The Little Mermaid (Part 3)
Back with you, after suffering a whole body-full of electricity and rendered unconscious... or almost killed by King Triton, you wake up in your own mind, finding yourself in some part of the ocean you're not familiar with and... there's another thing odd.
Y/N: *groans* "What the... *checks yourself, has clothes on* "What the... why am I in my human form? And... and how am I able to breathe out... oh wait, I think I can guess."
Yen Sid: *appears before you* "Y/N."
Y/N: "Oh... Master Yen Sid. Is something wrong?"
Yen Sid: "Afraid so. First, I'll hold off on it so I can commend you on your current actions, my boy. What you did for Ariel, guarding the last piece of her collection the way you did... it took a great deal of courage for you to stand up against her father."
Y/N: "Yeah, but... his attack hurt like hell. I'm not even sure if I survived that blast or not."
Yen Sid: "You are alive. And because of your sacrifice, you've even opened up Ariel's eyes a bit. However... while it was brave of you, I highly advise... no... I insist that you refrain from trying anything that dangerous or reckless again, my dear boy."
Y/N: "Is it because I still run the risk of dying?"
Yen Sid: "Correct. I was able to resurrect you once before from your home world, but I cannot perform the same miracle twice on a resurrected person, so please be mindful of your actions th next time something like this ever happens again. Can I trust you with this?"
Y/N: "I... I'll try, but there are plenty of worlds out there and danger's no stranger in any of them."
Yen Sid: "I know, I just want you to think carefully next time."
Y/N: "I will. Still... *sits down* ...I feel like I might be making a mistake letting Ariel go like this."
Yen Sid: "What do you mean?"
Y/N: "You know what I mean, she loves Eric. And she even went to the sea witch just to... oh no... Ursula... That sea witch is gonna try to sabotage Ariel's chances with the prince! I have to stop her before she takes Ariel as her personal property!" *jumps to feet*
Yen Sid: "Calm down, Y/N. You may help her up on the surface world... but even if she succeeds, nothing will change."
Y/N: "Nothing will... what are you talking about? Can't you at least tell me straight what's gonna happen to her?"
Yen Sid: "I'll leave the rest to you... good luck."
Soon, the grand mage disappears in a bright light.
Y/N: "Wait... MASTER!!!"
But the light already fades and right away, the dream ends and it's now time for you to wake up.
(Stop music.)
Opening up your eyes, you find yourself in some kind of room and... oh look, Ariel's older sisters are all here.
Y/N: "Where... am I?"
Attina: *gasps* "He's awake! I'll go and get daddy!"
Alana: "Hurry, Attina!"
The 6 sisters then swim over to you, checking on you.
Aquata: "Are you alright?"
Arista: "What happened out there?"
Adella: "Does it still hurt?"
Andrina: "Can we get you something?"
Y/N: "Ladies, I'm okay, I just... *grunts in pain from sitting up* AGH... yup that's definitely gonna hurt in the morning!"
Alana: "Don't move, you're hurt! Daddy brought you in here to treat your injuries, but... he never told us what happened."
Y/N: *slumps back down* "Well... if he hasn't told you why, it's best you don't find out... at least not right now. So... I take it you must be Ariel's older sisters, right?"
Alana: "Why... yes, we are. Ariel's our youngest sister. Attina, the one who just left to get daddy, she's the oldest. I'm Alana. I happen to be King Triton's 2nd oldest daughter."
Aquata: "I'm Aquata, the 3rd born daughter of King Triton."
Arista: "I'm Arista, I'm the 4th born.
Adella: "I'm the 5th born, name's Adella."
Andrina: "And I'm the 6th born daughter, Andrina."
[Ariel's still up in the human world.]
So, why don't you tell us your name?"
Y/N: "I'm... Y/N. I'm... a friend of Ariel."
Alana: "Oh? Could you be the one she's in love with?"
Y/N: "No... though, a part of me wishes it were true. But... she's in love with someone else. And..."
King Triton: *comes into the guest room* "And unfortunately, her love is a forbidden one."
Attina: *swims in* "Sorry I'm late."
Y/N: "Oh... hey there, your majest... *coughs violently* Ow..."
King Triton: "I do apologize for what happened, but... why did you jump in the way like that? You know how--"
Y/N: "Because I'm on neutral ground here about the subject."
Attina: "What's going on?"
Arista: "Daddy, what are you two talking about?"
King Triton: "Well, my girls... I'm afraid I have some... serious news."
Y/N: "Both of us..."
[One long story later...]
Attina: "She did WHAT?!"
Alana: "But the human world is too dangerous!"
Aquata: "But are we even certain all humans are truly dangerous?"
Arista: "No wonder Ariel's been acting strange lately."
Adella: "And what were you thinking jumping in front of daddy's trident and taking the hit?! You could've been killed!"
Andrina: "I still think it was a bit excessive, I mean she's still the youngest in the family, daddy. But more importantly..."
All 6: *to you* "Why did you help her?!"
Y/N: "I did it for her happiness! And because... because I saw a little bit of myself in her... when I was a young boy."
King Triton: "You... saw yourself... in Ariel?"
Y/N: *nods* "Just like her... I was always kept locked away at home... never to see the outside world, even though it looked so beautiful, vast and had so much to teach. The whole world... feeling so close... and yet so far out of my reach at the same time."
Adella: "I had no idea."
Y/N: "Ariel... she saw that the world had so much to offer. So many beautiful things out there, she saw the good in what the world had to offer... while King Triton... he only saw the dangers. Me... I learned to stay on neutral ground about the subject. To me... the world is both beautiful and hazardous, same with... dare I say it in front of his majesty... humans, they too have a bad side AND a good side."
King Triton: "And that's why I tried to get through to Ariel, by destroying her treasure trove. But... it seems I only made a big mistake and made her upset... especially when I tried to destroy the statue of the human Ariel was in love with, but... he blocked me."
Y/N: "With my body no less."
King Triton: "And that's why I brought him here to heal his injuries."
The 6 sisters all turned to each other, astonished at the thought that Ariel found a friend who was willing to put her happiness above his own and to find someone like that... was captivating. In the sisters' case, they might've found how charming you can be in your own way... even though they have no clue you're a human.
Y/N: "And as for Ariel, I... *realizes* ...Oh no... Ariel! She needs my help, I gotta go-- AGH!!!" *feels pain again*
King Triton: "Don't move! You're not in any shape to go out there until your wounds heal."
Y/N: "Then I guess I'll just have to take measures into my own hands and heal myself faster!"
Andrina: "What is he..."
Just then you raise your hand up and POOF, your keyblade appears, which shocks the royal sea family, even Triton. You point the keyblade at yourself and use your Curaga spell, engulfing your body in a green glow, restoring your body back to 100%.
You rose up from the guest bed and put away your keyblade before addressing the sea king.
Y/N: "Listen, King Triton, I'm sorry I've caused you a lot of trouble and I'm grateful for you bringing me here and helping me recover, but now I gotta go and help Ariel."
King Triton: "What, Ariel? Where is she?"
Y/N: "Knowing her... the surface world."
Without another word, you swam out of the palace and away from the city of Atlantica, making your way towards the surface world on the biggest mission yet.
King Triton: "What... NO! WAIT UP!"
The king then swims off to catch up with you while his daughters stay behind, watching as you valiantly venture off.
Attina: "You think he'll be back?"
Alana: *dreamily* "I certainly hope so."
Arista, Andrina and Adella quickly faint... which would seem a bit much, but man... you are one lucky guy.
Nearing your destination, you're about to swim up to the surface when suddenly, King Triton winds up catching you.
King Triton: *grabs your arm* "STOP!!! My boy, do you have any idea what you're getting yourself into? The human world is dangerous, I've said this about a hundred times now!"
Y/N: "Ariel needs my help! I can't just stay here and swim around doing nothing, sir!"
King Triton: "You're a merman, think logically, you won't survive one even one minute on the surface without overheating!"
Y/N: "...yeah... not as a merman... but..."
King Triton: "But... what?"
Y/N: "...It's best I show you."
Diving down deeper into the depths, you then shoot up and out of the water at high speeds, shocking Triton. As you leap into the surface world, you aim for the little island and land just as your orca lower body changes and now you're human again, clothes and all.
Triton sees this and gasps upon seeing you in your current state, jaw hanging open and all. And he wasn't too thrilled.
King Triton: *angered* "You... You're a human?!"
Y/N: "You were bound to find out sooner or later, I had to tell you the truth so you would understand, sir."
King Triton: "You deceived me! You... you... you... You endangered my daughter by bringing her to those other HUMANS!"
Y/N: "Look, I'm not proud of deceiving you, but I had to change my appearence so I could learn more about your world. And for the record, I KEPT Ariel safe from harm! I would never try to hurt her, you have to believe me what I'm telling you, your majesty!"
King Triton: "I will not allow some human filth to taint my daughter's mind any longer! So now it's time I FINISH the job!"
The king takes aim at you with his trident and shoots a lightning blast at you, only this time, you block the attack using your keyblade and reflect it above into the sky.
Y/N: "Sir, this is NOT the time to be fighting!"
King Triton: "SILENCE!!!"
He fires another shot, but you block that, too.
Y/N: "Are you THAT close-minded about humans being all savages?!"
Y/N: "YES I DO!!!"
King Triton: "LIAR!"
He fires a stronger lightning blast, but this one's deflected and dispersed by a powerful spinning slash attack from you.
Y/N: "How do you think your deceased wife would react if you kept holding onto this unhealthy grudge against humans?!"
Triton was about to attack again, but... he stopped.
King Triton: "How... do you..."
Y/N: "I learned from my visit here. I get it, you hate humans because of those damn stupid pirates coming after your merpeople. I don't blame you, but she wouldn't have wanted you to continue on with this personal grudge for all of eternity. She even saved your eldest daughter before she was crushed by a sunken ship. Ariel's a lot like her when she risked her life to save that human she loves."
King Triton: "Yes, but..."
Y/N: "And if she found out about, she'd be just as worried as you are to be near humans... but she'd also be proud that her little girl has done something so heroic."
King Triton: *sighs in defeat* "I... I just don't understand... all I ever wanted was to make sure she didn't get hurt. And yet, here I am, being taught a lesson by a mere human... and a young one at that... what am I to do with myself nowadays?"
Y/N: "Listen... I'm sorry I deceived you. I really meant no harm to you or your family... or even your entire kingdom. I travel to a lot of places to learn about the places and the people, merpeople in your case, so that I can try to make peace in a way. I'm not bad like other humans, I can assure you... and besides... if I did fight you, it'd only crush Ariel's heart, same with Attina, Alana, Aquata, Arista, Adella and Andrina, they'd be devastated if I fought you."
Now... for King Triton's response.
King Triton: "Perhaps... I may have been too quick to judge you. And... you're right, I guess my dear Athena just wouldn't be happy if she knew what's become of Ariel... speaking of which, where is my youngest daughter, I have to know, is she okay?"
Y/N: "For the moment, yes... but... she won't be for long."
King Triton: "What? TELL ME!"
Y/N: *thinks* "I've gotta find a way to... OH! I could try that." *aloud* "When I was unconscious, I had a vision. Ariel... she... she somehow made a deal with the sea witch, Ursula."
King Triton: *mortified* "No... Not my Ariel! What deal?"
Y/N: "According to my vision... she's been given 3 days to get the human she's in love with... to fall in love with her. And in order to do that, she's gotta get him to kiss her. If she doesn't she'll turn back into a mermaid become Ursula's property."
King Triton: *angered* "That horrible sea witch! I'll break that deal myself if I have to!"
Y/N: "It's too late! Ariel's signed the contract! Even if you blast it with your trident, it won't work, because the contract's legal."
King Triton: *horrified* "Oh dear... what have I done? What if she never comes back?"
Y/N: "That's why I'm gonna make sure she DOESN'T fall into the tentacles of that sea witch. If all else fails, I'll fight Ursula for Ariel's freedom, no matter the cost!"
The king is baffled by your valiant decree. Though he wishes you didn't have to, he can only place his hopes on you.
King Triton: "Then... promise me you'll keep her safe."
Y/N: "You have my word."
With that, you leap up high and make your way over to the main land, awaiting the challenges that lie ahead.
Meanwhile, with Ariel, it's now nighttime and the newly transformed human girl was sitting up on the balcony, dreamily looking down at the prince as she plays with his pooch. She can never get enough of seeing those two being so close like and friends could be. But... at the same time, she also couldn't stop thinking... about you. All the sacrifices you made for her and now here she was, living her dream.
But... was it worth it? Can she really be happy with her prince... even though you went through all the trouble for her. It's only now that these questions started getting to her. But in the end, she did make the choice to be a human for a short time. She might as well make the time count while she's here with her crush.
Eric then notices Ariel up on the balcony looking down at him and gives her a friendly wave. She blinks in surprise before smiling and waving back at him before stepping into her room.
Sebastian: "Dis has got to be, witout a doubt, de single most humiliating day of my life. *gets patted by Ariel* I hope dat you appreciate what I go trough for you, young lady."
Ariel then sits down on the bed, only to feel herself sink into the mattress due to how soft it is. She likes the new feeling and makes herself comfy, resting her head against the pillows.
Sebastian: "Now, we got to make a plan to get dat boy to kiss you. Tomorrow when he takes you for dat ride, you gotta look your best. You gotta bat your eyes, like dis." *bats eyes* "You gotta... *puckers his lips* ...pucker up your lips like dis."
But Ariel was already sound asleep, looking so adorable as she's snuggled up in the pillows. With a shrug, Sebastian just lets her sleep her cares away and goes to blow out the candle and then jumps on the bed, stroking Ariel's hair like a loving uncle would.
Sebastian: *soft, kind* "You are hopeless, child. You know dat?" *rests up next to Ariel* "Completely hopeless." *yawns*
Meanwhile, up on a hill near the town and castle, you're sitting on grass, trying to devise up your own way of keeping the sea witch at bay, along with her two eel minions.
Y/N: "Okay, think Y/N... that sea witch is cunning. She's not gonna just sit around and let Ariel get kissed by him. No doubt she'll definitely take matters into her own tentacles. I could take the conch shell she has, but I'd have to find a way to bypass castle security. That shouldn't be a problem for now, but... there's the ship. Hmm... if I could fly... or at least glide to the ship, I might have a chance."
But eventually, your thinking had come to a brief halt as you felt your body shutting down from how late it was.
Y/N: *yawns* "Ah, I'll worry about it in the morning."
Without the proper funds to find an inn, you just kick back and rest your tired body on the soft, grassy hill. Your eyes slowly close as you await the next important day.
[Timeskip to next morning because REASONS!!!]
It is now day 2 and Prince Eric decides to take Ariel on a little stroll into town on a horse-driven carriage, which excited her. At the same time, you also arrive in town, but keep a low profile so you can make sure Ariel has a good time with Eric.
When she does arrive, she's excited to see so many new people, new animals, even a puppet show and... people dancing. Prince Eric was kind enough to teach her how to dance. At first glance, you can tell she's having fun and so is her crush.
Later on, after leaving the town with some flowers and bread Eric bought for her, Eric decided to let Ariel take the reigns with the carriage, which... gets a little wild for the two. You had to move fast to keep up with them, but also stay out of sight. Ariel gets a little reckless when she makes the horse and carriage up across a ledge and onto the other side, just barely making it there safe and sound.
Y/N: "Remind me to never let her drive a car if I ever bring her back home with me after this."
Later on as the day was coming close to an end, Eric and Ariel were out in the water on a romantic boat ride.
This time, it was time to go back into your merman form. Which meant being on the lookout for those two eels.
Flounder: "Move over. Move your feathers. I can't see a thing."
Scuttle: "Nothing is happening! Only one day left and that boy ain't puckered up once. *determined* Okay. Alright, this calls for a little vocal romantic stimulation"
Y/N: *emerges from under water* "If we're gonna be setting the mood here, we're gonna need help from Sebastian."
Scuttle: "Nonsense, I am a master of the art of romance when it comes to music, my friend. Watch... and learn." *flies onto branch*
Y/N: "Flounder... where do you have ears?"
Flounder: "Uh..."
Y/N: "You might wanna cover them up. Or better yet, dive underwater so you'll be spared."
Flounder nodded and quickly dove down just as ol' Scuttle-butt began his "romantic" squawking and... trust me it's both painful... and comical to watch.
Eric: "Wow. *chuckles* Somebody should find that poor animal and put it out of its misery."
See, even Eric finds it horrible. Ariel can only watch in embarrassment, even though he's trying to help.
Sebastian: *disgusted* "Geez, mon. I'm surrounded by amateurs. *leaps off boat, into water, sees you*
Y/N: "Boy, am I glad to see you. What do you say we settle the mood for Ariel... the RIGHT way?"
Sebastian: "Dat, I could not have said betta myself."
Y/N: *salutes* "On your command, my friend."
[Start at 0:55. Just picture yourself somewhere in here helping out]
And of course the plan's foiled by those stupid eels. And you're upset because you didn't stop them... all because you were caught up in the moment hoping that... it'd work.
Y/N: "Oh, that does it!" *dives underwater*
Meanwhile, in Ursula's Grotto...
Ursula: "Nice work, boys. That was a close one. Too close. The little tramp, AGH... she's better than I thought. Well, at this rate, he'll be kissing her by sunset for sure. *frustrated, desperate* Well, it's time Ursula took matters into her OWN tentacles. *tosses ingredients into cauldron, casting spell* Triton's daughter will be mine and I'll make him writhe, I'll see him wiggle like a worm on a hook!"
The evil witch cackles to herself, transforming her wicked form into a her very own fiendish human disguise.
Meanwhile, back with you, you're currently chasing the two eels away, whacking at them with your keyblade.
Y/N: "Let's see how YOU like it when someone messes YOU up, you two-timing, double-crossing, slithering little, sass-a-frassin' slugheads!!!"
Jetsam: "HE'S CRAZY!!!"
The two eventually swam off at high speeds, away from the castle, but they'll be back for sure. But now, you've got more serious trouble to worry about at the moment.
Y/N: "DAMN those assholes! I'd better get back to dry land! Ursula's bound to show her ugly face around the prince... and worst of all, she won't even look ugly in her human form."
You waste no time in returning back to the main land and on your way there, Prince Eric is out, playing his flute, but... he stops after a while as if something's bothering him.
Grimsby: "Eric? If I may say, far better than any dream girl is one of flesh and blood, one warm and caring and right before your eyes."
Eric then looks up at the window, watching Ariel brushing her hair before bed, bringing a smile to his face. He then sighs... and then suddenly throws his flute into the water... just as you were about to resurface and it lands into your hands.
Y/N: "What the... Eric's flute. Oh no... URSULA!!!"
You quickly swim up and rush to land and... suddenly you hear Ariel's voice vocalizing in the distance somewhere. Eric also hears the voice and looks to find a woman singing by the beach, walking along it, but he can't make out her face.
Y/N: "Shit! She's already started, I gotta stop her! If ever there was a time my newfound strength was needed... it's NOW!"
Transforming back into your human form upon reaching land, you then ran along the base of the ledge and then reached the spot where the transformed Ursula was located. You land a few feet away from her, right in her line of sight, startling her.
Ursula: "Who are you?"
Y/N: "Someone you just made an enemy out of! I won't let you get in the way of Ariel and her happiness, you sea witch!"
Ursula: *surprised* "How do you know me?"
Y/N: "A guy like me tends to learn a thing or two during my visit to Atlantica... especially about the infamous sea witch... Ursula."
Ursula: "So... you managed to figure me out. But so what? Why do you care so much abo-- *figures it out, grins* Oh... now, I see... you're in love with her... aren't you?"
Y/N: "And if I am?"
Ursula: "Why bother throwing away your only chance with her when you could just swoop in and take her for yourself?"
Y/N: *slightly hurt* "I admit... I wish it were me who won her heart... and maybe she doesn't feel the same way... But I would rather see her happy than to selfishly make her mine! You'll never understand the ways of love, NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS!"
Ursula: *disgusted* "Oh, how sentimental. I think I might just cry... oh wait, no I won't!"
Y/N: "Of course you wouldn't cry... your heart is as cold and cruel as the Russian winterstorms. As a matter of fact..."
You pause and whip out your keyblade. Ursula flinches and you rush past her, unbeknownst to her, you quickly snatched her conch shell containing Ariel's voice.
Y/N: "...your heart is downright chilled to the BONE!"
You then turn around and blast Ursula with your Blizzaga attack, freezing the sea witch in an icy prison... which will probably break tomorrow, but that's plenty of time.
Y/N: "Now... to right the wrongs."
You look down at the shell, hearing Ariel's voice inside and look up at the castle with a heavy, broken heart.
Y/N: "It's for the best."
And so, later on into the night, when everybody's asleep, you sneak up onto the balcony and knock on Ariel's window, waking her up from her deep, relaxing slumber.
She looks and sees you at the door. She gets curious and opens the window, wondering why you're here.
Y/N: *whispering* "Ariel... I don't have time to explain, but... have a look at this" *shows her conch shell with voice* "I'm gonna make sure Eric hears your voice tomorrow and then... you two can finally be happy together, just like you wanted."
Ariel was astonished by what you went through just for her and pulls you in for a hug. It still hurts like hell to let her go, but you hug her back and then wish her goodnight before bringing her back to bed and then heading out the way you came.
It's strange... Ariel's finally getting her wish, but... somehow her heart feels like... this is wrong. She doesn't really know it, but... what if her happiness is with someone else?
[A/N: Heh, bet you never thought I'd get another chapter done in record time, did ya? Well, I couldn't help it, this chapter had so many things I wanted to explore and I couldn't pry myself away... except for when I had to eat, but here you go.]
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