The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride (Finale)

A couple of days rolled by after the outland pride was officially welcomed into the Pride Lands. Since then, Simba and his family have decided to reward you once again for all you've done. After all was said and done, Simba decided to appoint you as his official advisor. And that's an honor you've come to humbly accept.

However, another thing that happened was that Vitani approached you one night and told you how she was moved by how you made an effort to save her brother that one time. And the way you mentioned how everyone's lives mattered, regardless. Because of all you've done, she's grown to really like you a lot.

Though, you found her beautiful in a way, you weren't sure about pursuing her considering your... hidden secret. So, after her confession, you decided you wanted to be honest with her... and the rest of Simba's entire family, Vitani's included.

Later on that day, you gathered everyone on top of Pride Rock so you could finally let them all in on your secret.

Simba: "Y/N, what's all this about?"

Nala: "Is something wrong?"

Vitani: "Whatever it is, I hope it's not bad."

Y/N: "Alright, everyone... Here's what you need to know."

There's a long pause in the air and suddenly, you focused your powers and whipped out your keyblade, grabbing it in your jaws. Everyone was shocked and backed away.

Zazu: "I say, what is that?!"

Kovu: "Y/N, what are you doing?"

Y/N: "Showing you the truth..."

And pointing your keyblade up high, the tip of it emits a bright light that temporarily blinds the others and engulfs you in its glow, changing you from your lion form to your human form. And as the light dies down, everyone can now see you for who you really are. Now, shocked was the understatement for them after seeing you.

Mufasa: "Y/N... how did."

Y/N: "You see, everyone... the creature standing before you... is the real Y/N... I'm... a human. I'm sure you're all wondering why I chose to disguise myself as a lion. So go ahead and ask."

Simba: *clears throat* "I am curious. Why hide it from us?"

Y/N: "I... didn't want to, but, I didn't have a choice. A human wandering around a landscape with larger, stronger animals, is like sending out an ant into giant territory. Out here, lions are top of the food chain and I'm meek prey in comparison to that. Plus, wild animals hate humans. Would you have really trusted me in the beginning if I went and tried to rescue you in my normal human form?"

Mufasa: "I'm afraid he's right, son. At one point in time, my father once had an encounter with humans once. They tried to hunt him down just for the sport of it. But... well, let's just say they met their end of their journey after my father handled them."

Y/N: "Exactly my point. On another note, I needed to adjust to my new environment because I tend to travel a lot. But just know that despite my disguise, all the adventures I had with you all, the conflicts, the peace brought to the Pride Lands, the friends I've made... those were all real and would do it all over, too. Although... I'd probably make better choices regarding recent conflicting events."

Sarabi: "We understand. But why now, of all times, have you decided to show your true self?"

Y/N: "Because... a member of your pride... took a shine to me and all that I had done for you." *looks to Vitani*

Vitani: "You mean... me?"

Y/N: "Yes. Vitani, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you from the start. When you told me how much you liked me earlier, I just couldn't find it in me to deny your feelings, but... I couldn't keep leading you on with my facade as a white lion, so... I needed to come clean. And Vitani... if I'm being perfectly honest, I've actually found you to be extremely beautiful, despite the species gap between us."

Vitani: *sheds a tear* "You... mean it?"

Y/N: "Yes. *to everyone* Well... now you all know the truth. This is the real me and now... I leave my fate up to you. If you can find it in your hearts to forgive me, I'd be eternally grateful. But... if this is where we must part ways, then I completely understand. Simba... Nala... Kiara... Kovu... Nuka... Zazu... Rafiki... Mufasa... Sarabi... Timon... Pumbaa... and Vitani... I'll always be grateful to you all."

You then took a bow as you poured your heart out to everyone, waiting for the incoming verdict.

Then... you felt a paw wrap around you and you look to see it was Simba who's doing it.

Simba: "Y/N... Everything you've said just now... I can tell you had a good reason for what you did for so long. I understand and I'm not mad at you for hiding this from us. In fact, I'm relieved to know that you trusted us enough to tell us the truth. So, as far as I'm concerned, you're still a member of the Pride Lands, lion or not."

Y/N: *relieved* "Thanks, Simba." *hugs back*

Nala: "Not only that, but it wouldn't feel right to kick out Kiara's loving godfather after hearing that confession."

Zazu: "If his majesty trusts you enough to allow you to stay, then I shall trust you as well."

Kovu: "I'm cool with it. You did give me a chance."

Nuka: "I could never chase out the same guy who risked his neck to save me from death."

Sarabi: "And I cannot find it in me to banish the same specimen who saved both Mufasa and Simba all those years ago."

Mufasa: "It seems your actions have influenced everyone on a grand scale, so you're still part of the family."

Timon: "Uh... just between us... do humans eat meerkats?"

Y/N: "Not to my knowledge, no. Definitely not me. And no, I don't eat warthogs either, but I am an omnivore."

Pumbaa: "Well, at least that's good news... the whole "not eating meerkats and warthogs" thing, I mean."

Vitani: "So... now what are you gonna do?"

Y/N: "First, I'm going to take care of something. Nuka?"

[Music stops]

Nuka: "Yeah?" *scratches himself*

Y/N: "I think life has cheated you at birth. So... I'm gonna fix that and make you into a strong, healthy lion." *points keyblade* "And don't worry, there's no pain involved."

Kiara: "Y/N, what are you doing?"

Y/N: "I'm about to bring out the alpha in Nuka."

And then you fired a beam of light at the sickly lion. His body enraptures in a bright, glowing light for a brief minute. Then... as the light dims, Nuka emerges, looking amazing.

Y/N: "Say hello... to the new and improved Nuka!"

Nuka: *checks him* "Hey... I feel... different! No more termites, or fleas, and my mane.. it's so bushy now! *laughs excitedly* "I'M REBORN, I FEEL SO GREAT!!!

He then rushes over to hug you, but he winds up pouncing you and due to his newfound strength, you got knocked down. 

Y/N: "OOF!!! *chuckles* "You're welcome, Nuka."

Vitani: "Wow... how did you do that?"

Y/N: "My keyblade has all sorts of magical abilities. And some of them come from my state of mind, too. For instance, I modified his genes to be stronger, rather than sickly and thus transforming his entire appearence into the lion you see before you."

Nuka: "Thanks again! I feel so much better! Now I probably don't have to scratch my back up against the wall every night before turning in for the night anymore!"

Y/N: "Just make sure to take good care of your new body. Now that you've gotten some strong genes, it's your responsibility to make sure you stay healthy and strong. Work hard, study well and eat and sleep plenty and you'll do just fine."

Nuka: "Oh, I intend to!"

After that, Nuka then ran off to do... whatever it is he likes.

Kiara: "So, what are you going to do now?"

Y/N: "Well... usually, this is the part where I head back home."

Vitani: "If you're heading back home, can I come along?"

Y/N: "You mean... to the place I really live in?"

Vitani: "I told you before that I've grown to like you a lot and I meant it and I don't care if you're a human and I'm a lioness."

Y/N: "Well... I don't mind you coming to live with me, though I might have a solution in regards to our species gap."

Vitani: "How?"

Y/N: "Only one way to find out."

This time instead of shooting a beam of light at Vitani, you softly tapped her on the top of her head with your keyblade and engulfed her in a white magical veil. Right before your very eyes and everyone else's, she underwent a transformation no one'll ever forget.

Vitani looked at her new human form and became awestruck before losing her balance, not being used to walking on 2 legs. But you catch her quickly and she clings to you.

Simba: "Y/N... you just keep surprising us every time, just how many surprises is that thing capable of?"

Y/N: "The possibilities are endless, Simba."

Kovu: "So, now what?"

Y/N: "Well... like I said, I'm gonna head back home. But don't worry, I'll be sure to come visit from time to time."

Kovu: "Alright. And by the way... please take good care of my sister for me, and I mean it." *flashes a toothy grin, growling*

Y/N: "I promise, she'll be in good hands. And I trust you'll treat my goddaughter with all the love and respect, right?"

Kiara: "Oh, trust me. He will." *nuzzles Kovu*

Y/N: "Alright then. Take care everybody."

Everybody else said their goodbyes to you as you transformed yourself and Vitani back into your lion forms before heading off into the distance, having completed your mission once again.

As soon as you were far enough away from the Pride Lands, you stopped right away before transforming yourself back into a human, along with Vitani, making her confused.

Vitani: "Why are we stopping?"

Y/N: "You'll see." *whips out keyblade*

You point in one direction and with your weapon, you shine a bright light and open up a portal in front of you.

Y/N: "Follow me."

With Vitani in your arms, you guide her inside of the portal and enter the white void, which confuses her.

Vitani: "I don't get it, this is where you live?"

Y/N: "Not quite. He should be here by now."

Vitani: "He?"

Yen Sid: *appears* "He means me."

Vitani: *jaw drops* "I... I... I give up."

Yen Sid: "Forgive me, young lady. I understand how frustrating and confusing it can be when witnessing magic firsthand. Anyways, allow me to introduce myself. I am Yen Sid."

Vitani: "I'm... Vitani. Nice to meet you."

Y/N: "I'm sure you've got more questions and I'd be willing to answer them for you if you'd like."

Vitani: "Yeah... I am kinda curious."

Y/N: "Alright, allow us to explain."

[After a long session of Q&A later...]

Vitani: "I... I'm speechless right now. To think that you of all people would risk your life like that... even if it meant the end. But... is it really necessary for him to have multiple mates?"

Yen Sid: "His new world is 2 times bigger than his previous home and to have multiple mates and heirs is mandatory. But fear not, he's proven that he's equally loyal to each of them."

Vitani: "Sheesh... takes herding to a whole new level. But, what the heck, if I gotta live with his multiple other mates, so be it. Just a quick question before I head off... can I still eat meat?"

Yen Sid: "Yes, though I'm not sure if you'd prefer it raw or cooked considering this is not your true form."

Vitani: "Umm... is it alright if I try it both raw in my lion form, then cooked in my human form?"

Yen Sid: "Yes, of course. Now then... I believe it's time for you to see what your mate's new home looks like."

And as always, Yen Sid pulls out the golden book just like before and you unlock it using your keyblade, it opens up and reveals a portal into your new home dimension.

Vitani: "Whoa... that's your home? It's a whole lot bigger and taller than Pride Rock! Are you considered royalty?"

Yen Sid: "As a matter of fact... he is. In his new home, he the king of an entire land."

Vitani: "I had no idea!"

Y/N: "I don't think I did either."

Yen Sid: "Well, now you know."

Vitani: "Okay then... guess we'd better go."

Yen Sid: "Actually, Y/N still has some more work to do before he can go home and settle down for a while."

Vitani: "WHAT?!"

Yen Sid: "Do not worry, after this last journey, he shall return home to you and all the others who are waiting for him. As for you, I shall accompany you to your new living quarters. But first..."

Yen Sid then pointed in another direction and opened up a portal to another world for you.

Yen Sid: "There you go."

Y/N: "Wait... before I go... lemme just say something to her."

Yen Sid: "Very well."

Y/N: *walks up to Vitani* "Listen, Vitani. I promise you after I finish this last mission, I'll come home and rest for a few months. And don't worry, my wives are all very kind."

Vitani: "...Oh, alright. Just... get home soon."

Y/N: "I will."

After saying that final goodbye, you pull her in for her very first kiss, which surprised her. She doesn't understand the whole meaning behind it, but... it still felt nice nonetheless. After that, you separated from her lips and Yen Sid then escorted her to your world.

With that said and done and with a heavy heart, you turn around and head off to the next world.

[A/N: Sorry guys, no lemon in this chapter. But there will be plenty in the intermission after these next chapters. Now, it's onto the thrilling world... of Big Hero 6.]

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