The Enchanted Christmas (Part 2)
After the whole fiasco with the beast giving you a piece of his mind, Belle managed to escort you to her room and laid you down on the bed while she sat besides you.
Y/N: *groans* "Thanks, Belle."
Belle: "I'm sorry you had to endure that."
Y/N: "It's kinda my fault, too. It was a touching subject for the master since he probably hasn't had his parents brought up in a long time, so I guess it's one of his trigger words."
Belle: "True... I've never seen him lash out like that. Not since he frightened me out of the castle the previous night."
Y/N: "Why'd he do that?"
Belle: "I... snuck into his room and found this magic rose in a case and he got angry at me."
Y/N: "Hmm... well, maybe there's a reason the rose is special to him and that's why he didn't want anyone poking around his chambers. Even men have deep secrets we don't want others finding out about, even if you didn't mean any harm."
Belle: "I guess... but he shouldn't have lashed out."
And now, enter little Chip.
Chip: "Hiya, Belle. You should see the ballroom. It's all decorated and pretty and there's garlands everywhere, I think the master's gonna be really excited when he finds out about Christmas!" *sees you* "Y/N? What happened?"
Y/N: "Nothing, Chip... Just a... Just... had a little accident in the boiler room, nothing serious."
Belle: "And Chip... he already knows."
Chip: "Really? Was he excited?"
Y/N: "Nope. He's forbidding it."
Chip: "But, I thought he couldn't forbid Christmas."
Y/N: "He can't... and he won't."
Belle: "You know what... you're right. We'll have Christmas with or without him."
Chip: "HOORAY!!! Can we get a tree now, Belle? It's the only thing we're missing."
Belle: *giggles* "Alright then. Let's go get a tree. *grabs Beast's present* But first..." *shushes Chip*
She takes the beast's present and brings it over to his chambers, setting it right next to the glass case with the enchanted rose inside. She then takes cover behind the big doors just as he enters his room and she sneaks out undetected by the grumpy beast.
Thanks to her clever escape, she is now taking this opportunity to go and find the perfect tree to take into the castle. And the beast is just watching from his chamber window, unhappy with what Belle is doing... and bitter about you for bringing up a hidden past.
Soon, Lumiere enters his master's chamber and goes to see what he's looking at through the window with him.
Lumiere: "Ooo la-la."
Beast: *slightly depressed* "Ohh, Lumiere." *turns away*
Lumiere: "She's beautiful, no?"
Beast: "Yes, and I'm hideous."
Lumiere: *quietly whispering* "Not to mention ill-tempered."
Beast: *sees present, inspects it* "What? What is that?"
Lumiere: "Ooh, it looks like a Christmas present."
Aaand, he puts it back on the table, not wanting anything to do with it considering what holiday it's associated with. The beast then retreats to his balcony in a huff.
Lumiere: *inspects present* "Oh-ho-ho! It's for you, master. It's from... a giiiirl."
Beast: *peeks in, confused* "Mrs. Potts?"
Lumiere: "No, from Belle."
Beast: "Belle?"
He picks up his present and grabs the ribbon, proceeding to undo it, but...
Lumiere: "Ah-ah-ah, Master, you can't open it!"
Beast: "Why not? It's for me, isn't it?"
Lumiere: "Because, it's not yet Christmas." *Beast huffs* "Master, we all understand how you feel about Christmas. But when a woman gives a man a gift, she's saying "I care about you."
Beast: *taken aback* "But I don't have a gift for her."
Lumiere: "It is not too late."
Beast: *sighs* "Well, then I guess I could get her a little something."
Moments later, he's seen entering his secret chambers where Forte is playing another tune and all of a sudden...
Beast: "Forte! Stop the noise!"
Forte: *offended* "Noise? NOISE? This is my masterpiece."
The beast glares at Forte for talking back at him.
Forte: "...Master."
Beast: *peeks out window* "I... I want you to compose a song. It's a present for Belle."
Forte: "What? Belle?"
Beast: "And make it happy!" *proceeds to walk out*
Forte: "Oh, but happiness is so... *door closes* ...depressing. What's next? Love songs?"
Enter the snitching piccolo.
Forte: "Wedding marches? It's all that girl's fault. FIFE!!!"
Another booming tune is played, startling the little guy.
Forte: "Pay attention. I need you to pace when I think. The girl is evil, I tell you."
Fife starts pacing the room.
Forte: "She pulls him from my grasp. She fills his head with dreams of love and hope and Christmas!"
Fife: "Well, whatcha gonna do? You can't stop Christmas." *chuckles*
Forte: "No, but I can stop the girl."
[Back with you]
After a few minutes of relaxing, your body was now back up to full strength and so now it was time to go and help Belle out. But as you leave Belle's room, you suddenly bump into the beast and back up a little, same as he does.
Y/N: "Sorry about that, your highness."
Beast: "No, it's... it's... fine." *realizes* "Listen... about what happened in the boiler room..."
Y/N: "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought up such a personal subject if I'd known it was this painful to you."
Beast: "Well... I'm... also equally at fault here. I was wrong to smack you against the wall. You were just trying to help."
Y/N: "What do you say we forget this ever happened and start over as friends, deal?"
Beast: "Sure."
You and the beast soon shook on it.
Y/N: "And if it helps, I never meant to hurt you, your highness, I was just trying to understand your pain. Why you lash out in anger and... how you wound up in your current state."
Beast: "I understand. So... how much do you know?"
Y/N: "Plenty. Especially considering how your mother was a kind and caring soul who loved everyone here in the castle. But your father... I think he's the reason why you became the way you are, had your mother not have perished when you were so young."
Beast: "Yes... I... vaguely remember her. Her radiant smile, that sparkling glow... and... the warmth I got when she hugged me. *frustrated* But... all that was replaced with anguish, fear and hate... all because of my good-for-nothing, heartless father! I hated him so much, I even spat in his grave to teach him a lesson."
Y/N: "How exactly did he die?"
Beast: "Stroke. One day, I accidentally dropped a plate of food during dinner and he tried to strangle me, but I ran all over the castle, trying to avoid him until he collapsed to his knees and clutched the side of his head, yelling in agony. For the first time... I felt relief... powerful... so I laughed at his pain and added salt to his wounds by asking him this, "I am your master now and I say... drop dead."
Y/N: "I.... I'm shocked."
Beast: "I despised him. He deserved to die, but the pain he inflicted on me... it still lingered. The pain became more unbearable when that... enchantress played me for a FOOL!"
Y/N: "I understand now, your majest. But you should also look at the bigger picture here, too. Yes, your mother is gone, it's a tragedy. But she's not the only family you have at the moment. There's Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, even Belle is by your side."
Beast: "But they're trapped in here because of me."
Y/N: "Your highness, do you know why they're still here?" *he shakes "no."* "They're still here because they chose to stay with you. No matter how many times you lash out, demand things and order them and kick them around, no matter how badly you treated them over the years, they always tolerated you. That's what families do, they care for each other, no matter how difficult things get."
Beast: "F...Family?"
Y/N: "That's right, Beast. You were never alone to begin with, you've always had your servants as your family. They kept you fed, they dressed you, bathed you, helped you learn. And in return for all of their services... they have a warm home to sleep in."
Beast: "I... I had no idea. Y/N, I... I should... uh..."
Y/N: "Go on, do what you gotta do. I've got some work to do of my own."
With the beast's mutual respect now earned, you both left so he could make an extra special gift for Belle while you paid a visit to the Beast's secret chambers. And big surprise... Belle is already there and she's about to meet the big doom and gloom musician.
Forte: "Mademoiselle, please."
Belle: *gasps, turns to see Forte*
Forte: "I am Maestro Forte, court composer and your most humble servant."
Belle: "Pleased to meet you Monsieur Forte. I'm Belle."
Forte: "Yes, the entire castle is talking about you, child. They say you were planning a Christmas gala. Marvelous idea. The very thing to shatter the master's dark and gloomy past. But you must make this the grandest celebration ever. Have you gifts?"
Chip: "Yep."
Forte: "Food?"
Chip: "Yep."
Forte: "Garlands, ribbons, wreaths?"
Chip: "Check."
Forte: "Spangles and "fandangles? The trinkets, the trimmings, the trappings?"
Chip: "Yep, we got 'em all."
Forte: *smiles* "...A tree?"
Chip: *hangs head in shame* "See, Belle? I told you.
Belle: "Well, we found one."
Chip: "But it was on the piddlin' side of puny."
Forte: *chuckling* "But, did you look in the Black Forest? There, you will find a tree better than any you can dream of."
Y/N: *thinks, alarms going off in head* "Shit! He's getting inside her head, if she goes outside the castle grounds, she'll break her promise and potentially almost drown. I should know, I've seen that scene more than 5 dozen times to know what happens."
Chip: "Better? We gotta go, Belle! We gotta!"
Belle: "Chip, we can't. I... I promised your master I wouldn't leave the castle grounds. I gave my word."
Forte: "Chin up, son. There's a profound lesson here. Keeping your word is much more important than bringing joy to another."
Belle: "You're twisting what I said."
Forte: "Not at all. I agree with you. Look after yourself. Let the master do the same. Nevermind that the tree was always his favorite part of Christmas."
Chip: *pleading* "Please, Belle? Pleeaaaase?"
Belle: *looks out window* "It looks dangerous."
Forte: *chuckling* "Mademoiselle, you are in more danger in this very room, I assure you.
Belle: *hesitantly* "Alright."
Chip: "Yes!"
Belle: "We'll take Phillippe. If we hurry, we can be back by nightfall."
Chip: "HURRAY!!!"
Belle: "Au revoir, Monsieur Forte. You'll keep my secret, won't you?"
Forte: *lying* "Of course, mademoiselle. The master will remain completely in the dark."
Belle: "Au revoir, Fife."
Fife: *dreamily* "Au revoir."
Forte: "Fife! I want you to follow her. Make sure they don't come back."
Fife: "Yeah, but... Maestro, she's so nice."
Forte: "When you're finished fawning, Fife, perhaps you can recommend someone else to play your solo."
Fife: "No! I'm going, I'm going!"
But just as he came out, you caught him and placed a mute spell on him and turned him to face you, which made him scared.
Y/N: "Shh... You're coming with me."
You then take off and go to catch up to Belle, reaching her down the halls again.
Y/N: "Belle! Hey!"
Belle: "Y/N? Why were you in the master's room?"
Y/N: "I heard everything, Belle. You need to know."
Fife tried to intervene, but his vocals were muted thanks to the spell you used on him.
Y/N: "Listen, Belle... you can't trust Forte. I overheard him talking with Fife here just as you left the room. Forte's trying to get you to leave the castle grounds so that that he can have his little slave here get rid of you once and for all and never come back."
Belle: "But... why would he do that? How do you know that's what he wants?"
Y/N: "Because you're bringing happiness into his majesty's life again and Forte considers that a threat to his own agenda. Ever since he was cursed with the master, he's adjusted to his new life as that oversized pipe organ, comforting the master with his symphonies. If everyone's returned to human, he'll feel like he's not needed. He wants to keep everyone in this cursed hell for the rest of eternity."
Belle: *shocked* "But... That's... That's just..."
Y/N: "It's the truth, Belle. So here's what I want you to do. Stay here with the others, I'm gonna go and get the Christmas tree myself, this way you'll be keeping your word about not going outside the castle grounds and the beast won't get mad at you."
Belle: "How will he find out?"
Y/N: "A little birdie would've told him." *shows Fife* "And as for you, Fife... you can't trust Forte either, especially with that empty promise he made about your solo. If I know that pompous ego maniac, he probably left that sheet of yours blank."
Fife looked all shocked and shook his head no.
Y/N: "Yes, Fife. He's that low and cunning. But he doesn't know I'm onto him, so do NOT report back to him. Lay low somewhere and do NOT try and sabotage this event anymore. Okay?"
He nods.
Y/N: "Good. Now, I'll be back soon."
As you head out...
Belle: *grabs your arm* "Y/N, wait!" *you stop* "Aren't you going to get in trouble with the master if you leave?"
Y/N: "I only gave my word that I'd stay out of trouble, there was no fine print that said I couldn't leave the castle grounds. So don't worry, I'll be okay and besides... I wanna help the master just as much as you do, he's practically like family now."
Belle: *realizes* "Yeah... you're right. Well, good luck, Y/N."
You nod and then rush down the halls and head out to grab the finishing touch for the big Christmas party.
We now see the beast all dressed up in his fancy prince outfit and is currently setting up a table in his chambers using one of the shredded curtains in his room as a table cloth.
Beast: *calling out* "Cogsworth!"
Cogsworth: "Oh, dear. Yes. Coming, coming."
Beast: *still calling out* "COGSWORTH!"
Cogsworth: "Running, running. Almost there." *enters room* "You bellowed, sir?"
Beast: "Find Belle. I... uh... Well, I... *sighs* she has to hear a song."
Cogsworth: "Yes sir, right away, sir. Uh... *thrilled* Splendid. Yes, well... Splendid!"
And the little clock man goes to fetch said beauty and arrives in her room.
Cogsworth: "Belle."
Belle: "Cogsworth? What can I do you for?"
Cogsworth: "The master has summoned you."
Belle: "Me? Hmm, I wonder what he could want."
Unsure, she still follows Cogsworth back to the master's room where she finds him sitting by a table and dressed up all nice.
Belle: "Wow, this is nice. You wanted to see me?"
Beast: "Yes. Please, have a seat."
[Meanwhile with you]
You've just stepped out of the castle grounds and are currently heading out into the Black Forest... at half the high speeds than you normally do for obvious reasons. But as you navigate through the thick forest, you then hear the sound of a familiar voice.
Yen Sid: "You're making excellent progress." *appears in front of you in a bright light*
Y/N: "Master Yen Sid! Hi! You've got incredible timing."
Yen Sid: "Well, I do make it a point to surprise my pupils. Now then, I noticed you've been busy lately, protecting Belle and helping with the beast's curse. Aren't you even the least bit worried about the two falling in love at some point, my boy?"
Y/N: "To be honest, a part of me is stressing about it, but I can't let the beast remain a beast for the rest of his life. Not after what he's been through because of his abusive father. But... for some reason, a part of me keeps telling me... there's some kind of loophole I haven't considered, like the answer's right in front of me."
Yen Sid: "You'd assume correct. And one more thing, I've noticed you've used your anti form once more, yet this time, you remained in control of yourself when you fought. Keep this up and in no time, you'll be able to use your keyblade once more. But also, remember this..."
Y/N: "What is it, master?"
Yen Sid: "When you're fighting foes who are beyond reasoning, understand that you are never alone, even as you do so on the battlefield and you'll understand deep down as to why."
Y/N: "Uh... right. I'm not even gonna question it this time."
Yen Sid: *chuckles* "Smart lad. Well, good luck." *poofs away*
[Back in the beast's room]
Beast: "Belle, I... I wanted to give you something since you... went and got me a present."
Belle: "Aww, that's very nice of you."
Beast: "Yes." *clears throat* "Forte, play Belle's song."
In the back room, Forte is playing "Deck The Halls." However...
Beast: "You're not singing."
Now he does, only his heart just isn't in it. In fact, songs that give off happy vibes just aren't his "forte," you could say."
Belle: "Beast, this is very, umm... sweet. Say, why don't you open your present now?"
Beast: "Are... Are you sure?"
Belle gives him a nod of approval. The beast unties the ribbon on his gift and opens it up, revealing a storybook. And it was a handmade one written by Belle herself. Belle then sat up close to the Beast and as he opened up the book, she read alongside him.
[Back to you]
As Belle and Beast were reading his new story, you arrived at the spot where you could find the perfect tree. You walked over to the beautiful masterpiece of nature and inspected it.
Y/N: "Hmm... perfect. Just what we need for Christmas."
However, you decided against bringing an axe, so as a substitute, you enveloped your right hand in a bright, magical aura. Then, pulling back, you swung with a horizontal chopping motion, cutting the tree trunk clean and levitated it with your telekinesis.
Y/N: "Well, my work here is done. Time to get to the castle."
The journey back to the castle was a bit longer with the load you were carrying, but it was all worth it. You've arrived back at the castle grounds and are entering the building. That's when you see Belle and the Beast both coming downstairs. Their eyes lock on you as they see you carrying a tree inside the castle.
Y/N: "Someone order a Christmas tree?"
Belle: "Y/N! You made it!"
Beast: "Where... did you get that?"
Y/N: "Well, since Belle can't leave the castle grounds, I went out into the Black Forest and got a tree for you."
Beast: "Oh... I see."
Y/N: "So, what happened while I was away?"
Belle: "Oh, nothing much, we just exchanged our gifts. Beast had his composer play a song for me while I read his story to him."
Y/N: "Oh, that's great! I'm guessing this means we can celebrate Christmas like normal again?"
Belle and all the other servants look to their master, hoping he'll say yes and at the moment, there's a long pause in the room as the beast thinks long and hard.
Then, he comes to a conclusion...
Beast: "Yes."
The other servants cheered with glee and you just smiled.
Beast: "Let's give Belle the Christmas she's always wanted!"
And everyone cheers even more. You then look over to Fife, who's standing in the crowd, still unable to make a sound. You then walk over to the little guy and undo the spell on him.
Y/N: "Time to celebrate with some real friends."
Fife: "...Y...Yeah... you're right."
[Back in the hidden room]
Forte: "So, Beast gets girl and it's a happy ending for everyone. Enchantment lifted, and Forte fades into the background. No longer important, no longer needed." *infuriated* "I! THINK! NOT!"
Unfortunately, he's right. Having come this far, Forte is not about to give up on his plans to keep things the way they are. If possible, it's going to take both you and the beast to stop him.
No one's ruining Christmas on your watch.
[A/N: Quite the cliffhanger, isn't it? Our story isn't over yet, ladies and gentlemen, for things have only just begun. So get ready, because there's more to come. The stage is set for the upcoming epic battle against a corrupt composer, so... STAY TUNED!!!]
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