The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride (Part 2)
After arriving back at Pride Rock, it was now early dusk and everyone was heading into the den for a good night's sleep. However, Simba refused to let Kovu inside the den by growling at him as he walked past him and entered the den at the same time. You watched and detested Simba's actions, unbefitting for a king.
To make Kovu feel better, you chose to sleep outside, but you slept against the base of the ledge. Kiara saw this and walked over to you first, wondering what's up.
Kiara: "You know, there's plenty of room inside of the den, so why sleep out here instead?"
Y/N: "It's your father, dear. It may have been hard for him, knowing he could've lost you, but that's no excuse for him ban you from being your own lioness when you've barely even started on your first hunt and you should know I'm here for you, too. But... I'll only show up when you feel you need me or even ask me."
Kiara: *understanding* "I get it. Thanks, Y/N."
Y/N: "You're welcome. Goodnight, Kiara."
You hug her lion style before she heads over to Kovu, who's laying in the shadow of a boulder.
Kiara. "Hey, thanks for saving me today."
Kovu: *scoffs, scolds and mocks her* "What kind of hunter are you anyway, princess? You almost got yourself killed out there."
Kiara: "What?"
Kovu: "You wouldn't last 3 days on your own."
Kiara: *sassy* "Oh, and I suppose you can teach me?"
Kovu: *confidently* "Yeah."
Simba: "Kiara!"
Kiara: *to her father* "Coming!" *cuts off Kovu* "Alright! Impress me, we start at dawn." *walks into den*
Kovu: *chuckles* "I look forward to it."
While this is all happened, two lions and a lioness watched from atop a tree branch and the young, sickly one splutters in disbelief at what he saw just now.
Nuka: "Did you see that? He let her GO! If that were me--"
Scar: "SILENCE!!! *Nuka ducks*
Zira: "Yes, the fire rescue worked perfectly and Simba fell for it... now, the closer Kovu gets to the daughter, the closer he gets... to Simba... and that meddling fool, Y/N."
Nuka then understands what his mother means about that.
Scar: "And you can guess what'll happen once he gets each of them alone in separate places. Care to demonstrate, Zira?"
Zira: "With pleasure..."
Then, as she raises her paw, she snarls and swings her paw and snaps off a thick branch from the tree, which Nuka ducked to avoid getting hit, fearing his mother's strength.
Later on during the night, Simba tosses and turns in his sleep as he has the most horrible nightmare of all
[Simba's dreamscape]
Simba is seen running towards the gorge and hears the cries for help of his father and he rushes to see him clinging to the gorge walls, trying to climb up to safety, away from the stampede.
Dream Mufasa: "Simba!!! SIMBA, HELP ME!!!
Simba: "FATHER!!!"
Just then, the two lions hear a maniacal laugh behind them and see the silhouette of Scar, laughing at their struggle.
Simba: "No, dad!" *reachs for him* "Just... a little farther!"
As they're inches away from grabbing each other...
Dream Scar: "GOTCHA!"
Simba gasps and sees Scar holding his other paw.
Dream Scar: "Trust me!"
Simba looks back and sees his father slipping.
Dream Mufasa: "Simbaaaaaa!!!"
But it's too late, Mufasa is swallowed up by the stampeding buffalo herd below, never to be seen or heard from again. Now, all his pain and anger is directed towards the one and only...
Simba: "SCAR!!!"
Scar's shadowy silhouette is then brought out to light, only to reveal that it's Kovu instead, laughing at his pain. Simba cannot believe what he's seeing right now. But... his worse fears hit harder when he sees... you, standing and towering behind Kovu. Only you were different... your eyes, which were normally colored [E/C] were red and you had this demonic glare that struck fear to others.
Simba: "Kovu... Y/N... w-why?"
Nightmare Y/N: *deep, demonic* "You... are unworth of your title as king of Pride Rock... Long... live... the king."
And just like that, Kovu threw Simba off the ledge and sent him plummeting into the gorge.
[End of Nightmare]
Simba wakes up, panting heavily from that horrid nightmare. He checked his surroundings to find he was still in the lion's den, safe and sound right next to his sleeping mate, Nala. He looked out the exit and found that it was still nighttime and peaceful.
Having calmed down, Simba then rested his head down and went back to sleep... all while you're tossing and turning in your own nightmare, but... this one was different.
[Y/N's dreamscape]
You were standing at the base of Pride Rock and all around the landscape, there was fire and all of your friends were gathered around, each one looking very worried.
Y/N: "W...What's going on? Everyone! What's happened?!
Dream Mufasa: "You can't do this!
Dream Sarabi: "Please, think this through rationally!"
Dream Nala: "This isn't like you!"
Y/N: "What are you saying? Did I do something wrong? Please, I need to know what's happening right now!"
???: "You know exactly what..."
You blinked and turned around and there stood Simba... only he wasn't himself, he had these... dark circles around his eyes.
Y/N: "Simba? What's happened to you?"
Nightmare Simba: "You know exactly what happened to me... you thought you could run me out of my own kingdom!"
Y/N: "What?!"
Nightmare Simba: "You steal the love of my daughter, make my mate betray and made my parents favor you over me! You're nothing but a dirty rotten traitor!"
Y/N: "Simba, you know that's not true! I have nothing but the utmost respect for you and I don't WANT to rule the Pride Lands!"
Nightmare Simba: *growls, approaching you* "Go ahead, keep telling yourself that... but we all know what you want. So, if I can't have my throne... I'll have to fight you for it!"
Y/N: "Simba... this is NOT what I trained you for!"
But he wouldn't listen, Simba roared and pounced at you, but you maneuvered out of the way, not wanting to raise a paw against your very own former student.
He comes at you again, but you dodge again. He then goes in for a tackle and this time, he has you lock in a submission roll. The two of you roll in a circle like a lion tire, but you try to break free from his fangs and claws and eventually kick him away.
Y/N: "Simba, please listen to reason! You're not thinking clearly, so try to calm down and recompose yourself!"
Nightmare Simba: "DIIIIIEEEEE!!!"
Just as he said that, the realization came to you and you glared back at the charging, raging lion before you.
Y/N: "You... You're not the real Simba... Just a fabrication of the real thing created by my own, revolting paranoia."
And just as he pounces at you... he fazes through you and everything around you disappears and the entire landscape turns into a peaceful grassland as vast as the eye can see.
Y/N: "Why... Why would I dream up something like that? Have I really gone paranoid over Simba's actions so quickly?"
Yen Sid: *appears before you* "Sometimes, our deepest fears are the ones we least expect. And yours manifested in the form of a king who's actions would turn him into a tyrant."
Y/N: "But... that can't be. I know Simba, he's the rightful king of Pride Rock, he saved everyone."
Yen Sid: "No, my dear boy. You helped him save Pride Rock. Simba merely fought Scar off of Pride Rock, but it was you who drove him out with your words of wisdom. If Simba had a similar mindset to yours... he wouldn't need help to resolve a crisis."
Y/N: "Except he's not me! He's Simba! And I'm me. Simba just needs time to rethink his actions the rational way."
Yen Sid: "And it's that kind of thinking that would make you more worthy of ruling the Pride Lands, but since you insist on having it be Simba... then, so be it."
Y/N: "I do insist. Besides... I have my own kingdom back home and that's all I need for now."
Yen Sid: *nods* "Well said. Now then, I shall be off."
And with that, he disappears in a magic puff of smoke just as everything else fades away all around you.
[End of dream]
It was now morning and you woke up, blinking from how deep you slept and arched back, stretching your tired limbs before shaking the sleep off of you... just as Simba was, too.
Simba: "Psst... Y/N... can we talk? Lion to lion?"
You look behind you to see Simba, well-rested and calm.
Y/N: "Sure... but let's talk over a refreshing drink of water... I'm feeling a bit thirsty."
Simba: "Yeah... me, too."
You then follow Simba down to the watering hole where the two of you began to drink from the watering hole.
Y/N: "So... what'd you want to talk about?"
Simba: "Two things. First one is about Kiara."
Y/N: "I see. Well, go on, tell me what's on your mind."
Simba: "...Do you... think I've been a good father?"
Y/N: "...Simba... you should know that you're a wonderful father... always have, always will be. Kiara knows it, too. Nala knows, even Mufasa and Sarabi know it, too. Zazu, Rafiki, Timon and Pumbaa... everyone knows you've been a great father."
Simba: "So then... why'd you act like that yesterday?"
Y/N: "Well, Simba... if I had to guess, I think you love your daughter... too much and it can be suffocating to say the least."
Simba: "Suffocating?"
Y/N: "Yes. I understand that Kiara's your child and you want her to safe and all, but you won't always be around to protect her. Neither will Nala, Mufasa or Sarabi. Eventually, she'll have to rule the Pride Lands, whether it's on her own or with a potential mate. Kiara loves you dearly, but she also wants you to trust her enough to let her experience new things and learn new lessons on her own."
Simba: "I... I guess you have a point."
Y/N: "So... what is it you wanna know about Kovu?"
Simba: "Well... what do you think about him? What exactly do you see in him to want to give him some advise?"
Y/N: "Well... first, I wanna hear your opinion. What exactly do you think about Kovu as a lion?"
Simba: "He's... He just seems like trouble. Zira even told me he's been chosen as Scar's heir to follow in his paw prints."
Y/N: "Okay. Well, the way I see it... Kovu just doesn't really know any better because he only sees the world from one side. The dark side, so I felt it was only fitting to give him some advise. And considering he risked his life to save Kiara, I can't hold it against him."
Simba: "Still, he's chosen as Scar's heir."
Y/N: "Maybe, but you're forgetting 2 important details. One, he's not Scar's son, he merely took him in as an apprentice. Two, just because someone is born into a dark, sinister family, doesn't mean it defies who they are or what they wanna be."
Simba: "What?"
Y/N: "The most important thing to understand is that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant, it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."
Simba: "How... can you know so much?"
Y/N: "I've learned many life lessons in my time. So I know exactly a lot of things work, Simba. Take this moment to think about it and you might have your eyes opened up. I know that in time, you'll do the right thing as both king... and a father."
You take your leave soon after, then head back to Pride Rock... there, you find Mufasa and Sarabi wide awake and... from the looks of things, they seem to be worried about something.
Y/N: "Mufasa... Sarabi... what's wrong?"
Mufasa: "We need to talk. Please, come with us."
The former king and queen guided you with them to a secluded place away from Pride Rock for some reason and something tells you whatever they have to say, it just can't be good.
It isn't long before the three of you reach Rafiki's Tree of Life and settled down for the talk.
Y/N: "What's all this about?"
Mufasa: "Y/N, you've been a big help to the Pride Lands for quite some time now, even though you left at one point in time and then just recently came back 2 nights ago."
Y/N: "True... but--"
Sarabi: "And on top of that, you saved my husband, along with my son, helped drive away the hyenas, banished Scar to the outlands and helped secure Simba's place as king."
Y/N: "And like I said before I left, it was my greatest pleasure... and that I'd do it all over again."
Mufasa: "Yes, well... at first, I was happy to see my son finally be crowned king of the Pride Lands, but... throughout yesterday, it's become clear to me that Simba's behavior towards Kovu and his concern for his daughter have all but grown... questionable."
Rafiki: "What he means is he might have been too hasty when crowning Simba as king."
Y/N: "Mufasa, with all due respect, even a king makes mistakes from time to time and besides... this is your son we're talking about, the same one we both trained to be king."
Sarabi: "Yes, but he acts more like a father than a king. All that is on his mind is Kiara and whether or not she'll be safe."
Mufasa: "A king has to also set an example to their heirs while raising them and once their heirs have grown old enough, they must allow them to do as they please. But Simba has yet to let go of his daughter and I'm afraid his emotions might get in the way of his duties."
Y/N: "Mufasa... Sarabi... where are you going with this?"
You got worried, hoping things won't be bad.
Rafiki: "Dey have come to a conclusion dat should Simba not learn to allow his daughta to be free, dey will be given authority to... well... I will let dem tell you."
Y/N: "Tell me what?"
Mufasa: "If Simba doesn't shape up... we will have no choice... but to pass on leadership to you as king of the Pride Lands."
And it just got worse. Your eyes widen in horror.
Y/N: "WHAT?! But you said it yourself all those years ago, a king has to have the right qualities to rule the Pride Lands!"
Mufasa: "I know that, but... Rafiki has told me about your plan involving Kovu and Kiara when you first came back."
Rafiki: "I had nothing to hide from Mufasa."
Sarabi: "And besides, should something like this should arise, your leadership will only be temporary until Simba thinks clearly."
Y/N: "O...Oh. Well... still, to take the throne from Simba, it feels just wrong, especially after we've worked so hard!"
Mufasa: "We understand how you feel. But this is only IF Simba doesn't start acting like a king."
Sarabi: "Until then, we'll just wait and see. That's all we wanted to discuss with you, Y/N."
Y/N: "I understand." *proceeds to head back* "You know... given enough time, Simba might just warm up to Kovu."
After that, you took off full speed and headed back to the Pride Lands, but made your way to another direction entirely.
[Timeskip because REASONS!!!]
We now find Kovu resting in the dirt, bored out of his mind as he waits for his "student" to pounce out of the tall grass. He can clearly hear her rustling and breathing hard.
Kovu: *uttering* "Three... two... one."
Kiara: *pounces* "GOTCHA!"
Kiara leaps at Kovu's head, but he ducks with ease and Kiara slips as she lands on her back, sliding by you as you just show up.
Y/N: "So... did I miss something?"
Kovu: "Just teaching this princess here how to hunt. She failed to catch me by surprise."
Kiara: *embarrassed* "I bet you could hear me."
Kovu: "Only... a lot. You're still breathing too hard. Relax, feel the earth under your paws so it doesn't shift or make noise."
As he tells her this, he bears his claws and digs them intot the soil lightly to get a feel of the earth beneath him. Kiara does the same and so do you, since you know how to be stealthy.
Suddenly, you all hear a flock of birds flying and calling out in the distance over a hill, which gives Kovu the perfect opportunity.
Kovu: *quietly* "Shh, watch the master... and learn."
You and Kiara watch the young pro as he crouches down low, slowly walking up the hill... then, he runs up full speed and leaps out, roaring, bearing his fangs.
Just then, a familiar meerkat hears this and turns around as he's eating some grubs and screams for his life, backing away. Kovu then stops himself using his front paws.
Timon: "Don't eat me, please! I-I never really met your tyrant... I mean, uh, Scar! Scar! Oh, heck of a guy, a little moody, but..."
Now, enter you and Kiara.
Kiara: "Timon! What are you doing here?"
Y/N: "Are you alright?"
Timon: "Kiara! Y/N! Thank goodness! Oh-ho! Hey, for once, we're not following you, this just happens to be the best smorgasboard in the Pride Lands, bugs EVERYWHERE!"
You look and notice this landscape overrun with birds and lots of them are digging into a lot of the bugs.
Timon: "But, you don't call for a reservation and... yeesh!"
Y/N: "As the old saying goes, the early bird gets the worm."
Timon: *to the birds* "Get outta here, ya scavengers, go on! Shoo! Shoo!"
But to no avail, all one of them does is peck Timon on the nose and he covers it, groaning from the pain. Pumbaa is running through a flock of them, yelling like a loon, trying to scare them off, but all they do is jump and hover over him before descending back down to eat.
All you can do is laugh to yourself.
Pumbaa: "Oh, Timon. I'm gettin' tired. I gotta lose some pounds."
And as if that wasn't funny enough, many of the birds were perched all over Pumbaa like it's no big deal.
Timon: *climbs on Pumbaa* "Shoo! Go on! Shoo! Shoo!"
Pumba: *looks to Kovu* "Hey, maybe he could help, do ya think?"
Timon: *to the last 2 birds* "Shoo! *sarcastically* "Oh yeah, there's an idea, let the viscious outsider-- *realizes* hey... wait! I have an idea... what if he helps?" *gestures to Kovu*
Pumba: *nods, then realizes* "What?"
Y/N: *thinks* "Timon, you are too much."
Timon: "You wanna lend a voice? Huh?" *hints with growls* "Roar! Work with me!"
Kovu: "Huh?"
Y/N and Kiara: "Like this."
Kiara roars, followed by your booming roar, causing lots of the birds to fly away, startled.
Timon: "Woo-hoo! Come on! Do it again! Do it again!"
Then Kovu roars, scaring off more birds.
Pumba runs off with Timon on top, scaring off the remaining birds, having fun and mocking the birds as they flee.
You, Kiara and Kovu then follow them in hot pursuit.
Kovu: "Why are we doing this? What's the point of this training?"
Kiara: *laughs* "Training? This is just for fun!"
Y/N: "That's true. Sometimes you gotta LIVE in the moment! And to do that, sometimes, you gotta have some fun!" *roars at birds, scaring more of them away*
Kovu: "Fun?"
Kiara and you laugh as you two enjoy yourselves.
Timon: *holding on a bird* "Yeesh! Come on, kid. Ya gotta get out more often... fun! YEEHAW!"
The bird flies high up while Timon hangs on, laughing and enjoying the fun he's having before letting go and free falls. Pumbaa catches him using his head and keep hollering with joy.
Kovu was quickly beginning to understand and sure enough, even he was having fun chasing after the birds. But it's not until near the very last minute you all come to a screeching halt when you realize the birds you all scared off... led you all to a herd of rhinos.
Kiara: "Uh-oh."
Y/N: "Everyone... run."
[Picture yourself in this picture making the best and funniest "I'm screwed" face you can.]
Y/N: "RUN FOR IT!!!"
All too swiftly, you all booked it outta there while the rhinos gave chase with unrelenting fury. Kiara, turns the corner and keeps booking it, followed by Kovu, then Timon and Pumbaa.
Timon: "HEY RHINO!!!"
Lastly, you came out, but your turn was too wide, so, you pounced from the walls, then lept the other way just in time to hide out of sight of the angry, charging rhinos.
Once the coast was clear, you ran over to where the others were at, laughing and even found the group... wedged in a crack in the wall and laughing themselves off.
Y/N: *chuckling* "You guys... what am I gonna do with you?"
Kovu: "What a blast!"
Pumbaa: "Oh... sorry."
Timon: "You're okay, kid. You're okay."
Y/N: "Heh... I'll definitely remember this day. Anyways, let's get you all out of there, shall we?"
So, for starters, you helped Pumbaa out from the spot while Timon hopped out since he's small enough to do so. Then as you were about to help Kovu and Kiara, they wind up getting a little too close by the lips, but you didn't mind since she's grown up.
They both got a bit nervous and embarrassed before you helped them out each from the little hole in the wall.
Kiara: "Uh... daddy doesn't have to know about this... right?"
Y/N: *winks, reassuring* "Whatever do you mean?"
Kiara was glad to know you could keep her secret with Kovu.
Timon: "Hey, are you three coming or what?"
Y/N: "We're coming, we're coming."
Well, that sure was a fun day. Chasing birds, running from rhinos and best of all... Kovu's beginning to open his eyes to how wonderful life can truly be. However... you still haven't forgotten about what Mufasa, Sarabi and Rafiki told you earlier.
Quite frankly, you're hoping it does NOT come to that.
[A/N: Here's another chapter I'm sure you're all just DYING to read right now, I'll bet. Well, here you go!]
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