The Lion King (Part 2)

The sqawking of the buzzards soon reaches Mufasa's ears and the unconscious king finally awakens and finds himselfs in some unknown land far away from his kingdom.

Mufasa: *in a daze* "Wha... where am I?"

He looks around, then realizes something as he springs to his feet, looking around for his son.

Mufasa: "Simba! SIMBA! Where are you, son?"

Simba: "Dad!"

Mufasa stopped and looked down to his side to see his son, smiling up at him, giving the king some relief that his son is unharmed. He sighed and leaned down to hug Simba.

Mufasa: "Thank goodness you're alright, Simba. You really had me worried there for a second."

Simba: "I'm just glad you're okay, dad."

Their moment only lasts for a while before Mufasa takes another look around his son, bearing him some terrible news.

Mufasa: "Simba... I don't know how to tell you this, but you're not to go anywhere near your uncle Scar."

Simba: "W-Why not?"

Mufasa: "Well... I don't know any other way to put it, but... Scar pushed me off the ledge and tried to kill me. Though, I'm not sure how I survived the fall, that's what I'm curious of."

Y/N: "That would be my doing."

The king then looks over and finds you coming towards him and Simba, but in your mouth, you held 3 dead buzzards by their long, scrawny necks and dragged them into the shade.

Mufasa: "Who are you?" *protects Simba*

Y/N: *drops buzzards* "You can call me Y/N. I'm the one who caught you when that lion threw you off the ledge."

Simba: "Wait, so... you mean Scar wanted my dad dead? But... But why would he do that?"

Mufasa: "Perhaps he's still bitter about not inheriting the throne himself, which is why he created such a plan."

Y/N: "Not only that... he must've sent in some hyenas because 3 of them showed up and tried to get to you and your son. I held them off to the best of my abilities and scared them off. But I knew it'd be too dangerous to stick around the place, so I took you two to this oasis where you could recuperate and wait for the right time."

Simba: "Right time... for what?"

Mufasa: "And why help two strange lions you've never seen before or know about until now?"

Y/N: "To answer your son's question... I'm waiting for the right time when he grows up into a strong, full-grown lion more than what he'll become so he can take his place in the circle of life. And to answer your question, your highness, helping others is part of my creed."

Simba: "Wow! Hey, why don't you rule the Pride Lands with us, maybe you can still help others!"

Y/N: "That can't happen."

Mufasa: "I'm afraid he's right, son. Being king of the Pride Lands isn't something that can be shared with anyone. A ruler has to have the right qualifications to accquire the throne."

Y/N: "Meaning, I'm not cut out for the job. But that's okay, because right now, the important thing is that your father is alive, you're both safe here and this'll new place'll give us plenty of time to prepare you for when you're ready to take back your rightful place as king."

Mufasa: "You're... going to help my son, Simba, train to become the next king of Pride Rock?"

Y/N: "Is that not what you want?"

Simba: "Uh... please tell me we're not training out there in the desert, because I feel like I'd just wind up dying of thirst out there."

Y/N: "No, you're going to be training somewhere much more... complex, yet functional. But first things first. You two look like you could use a little quick bite to eat right now. These buzzards weren't easy to capture, but they should be enough to fill you up."

As if right on cue, their stomachs cry out of hunger. And right away, the father and son both take their own buzzard and move to a more shady spot where they give into the munchies.

You... it's hard whether or not you should eat one of these things raw or try to find a way to cook it up for yourself.

Y/N: *thinks* "Damn it, please tell me I don't have to eat this thing as it is, this is NOT how I wanna go down."

Yen Sid: *inside your head* "Relax. In your lion form, whatever you eat will not affect your human form in the slightest. Right now, since you're a lion, your body can handle eating raw meat and your lion taste buds'll think it tastes like it's cooked."

Y/N: *thinks* "Does this guy have an answer for everything?" *looks down at your dead buzzard again* "Well... here goes nothing, I hope it tastes as good as he says it is."

With a sigh, you lean down and start munching down on the thing and... to your surprise, it actually does taste good.

Time passes and after that filling meal, you rejoin with Mufasa and Simba and bring them to a spot where they'd be staying for now. What they see before them, makes their eyes widen.

Simba: "Wow! Look at this place!"

Mufasa: "I've never been to this place before. I wonder what else lies beyond the Pride Lands."

Y/N: "Who knows, but as beautiful as this place is, I didn't bring us here for a vacation, sadly. If Simba's gonna take down Scar, he needs to start training to be ready for the throne. Of course, I won't be doing it alone since we have you to help him out."

Mufasa: "Yes, I suppose you're right. By the way, I didn't properly introduce myself, I am Mufasa. And again, I'd like to thank you for saving my life and protecting my son from the hyenas."

Y/N: "It was my pleasure. Now then, why don't you and your son go and find someplace to relax while I look around the jungle. You never know, we could use the entire jungle as one big training ground for Simba, now that I think about it."

Mufasa: "Very well. Just be careful."

Y/N: "I will, not to worry."

Heading off into the jungle, you begin looking around this beautiful paradise, taking in the many sounds of the jungle. So many twists and turns, so many different paths, both safe and perilous, this place definitely was the perfect training ground.

Just as you were taking in the scenery, you hear a familiar sound that'll lead you to the two most loveable goofballs.


You recognized that scream anywhere and followed it to where it came from, keeping your eyes and ears peeled.

Meanwhile, in another part of the jungle with a certain dynamic meerkat and warthog duo.

The little meerkat, commonly known as Timon, was having these sharp needles pulled off of his buttocks by Pumbaa. Apparently, they just tried to play an outrageous game.

Pumbaa: "This bowling for porcupines *spits out needle* wasn't the best idea, huh?"

Timon: "Yeah, gotta be right up with bobbing for snapping turtles." *another needle pulled out, he screams*

Pumbaa: "Oh, that's gonna leave a mark."

Y/N: "You can say that again."

Suddenly, the two bug-eating pals froze as they turn and find you peeking out from one of the bushes and suddenly.

Timon and Pumbaa: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!"

And the scared duo scurry around before attempting to run away, but they wind up running into each other and collapse.

Y/N: "Calm yourselves down, you two. I ain't gonna eat you. Besides I already ate a buzzard."

Timon: *skeptical* "Y... You're not... gonna eat us?"

Y/N: "Nope. Besides, I know a couple of nice animals when I see them and you guys seem nice enough in my book. My name's Y/N, I just arrived at this jungle with a couple of others."

Pumbaa: *frightened* "Others?! L-L-L-Like... other lions?"

Y/N: "Yes, but I'll make sure they do NOT eat you either. Now... who might you two be and something tells me you got into an accident judging from those prickles in your butt."

Timon: "I'm Timon... and the prickles in my backside are from attempting to play "Bowling For Porcupines" if you must know."

Pumba: "Yeah... that... wasn't the best idea. OH! I forgot, my name's Pumbaa, pleased to make your accquaintance."

Y/N: "The pleasure's all mine."

Timon: "How do ya do--" *realizes* "Whoa, whoa, time out, what's a big bruiser predator like you doing in a place like this?"

Y/N: "It's kind of a long story, so you might wanna sit down while I explain it to you guys."

And so, Timon and Pumbaa listened very carefully as you told them the story of how you wound up in this peaceful jungle. Pumbaa, being the observant one, is awestruck by this info. But for Timon, he just kept looking at you with a blank expression. Knowing him, his mind was probably focused on something else, probably bugs.

Or maybe he's just worried that you're trying to lead him into a false sense of security until the time is right for you to pounce and eat him, but he doesn't know that you already ate.

And when the story is done, Pumbaa stands, then turns to his little buddy, who's still sitting.

Pumbaa: "Can you believe this, Timon? He actually saved two royal lions, what a guy he is!"

Timon: "Huh? O-Oh yeah... right. Look, as uh... noble as it was for you to rescue them... WHY COME HERE OF ALL PLACES?! N-N-Not that I don't want you guys here or anything."

Y/N: *thinks* "Real subtle Timon." *aloud* "We gotta lay low here and train the young prince so he can take his rightful place as King of Pride Rock, otherwise his uncle will send his hyena henchmen to hunt us down and kill him before that time."

Pumbaa: "Ooh, sounds difficult. Can we help?"

Timon: *panicking* "Pumbaa, are you nuts?! You're talking about a lion, lions eat guys like us!"

Pumbaa: "But he's so little."

Timon: "He's gonna get bigger."

Pumbaa: "Maybe he'll be on our side."

Timon: *guffaws* "That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. *realizes* "Hey, wait... what if he's on our side? You know, having a lion around might not be such a bad idea."

Y/N: *thinks* "Typical Timon... dissing a good idea as a bad one, this using the same idea as if it were your own good idea."

[Timeskip to half an hour later because REASONS!!!]

In another part of the jungle, Mufasa and Simba found themselves a nice little den where they're taking the time to relax.

Simba: "Dad? Is... Is it true uncle Scar tried to... kill you?"

Mufasa: *regretful* "I'm afraid so, Simba. I didn't want to believe it at first, but... the look in his eyes... those... cold, glaring eyes, full of hatred and resentment... he wanted me dead. I'll never forget what he told me before he threw me off."

Scar: *voice echo in Mufasa's head* "Long live the king."

Mufasa growls and bears his claws and fangs. Simba's never seen his father this angry before. This wasn't like the time he got angry at the hyenas, this was different. Mufasa wasn't just almost killed by any ordinary animal... it was his own flesh and blood, his own brother... and if you hadn't caught him like you did, Mufasa wouldn't even be there for Simba and probably would've lost him, too.

Simba: "Um... dad?"

Mufasa: "Hmm? What is it, son?"

Simba: "I, uh... I have a confession to make. Will you promise me you won't get mad at me when I tell you this?"

Mufasa: "...Well... alright, I promise."

Simba: "I... I was the one who caused the stampede."

Mufasa: "You... did? How?"

Simba: "Well, when Scar escorted me into the gorge and told me to wait there for you and the "surprise" you had for me, he said that I should work on my "little roar." And... well, I saw this little lizard thing climbing off a tree branch and... I scared it off with a roar so loud that it echoed althroughout the gorge, causing the stampede."

Mufasa: *blinks in surprise* "I see. Well... Simba, I won't get mad at you like I promised and it's not your fault. Of course, even if he didn't bait you into doing so, you'd have probably try to scare it off for fun without knowing about the wildabeast coming."

Simba: "Thanks for understanding, dad."

Mufasa: "You're welcome, son."

Moments later, you show up with Timon and Pumbaa riding on your back before you stop right in front of the royal family.

Y/N: "Sorry for the wait. I ran into some company along the way and these guys know this jungle like the end of their tails."

Mufasa: "And... who are they?"

Y/N: *clears throat* "Mufasa, Simba, this is Timon *gestures to meerkat* and Pumbaa. *gestures to Warthog* Guys, this is Mufasa *gestures to big lion* and Simba *gestures to smaller lion* These two are gonna be staying here for a while until this little one is ready to take back his home away from here."

Timon: "Uh... heheh... hi there."

Pumbaa: "At your service," *bows*

Mufasa: "Please, no need for that. But I'm very glad to meet you both and I'm sure we'll all get along nicely."

Y/N: "Mhmm... Anyways, now that we're all accquainted, why don't we take today off to settle in and get to know the way of the land and then we can begin training Simba tomorrow."

Mufasa: "I agree."

Timon: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, train? What for?"

Y/N: "Didn't you listen to anything I said? Simba needs to grow big and strong if he's ever gonna win back his home in the Pride Lands from his evil uncle and the hyenas."

Right as you mention the hyenas, Timon had a horrific flashback to when his mob of meerkat friends and family were attacked by hyenas and almost got eaten by then.

Timon: "Hy.... Hy... Hy... HYENAS?!?!?!"

Y/N: "I take it you have a bad history with hyenas?"

Timon: "Oh, you don't know the half of it."

So, the gang decided to settle down for the day and Mufasa and Simba vowed they wouldn't try to harm or eat their new companions in exchange for some food they might find in the jungle. Let's hope Mufasa can stomach some bugs like Simba can.

[A/N: Okay here's the latest chapter and I'm sorry it took so long, but when life deals you all sorts of problems, you tend to slack off, so please be more patient with these. Anyways, here you go, I will have more chapters ready as soon as possible.]

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