The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride (Part 4)

And how right Kiara is. For as of this moment, Zira and her pride were currently crossing the swamp lake and making their way towards the Pride Lands to settle the score. But, despite this, a certain small group of lions in the back were questioning this course of action.

Back at Pride Rock, as a storm begins to pick up, Timon and Pumbaa were stressing out yet again after finding out yet again...

Timon: "I can't believe we lost her again! This is the 8,000th time! I thought you were gonna watch her!"

Pumbaa: "Me? You were gonna watch her!"

Timon: "I thought you were gonna watch her!

Pumbaa: "No, you were gonna watch her!"

Timon: "NO! You were gonna watch her!"

Pumbaa: *frustrated* "OH, WATCH THIS!"

The angry warthog then body slams on top of Timon, but despite his small stature, Timon knocks him off and pulls at his upper lips, taking his anger out on him.

Timon: "Take that you BEEFY WARTHOG!"

While they were arguing, you step inside, shaking off the rain from your fur, knowing exactly what was wrong. You saw Timon pulling Pumbaa's leg, like he's trying to pry it off.

Pumbaa: "FATTY, FAT! FAT!"

Y/N: "What's eating you up?"

All too quickly, they recompose themselves.

Timon: "Good question. Uh, lemme ask you one."

Y/N: "No need. I already know. Kiara's gone."

Pumbaa: "What? H-How'd you know?"

Y/N: "Put yourself in her paws, would you really stand by your own father if he set all these pointless rules to keep her isolated?"

Timon: "Uh... point taken. But, what if she gets hurt?"

Y/N: "She won't. I know her AND Kovu better than anyone. He won't do anything to put her in harm's way. I've seen how close those two have become, so you can rest easy."

If only you could.

Zazu: *flies inside, looks panicked, to you* "Sire! The outsiders are on the attack, heading this way IT'S WAR!!!"

Y/N: *determined* "Alright! Zazu, head out and scout for Kiara, make sure she gets home safely, we'll assemble the lionesses! MOVE! NOW!"

And so, the time has come. The fierce storm clouds blanket the skies and bring a downpour as Zira and her pride, along with you and the entire royal pride march into battle. However...

Y/N: "Now, listen up everyone. Do not attack unless I give the order, I'm going to try and square things down with the enemy."

Nala: "What if Zira isn't in a listening mood?"

Y/N: "I'm hoping it doesn't boil down to it. But if all else fails... we'll have to subdue all of them. But don't kill them."

Meanwhile, Kiara and Kovu were booking it back to the Pride Lands and all the other animals in the vicinity were retreating to safer spots to avoid the upcoming confrontation. Soon, you and Zira's pride now stand face-to-face near the dam, ready to face off. And of course, Timon and Pumbaa taunt Zira, shaking their butts at her.

Zira: "What's going on here? WHERE is Simba?!"

Y/N: "He's been forced to temporarily step down. I'm currently in charge of the Pride Lands."

Nuka: "Is that even possible?"

Scar: "You forget, he drove me out of the Pride Lands instead of finishing me off, so anything is possible with him."

Zira: "Pah! No matter... I'll enjoy ripping you apart since you caused dear Scar's banishment in the first place!"

Y/N: "And what happens after that? What do you hope to accomplish if, and that's a BIG if, you've managed to kill me?"

Zira: "That should be obvious! I will take back the Pride Lands you stole from Scar and then we shall make all those who opposed him tremble before our might! One prey at a time."

Y/N: "That's no way to rule a kingdom. And it sounds more like YOUR goal, rather than what Scar really wants."

???: "Why should it even matter? He's on their side."

Suddenly, both opposing prides turn and see Simba had arrived, still looking enraged as ever.

Y/N: "Simba!"

Zira: "Well, look who decided to join the party."

Nala: "Simba, please don't tell me you're still upset."

Simba: "Sorry, Nala... But I'm not about to stand by and let my former teacher show me up and everything away from me."

Y/N: "Simba, you're still not in the right mindset. You have to clear your mind and think about what your doing! What would your whole family have to say if they found out about this? That you turned rogue all because of your overprotective nature towards Kiara?"


He then comes roaring at you, fangs beared.

Zira: "Well, this should be a fun show. In the meantime, ladies... take down the others!"

Y/N: *to the lionesses* "SUBDUE THEM! HURRY!!!"

You managed to give the order just as Simba pounced on you and the two of you began your massive tussle. The outlanders and the Pride Landers all begin their tussle as well. This was now a battle for the Pride Lands' survival and to straighten Simba out.

Zira watched in amusement as you and Simba kept fighting while her pride fought hard against the Pride Landers. Scar, Nuka and Vitani, however... were not liking this one bit.

Zira: "Go for the eye! Break her jaw! Hit them low! Get them! Do what you must!"

The battle rages on and Kovu and Kiara arrive just in time to watch as the battle unfurls. Now they have to make haste to step in and stop the fight before the damage is permenant.

Back on the battlefield, Timon and Pumbaa are up against a boulder, trying not to get torn to shreds by the outlanders.

Pumbaa: "What do we do? What do we do?"

Timon: "There's only one thing we can do, Pumbaa! When the going gets tough, the tough get going, that's our motto!"

Pumbaa: "I thought our motto was "Hakuna Matata."

Timon: "Pumbaa, stop living in the past, we need a new motto."

He then urges him to charge into battle. They rush in enthusiastically at one of the outlanders, only for them to roar at the two and scare the wits out of them, making them retreat.

Timon: "Like I said, LET'S GET GOING!!!"

And there they go, cowering from the battle. Meanwhile Kiara and Kovu make their way across the dam, moving past the unstable logs as the rain overflows the river above. Back with the dynamic funny duo, Timon and Pumbaa are now back against the ropes with a few hangry outlander lionesses staring them down.

They needed to act fast, but had no way of out-muscling these mighty predators at all. Luckily, Timon has an idea... a very stinky one as he jumps up on Pumbaa's butt. 

Timon: *readies Pumbaa's fart, waves tail* "Don't anybody move, this stays loaded. I'll let you have it!"

Even the lionesses were terrified of a warthog's fart and quickly ran away screaming for safety. And with that, our favorite meerkat laughed triumphantly after saving their skins.

Timon: "Talk about your winds of war."

Back with the fight, Simba kept biting and clawing at you, trying to take back his crown and all you keep trying to do is keep him away using your claws, but he kept persisting. You really didn't want to fight him, not when there are more important things at stake.

Unfortunately, his unrelenting fury eventually triumphed, even as you lept away and collapsed to the ground, hurt.

Zira: *laughs maniacally* "Simba... you're MINE!"

The evil leader then approaches the angered lion and the two eventually circle each other, making the others stop. Now everyone's eyes were on their former king and Zira.

Y/N: *struggling to get up* "S-Simba. . . No! You can't do this. . . you're better than this!"

But he won't listen and just as they're about to throw down... they're interupted, but not just by Kovu and Kiara... but Scar as well. Kiara stands before her father, Kovu before his mother... and Scar... is standing to protect you from his own nephew.

Simba: "Kiara?"

She glares at him

Y/N: "Scar?"

The older lion looks to you with a nod.

Zira: "Kovu! Move."

He stares her down.

Simba: *to Kiara* "Stand aside."

Kiara: "Daddy, this has to stop."

Y/N: "She's... She's right, Simba. This battle is pointless!"

Zira: "You're even weaker than I thought! Get out of the way!"

Kovu: "You will never hurt Kiara, or Simba, or Y/N! Not while I'm here!"

Zira's taken aback by her own son's betrayal.

Simba: "Stay out of this!"

Kiara: "A wise king once told me... we are one. I didn't understand before, but... now I do."

Simba: "But, they--"

Kiara: "Them, us. *turns to outlanders Look at them, they are us, what differences do you see?"

Everyone then takes a look at each other and Simba, once driven by his anger for revenge... has now stopped and come to think about all that has befallen here. The words of his daughter were beginning to open his eyes to the truth... about her growth... and life itself. 

He has a moment of clarity as the storm rains begin to die down, realizing that... she was right. And so were you, Mufasa, Sarabi and Nala... all of them were right. Now, he felt more at peace... but also upset and guilty for what he's done... to you, Kiara AND Kovu.

Simba then walks over to you, as you're attempting to get up, but were still a bit shaken up and sore from he fight. Simba helps you the rest of the way to stand on your paws.

Simba: *remorseful* "You were right... about everything. I'm... I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have snapped at you."

Y/N: "The important thing is you're learning. And you've finally come to finally realize the error of your ways. And Simba..."

Simba: "Yes?"

Y/N: "I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier. Even I didn't think straight, but also... I meant what I said about not wanting to take your place as king of the Pride Lands. But you have to learn how to balance out your royal duties as king... and your duties as a father. So, what do you say... shall we start over and help make amends?"

With a calm smile, Simba nods and then turns to Kiara and nuzzles her as thanks for helping him open his eyes as well.

Zira: "Vitani, NOW!"

Vitani: "No, mother! Kiara's right." *walks to you all* "Enough."

Nuka: "I'm... gonna have to agree. He did save my life. I'm done trying to prove my worth to someone else. Now... I'm only gonna prove my worth to myself from now on." 

He says all this as he takes the Pride Landers' side.

Zira: "If you will not fight, then you will die as well."

Zira's last comment about that didn't sit well with the rest of her pride and now they all choose to side with the Pride Landers. Zira does not look pleased with what's happening.

Zira: "Where are you going? Get back here!"

Simba: "Let it go, Zira. It's time to put the past behind us."

Zira: "I'll NEVER let it go!"

Your ears and Simba's hear the sound of the logs in the dam piling on together and almost about to break open.

Zira: "This is for you... Scar!"

In her last ditch effort, she pounces at Simba. Only to be saved by the most unlikely ally of all.


Scar leaps in to shield his nephew and plummets down the hillside with Zira, about to fall to their deaths into the pit.

Simba: "Scar!"

Y/N: "OH NO!!!"

You rush over to go and get him, with Kiara following you close behind and everyone gets worried about you two.

Kovu: "KIARA!!!"

Simba: *climbs down* "Kiara!!!"

Scar and Zira hit every bumps down the slope until they finally catch themselves by digging their claws into the rocky walls, holding on for dear life as best they could.


You eventually make it to where Scar is and Kiara stops at where Zira is currently stuck at.


But their fears just worsened as the dam, holding the river back, finally breaks and comes crashing down and flows dangerously throughout the pit and could swallow up anything that falls into this strong current and forever be lost to it.

Nala: "Simba... SIMBA, THE RIVER!"

Simba sees this and keeps climbing down, trying to follow the safest path down to rescue his daughter from the rapids. Meanwhile, Zira's grip is beginning to slip, yet she still hangs on.

Kiara: *reaches down* "Zira, give me your paw."

But Zira swats at her, not wanting her help. She slips some more, almost about to plummet to her doom.

Y/N: *reaches down* "Scar! Reach out! Come on!!!"

Scar: "I... I'm trying!" *reaches up*

He only slips further and faster. Despite this, you and Kiara still try to help them as best as you both could.

Y/N: "NO! Come on, Scar! Just a little farther!"

Scar reaches out further... until he had a thought.

Scar: "Y/N... it's no use."

Y/N: "What?"

Scar: "It's no use! You have to save yourself!"

Y/N: "Don't talk such nonsense! We can still save you! You were just about to make amends with your family! Don't throw it away!"

Scar: "Y/N, listen to me..."

Something tells you, you weren't gonna like what he was about to tell you and it was making you tear up.

Scar: "...You're an amazing specimen and you've done more than your fair share of helping others when they need it most. But... even you have your limitations, my boy. You have to understand that you can only save those... who want to be saved. I'm... beyond saving physically, but... spiritually... you set me free."

Y/N: *teary-eyed* "Scar... Don't do this! I DON'T WANT YOU TO DIE, NOT LIKE THIS!!!"

Scar: "Please... let me make things right my way. I know it's unfair to you, but it's for the best."

Y/N: *choked up* "What about... What about Mufasa?"

Scar: *sad smile* "Tell everyone... including my brother... that I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused over the years. And tell my nephew... and my son... that I'm so... so proud of them."

Y/N: "S...Scar."

Scar: "Long... live... the king."

And in his last moments, Scar lepts towards Zira and pulled her off the walls and plummet into the raging rapids. 

Zira: *screams*

Scar: "FAREWELL!!!"

And just like that... the raging river swallowed them up, drowning the two in their watery grave and never to be seen again.


Kiara: "They're... gone!"

Simba: *softly, reaching down* "Kiara."

Kiara: *looks up* "Daddy... I tried." *reaches up*

Simba then helps pull up his daughter while Kovu helps you back up and you're still shaking from the events. 

Nala: "Kiara." *nuzzles her proudly*

Pumbaa: "Wow, that was really brave!"

Timon: "Yee-haw!"

Y/N: *trembling* "It's... all my fault!"

Simba: "Y/N?"

Y/N: *breaks down* "IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!! Scar didn't have to sacrifice himself to save us all! He was so close to changing for the better and now he's gone for good!!! I'M... A FAILURE!!!"

Everyone looked at you with pity, then Simba and Kiara walked up to you, comforting you.

Simba: "Hey... don't say that. You did what you could to try and help him, but he chose his path."

Kiara: "And it's just like he said before he died. You have your own limitations just like everyone else here. I know you meant well, but you can only save those who want to be saved. I'm sure Scar appreciated how much you cared enough to want to save him."

Y/N: *quietly sobbing* "I'm so... so sorry..." 

Simba: "It's alright. Just let it out."

It was a bittersweet victory, but in the end, it is what it is. On the bright side, Simba's finally beginning to see the world with more open eyes than he did before. After you finally calmed down, you thanked Simba and Kiara for easing your pain. Soon, Kiara then approached Kovu, relieved to finally be with him once more.

Kiara: "Kovu..."

Kovu: "Oh, Kiara." *hugs her*

Simba: "Kovu... I was wrong. You belong here."

Kovu looked to him with a thankful smile.

Simba: "Let's go home. *to the outlanders* All of us."

Y/N: *sniffs* "Yes... I agree."

At long last, the war has finally ended. The outlanders finally have a new home and even though 2 lions had fallen in the aftermath, it was a relief that no other lives were lost. And after coming back to Pride Rock, you let Mufasa, Sarabi and Rafiki know what happened.

You filled them in on every detail that transpired. At first, they were shocked by what Simba tried to do. However, they were relieved to know he turned himself around. But were also saddened that in Scar's final moments, he chose to die saving the Pride Lands.

At least his journey... has finally been completed. And the circle of life continues on and on. As for Kovu and Kiara, they finally become a couple and Simba now has no doubts. And now there was still one more little matter needed to take care of.

Y/N: "May I do the honors?"

Simba's parents and Rafiki nod.

Y/N: *clears throat* "As the temporary king of the Pride Lands, I hearby relinquish my title... and bestow it back to its rightful ruler, Simba... may you continue to lead the Pride Lands with wisdom and courage until your journey is completed in the circle of life."

Simba: *bows* "And this time... I will make things right."

Kiara: "Uh... daddy? What was that about?"

Simba: "Long story short, Kiara... I made a bad judgement call when I exiled Kovu and... that costed me my leadership role. But I've learned my lesson and now I'm gonna make sure I don't make the same mistake ever again, that's a promise."

Nala: "I'm so proud of you, honey." *nuzzles him*

Pumbaa: "I love moments like this."

Timon: "Yeah."

Timon and Pumbaa: "Love, not like! LOVE!" *sobs loudly*

After sorting all of these conflicts out, Simba, Kiara, Kovu, Nala and even you head over to the edge of Pride Rock. You can see all the other lions and many other animals assembled. Simba lets out a roar, followed by Kovu, then all five of you roar together.

The lions watching from below roar together with you as a way of unifying into one big pride. After that, the other animals cry out in joy as their home is safe once more.

Mufasa: *to Simba, quietly* "Well done, my son."

Rafiki nods in agreement with Mufasa.

For as of now and possibly forever...

Mufasa: "We are one."

[A/N: "Yup... I bet you never expected that. I thought long and hard about this scenario even as I was working on the FIRST Lion King movie chapters months ago. Not every chapter ends with a happily ever after for all characters. But that's just part of the natural flow of the circle of life. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and many more to come soon.]

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