. She manipulated you! But we're gonna set things right once and for all."

King Triton: "Starting with THIS!"

The king took his weapon and struck a lightning bolt at the contract to destroy it... but the contract was unharmed. Ursula laughed, proving that his efforts were in vein.

Ursula: "You see? The contract's legal, binding and completely unbreakable, even for you. Of course, I always was a girl with an eye for a bargain... the daughter of the great sea king is a very precious commodity, but I might be willing to make an exchange."

As she was persuading the king, she undergoes the spell that would turn Ariel into one of those... those shriveled up creatures.

Y/N: *worried* "Ariel..."

Ursula: "Now, do we have a deal?"

King Triton didn't even hesitate and switched Ariel's signature... with his own, thus binding him to Ursula for eternity. 

Ursula: "Ha! It's done, then!"

And thanks to his sacrifice, Ariel is free. And soon, the spell turns her father in the shriveled up creature instead.

Ariel: "No! Oh, no!"

Sebastian: *mortified* "Your majesty."

Ariel: "Daddy?"

Y/N: "You... vile... witch."

Ursula: "At last. It's mine!

She laughs triumphantly as she held the king's trident. But in doing so... she's now invoked the wrath of a certain boy.

Y/N: "ENOUGH!!! I can't allow you to do this anymore... And now, Ursula... you are going to PAY!"

In that moment... a surge of magical energy courses through your body and suddenly... you undergo a major transformation. Suddenly, the others are blinded by a bright light.

Then... right before their eyes, as the light slightly dims, the others look in awe at the transformation you've undergone.

[You're still in your merman form, so minus the bottom clothes and replace the Kingdom Key and Oblivion keyblades with the Ultima Weapon and Oathkeeper.]

You look over to Ariel with a determined look.

Y/N: "Ariel, listen very carefully. Get your father and friends and take them somewhere safe, go on, Ariel. I'll take care of this monster once and for all... now GET GOING!"

Ariel frantically nodded and with the help of Sebastian and Flounder, they helped dig up the patch of dirt her father was stuck to and carried him off to safety. From that moment... she finally realized why she's been so uneasy with Eric... and more comfortable with you.

Ariel: "I see now... all along, it was him... He's been there for me since the very start!"

Back with you, your anger just keeps rising to the surface, as does your growing power.

Y/N: "She's stolen innocent lives again and again... even came after the girl I love... IT'S OVEEEERRRRRRR URSULAAAAA!!!"

Ursula was baffled by the immense power you were giving off, it was unlike anything she'd ever experienced her whole life. But even so... she wasn't planning on backing down now.

Ursula: "We'll see about that!"

You rushed at the sea witch, breaking past her eel minions and clashed your keyblades with the trident she stole from the king. You swing and clash with her relentlessly, moving at such ridiculous speeds in which she can barely manage to keep up.

Flotsam and Jetsam try to intervene by attempting to strangle you, but you swim too fast out of their reach and strike at them both and reduced them to nothing but scales.

Ursula: "BABIES!!! My poor little poopsies." *growls* "Just who do you think you are?"

Y/N: *thinks* "Time for my OWN rendition..." *aloud* "So, you really don't know who I am? I am the hope for the innocent, the sworn protector of the planet Earth. I am the answer to all beings, everywhere in pain, who cry out for help and peace..." 

Ursula: *thinks* "This... boy..."

Y/N: "I... am called Y/N and I... AM THE KEYBLADE MASTER!!!"

Ursula: "A master, is it? Well then, let's see how a master handles me... when I reach the peek of my true power!!!" 

Suddenly, she surrounds the area around her in a large cloud of black smoke clouds, probably from her ink. The earth begins to shake and the evil sea witch begins to grow in size. You quickly swim up to the surface at high speeds ready to take her down.

Y/N: "She wants to take this to the sea and sky? Then I'll be more than happy to oblige."

[Music stop]

You rise up quickly and jump in the air, transforming back into your human form, now having your FULL set of Master Form clothes on and hovering in the air, waiting for the sea witch.

Sure enough, she rears her giant, ugly mug, cackling  as if she has the advantage over you.

Ursula: "You pitiful, insignificant fool! Now I am the ruler of all the ocean... the waves obey my every whim! The sea and all its spoils... BOW TO MY POWER!!!"

The gigantic sea hag then swirls the trident into the ocean, creating a whirlpool that causes a sunken ship to resurface. You notice that in the corner of your eye, Prince Eric was swimming out to the deep parts of the sea, as if to try and stop her.

You know he's not gonna back off, so you rush over and land on his little row boat, surprising him a little.

Eric: "It's you! What are--"

Y/N: "Less talky, more sea hag-slaying!"

You grabbed the prince and leaped up high in the sky and landed right onto the sunken ship.

Y/N: "Eric... take the helm and steer it towards Ursula, I'm gonna provide a distraction before we harpoon her for good!"

Eric: "How are you..."

Y/N: "Just do what I say!" *jumps and flies off*

Eric didn't know what to say after that, but he did what you told him and took the helm of the worn out ship. Meanwhile you circled around Ursula, making her agitated, trying to swat you away, but you were just too fast for her to keep up.

[For the record, I know that Master Form is only meant for double jumping in the game, but but I thought it'd be easier to have Y/N be able to fly no matter what form he's in.]

Ursula: "Hold still you wretched worm!"

She aims at you and fires a shot with the trident.


You fire back at her with a lightning strike of your own... from each of your two keyblades. Ursula's bewildered. She just can't fathom how much power you possess within you.

Eric is nearing his target, he does his best to keep the ship steady, getting within close proximity of the giant sea witch. As Ursula turns her back to Eric, the prince quickly ceases his moment and steers the ship's pointed end straight through Ursula's back and out through her stomach, making her yell in agony and pain.

Y/N: "Back to the darkest depths of the ocean, you vile demon... FROM WHENCE YOU CAME!!!"

As if being stabbed in the back wasn't bad enough, you finish her off by soring at her in a drilling motion, stabbing right through her cold heart and out through her back before landing atop the ship and watch at the evil hag slowly descends back into the ocean.

The storms rage on as Ursula sinks deeper and deeper into her watery grave... taking the ship with her... but not before you quickly got Eric back to safety, saving him once more.

[music stop]

With the sea witch dead, the hold she had on those other creatures in her grotto were severed and they all transform back into their normal merpeople selves, including the king. His trident returned to back to its original master and peace is restored.

[timeskip to next morning.]

Eric wakes up, gasping and panting while you sat beside him, watching him collect himself.

Eric: "That... That was..."

Y/N: "A hell of a run." *he looks at you* "You did real good, Eric... we finally put that sea witch to rest permenantly."

Eric: "We... we did?"

Y/N: "Yeah... But now... it looks like my job is done here. Soon, Ariel's gonna come back and jump into your arms and--"

Eric: "Wait... About Ariel..."

Y/N: "Hmm?"

Eric: "Look... I think maybe you should have her?"

Y/N: "What? But she likes you, why are you--"

Eric: "It's true, she likes me. But... something tells me that she loves you... and I can tell from how hard you fought Ursula that... you love her too, deep down. Am I right?"

Y/N: *blinks, then turns away* "It's that obvious?"

Eric: "I saw it in your eyes. It's true I tried to save her, but you went above and beyond to protect her, to help her, save her. I may not know what went on underwater, but I can tell you fought harder than any other man I know, but... I wanna know something."

Y/N: "Like..."

Eric: "Why did you try to get us together?"

Y/N: *sigh* "Because... in the beginning, when she first saw you, she instantly fell in love. I was a bit heartbroken at first, because I knew I'd have to do everything I could to make her happy. Some men are willing to go through the toughest challenges just to make sure the girl they love is happy... even if it hurts like hell."

Eric: "I see... well, then why don't we let Ariel decide? If she chooses you, that's fine with me."

Y/N: "You sure?"

Eric: "Of course. Besides, I'm 18 years old, I've got my whole life ahead of me before I'm ready to get married."

Y/N: "Well... if you say so. By the way, I... fished this out of the ocean a couple of nights ago." *hands him his flute*

Eric: "Oh, thanks... but... *gives back* "I think you should keep it, I can always get another one."

Y/N: "I... well, okay. Thanks."

As you two were conversing, Ariel, Flounder, Sebastian, King Triton and even his 6 other daughters all watched you and Prince Eric from afar, Ariel's sisters looking at you lovingly.

Ariel: "Daddy? About Prince Eric... I... thought he was the one for me, but... the more I thought about it, the more I realized... I was falling in love with Y/N instead. I didn't know it at the time, but... now I do... he's honest, brave, kind and giving..."

King Triton: "Yes, Ariel... I understand now. That boy is something I've never seen before. He's already shown me everything about him and... quite frankly... he's impressed me."

Ariel: "But... now... he just seems so... far away."

The youngest princess then swam up to the rock and watched you from a closer point of view.

King Triton: "She really does love him, doesn't she, Sebastian?"

Sebastian: *nods* "Mmm. Well, it's like I always say, your majesty, children got to be free to lead dere own lives."

King Triton: "You always say that?"

Sebastian shrugs and chuckles.

King Triton: *sigh* "Then I guess there's just one problem left."

Sebastian: "And what's dat, your majesty?"

King Triton: "How much I'm going to miss her."

Coming to grips with his daughter's decision, King Triton uses the power of his trident and turns Ariel back into a human. Ariel sees her legs back and smiles with glee.

Soon, she makes her grand entrance, emerging from the waters, decked out in a beautiful dress and walks up to you two.

Y/N: *awe* "Ariel!"

Eric: "There she is."

Ariel: "Eric... the time we shared together when I was with you... I'm grateful for that, but... I'm really sorry. It turns out... my heart fell for another and he's done so much for me. And now it's time I gave him some happiness... I hope you understand."

Eric: *nods, understanding* "Of course... now go to him. I wish you both a very happy life."

Ariel then looks to you, you look to her, the feeling of joy overtaking both of you as you rush over and grab her, twirling her in the air and setting her down before finally meeting her lips.

[Timeskip to wedding day...]

Naturally, within a few days and plenty of time and preparation, the two of you were officially married to each other.

[Start at 1:07 and switch Eric with Y/N]

And so, things turned out alright for you in the end. Ariel's become your official 4th wife and peace continued to reign over both land and the underwater city of Atlantica. As for Ariel's sisters... well, boy, does King Triton have a surprise for you.

[A/N: Oh yeah, the stories not over yet. Just wait until the finale, it is gonna be big, I tell you... BIG!]

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