The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride (Part 1)
We now find you in the wonderous realms of the Pride Lands in the middle of the night. And at the moment, you were standing right outside of Rafiki's Tree of Life. And yes, you were currently back in your lion form like you were the first time.
Luckily, you knew how to walk on all fours and you could climb with ease, even on trees. So you did so and climbed to the top of Rafiki's tree and landed in his hut, seeing him wide awake. The wise mandrill looked over to you and smiled with glee.
Rafiki: *chuckles* "Y/N, you have returned!"
Y/N: "Hey, Rafiki! It's been too long! How are you?"
You go over and give the mandrill a hug.
Rafiki: "Ah, all is going well. De Pride Lands have been in good paws tanks to da new king."
Y/N: "Oh, so Simba's doing well, huh? How's the rest of his family doing, are they alright?"
Rafiki: "Absolutely! Simba and Nala have never been more happy togetha, Mufasa and Sarabi have taken a liking do dere retirement and Kiara... Oh, my boy, Y/N."
Y/N: "Yeah, how's Kiara doing?"
Rafiki: *proudly* "Every day Kiara grows more beautiful into a queen that will someday make us all very proud."
Rafiki even shows you a picture of Kiara, which he painted on the surface of the tree wall.
Y/N: "I see. So... who's this other lion next to her?"
You look over and see Kovu's picture painted next to her.
Rafiki: "Dis cub is Kovu. *paints mane around Kovu's head* He also grows stronger and Zira fills his heart with hate."
Y/N: "Zira?"
Rafiki: "Da boy's motha. And I'm very worried, Y/N. I know I say tings are great, but in all honesty... tings are not going well... no."
Y/N: "Hmm... care to tell me the whole story?"
Rafiki then begins to explain what's happened in the Pride Lands, from Kiara wandering off on her own, crossing the outlands and running into Kovu and almost getting killed. Every little detail was explained to you, just like you knew from the movie. But... the difference was that... Zira AND Scar were there, too.
Y/N: "So... Scar's still carrying that grudge after being exiled from the Pride Lands, huh?"
Rafiki: "I'm afraid so."
Y/N: "Hmm... maybe we can find a way to somehow fix this situation that's going on between Kiara and Kovu's parents."
Rafiki: "Hmm? You have a plan?"
Y/N: "More or less. Watch."
You then walk up to one of the fruits hanging from the tree and pull one of them off the branch and break it in half using the ground below you and your lion strength.
Y/N: "Okay, take these two half pieces and merge them together... right in front of the picture of Kovu and Kiara."
Rafiki: *perplexed* "What?"
Rafiki did as you said, grabbing each piece of the fruit in each of his hands and then turned to the picture. He slow merges the two pieces together... then realizes what you mean.
Rafiki: "Kovu... Kiara... together? Dis is de plan?"
Y/N: "Yup."
Rafiki: *outraged* "ARE YOU CRAZY?! DIS WILL NEVA WORK... Oh, Y/N, you've been away too long, your head is in de CLOUDS!"
Y/N: "Maybe, but I still understand the situation enough to know that conflicts left unchecked will eventually turn into war. And war brings calamity and tragedy to others. It may be a risky move, but we don't have any other choices on hand."
Rafiki: *calm, sighs* "Oh, okay. I don't tink dis is going to work, but I trust you... I just hope you know what you are doing."
Y/N: "Oh this'll work. I just know it. But it's not going to be easy... nothing is ever truly easy."
You then climb down the tree, leaving Rafiki to think hard about what might lead up to this crazy plan you've come up with.
[Timeskip because REASONS!!!]
Somewhere in the outlands, Zira and Scar stood before a fully grown young lion, proud of how much they've groomed him to become a fierce and vengeful predator.
Zira: "You are ready." *chuckles*
Scar: "Nice... very, nice indeed. You have the blackness in your soul as I did all those years ago."
Zira: "What is your destiny?"
Kovu: "I will avenge Scar... take his place in the Pride Lands."
Scar: "Yes! What have we taught you?"
Kovu: "Simba... and Y/N are the enemies."
Zira: "And... WHAT... MUST... YOU DO?"
Kovu: "I must... KILL them!"
Many of the surrounding lionesses roared with pride as their newest hope for salvation was now ready to take on his biggest task. Scar and Zira couldn't wait to see their plan unfurl.
But as this is happening, another event was taking place over in the Pride Lands... a very important event. Luckily, you had shown up to see what all the commotion was about.
When you showed up, Simba, Nala, Mufasa and Sarabi were all present and pleased to see you once more.
Simba: "Y/N, it's so good to see you again."
Y/N: "Hey there, Simba. Or should that be "your highness?"
Simba: *chuckles* "No, no, you can just call me Simba. Besides, you're part of the family, seeing as you're Kiara's godfather."
Y/N: "And it is a great honor. Speaking of which, I gotta ask, how's Kiara been doing lately?"
Mufasa: "Believe it or not, today is Kiara's first hunt. She's grown into a fine young lioness."
Sarabi: "Yes, we couldn't be more prouder."
Nala: "And there she is."
You look over and spot the young lioness appearing right before your very eyes... and what a pride and joy she's become.
Rafiki: *greeting* "Kiara..."
Zazu pirched himself on the branch, looking upon the princess with a very proud smile. Timon and Pumbaa were just as proud, seeing as how Timon hugged Pumbaa while looking at Kiara.
The young princess then walked down the path, recieving praises from her subjects before approaching her family. But then, when she sees you, she gets confused.
Simba: "See someone you're not familiar with?"
Kiara: "Daddy? Who's he?"
Nala: "Honey... this is your godfather, Y/N. He's the one who helped baptize you on the day of your birth."
Kiara: *surprised, smiling* "He... he is?"
Y/N: "In the flesh."
You approach her, smiling down at her.
Y/N: "Look at you... my own goddaughter, all grown up. You look as beautiful as your mother."
Kiara: "Thanks. It's... it's so great to finally meet you."
You nuzzle Kiara over her head like any godfather or uncle would... well, if you were a lion. After that, Kiara then gave her mother a good nuzzling before she'd set off.
Nala: "You'll do just fine."
And then... the moment of truth.
Kiara: *urging* "Daddy, you have to promise to let me do this on my own... you promise?"
Simba then looked to Nala, who looked back at her husband with that smirk of hers, telling him to trust her.
Simba: "Alright. I promise."
Kiara then goes up to her dad and nuzzles him as thanks for allowing her to be her own lioness. As this happens, Timon and Pumbaa bawl their eyes own seeing their little niece all grown up. She then nuzzles her grandparents goodbye before she gets ready to finally head out. She stares down at the Pride Lands with determination.
She turns back to her parents for reassurance and her father nods at her to go right on ahead. Kiara then heads off on her own and you and everyone else watch as she rushes off.
Y/N: "Good luck, Kiara."
You then look to Simba, who... as expected, looked worried.
Simba: *anxious, whispers to Timon and Pumbaa* "Make sure she doesn't get hurt."
Y/N: *thinks* "Good grief."
With Simba breaking his promise ALREADY, it was time you took matters into your own paws to make sure they didn't interfere. So, as you were about to head out...
Mufasa: *to you* "Where are you going?"
Y/N: *into Mufasa's ear, quietly* "Simba's broken his promise, I'm heading off to make sure Timon and Pumbaa don't interfere."
Mufasa: *quietly* "Oh, alright. But be careful."
Y/N: "I will."
So, with that out of the way, you headed off into the Pride Lands, following the dynamic duo from a safe distance.
As this is happening, Kiara spots a herd of antelope while hiding in the tall grass and gets ready to pounce. However... her paw steps on a twig and it snaps, making her gasp. The antelope hear the sound and take off in a large pack before Kiara could even pounce.
The rookie lioness leaps out and chases them.
Meanwhile, back in the outlands, in the Elephant Graveyard, Vitani and Nuka, Kovu's older siblings look around the place, seeing as how it's been empty for some time.
Nuka: *cringing upon seeing the place* ! This place is even creepier since the hyenas ran off."
Vitani: *rolls eyes* "Oh, sheesh."
Nuka: *scoffs* "I'm not scared, okay?"
Right as he said that, he hears steam hissing from one of the geysers and yelps as he jumps off the ledge. Vitani walks over to one of the geysers and sets two twigs down over it.
Nuka: "I just don't know why we have to be here, that's all... if Kovu's so special, why does he need us?"
He hears more hissing behind him and turns around, startled, but sees nothing there.
Nuka: "I never even had a CHANCE!"
BAM! One of the geysers erupts intensely, scarring the sickly lion and making him cower near his younger sister. Vitani just looks at him with boredom and disgust, then rolls her eyes. She then looks at the two sticks and watches at they catch fire from the hot steam.
Vitani: "That's it." *grabs one* "Come on. Kiara's started her hunt, we have to move quickly."
Nuka, however, decided to heat his stick up a little more, but makes an error of putting his head DIRECTLY over the geyser. And just like an idiot would, he gets full blast of the steam.
Nuka: *wildly, grinning* "WOW! FIRE!!!"
He then takes off, following Vitani and laughing like a loon.
Meanwhile, back in the Pride Lands, Timon and Pumbaa were up to their usual antics trying to find Kiara.
[Stop video at 1:07]
Just as they were about to turn around, they hear a fierce roar that scares the ba-jeebers outta the two and makes them flee just as Kiara saw them in that instant. But it wasn't Kiara who roared at them, rather it was you, seeing as she saw you chase after them.
Kiara: "Y/N, what are you doing here? And for that matter, what are Timon and Pumbaa doing here, too?"
Y/N: "Your father seems to have trouble letting go."
Kiara: *realizing* "So, my father sent them... *feeling betrayed* after he promised to let me do this on my own, he lied! But what about you, why are you out here?"
Y/N: "Calm down. I came out here to stop Timon and Pumbaa. Because unlike your father, I have total faith in you. I know that you're ready and so does your mother and grandparents."
Kiara: "I should've known he'd never give me a real chance... but I'm glad that you trust me well enough to hunt on my own."
She walks up to you and nuzzles under your chin.
Y/N: "I know. Still, I can understand your father's intentions, so I'll try to talk things out with him about this matter."
Kiara: "Thanks, Y/N." *runs off* "Still, I'm gonna do this on my own, away from the Pride Lands!"
Y/N: "Alright, just come home safe!"
And with that, she's gone. But then, a familiar meerkat and warthog show up once again.
Timon: "WHAT the heck was that all about?!"
Pumbaa: "Why'd you scare us like that, Y/N?"
Y/N: "I'm sorry scaring you, boys. But I can't stand by Simba breaking his promise to his own daughter like that. I get that he doesn't want to see her hurt, but he has to understand that she's not his little cub anymore and that parent has to learn to let go."
Pumbaa: "True, but aren't you the least bit worried?"
Y/N: "Of course I am! But it's not my call to act on her behalf, especially since she's all grown up. The only time I'm allowed to act is if she asks me for help, that's how this works. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to have a little chat with her father."
You then take off in the direction of Pride Rock while Timon and Pumbaa are left jaw-dropped where they stand.
[timeskip because REASONS!!!]
You managed to make it back in a matter of minutes and could see Simba pacing back and forth while Zazu watched.
Y/N: "Simba!"
Simba: *turns to your direction* "Y/N? Where'd you go? Please tell me Kiara's doing alright."
Y/N: "That's what I've come to talk to you about. Tell me, exactly how much faith do you have in your daughter?"
Simba: "Huh? What kind of a question is that?"
Y/N: "Just a simple question... In fact... Nala, tell me, how much faith do you have in Kiara?"
Nala: *comes out of den* "Complete faith."
Mufasa: "As do I."
Sarabi: "100%."
Y/N: "Thank you, everyone. So, what about you, Simba?"
Simba: "What do you mean, of course I have faith in her!"
Y/N: "I'm not asking if you DO have faith in her. I'm asking... HOW much faith you have in her."
Simba: "Well... I..."
Y/N: *shakes head, sighing* "As I thought."
Nala: "Y/N, is something wrong?"
Y/N: "I'm afraid there is. Mufasa knows, too. And I'm pretty sure you're aware of it, too, aren't you, Sarabi?"
Sarabi: *nods* "Yes... I am."
Simba: "Mother, father, what's going on?"
Mufasa: "What he means, Simba, is you don't have enough faith in your own daughter to let her do her own thing."
Sarabi: "Without needing constant supervision."
Simba: "What?!"
Nala: "Simba... did you break your promise?"
Simba: "I... well..."
Y/N: "He did. He sent out Timon and Pumbaa to watch over Kiara to make sure that she wouldn't get hurt. Understandable, considering he raised her since she was a cub, but he's failed to understand something that all parents should always know."
Simba: "And what's that."
Sarabi: "Simba, there's always a time to hang on and a time to let go and Kiara is already grown up, so she shouldn't have to be watched over from afar anymore. She's allowed to make her own choices, hunt for her own prey and even make her own mistakes. It's not our job to interfere with her now that she's grown up."
Simba: "But she's still my daughter!"
Zazu: "Don't worry, Simba. She'll be fine. What could happen?"
Y/N: *turns to the outskirts, sees smoke, gasps* "Uh-oh... Simba... LOOK, OVER THERE!
Simba looks to where you're looking and his pupils shrink at the sight of the smoke in the distance, fearing for Kiara's life.
Simba: "No... NO! KIARA!!!"
Zazu looks as well and gasps in horror.
Simba: *running off* "Zazu! Fly ahead! Find her!"
Zazu does as commanded and takes to the skies while you and Nala follow Simba to go and rescue Kiara.
Simba: *glaring at you* "Now you see why I had to send Timon and Pumbaa out there?! And you question me about parenting?"
Y/N: "Life is full of unexpected turns! But in this case, I'm not sticking around to watch and see what happens to her!" *thinks* "If I know Kiara, she's bound to run into Kovu. And it's only a matter of time before he rescues her... to win Simba's trust."
[start at 0:18]
Simba: "Kiara!"
The princess then looks over and sees her father running towards her, but roars and growls at Kovu, not knowing him. You also show up, along with Nala and a few lionesses.
Nala: *relieved* "Kiara, you're alright!"
Y/N: "Thank goodness you're not hurt."
Kiara: "Thanks, Y/N, mom." *glares at Simba* "Father, how could you break your promise?
Simba: *glaring* "It's a good thing I did. I almost lost you, no more hunts for you, not ever."
Y/N: "Really now? One hunt. You let her out for ONE hunt, right as a fire started and you declare her banned from providing meals for her own family, is that what you're saying?"
Simba: "SILENCE!!! You don't know anything about being a parent, I'm only doing what's best for her!"
Y/N: "Best for her... *glares* or best for you?"
Simba wasn't liking your protesting and growls at you.
Kiara: "Daddy, Y/N, please stop! Don't fight each other. I was doing just fine, even before Kovu--"
Simba: *turns, realizing* "Kovu?!"
Now he turns his anger towards the young Scar-lookalike and roars at him, but he roars back.
Nala: *disapprovingly* "Simba!"
Then, here comes Rafiki.
Rafiki: *to Kovu* "Hey! You! How dare you save de king's daughter!"
Simba: "You saved her? Why?"
Y/N: "So, you're the infamous Kovu I've heard so much about. Well, you sure do look kinda like Scar in a way. But let's not get off on the wrong paw because of that. I'm actually grateful that you saved my goddaughter from the flames, so thank you."
Kovu: "You're welcome. *to the king* And as for you, Simba... I humbly ask to join your pride."
Simba: "NO! You were banished with the other outsiders!"
Kovu: "I have left the outsiders. I'm a rogue. Judge me now for who I am... or am I to be blamed for a crime I didn't commit?"
Y/N: "He's got you there, Simba."
Simba growls in frustration, pacing the land.
Nala: "Simba, you owe him your daughter's life."
Zazu: "Yes sire. Clearly, we are in his debt. And royal protocol demands that all debts be paid. *looks at Kovu* Though, in this case, you might want to make an exception."
Simba turns back to gaze at Kovu. The young rogue stands firm, unflinching and Simba doesn't like it one bit. But, despite what he thinks, he doesn't seem to have choice.
Simba: "My father's law will prevail. For now, I reserve judgement, we'll see who you really are." *walks off*
Kovu looks to Kiara and Nala, who, unlike Simba, were happy to welcome him into their pride.
Zazu: "Hmph! Riff-raff." *flies off*
And with that, everyone heads back to Pride Rock, wanting to put this whole mess behind them and look towards tomorrow. However... it couldn't hurt to make a good impression.
Y/N: "You'll have to excuse the king. He's one of those... "overprotective daddy" types, if you know what I mean."
Kovu: "Heh, clearly. I'm surprised you're not acting as hostile towards me like he was."
Y/N: "Let's just say... I've got a strong hunch about you."
Kovu: "What kind? The "I know you're like him" hunch?"
Y/N: "No... but I can't change what you think of me. But, you have to understand... Sometimes, what's left behind can grow better than the generation before... if given the chance."
Kovu quirked an eyebrow at what you said. But you don't say anything else and just keep on walking with the others.
Nala and Kiara could tell you were trying to be nice to Kovu, but Simba... he felt conflicted. You, his former savior from when he was just a cub, were siding with the enemy. Or at least, he's not sure if you're entirely on his side, but... the way you spoke to him... it's gotten his mind all jumbled, like nothing makes sense.
Hopefully... a little rest will make it all better.
[A/N: "Yoo-hoo... eh??? Two chapters in one day! Enjoy and get ready for what's coming up next in the future.]
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