The Enchanted Christmas (Part 1)
It was now the next day and as you were strolling around the castle, you noticed all the servants scurrying about.
Y/N: "Hey, guys. Where's the fire?"
Chip: "Where could he be?"
Mrs. Potts: "Goodness knows. We've searched every last corner."
Cogsworth: "I'm beginning to think he's not in the castle at all?"
Y/N: "What's the matter?"
Chip: "We're trying to find the master!"
Y/N: "Oh, his majesty? I just saw him taking a stroll outside the castle not too long ago, *looks out window* and look, there he is."
Lumiere goes over and wipes the cold fog residue off the window and spots the beast walking about the castle grounds.
Lumiere: "Voila, there he is!"
Mrs. Potts: "Wonderful!"
Cogsworth: *gasps* "No time to waste! We must find a way to get them together!"
Y/N: "Get them... together? Why's that?"
Mrs. Potts: "Oh dear, umm... well, you see..."
Cogsworth: "Umm... perhaps we can tell you later. But right now, we mustn't dilly-dally!"
The servants then scurried on down the halls.
Chip: "You really think she's the one? Will she break the spell?"
Lumiere: "I knew it from the moment I set eyes on her!"
Y/N: *while following the servants* "A spell? I'm guessing this spell is what turned you guys into what you are now?
Mrs. Potts: "I'm afraid so, deary. If anyone can reach the master, Belle can, such a kind soul."
Lumiere: "And her looks don't hurt either."
Y/N: "Something tells me I'm in for a big surprise." *thinks* "Of course they're under a spell, if the prince wasn't such a brat, he wouldn't have roped his servants into this curse. But still, that enchantress is also to blame for involving the servants as well."
Cogsworth: "Wait for me!" *panting*
Meanwhile, Belle is walking around the halls, until the servants finally found her, as did you.
Chip: "Hi, Belle."
Y/N: "Sleep well last night?"
Belle: "Hello, everyone. And yes, I slept fine. Chip, do you know what day it is?"
Chip: "Well, it's not Tuesday."
Belle: *giggles* "No, silly. Today's December 24th. The day before Christmas--"
Lumiere: *nervous* "And what a beautiful day it is. A wonderful day for a morning stroll."
Mrs. Potts: "Yes, yes. Nothing starts the day like a brisk walk about the grounds."
Chip: "Yeah! Or you could go ice-skating."
Cogsworth: "Yes, fresh air, exercise, ha-ha!"
Belle then heads over to fetch her ice skates
Mrs. Potts: "Come along, Belle, dear. The great outdoors awaits."
Chip: "Yeah, let's go!"
Y/N: "They're quite the rowdy bunch."
Belle: "Yes, but you'll learn to love 'em."
Belle then puts on her warm coat with some help from the living coat hanger.
Belle: "Merci, monsieur."
The coat hanger tipped its hat to Belle out of gratitude. You then follow Belle outside and there's the Beast walking by.
Belle: "Good morning."
The beast turned to Belle, then suddenly lost his footing on the slippery ice and fell on his back. You tried your hardest not to laugh and you could tell he was glaring and growling at you.
Y/N: *thinks* "Hold it in. Be strong! Do not anger the cranky prince!"
Belle: "Oh, dear. Are you alright?"
She walks over to check on his condition. He slowly stands himself up, making sure not to slip and fall again.
Beast: "I... fell and... I landed on my... On... on the ice."
Belle: "It's pretty slippery."
Y/N: "I'll say. *takes two steps onto ice* One careless step and-- *slips* YIPE!!!" *falls on your butt hard*
Belle: "You okay, Y/N?"
Y/N: "Never better, my bottom broke my fall!"
The beast almost laughed, but kept himself under control. So, as you pick yourself up, Belle begins to skate around the ice, teaching the beast how to skate as well.
The servants watch with glee, enjoying seeing their master having fun with Belle and you're just having your own fun, sliding around the ice on your posterior and spinning around. But, little did you know, high up in the castle near the beast's sleeping quarters, another servant is keeping themselves occupied, playing an organ symphony.
And the audience... a living piccolo.
???: *clapping* "Bravo! Bravo! Encore! Encore!
???: *chuckles* "Fife, you approve?"
Fife: "Oh, Maestro, it's magnificent!
Forte: "Oh, come along, it's merely an opera." *plays loud tune* "To bring the house down." *chuckles*
Fife: "Is there a part for a piccolo?
Forte: "Absolutely."
Using his magic organ, Forte conjures up musical sound notes that somehow come out and open up a music chest. Fife looks, becoming all giddy with excitement as he sees his music sheet, but it's only a mere glimpse of his solo.
Forte: "Solo for Fife in B-flat."
Fife: "Ooh, I'd do anything for a solo."
Forte: "Yes." *shuts chest* "I know. Now, Fifey, in the midst of my cresendo, I thought I heard merriment outside the window. Have a little look-see, will you?"
Fife, the piccolo then goes to check it out.
Fife: "Wow, would you look at that?"
Forte: *sarcastically* "Well, I think I might. I'll just pick myself up and... oh, what's this?" *gestures to bolts* "Heavens, look." *frustrated* "I'M BOLTED TO THE WALL!!!
Fife: "Oh, right." *chuckles nervously, looks outside* "Um, the master is skating."
Forte: "Skating? Why on earth would he do a thing like that?"
Fife: "Probably because that pretty girl is holding his hand."
Forte: "What? Belle?"
Fife: "Hey! Maybe if she falls in love with him, the spell will be broken and we'll be human again!"
Suddenly, ol' Maestro Forte plays another earth-tremoring tune, stunning Fife a little.
Forte: "Trust me, Fife. Humanity is entirely overrated. Before the enchantment, there was no need for my particular brand of genius. But now, the master needs my melodies to feed his tormented soul. I am his confidant and his best friend. And I won't let some PEASANT GIRL RUIN IT FOR ME! Fife, see to it that this blossoming love withers on the vine."
Fife: *salutes* "Yes, master Forte.
Meanwhile, back outside with you, Belle and the beast, his highness is getting better with skating on the ice.
Beast: "1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. I think I've got it!"
Y/N: "You're a faster learner than me, that's for suuuUURE!!!" *falls on your butt once again* "Heh, oopsies."
As you're picking yourself up, something whooshes past you and you jump, startled.
Y/N: "What the?!"
You look over by the fountain and notice a little piccolo spinning around and then shooting out of the fountain and landing by Belle and the Beast before he makes them crash in the snow.
You slide on over to the two to see if they're okay, only to find Belle getting up, still happy and has made a masterpiece in the snow.
Belle: "It's a Christmas angel, see?"
The beast went to see his imprint... only it made his smile disappear and he growled in disgust.
Beast: "This is no angel. It's the shadow of a... monster."
In a fit of anger, he lashes out at the snow to erase his imprint.
Y/N: "That's not what I see."
The beast then turns to face you as you look at his messed up imprint in the snow.
Y/N: "As far as I'm concerned, it's nothing more than the shape of a tormented soul who wants to be free."
Beast: "What would you know? Mind your own business!"
And the beast storms off into the castle, thus killing the happy mood between all of you.
Belle: "I dunno why I bother." *slumps down in the snow* "Now he's worse than ever.
Y/N: "Belle, it's not your fault. He just needs a little time to know the truth... the real truth behind that shadow of his."
Belle: "I guess... *blinks in realization* "Speaking of shadow, is now a good time to tell us about that dark side of you?"
Y/N: "Oh, well..."
Mrs. Potts: "I'm curious, too, dearie."
Y/N: "Well... alright then. I suppose now's as good a time as any. Just remember, this might get a little bit... overwhelming."
Everyone nodded and gathered around. Clearing your throat you soon began the tale of your dark transformation.
Y/N: "You see, it all started on one of my previous travel journeys before I came here to France. I was in a different place and helping out a young boy who lost his way in life. I teamed up with his older brother to help him enroll into a fine institution. The kid was a genius for a 14 year old, which is certainly a rarity."
"After some hard work in presenting his newest invention at the university's showcase, he was accepted into his new school. But... some time later, tragedy struck. There was a fire that broke out that very same night and had I not been there, that kid would've lose his older brother because he ran into that raging inferno to find his instructor, but I managed to... shield him with my unique abilities."
Belle: "Abilities?"
Y/N: "Yes. You see, I possess the ability to use magic, like so." *aims high up in the air and shoots lightning*
Chip: "Wow! That's cool."
Y/N: "Yes. But this is only half of my true power. My other half... I'm afraid I've made a blunder that restricts my other half."
Cogsworth: "What do you mean?"
Y/N: "Some time after hosting a memorial for the instructor, I stumbled onto a conspiracy. I found a hidden spot where the kid's invention was being manufactured by some shady man in a mask and using it for his own nefarious purposes. I couldn't take him on alone, so I had some help from the kid and his new friends. Eventually, we tracked the guy down to an isolated area and cornered him."
"But... when we unmasked him... we learned it was the same instructor we thought had died in the fire, but he didn't. Turns out, he used the boy's newest invention to shield himself from the explosion and... I'll never forget what he said to us when I scolded him."
Belle: "What happened?"
Y/N: "He said something along the lines of... "Well, if had just stayed out of my way, I wouldn't HAVE to bury you 6 feet under! It's your own fault for meddling in affairs that don't concern you! I was livid... the way he said it... with no remorse whatsoever."
Lumiere: "Sacre bleu!"
Y/N: "In that moment... I... I lost it. My magic reacted to the darkness within my heart and turned me into that... that... thing! My anti-form. A merciless version of myself that attacks relentlessly with no regard for the condition of my opponents and because of that... my magic is reduced to half its strength until I can balance out the darkness within my heart... and quite frankly... I deserve this punishment."
Belle: "Why say that?"
Y/N: "It was all my fault. If I had just kept myself in check and not let my rage cloud my mind, I might still be at full power. But... what's done is done, so... now you know. Heh... I guess in a way... the beast and I are somewhat alike, trapped in the shadows of our pasts."
Mrs. Potts: "Oh, dear, cheer up. Things will get better, you'll see, you just need to let time run its course, deary."
Y/N: "I know... and thanks, everyone."
[music stop]
Meanwhile, with the beast, he's seen walking back inside his chambers while Forte is playing his melodies in the other room next to his while Beast looks at the enchanted rose.
Beast: "I hate Christmas."
With a grunt, he enters the room where Forte is playing his piece and goes to sit by the fireplace.
Forte: "The music helps?"
Beast: "Your music is the only thing that helps me forget."
Forte: "Don't worry, old friend. I'm here for you. Just as I have been, just as I always will be."
[Back with Belle]
Belle: "Why is the beast such a grump?"
Chip: "I don't know, he's always like that."
Belle: "Even at Christmas?"
Chip: "Yep. Belle, what's Christmas?"
Belle: "Oh, Chip. You must know about Christmas. Stockings in front of the fire? Tree? Tinsel? Presents?"
Chip: *excited* "Presents? Do I get one?"
Belle: "Of course. Everyone gets a present on Christmas.
Chip: "Oh, even the master?"
Belle: "Yes, even the master. Still... I wonder if Y/N ever celebrated Christmas before."
Chip: "Maybe."
So, while they were planning their Christmas, you're currently walking around inside the castle halls, your mind spinning from all these problems you have to tackle.
Y/N: "Okay, come on, Y/N. You can do this, just... think! Keep a level head and think this through. There has to be some reason why the beast is constantly bitter. Nobody's born like that. *strokes* "Hmm... now that I think about it... I've only seen the servants and their master, but I haven't seen... them around anywhere."
As you contemplate this, Belle turns the corner and she sees you.
Belle: "Y/N, hey! Over here!"
Y/N: *turns to Belle* "Oh, hi! What's up?"
Belle: "Come with us, we're about to get the castle decorated for Christmas!"
Y/N: "Alright, I'm coming."
It took some time, but you and Belle managed to arrive at the attic of the castle where a lot of stuff is stored away, collecting dust.
Belle: "Hello. Hello?"
Y/N: "Is someone supposed to be living up here?"
Lumiere: "Do not be afraid, mes amis. It is I, Lumiere. We have come to pay you a little visit."
Just then, you hear one of the chests opening up. You spot what looks like a beautiful Christmas angel and a bunch of Christmas decorations.
???: "Lumiere?"
Lumiere: "Angelique!"
You let out a quiet gasp as she comes out of the chest.
Angelique: "Ah, Lumiere, finally. *approaches him* "I thought we were to be locked away in this dusty attic forever."
Lumiere: *getting romantic* "Ah, Angelique, mon amour." *kisses her cheek* "Your eyes are still so lovely after all these years."
As much as he wants to continue smothering her with smooches, she had to draw the line.
Angelique: "Lumiere, please! *pushes him away* You'll tarnish the halo."
Y/N: "She certainly is beautiful, that's for sure. And I'm not gonna lie, she does look cute as a Christmas angel.
Angelique: *smiles at you* "And who are these two? Especially ze sweet monsieur here."
Lumiere: "Oh, yes. This is Belle and Y/N, our guests."
Belle: "Pleased to meet you."
Lumiere: "This is Angelique."
Y/N: *kneels down* "Echante, mon cheri."
However, unlike Lumiere, you only kissed her on the hand, just barely, but she accepted it still.
Angelique: "Such a gentleman."
Lumiere: "She is the castle decorator."
Angelique: "You mean was the castle decorator. I am not responsible for this baroque atrocity. When I was in charge, the castle was full of light and beauty.
Y/N: "I have no doubt about that."
Lumiere: "But, cherie, this is why we have come. Gather around, mes enfants, we are planning the greatest Christmas celebration ever!"
Little did you know, as everyone is celebrating, a nosey little piccolo is spying on you all and is liking what he's hearing. All the more reason for him to sabotage such an event. Until...
Angelique: "No, stop!
Lumiere: "What is it, cherie?"
Angelique: "Why do you raise my hopes... I... I mean, their hopes... Only to have them dashed? Well, no more."
Back with the master, the little snitching piccolo spilled the beans to him and now he is fuming mad about it. Little did that pipsqueak know, you followed him, but kept out of sight and are currently listening in on the conversation taking place.
Beast: *frustrated* "Christmas? She's planning Christmas?
Forte: "Yes. Awful, isn't it?"
The beast gives a low growl and goes to sit back in his chair, staring at the flickering flames dancing in his fireplace.
Beast: "Perhaps she doesn't know how I feel about Christmas."
Forte: "But, she does know. She just doesn't care like I do. She's actually trying to bring Christmas back to the castle. And you know how much you despise Christmas."
Beast: *bitter* "The day my life ended."
Forte: "But we've come so far since then. We've risen above the tragedy."
Beast: *stands up, knocks chair over* "Where is she?"
Forte: "I believe she's gone to the boiler room, or so a little birdie told me."
Fife: *peeking out* "Hehehe, tweet, tweet, tweet."
Y/N: *quietly uttering* "Or a rotten weasel."
You rush out of there as quick as you can to avoid being detected by the master and made haste for the dining area where all the servants were still decorating the place.
Y/N: "I need more info! If anyone has the answers to the master's attitude, it's his servants."
And so, as you approach the servant, you clear your throat, gathering their attention.
Y/N: "Hey guys... sorry to interrupt, but I need to know something."
Mrs. Potts: "What is it, dear?"
Y/N: "It's about the master. His highness."
Cogsworth: "What could you be curious about the master for?"
Y/N: "This might be a personal matter, but... what happened to the master's parents? The king and queen of this castle?"
Right then and there, everyone's expressions turned south real quick and all was quiet for that one brief moment.
Mrs. Potts: "Umm... perhaps it's best if I told you personally dear. Follow me and I'll tell you every single detail."
So, with Mrs. Potts keeping you occupied, everyone went back to work, but felt a bit uneasy about what you planned to do.
[Down at the boiler room]
Belle has arrived at the boiler room and is astonished by the many animate objects moving around and working hard.
Axe: *Yiddish accent* "Alright, you guys. Now, get back to work. The castle doesn't heat itself, you know." *sees Belle* "So, what can I do you for, lady?"
Belle: "I'm looking for a log."
Axe: "Alright, logs, we got. What do ya want? Hard wood? Soft wood? We got it all, we got birch, maple, pine, oak..." *hits something hard* "DOI!!! Concrete. *feeling dizzy* My head. Don't worry, it'll pass. *shakes it off* So make up your mind already."
Belle: "Is it alright if I just browse?"
Axe: "Suit yourself. Take your time. Me, I got work to do."
So, he lets Belle stroll around, looking for the log she needs all while the boiler workers continue their duties.
Axe: "Hey, what am I payin' you for, being boring? Do that on your own time. Get out of here!"
Belle then climbs up a set of logs and then...
Belle: "Yes!" *pulls out log*
She slides down, unharmed and undusts the log, inspecting it some more, right up until...
Belle then hides the log behind her back with a cute, but obvious smile on her face. The beast runs in just as you make it to the boiler room behind him and peek through the doorway.
Beast: "What are you hiding?"
She shrugs, playing coy about it. But the beast snatches it with his quick reflexes and sees it's just a log.
Belle: "It's a Yule log.
Beast: "What?"
Belle: "A... A Yule log. It's a wonderful tradition. One log is chosen and everyone in the house touches it and makes a Christmas wish."
Beast: *disgusted* "Wishes are stupid." *walks away* "You made a Christmas wish last year. Is this what you wished for?!" *roars*
Belle: "No... But I will keep wishing. And when the log is burned on Christmas morning...
Beast: "There will be no Christmas.
Belle: "But--"
Beast: "NO! I am the master here."
Belle: "How can you be so selfish?"
Beast: *bitter* "You cannot possibly understand. You have no idea what it's like to lose everything, to be trapped in your own castle, TO BE A... A..."
Belle: "Prisoner?"
Y/N: *walks in* "She's not the only one. I was once a prisoner in my own home as well."
Beast: "What do you want?"
Y/N: "I came looking for you. Your highness, I understand why you hate Christmas so much. But deep down, you know that this isn't the way to deal with your pain. All you're doing is just running away from your problems instead of facing them."
Beast: "You know nothing about me! You're just a simple guest and nothing more."
Y/N: "Maybe, but I learned so much more about you than you think, like the reason you're always so bitter towards everyone."
Beast: "What?"
Belle: "Y/N, what are you talking about?"
Y/N: "Belle, have you ever thought that maybe he's always angry towards the world because he's covering for something else? Think... people tend to "grieve" in certain ways."
Belle: "Grieve?" You mean he's hurting?"
Y/N: "Not just that. Mourning. And he's been doing it for a long time... ever since they... or should I say..."
Beast: *realizes* "Quiet."
Y/N: "His parents..."
Beast: *roars* "I SAID ENOUGH!!!"
In a fit of anger, the beast then rushes at you and swats you against the wall, slamming against it hard, making you grunt in pain.
Belle: "Y/N!!!"
She runs over to check your condition. Luckily, no bones were broken, but the impact did knock the wind out of you. Belle wasn't too pleased with the way Beast attacked you like that.
Belle: *sternly* "You didn't have to go that far! He was just trying to help you, but all you do is push him away. Well, maybe the only one holding us prisoner here is you. *helps you to your feet* Well, I'm not giving up."
After that confrontation, Belle takes you away and leaves the beast to contemplate his actions.
Beast: *remorseful* "Prisoner..."
It might've been a dangerous gamble for you to bring up his parents, but with a twinge of luck, it seems to have gotten to him, same with Belle's speech about being a prisoner. How will the beast handle this newfound situation and will he be able to listen to you? There's only one way to find out... after you've recovered.
[A/N: Here's the Enchanted Christmas chapter I told you about, so yeah... I uncovered some harsh realities of the beast and... BAM, he gave Y/N one hell of a wallop. But fear not, this is all necessary for what's to come in the next chapter, so... STAY TUNED!!!]
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