Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - (Part 2)

A lot has happened since your arrival in Snow White's world. First there was the rescue, then being taken to the dwarfs house where you and Snow spruced the place up for them. And while having a nice, hot dinner, the Queen decided to take things into her own hands by transforming herself from her so-called beautiful self to a weakly old hag so she'd be incognito.

She wasn't leaving anything to chance when she plans to kill Snow White, all for the sake of being the "fairest of all." 

But while she's brewing her poisoned apple, you, Snow White and the seven dwarfs (roll credits) were making merry at the cottage, having a party and singing and dancing away.

[start at 0:25 and end at 4:59 and picture yourself somewhere in the party]

Happy: "Now, you do something."

Y/N: "What do you want us to do?"

Snow: "Yes, what shall we do?"

Sleepy: "Tell us a story."

All 6 Dwarfs: "Yes, tell us a story."

Happy: "A true story."

Bashful: "A love story."

Y/N: "You go first, Snow. (chuckles) I'm not sure my story would count as a... romantic story."

The dwarfs all sighed before turning to you. You had a smile, but they couldn't tell it was merely a sad smile.

Happy: "What about you, Y/N?"

All 5: "Yes, tell us."

Y/N: "Uh... well, it's not really a romance, but... I dunno. But, alright, you win, I'll tell you a story." (clears throat) "Uh... once upon a time, there was a humble young man. He lived in a... village in a secluded area where no one's ever heard of."

"He spent his whole life, wondering what was beyond the village. His father and mother were, at the time, against the idea. They couldn't bear to see their only son venture out into the world. They told him how vast and cruel and mysterious it was."

"As scared as the boy was... he still felt... curious. So, every day, his spent his time reading and learning so many different things in order to prepare himself for the long journey. His parents eventually found out and... well, they weren't too pleased."

"He got into a fight with his parents and eventually... he fell into despair, thinking there was no hope for him of exploring the world. But... a miracle happened one day. His parents eventually apologized and asked him for forgiveness and told him they were afraid, not of the outside world, but the fact that their own child was growing up right before their eyes."

"So, by the time he was old enough, he said his final goodbyes to his parents and left to travel the world. He saw all kinds of things: new cities, kingdoms and even different cultures. And then, one day... while on his journey, he fell asleep one night and woke up in a meadow."

"Curious, he looked around to see where he was. Then, he saw it... a man about to slay this poor girl, so he rushed to her rescue, only to find out this young lady... was a beautiful princess. They left the meadow and ran into the forest to save her from a terrible fate. Eventually, they found refuge in a humble cottage where he and the beautiful princess made lots of new friends and had lots of fun. The end."

Happy: "Great story."

All 5: "Yes, great story."

Y/N: "Thanks." (thinking) "Of course, little do they know... over time, I've developed feelings for said princess. Feelings that I might have to bury away since I'm not her true love."

Just then, everyone heard the sound of a clock ringing. You all look and notice it was already 11:00 at night.

Snow: "Oh, my goodness! It's past bedtime."

Y/N: "We'd better get to bed and fast."

Snow: (escorts dwarfs) "Go right upstairs to bed."

But before Dopey could run upstairs, Doc grabbed him.

Doc: "Wait! Hold on there, men! The, uh, Princess and her, uh, trusted friend will sleep in our beds upstairs."

Y/N: (shocked) "Hold up, me AND the Princess?"

Snow: "But where will you sleep?"

Doc: "Oh, we'll be quite comfortable down here in... in...

Grumpy: "In a pig's eye!"

Doc: "In a pig's eye... Sty. No, no! I mean... We'll be comfortable, won't we men?"

All 5: "Oh yes. Mighty comfortable."

Doc: "Now don't you worry about us."

Happy: "We'll be all right, you two."

Doc: "Go right on up now, both of you."

Y/N: (thinking) "This cannot be happening."

Snow: "Well, if you insist. Come on, Y/N." (takes your hand) "Goodnight."

5 Dwarfs: "Goodnight, Princess."

Meanwhile, Dopey made himself comfy on the couch, burying his head into this big, red, fluffy pillow and snuggling into it. Before you and Snow enter the bedroom...

Y/N: "Now, you're sure you guys'll be comfortable down here?"

All 5: "Oh yes. Very comfortable."

Snow: "Well, pleasant dreams."

All 5: "Pleasant dreams."

And soon, you and Snow were finally alone inside the dwarfs' bedroom and you still couldn't believe it. It's like fate is playing a cruel trick on you, yet you don't want this to end. Snow White went and sat down on the side of the beds where she began to pray to God.

Snow: "Bless the seven little men who have been so kind to me and Y/N, as well as bless Y/N for always being there for me. And... And may my dreams come true. Amen." (about to stand, then gets back down) "Oh yes, and please make Grumpy like me."

Y/N: (thinking) "Aw, Snow... so pure and so precious. I don't think my heart can take this much kindness from one princess." (puts one hand over your heart, clenching your chest)

Afterwards, she laid herself down on the beds. She looks at you and pats on a spot next to her. You gulp nervously.

Y/N: "You, uh... sure, you don't mind me sleeping next to you?"

Snow: "It's alright. There's no need to be shy. It's the least I can do for all the good things you've done for me."

Y/N: "Well, uh... okay then."

Calming your nerves, you laid down next to Snow White and she coveres you two in the bed sheets all snug.

At first, you felt awkward and couldn't fall asleep right away. Being this close to the princess... in bed... for the 2nd time?! Maybe a little Q and A could calm your nerves some more.

Y/N: "Uh, Snow?"

Snow: "Hmm?"

Y/N: "Uh... about your story. Did you, uh... did you... happen to... meet this "Prince charming" before you met me?"

Snow: "Hmm... why do you ask?"

Y/N: "Uh... no reason, just... just curious is all."

Snow: "Well, tell you what. After our friends come home from work tomorrow, I'll tell you the whole truth."

Y/N: "Tomorrow evening? (sighs) Okay then. I guess I can wait a little longer to find out,"

Snow: (giggles) "Goodnight, Y/N. Pleasant dreams."

Y/N: "Y-You too... Snow." 

Before you could fall asleep, Snow's arm wraps around you and she kisses you on the cheek, causing your heart to skip a beat. It caught you so off-guard, you fainted next to her while she just giggles and falls asleep... still having her arm wrapped around you.

[Timeskip to tomorrow because REASONS!!!]

It was a bright, sunny morning and right now, the dwarfs were about to head off to work in the mines, getting filthy rich. Snow White was going to see them off but the dwarfs had some last minute advice for their beautiful, precious princess.

Doc: (cautious) "Now, don't forget, my dear. The... The old Queen's a sly one, full of witchcraft. So beware of strangers."

Snow: "Don't worry. I'll be all right. And besides, I've always got my guardian to keep me safe." 

She then bid Doc goodbye with a kiss on the head.

Snow: "See you tonight."

Doc: (giggles, then recomposes) "Uh, yes. We... Well, c'mon men."

Bashful: (approaches Snow) "Be awful careful 'cause if anything'd happen to you, I, I...

Snow: (kisses Bashful's head) "Good-bye."

Bashful: (blushes) "Oh, gosh!"

Grumpy: "Hah! Disgustin'!"

Y/N: (thinks) "You won't be saying that for long."

Sneezy: "And be sure to watch out... To wa... To wa... (sneeze builds up, tries hard to stop it) "To wa... Watch out!"

Snow: (kisses his head)

Sneezy: "Thanks" (keeps trying to fight the sneeze)

Dopey: (lightly pulls on Snow's gown to get her attention)

Sneezy: "AAAAAAAAH-CHOOOOOOOO!!!" (sneezes Dopey back inside)

Y/N and Snow: (laughing)

Y/N: "Now that's what I call getting the wind knocked outta ya!"

Dopey goes back out for a 2nd try and puckers up. Snow bends his head down and kisses his head instead of the lips. And just like his name, he has on that dopey expression. You know what's happening next, he's gonna climb in through the window and try to get another kiss, hoping she'll kiss him right on the lips.

Snow White gives Sleepy a kiss on the head and bids him goodbye before Dopey shows up for his 2nd attempt.

Y/N: "Dopey, you silly little guy."

Snow: "Well... All right." (she kisses his head) "But that's the last--"

Dopey: (zooms off and reappears for a 3rd)

Y/N: (chuckles) "You little goofball, go on, the others are waiting." (lightly pats his back and this time, he leaves)

Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!

It's off to work we go!


Snow: "Good-bye! Good-bye!"

Grumpy: (clears throat, gets her attention) Now, I'm warning ya. Don't let nobody or nothin' in the house."

Snow: "Why, Grumpy, you do care."

Snow then goes in to give him a kiss on the head while the little grump flails, trying to break free. And he does, but Snow has already pecked him on the noggin and watched him march off.

Suddenly, he stopped and let out a sigh and turned to Snow White with a happy smile, just like he did in the movie. Snow White blows a kiss to Grumpy and waves at him.

But the moment only lasts a moment before he returns to his usual grumpy self and marches off to work. Of course, he gets his nose stuck in a tree, then misses the bridge and falls into the pond below before continuing on his journey into the mines.

Snow: "Bye, Grumpy."

The little grump keeps his nose up and keeps marching, despite being all wet and stepping with every squelching noise his feet made.

And so, later on after the dwarfs have all left, you spent the day keeping a lookout for that old witch while Snow White worked on a gooseberry pie for Grumpy. You were hiding up in one of the trees, keeping a close watch for that witch when she shows up.

Suddenly, you saw her coming and were about to climb down, but you lost your footing and fell out of the tree. You hit the ground hard and almost blacked out, but the pain prevented you from doing so.

Y/N: "Dang it! Ugh... next time, I gotta watch my step."

Frustrated, you whip out your keyblade and aim it at yourself and cast a healing spell, healing your injuries. Sure enough... you hear her from around the corner and go around the other side of the cottage so the evil queen won't see you coming.

Old hag: "All alone, my pet?"

Snow: "Why, why, yes, I am. But..."

Old hag: "The, the little men are not here?"

Snow: "No, they're not, but..."

Old hag: "Mm-hmm... (sniffs) Making pies?"

Snow: "Yes, gooseberry pies."

Old hag: "It's apple pies that make the mensfolks' mouths water. Pies made from apples... *takes out red apple from basket* these."

Snow: "Oh, they do look delicious."

Old hag: "Yes! But wait 'til you taste one, dearie." (chuckles sinisterly) "Like to try one? Hmm? Go on, go on, have a bite."

But as if right on cue, the birds came to the rescue just in time for you to make your entrance and see what's unfolding.

The birds attacked the old hag frantically, trying to keep her away from Snow White at all cost. But Snow White, being the noble princess she is, runs out to stop them.

Snow: "Stop it! Stop it! Go away! Go away! Shame on you, frightening a poor old lady."

Y/N: "Snow, hold on!"

Old hag: *retrieves apple* "And... who are you?"

Y/N: "A friend of Snow's. Listen, Snow White... I need to talk to you and it's very important." *pulls her aside, whispers* "Snow, don't you think it's a little... strange?"

Snow: "What do you mean?"

Y/N: "Think about it. Some random elderly woman comes wandering in the forest and finds you in this little cottage, then suddenly she offers you an apple out of nowhere?"

Snow: "Are you saying that's wrong?"

Y/N: "Considering we don't live in a highly populated village with other people, except for the dwarves, it's highly unlikely she's here for a social visit or make friends. She came here for a reason and they can't be good, even your animal friends sensed it."

Snow: "How do you know?"

Y/N: "Hmm... there's only one way I can prove it. Just play along and act like nothing's wrong."

You then approached the evil queen in disguise and put a hand on her shoulder... followed by putting on a friendly smile.

Y/N: "I'm sorry about that, miss. Please forgive me for being a little cautious, I'm a good friend of Snow White's. The name's Y/N, I've been traveling around for quite some time. You look like you could use a breather and a drink of water... why not come inside?"

Queen: *thinks* "What is this boy planning? I don't trust him one bit, but... if I can get past him, I'll finally be rid of Snow White. I will play along so I can at least fool him." *aloud* "Of course... thank you, young man... those animals came out of nowhere."

You escort the evil queen inside and Snow White follows you close behind and while this is happening, the animals rush off to warn the dwarves about the queen.

A short while after she's given her water, you and Snow check up on her condition, but you still keep your guard up.

Snow: "Are you going to be okay now, miss?"

Queen: "Yes, I'll be fine now. And because you've been so good to poor old granny, I'll share a secret with you. This is no ordinary apple, it's a magic wishing apple.

Snow: *hopeful* "A wishing apple?"

Queen: "Yes! One bite and all your dreams will come true."

Snow: "Really?"

Queen: "Yes, girlie. Now, make a wish and take a bite."

Y/N: *thinking* You can't fool me.

Snow: "Hmm, well... I'm not sure what to wish for."

Queen: "Oh, come now, dearie. There must be something your little heart desires. Perhaps there's someone you love."

Snow: "Well, there is someone."

Queen: "I thought so. I thought so! *laughs* Old granny knows a young girl's heart. *gives apple to Snow White* Now, take the apple, dearie and make a wish."

Snow: "I wish... I wish..."

Queen: "That's it, go on! Go on."

Y/N: *Thinking* "Not yet... just a little longer."

Snow: "I wish... that my true love'll keep me safe from my step-mother forever and he will carry me away to a beautiful castle where we will live happily ever after."

Queen: "Fine, Fine! Now, take a bite."

Y/N: *thinking* "Now's my chance."

Queen: "Don't let the wish grow cold!"

And soon, you swat the apple out of her hands.

Queen: "Wha... *turns to you* "What are you doing?!

Snow: "Y/N? What'd you do that for?

Y/N: "Sorry, Snow... but this is no wishing apple. There never WAS a wishing apple... in fact... I can prove it right here and now."

Queen: "No... DON'T!"

Making the ultimate sacrifice, you bring the apple to your mouth and take one huge bite out of it, chewing it into small pieces and gulp it down before eventually... feeling the effects.

Y/N: "I... I feel... weak!"

Snow: "Y/N!!! What's wrong?"

Y/N: "Snow... I... had a hunch... she was the queen! She... must've... somehow found you. . .!" *struggles to stay up*

Snow: "Y/N! Please stay with me! I'll... I'll..."

Y/N: "Snow. . . I can't. . . *stumbles and falls* . . .I've. . . always. . . l-l-lo. . . . . loved. . . you. . ."

Snow grabs your cheek, trying to keep you awake. But... with your last breath, you fall limp in her arms, succumbing to the effects of the Sleeping Death apple.


The queen let out a frustrated growl

Queen: "That FOOL!!! He ruined EVERYTHING!!!

Snow: "So... he was right all along! How did you find me?!"

Queen: "Doesn't matter, you foolish girl! Now because of him, HOW can I ever hope to be the fairest in the land?!"

Snow: "You... killed my dear friend! How dare you! I will NEVER forgive you for this!"

The evil queen in disguise soon began to fear for her life and rushed out of the cottage. Just as she did, she could see the dwarves coming her way, so she ran off as fast as she could. The chase then led her up a rocky hill which led her to a steep cliff at the end.

Queen: "Oh no! I'm trapped! What will I do? (frustrated) The meddling little fools and that... blasted boy!" 

As the dwarfs draw closer, the Queen then decides to try and push a boulder on top of them.

Queen: "I'll fix ya! I'll fix ya! I'll fix ya! I'll crush your bones!"

The dwarves stop midway and the dwarfs prepare to retreat to avoid getting crushed. The old hag lets out a confident cackle, thinking that she's already won.

However, nature goes against her as a lightning bolt strikes down onto where the queen stood, sending the old hag plummeting to her death along with the boulder. The Queen is no more and the vultures that followed her now float down the hill in a circling motion, slowly approaching their fresh dinner.

[Back at the cottage]

Though the tyrant known as the queen is no more, it was a hollowed victory for Snow White and the seven dwarfs. Because of your selfless act of bravery in biting into that poisoned apple, the others believed there was no hope in bringing you back to life.

But the ones deeply affected by her loss was Grumpy, Dopey... and most of all, Snow White. In the short time she met you, she developed a strong love for you... a love she couldn't confess. And now it seems as though she'll never get the chance to tell you... ever.

Snow White leaned in and hugged your sleeping body, trembling with tears, sobbing quietly to herself and stroking your cheek.

Snow: *choked up* "I'm sorry, Y/N. It's all my fault... If only it had been me who took the bite and not you. I know you can't hear me, but... I love you, Y/N... I love you so much!"

Even the critters outside the cottage mourned the loss of a pure-hearted young hero who risked everything for their precious, pure-hearted, animal-loving princess.

[Minor timeskip because REASONS!!!]

Despite having risking your life, Snow White and the dwarfs couldn't find it in their hearts to bury you. Instead, they helped fashion a coffin made of glass and gold and kept eternal vigil at your side.

It wasn't until one day when everyone dear to you came to your coffin to pay their respects that Snow White made a decision... that would soon later treasure and remember forever.

With a sigh, she approaches your sleeping body and bends down and tenderly presses her warm, red rose lips onto yours. It lasts a couple of seconds before she sits on one knee, hanging her head, praying for your safe departure unto the heavens.

The other dwarfs and even the animals all hang their heads in respect with the princess, seeing as there's nothing else they can do to try and help you anymore.

. . .And then... a miracle happens. You began stirring and open your eyes, having been revived from your sleeping death. Snow gasped at this as does everyone else who sees you. You sit up and stretch yourself before looking around and seeing everyone... even Snow.

Snow: "Y/N!"

Y/N: "Thank you... Snow White."

Standing up, you open your arms out to her and she reaches for you out of joy and happiness. You happily pick her up and all the animals and dwarfs dance with glee, seeing how the princess had brought you back to life and erased the cursed forever.

Snow: "Y/N... I... I love you."

Y/N: "I know... I heard you even when I was asleep. And I want you to know... I've always loved you too, Snow White.

Hearing those words, her heart felt 10 times lighter and 10 times as stronger as she leans in and re-captures your lips. You happily return her affections, kissing her back. The moment lasted for 10 seconds before you both separated, smiling at each other.

Y/N: "Come on, Snow. Let's go home."

Snow: "Of course."

So, before you could carry her off back to her castle, you let Snow White say her goodbyes to the 7 dwarfs and same goes for you, waving to everyone and wishing them the best.

After that, you carried Snow White back into your arms and headed off to where her old castle was, which now belongs to her. The journey back is partially long, but it didn't matter because with Snow by your side, everything feels just right.

[A/N: Okay, listen up. I changed the whole scene involving Y/N injuring his leg because you guys wouldn't stop pointing out how flawed it was and I was getting annoyed by it. So to make up for that stupid blunder, I changed it to where HE eats the apple and falls under its spell before he's later revived. Happy now?]

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