The Lion King (Part 3)
We now skip to some time later in the future and bring ourselves to the once flourished land of Pride Rock, now turned into a desolate wasteland with Hyenas everywhere and not a single plant, nor drop of water in sight as many of the herds have moved on.
Inside Pride Rock, we see our favorite African red-billed hornbill, Zazu, trapped behind a pair of bones like a little jail cell while Scar is up on his stone bed, picking his teeth with a broken bone of what would appear to be his latest and final meal.
Zazu: *singing, depressed* "Nobody knows the trouble I've seen, nobody knows my sorrow,"
Scar: *uncaring* "Oh, Zazu, do lighten up." *tosses bone away* "Sing something with a little... bounce in it."
Zazu: *sings* "...It's a small world after all--"
Scar: "NO! No! Anything, but that."
Zazu: *sings* "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, deedle-de-de-de, there they are all standing in a row"
Scar/Zazu: *singing, Scar picks up a skull* "Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head*
Zazu: "Oh, I would never do any of this with Mufasa."
Oh snap...
Scar: *Jumps at Zazu, mad* "WHAT? What did you say?"
Zazu: "Oh, nothing,"
Scar: "You know the law. Never, ever mention that name in my presence, I am the KING!"
Zazu: "Yes, sire! You are the king! I, I... I only mentioned it to illustrate the differences... in your royal... managerial approaches."
Bonzai: *from the entrance* "Hey boss!"
Scar: *bored* "What is it this time?"
Bonzai: "We got a bone to pick with you."
Shenzi: *to Bonzai* "I'll handle this," *to Scar, calmly* "Scar, there's no food, no water
Bonzai: "Yeah! It's dinnertime and we ain't got no stinkin' entrees!"
Scar: *bored* "It's the lionesses job to do the hunting.
Bonzai: "Yeah, but they won't go hunt."
Scar: *groans* "Eat Zazu."
The hyenas turn to the now frightened hornbill.
Zazu: "Oh, you wouldn't want me! I'd be so tough and gamey and..." *exclaims in disgust*
Scar: *chuckles* "Zazu, don't be ridiculous."
Bonzai: *whispers to Shenzi and Ed* "And I thought things would be bad under Mufasa."
Scar: *turns, pissed* "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!"
Bonzai: "I said Muf--" *Shenzi elbows him* "I-I said, uh... "Que pasa?"
Scar: "Good, now get out."
The hyena head for the exit, then stop just in front of it.
Bonzai: "Y-Yeah, but... we're still hungry."
Scar: "OUT!!!"
The hyenas yelped and ran with their tails between their legs, Ed laughing all the way like the goof he is.
[Back in the jungle]
It was now nighttime and the crickets were singing and frogs were croaking, basking in the sweet wonders of the night. Another day had come and gone for everyone. Suddenly...
We now direct our attention to Timon, Pumbaa as well as you and the two royal lions, Mufasa and Simba. It had been at least 4 years since you rescued Mufasa and Simba from Scar. And surprisingly, you remain the same age in your human form.
According to Yen Sid, one night, he told you that as long as you're constantly jumping from world to world, you remain the same age as you were at the time of your death. The only time you WILL age is when you finally enter your new home world. Of course, you'll stop aging once you step out of your new home world, too.
But anyways, in the 4 years you've been in the world of the Lion King, you made good work of training Simba with Mufasa's help, molding him into the lion he is today. And just now, ol' Simba had let out the biggest burp after munching down on some bugs.
He quickly adapted to his new insect diet when he was a cub, but it took some time before Mufasa got used to the taste of bugs and even more time for you, since you're part human.
Timon: "Whoa, nice one, Simba."
Simba: "Thanks. Man I'm stuffed."
Pumbaa: "Me too. I ate like a pig."
Simba: "Pumbaa, you are a pig."
Pumbaa: "Oh... right."
Mufasa: "Now, Simba... remember your manners."
Y/N: "By the way... Good work on your training today, Simba."
Simba: "Thanks."
After a long day of training with Simba and Mufasa and after a long day of doing nothing for Timon and Pumbaa, it felt nice to just kick back, relax and gaze up at the stars. Then... Pumbaa got to thinking about the biggest mystery anyone would ask.
Pumbaa: "Timon?"
Timon: "Yeah?"
Pumbaa: "Ever wonder what those sparkling dots are up there?"
Timon: "Pumbaa, I don't wonder, I know."
Pumbaa: "Oh! What are they?"
Timon: "They're fireflies. Fireflies that, uh, got stuck up in that... big, bluish, black thing."
Pumbaa: "Oh, gee. I always thought they were balls of gas burning billions of miles away."
Timon: "Pumbaa, with you, everything's gas."
Pumbaa: "Simba, Mufasa, what do you think?"
Mufasa: "Hmm... good question. Simba?"
Simba: "Well... dad once told me that the great kings of the past are up there, watching over us."
Pumbaa: "Really?"
Timon: "You mean a bunch o' royal dead guys are watching us?"
Y/N: "It's always a possibility."
Mufasa: "And what about you, Y/N? What do you think?"
Y/N: "Hmmm, well... I guess... I have always had a feeling that... maybe there are lots of other worlds out there. Although, I've always wondered why we're here... in this jungle. If there are any other worlds out there... why did we end up on this one? And suppose there are other worlds, and ours is just a little piece of something much greater. So, we could've just as easily ended up somewhere else, right?"
Timon: "So... what you're saying is, there could be other worlds that exist outside our own?"
Y/N: "Exactly."
Mufasa: "Interesting theory. Perhaps if there are other worlds, it's possible those who reside in those worlds are possibly thinking the same thing we are and we don't know for certain."
Simba: "I guess you're right."
And for a while, Simba kept looking up at the stars and thought about what's become of his old home back at Pride Rock. It's been so long since he left home and wonders if anyone'll miss him or if they had already forgotten about him and his dad.
Every question regarding his home and the pride he left behind, he couldn't sit in one spot, so he left to go and sulk somewhere.
Timon: "Was it something I said?"
Y/N: "No, let him be. I'm sure he's just probably... homesick."
Mufasa: "Homesick?"
Y/N: "Well, 4 years is a long time to be away from home."
Mufasa: "Hmm... I suppose you're right. I just hope the rest of the pride back home is pulling through under Scar's rule. That traitor is going to pay for what he's done to us!"
And as he said that, Simba stopped by the ledge of a small cliff and overlooks the horizon. Though he cannot see his home, he knows its out there... suffering and the guilt within him of not being there for his subjects is eating him up inside.
Withing else to do, he just slumps down, causing some plant residue to scatter and blow in the wind, away from the jungle.
This jungle plant residue traveled in the wind for miles and miles, even after nighttime falls and daytime arises the next day. Little did anyone know, well, except you, of course, that jungle plant residue travelled its way to a certain mandrill's tree.
And wouldn't you know it, that certain mandrill catches it and gives it a nice whiff, thinking it smells familiar. He climbs down from his branch and takes the residue to his hut. He scatters the residue into a huge bowl that looks like a turtle's shell.
Then, he takes a fruit from his tree and splits it open. He slurps the fruit juices within it and then takes a deeper look until...
Rafiki: "Simba?" *looks at Simba painting* "He's-He's alive?" *laughs in delight* "He's ALIVE!"
Yes, Rafiki was delighted to find out that Pride Rock's final hope had NOT completely died. He goes and grabs his stick and goes over to the painting, laughing with joy. He then takes a shell full of red paint and takes one last look at Simba's painting, laushing some more as he realizes how much time has passed and draws a red circle around Simba's neck on the tree, which was his mighty mane.
Rafiki: "It is time!"
Yes, it is indeed time.
[Back in the jungle]
We now bring our attention to our favorite dynamic duo strolling through the jungle, singing The Lion Sleeps Tonight, with Pumbaa providing the background music theme and Timon singing the lyrics to the rhythm of the beat in perfect sync.
But as they're singing, a rhino beetle flies in Pumbaa's line of sight and heads off while the hungry warthog confidentally sneaks behind it, waiting to pounce.
Timon: "I can't hear ya, buddy! Back me up!"
The meerkat continues on, vocalizing while busting a move or two until he realizes his pal was no where in sight.
Timon: "Pumbaa? Pumbaa?"
Back with our favorite Mr. Pig, he's humming silently to himself, keeping his eye on his grub as it walks along the path until it flies up to a log far enough from Pumbaa's biting range.
Pumbaa keeps pursuing it, then hides behind a tree, just before the beetle turns to check its 6. It turns back around and Pumbaa slurps his lips and continues onward. He leaps onto the log, then hears a sound from behind him and he checks.
Pumbaa: "Timon?"
But there's no one there, just tall, dried up grass. Pumba shrugged and hopped over the log. The beetle stands on the log and Pumbaa now gets within the bug's line of sight with a grin. The tiny little armored insect only stays for a couple of seconds before retreating.
If not for the hungry warthog... but for what else was lurking in the tall, dead grass up ahead. And even though it was faint, Pumba could make out a predator with his own eyes.
The predator reveals itself to be a lioness.
Pumbaa, scared out of his wits, turns tail and books it with his predator hot on his tail. Pumbaa keeps up his pace hoping to outrun or outmaneuver his predator in the jungle. But like any good hunter, the lioness is proving to be much more formidable.
Timon: "Pumbaa?"
The meerkat hears what's going on, but isn't sure what's happening, so he runs off to find his warthog buddy.
As for Pumbaa, he tries running from spot to spot using a giant tree to shake off the lioness, but she merely pounces from spot to spot at a quick enough pace to keep up and continues her pursuit for a desperate meal, not giving up on her prey.
Timon: "Pumbaa! Pumbaa!"
Moments later, Pumbaa is just far enough and appears out of nowhere, but gets stuck under a tree trunk. He tries to get loose, but his body's too big for him to get unstuck.
Timon: "Pumbaa, Pumbaa! Hey, what's going on?"
Pumbaa: "SHE'S GONNA EAT ME!!!"
Timon: "Huh?"
He goes up to take a look. And there she is, in hot pursuit.
Timon: "WHOA!!!"
The little meerkat then gets behind Pumbaa and tries to push him through the tree trunk by his big buttocks, but isn't strong enough, nor is Pumbaa thin enough to get through.
Timon: "Jeez, why do I always have to save your..." *turns and sees her just inches away* "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!"
Just when they thought they'd wind up lunch, here comes Simba to the rescue as he tackles on his childhood friend. You and Mufasa also appear and help Pumbaa out while protecting him.
Y/N: "Sorry if we're late to the party. We were in the middle of some running exercise with Simba when we heard Pumbaa scream."
Pumbaa: "Thank goodness, you came."
Timon: "Talk about timing. At least now everything'll be okay."
Mufasa: "Wait... I think I know her." *checks Nala from afar* "I... I was right, it's actually her! SIMBA STOP, LOOK AT HER!"
Just then, both Simba and Nala stopped. The lioness blinked in surprise and backed up to get a better look at Simba. Then... her eyes widened when she also saw Mufasa.
Nala: "Mufasa? Simba?"
Simba: "Nala? Is it really you?"
When they finally noticed who they were, they exclaimed with excitement and flailed and hugged each other. While they're rejoicing, Timon is just left speechless and clueless.
Timon: "Hey, what's going on here?"
Mufasa: "I should probably explain. This is Nala, she and Simba grew up together as cubs. They're best friends."
Simba: "He's right. Hey, Pumbaa! Come over here!"
You then pull Pumbaa out from his tight spot and free him.
Pumbaa: "Hmm?"
Simba: "Nala, this is Pumbaa. Pumbaa, Nala."
Pumbaa: "Pleased to make your accquaintance.
Nala: "The pleasure's all mine.
Timon: "How do ya do-- WHOA, WHOA! Time out! Lemme get this straight; you know her, she knows you. But she wants to eat him... and everybody's... okay with this? *jumps up in the air, flailing all crazy* DID I MISS SOMETHING?!
Simba: "Relax, Timon."
Nala: "Wait 'til everyone finds out you've been here all this time. And your mother... what will she think?"
Y/N: *pretending not to know* "His mother?"
Mufasa: "My wife, Sarabi."
Nala: "Yeah. Scar told us about the stampede."
Simba: "He did? W-What else did he say?"
Nala: "What else matters? You're both alive! *she realizes* And that means... you're the king."
Y/N: "Technically... Mufasa is still the king. He has the authority on when he will step down and allow his son to rule."
Nala: "And... who are you?"
Y/N: "Y/N. I'm just a wandering lion who helps others. I'm also the reason Mufasa and Simba are still breathing."
Nala: "You are?"
Mufasa: "It's true. He saved my life as well as Simba's. However, there's more to the story than what Scar's told you."
Nala: "What do you mean?"
Y/N: "That... can wait for until later on. For now, I think it's better if we let you and Simba catch on the good old days. You two seem to be extremely close from what I can tell."
Mufasa: "I agree. Timon, Pumbaa, why don't we go and have ourselves a snack somewhere?"
Pumbaa: "Ooh, snack time! I like the sound of that!"
Timon: "It starts... ya think ya know a guy."
And soon, you, the king and the two bug-eating buddies follow you into the jungle for a snack while Simba and Nala reconnect.
Simba: "Timon and Pumbaa; you'll learn to love 'em."
As he turns to Nala, she looks away, eyes pointed towards the ground, meaning something is bothering her.
Simba: "What?" *approaches her* "What is it?"
Nala: "It's like you're back from the dead. You don't know how much this'll mean to everyone... what it means to me."
Simba: "Hey, it's okay."
Nala: "I've really missed you." *nuzzles into Simba, purring*
Simba: "I've missed you, too." *nuzzles back*
Unbeknownst to them, two familiar faces were watching them from behind some bushes.
Timon: "I tell you, Pumbaa, this stinks!"
Pumbaa: "Oh, sorry."
Timon: "Not you, them! Him. Her. Aloooone."
Pumbaa: "What's wrong with that?"
And as they finish their number, the two friends bawl their eyes out while Simba and Nala still stroll through the jungle.
Simba: "Isn't this a great place?"
Nala: "It is beautiful. But I don't understand something. You and your father have been alive all this time. Why didn't that Y/N lion bring either of you back to Pride Rock?"
Simba: "Well, from what he told us, I wasn't ready to head back since I was still too young. So, we spent the last few years training me into what I am now so I can go back."
Nala: "So... he was preparing you?"
Simba: "Yeah. At first, I thought he would he should be the next king of Pride Rock, but he and my father knew it doesn't work like that and that he lacks the right requirements."
Nala: "Well, either way, we really need you back home."
Simba: "I know. But first, I gotta know... what's happened?"
Nala: "Well... after we thought you and Mufasa died and Scar declared himself king...he let the hyenas take over the Pride Lands."
Simba: "What?"
Nala: "Everything's destroyed. There's no food, no water and if we don't do something soon, everyone'll starve."
Simba: "I... I had no idea. Oh... what have I done?"
The news he got regarding the state of his kingdom didn't sit well with Simba and has left Nala worried about him even more.
Nala: "Simba? Are... Are you okay?"
Simba: *wracked with guilt "Oh no. No... No, no, no, how could I have let this happen to them? I... I should never have left the Pride Lands back then, this is all my fault!"
In a state of panic, he rushes off into the wide-open meadow without even thinking, now having worried Nala even more.
Nala: "SIMBA! WAIT!"
Y/N: *shows up* "What happened? What's wrong with Simba?"
Nala: "I... I don't know, he just... he just started panicking the moment I told him what's become of the Pride Lands!"
Y/N: "I'll go and get Mufasa."
Nala: "Please, hurry!"
You ran off as quick as you could. While it's no surprise Simba would act different considering the circumstances, you just hoped that Simba isn't going to do the unthinkable.
Eventually, you arrive and find Mufasa conversing with Timon and Pumbaa, stopping dead in your tracks.
Y/N: "Mufasa, come quick! Something's wrong with Simba!"
Mufasa: "What?" *gets up* "Alright, take me to him!"
Y/N: "Right!"
So, you guide the king with you back to where Nala is at and the three of you go out to look for Simba, wondering what's up.
Pumbaa: "Poor Simba! I'd better check up on him!"
Timon: *disbelief* "et tu, Pumbaa? You're just gonna walk away, give up on all of this? What happened to "Friends stick together to the end," huh, huh, huh?"
Pumbaa: *disappointed* "I was about to ask you the same thing."
Sadly, Timon is left behind and Pumbaa joins up with you and Mufasa to go and find Simba.
And there they see him, pacing around in the tall grass out in the open, looking extremely perturbed about something. You and the rest of Simba's friends and family were concerned about the poor boy, so you all approached him slowly.
Mufasa: "Simba... what's wrong?"
Simba: "Father... I... I don't know if I can fix the Pride Lands anymore, not after what Nala told me what's become of it."
Mufasa: "Is it worse than we thought?"
Nala: "Afraid so. Ever since Scar took over as king, he allowed the hyenas to move in at Pride Rock and because there's hundreds of hyenas, they've gone and eaten just about gobbled everything up and now if we don't get back to the Pride Lands soon, everyone we know and love will die from starvation and dehydration."
Mufasa: "That's awful!"
Simba: "That's just it! What if we can't restore the Pride Lands? What if I just make things worse? I should've been back at the Pride Lands sooner rather than later, at least by then, I'd have spared everyone from what Scar's done, but... it's too late."
Y/N: "Simba..."
The doubtful heir looks at you.
Y/N: "None of us knew the Pride Lands would end up the way it is. *inside your head* "Except for me, I watched the movie hundreds, if not thousands of times over. *Aloud* "But that is precisely why you have to at least try to fight for your home."
Mufasa: "And you mustn't forget who you are. Look inside yourself, Simba, you are more than what you have become. You must take your place in the circle of life."
Simba: "How can I go back?! I'm not who I used to be."
Mufasa: *puts paw on Simba's shoulder* "Remember who you are. You are my son, and the one true king."
Nala: "He's right, Simba. You're what the Pride Lands need right now, more than ever. Please... we need you."
Just then, the gang hears what sounds like old cackling and you recognized that cooky laughter anywhere in this universe.
Up in a tree nearby, you spot a familiar mandrill with a stick holding a couple of fruits tied to it. This... was Rafiki.
Mufasa: "Rafiki!"
Rafiki: "Mufasa!!! What a glorious day!" *hops off tree*
The two old friends then run towards each other and hug it out before letting each other go.
Mufasa: "How'd you find us, old friend?"
Rafiki: *chuckles* "I followed de scent of your son. But I didn't expect to find both da new and previous king to both be alive! And who might this new face be?"
Y/N: "My name's Y/N. Pleasure to meet you, Rafiki,"
Rafiki: "Ah, de pleasure's all mine." *gets up close, looks very VERY deep into your eyes*
Y/N: *thinks* "Oh boy... something tells me he's about to find out more about me than what's on the surface."
Rafiki: *pulls you in, whispers in your ear* "Dere are tings dat are better left unsaid. so you need not worry." *pulls back* "So, I take it YOU'RE de one who saved de king and prince."
Y/N: "Yes sir."
Simba: "And I'm in his debt for saving me and my father. He's also trained me to help me reclaim my throne. I know what I have to do, but... going back means I have to face my past."
Just then, Rafiki smacked him with his stick.
Simba: "OW! Jeez, what was that for?"
Rafiki: "It doesn't matter! It's in de past! *laughs*
Simba: "Yeah, but it still hurts."
Rafiki: "Oh yes, de past can hurt. But de wae I see it, you can either run from it, or, learn from it." *he swings, Simba ducks* "HAH! You see? So what are you going to do?"
Simba: "First... I'm gonna take your stick." *grabs it and throws it before he runs off*
Rafiki: "NONONONO!!! NOT DA STICK!" *runs and picks it up, turns in Simba's direction* "Hey! Where are you going?!"
Simba: "I'm going back!"
Y/N: "Come on, guys! Let's go back to Pride Rock! Simba's gonna need our help in this fight!"
Mufasa: "The time has come!"
Nala: "Save me some of the action!"
Pumbaa: "I won't let Simba fight alone!"
And so, the four of you follow the young king back to his homeland while Rafiki watches with glee, cheering you on.
[meanwhile... back in the jungle]
While everyone else left for the Pride Lands, Timon, unfortunately, stayed behind and was currently laying in a small patch of grass, trying to enjoy his "Hakuna Matata," but for obvious reasons, he knows he can't enjoy something that he shares.
And soon... cue the laughing mandrill, hanging upside down.
Timon: "You! *gets up, stops Rafiki from speaking* No, no, don't say a word, I know what you're gonna say!"
[A.R. = as Rafiki]
Timon A.R: "Did you find Hakuna Matata?"
Timon: "Well, yes I did, thank you very much! And I am happy. Happy, happy, deliriously happy."
Timon A.R: "Ho-hoooo, I see, happy, is it? Oh, if you're so happy then why are you so miserable?"
Rafiki just watches this and can tell this is just plain ridiculous, even questioning himself as to why he puts up with him.
Timon: "Miserable, you say. Why should I be miserable? Oh, I don't know, maybe my two best pals in the world deserted me. Heh... they've headed off on some... heroic mission! *coming to grips with reality, feeling hurt inside* "My friends... are gone. *realizes more* "And... my Hakuna Matata went with them."
Rafiki nods, knowing Timon is right.
Timon: "Do you mind?" *points at head, holds still*
Since Rafiki can see Timon has learned his lesson, he merely gives him a slight bonk on the head with his stick.
Timon: "Thanks, I'm glad we had this talk." *clicks tongue, runs*
Rafiki: "My work, here, is done."
And so with the little meerkat now driven with a new sense of purpose, he dashes off into the night, running off to catch up with his friends, along with his Hakuna Matata.
How will the lionesses react to their fallen king returning from the dead, how will Scar react, knowing his brother AND nephew are back and what will become of Scar in the end?
Only time will tell, in the next exciting chapter.
[A/N: So, another chapter is up and running. I don't know how I did it, but for some reason I stayed up late last night, working on this chapter after I got the motivation to do so. I got it done sooner because I have like the entire movie memorized like the back of my hand, so here you go and I hope you enjoy it.]
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