Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Part 1

[A/N: Just to let you guys know, the main character will be traveling to different Disney Princess worlds in a very specific way that I'll show you once he's gotten with Snow White. Also when he travels from world to world, they won't all be from the near beginning, sometimes they'll be in the middle.]

The trail seemed to go on forever, but this gave Snow White and you a chance to get to know each other better.

Snow: "Say, Y/N, was it?" (you nod) "If you don't mind me asking... where did you come from and... how did you wind up over by the meadow somewhere and... (she checks your clothes) "Goodness, wherever did you get those wonderful clothes?"

Y/N: "What, these old things? Actually, these were a gift from my mom and dad before I... uh... left on my journey some time ago."

Snow: "Oh that's sweet. Do you ever miss them?"

Y/N: "Yeah, a lot. But at least I know they're perfectly safe at home. Still, I gotta ask, what happened to your parents?"

Snow: (looks down, sad) "Oh... well... It's... kind of a long story, but... well, my mother died shortly after I was born and my father died some time after he got remarried to my evil step mother, the queen, but he seemed perfectly heathly."

Y/N: "Ooh... sorry to hear that, Snow White. But, if I had to guess... I think your step mother might have killed your father. I'm not sure how, but she's the only one who could've killed him."

Snow: "You might be right. But I know my parents wouldn't want me to constantly suffer with nothing but hatred in my heart."

Y/N: "You're right. You're much too pure. And to answer your other questions, let's just say my home is in a place... far away from where you live, plus... I... (blushes) ...kinda passed out in the meadow because I walked all night last night and collapse."

Snow: "That must've been tiring. Maybe after we find some shelter, you can take it easy and I'll cook us up a nice, hot dinner."

Y/N: "Awww, Snow... if I could, I'd hug you right now."

Snow: (giggles) "I don't see why not." 

And then, the princess gave you the warmest hug ever. Your face turned 50 shades of red and felt like your heart was gonna explode. You hesitantly hugged her back before letting go and kept moving on.

Moments later, the animals showed you a nice little house in the clearing a hop, skip and a jump away from where you stood.

Snow: "Oh, it's adorable! Just like a doll's house."

Y/N: "Maybe we can ask the people who live here if we can stay here for the time being. I'm sure they'd understand." (thinking to self) "I wonder how much money those diamonds and jewels cost altogether at the mines, they must be worth millions, if not billions!"

You, Snow White and her animal friends all head out to the little cottage to get a better look at the place.

Snow: "I like it here."

Y/N: "It does look nice. Still... I wonder what the... (sees Snow peeking through the window) ...Snow, what're you doing?"

Snow: "I just wanted to see what it's like in the inside."

Y/N: "Umm... why don't we try knocking first before anything else, otherwise we'd be giving the wrong impression."

Snow: "Oh, good idea."

Moving away from the window, Snow moved towards the door. She adjusted her beautiul hair before knocking. No answer. She tried knocking again and got the same response.

Snow: "Guess there's no one home."

Y/N: "Hmm... maybe they went out or something. Why don't we try coming back later and..."

But Snow White had other plans and just slowly walked inside the empty house of the seven dwarfs, which you kind of expected, but you had to make sure she was safe.

Y/N: (whispering) "S-Snow! What are you doing?"

Snow: (steps in slowly) "Hello? May I come in?"

Y/N: (whispering) "Snow... no one's home, so of course, no one's gonna say yes or no to you coming in." (thinking) 'I know the dwarfs won't be home until late at night, but still, entering their house without permission still feels really wrong.'

So, you kept watch over Snow while she checks out the house some more, making sure she doesn't break anything. Suddenly...

Snow: "Oh!" (animals get scared and run out)

Y/N: "What? What is it?"

Snow: "What a cute little chair!" (sits in it)

Y/N: (chuckles) "You almost gave me a heart attack, Snow. But hey, I can't stay mad at you."

Snow: (giggles) "I'm sorry. I was just so excited. Oh look! Why there's seven little chairs! Must be seven little children."

Y/N: (thinking) 'Little, yes. Children, no.'

Snow: "And from the look of this table, seven untidy little children."

You go over and pull out a pickaxe from the table.

Y/N: "Either these children have a sloppy father or they were playing with tools they shouldn't be playing with."

Snow: "Oh look! A stocking, too!" (laughs) (checks underneath bowl and pulls out old shoe) "And a shoe!"

Even the birds were astonished.

Y/N: "Hey, check out this fireplace over here! Have you ever seen so many dust bunnies before?"

Snow: "No, it's quite shocking" (blows dust) (animals sneeze) "And look, cobwebs everywhere! My, my, my! What a pile of dirty dishes!

Y/N: (whistles while thinking) "You'd think these dwarfs had enough sense to clean up after themselves, but no. They're even more sloppy than I am with my own bedroom."

Snow: (gasp) "And just look at that broom!"

Yes, even the broom was covered in webs and dust. All the birds gathered around it were making tsking noises at it.

Snow: "Why, they've never swept this room."

Y/N: "Snow... I think the children who live here don't know how to clean up after themselves. Usually, it'd be a mother's job, but... I think you can guess what I mean."

Snow: "Oh no... then maybe they don't have a mother. That means these poor children are actually orphans. That's too bad."

Y/N: "I wish there was something we could do," (thinking) "Knowing her, I can feel a song number coming along."

Snow: "I know! We'll clean the house and surprise them. Then maybe they'll let us stay." (has birds hang up her cape)

[Picture yourself anywhere in this video helping out Snow White and her little friends]

As the house was almost finished, you were nearly done cleaning the chimney and while your back was turned, you didn't notice Snow White watching you work. Her eyes slowly started fluttering and her smile got brighter and her cheeks blushed slightly.

Little did you know, you were winning over this precious princess.

Snow: (thinking) "I know we just met, but... he's been nothing but kind and helpful to me. And he treats me like... like I'm his equal, he's such a dear... and so handsome."

It seems your dreams of having this beautiful young princess might not be out of your grasp after all, lover boy.


[Night time]

Back at the house, after everything was all tidied up, Snow White, you and the animals decided to check what was upstairs. You followed Snow White close behind just in case. She opened the door and peeked inside, stepping in while you did the same.

Snow: "Oh, what adorable little beds!"

Y/N: "You could say that again. And check it out, there's names carved on the foot of each bed."

Snow: "Oh, you're right! (reads) "Doc. Happy. Sneezy. Dopey." (laughs) "What funny names for little children."

Y/N: "Let's see... (reads) "Grumpy. Bashful, and Sleepy."

Snow: (yawning and stretching) "I'm a little sleepy myself."

Y/N: "We were working pretty hard today. Here... why don't you rest easy and try to get some of your strength back." (sets her down on three of the little beds) "Snow White... you truly are... the fairest of all."

Snow: (giggles) "Thank you, Y/N. And thanks for all your help." 

Suddenly, the tired princess leans up and gives you a kiss on the cheek, making you blush. She giggles before making herself comfy. You snapped out of it and helped her animal friends tuck her in. While the other animals sleep on the other beds, you make yourself comfy on the floor and sigh while smiling like a doofus.

A couple of minutes go by and all of a sudden, you could hear the sound of distant singing.

Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!

Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!

Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!

It's home from work we go!


Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!

Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!

It's home from work we go!

While the animals all run out of the house, you looked around frantically to find out what you should do and how you can somehow avoid getting confronted by the dwarfs.

Y/N: (stressing out) "If only I do SOMETHING!"

And then... as if fate had answered your cry for help, you saw s light glimmering on your right hand where a strange weapon appeared enclosed in your hand.

Y/N: (surprised) "No way! Are you serious?"

[A/N: You'll have more magical abilities than what the 3 major games provided in canon.]

Y/N: "Ok, uh... think, think... Did, uh... did the games have any... invisibility spells I can use?"

Suddenly, the tip of your new keyblade lit up and a light blinded you for a moment before fading away in an instant. Looking around, you noticed your body was gone, so you rushed towards a mirror and found that you were invisible... somehow.

Y/N: "I... I can't believe it! My... my body! It's gone! Hmm... perhaps this could come in handy."

Meanwhile, with the seven dwarfs,

Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!

Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!

It's home from work we go!


Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho! Heigh--

Doc: (shocked) "Look!"

The moment he stopped singing, the others bumped into each other, cutting off their song number... not like there's much to the lyrics, but hey, it is a catchy tune.

Doc: " Our house! The lits light-- err... The light's lit!"

The dwarfs then slowly peeked through the two trees to see that their house was most definitely lit up.

6 dwarfs: "Jiminy Crickets!"

Doc: "The door is open."

Happy: "The chimney's smoking."

Doc: "Something's in there." 

Happy: "Maybe a ghost."

Bashful: "Or a goblin."

Doc: "Or a demon."

Sneezy: "Or a dragon."

Grumpy: "Mark my words, there's trouble a-brewin'. Felt it coming all day, my corn's hurt."

Happy: "Gosh."

Bashful: "That's a bad sign."

Doc, Sleepy, Bashful: "What'll we do?"

Happy: "Let's sneak up on it!"

Doc: "Yes," (clears throat) "We'll, uh, squeak up... err, sneak up. Come on, hen-- err, men." (whispers) "Follow me."

The dwarfs all followed Doc, slowly tip-toeing towards their lit house and then peeked through the windows. Little did they know, you were right inside there, but thanks to your invisibility spell, it's hard to pin-point where exactly you are.

Doc: "Psst!"

The dwarfs then creaked the door open to peek inside. When they thought the coast was clear, they tip-toed inside their own house. Their shoes squeaked with every step they took, though.

Once Dopey was the last one inside, you made your way towards the door and slammed it shut, startling the dwarfs. They scattered around and huddled up with their tools over their heads. When they saw it was only Dopey, they calmed down.

6 Dwarfs: "Shh!"

Dopey: (turns to door) "Shh!"

Doc: (whispers) "Careful, men. Search every cook and nanny... (stutters) Hook and granny... crooked fan... er... search everywhere."

The dwarfs did so. And once again, their shoes made these squeaking sounds with every step they took. You were chilling out in your invisibility, watching them search for intruders. One of the dwarfs accidentally stepped on an extra creaky floor board.

Doc: "Shh! Quiet."

They continued their search until...

Doc: "Look!"

Sneezy and Bashful, who were right behind Doc, readied their weapons, but stopped when Doc pointed at the floor.

Doc: "The floor, it's been swept!"

Grumpy: (examines chair) "Hah! Chair's been dusted!"

Happy: "Our window's been washed."

Bashful: (points up) "Gosh, our cobwebs are missing."

Doc: (shocked) "Why, why, why, why, the whole place is clean!"

Grumpy: "There's dirty work afoot!"

Y/N: (thinking, slightly offended) "Uh, you're WELCOME!"

Sneezy: (checks sink) "Sink's empty. Hey, someone stole our dishes!"

Happy: "They ain't stole. They're hid in the cupboard."

Bashful: "My cup's been washed. Sugar's gone."

Over by the fireplace, Dopey and Happy go to investigate that tasty smell coming from the pot.

Happy: "Something's cooking." (sniffs) "Smells good!"

He's about to taste it, but Grumpy intervenes.

Grumpy: "Don't touch it, you fools! Might be poison!

As if right on cue at the worst possible timing, the pot makes a hissing sound, making the lid rattle a bit.

Grumpy: "See? It's witches' brew."

Doc: "Look what's happen to our stable... uh, table."

Bashful: (smiling) "Flowers!" (sniffs flowers)

Sneezy: "Huh?"

Y/N: (thinks) "Oh snap, this'll be funny!"

Bashful: "Look, goldenrod." (puts flowers in front of Sneezy)

Sneezy: "Don't do it. Take 'em away. My nose! My hay fever! You know I can't stand it." (sneeze builds up) "I can't... I ca... I ca-- oh... Ah..."

The other dwarfs huddled over, trying to shush him, but Sneezy couldn't hold it in and was about to let it rip. Thankfully, the dwarfs held his nose with their fingers, stopping him.

Sneezy: (sighs) "Thanks. . . . . AH...CHOO!!!!!!!!"

With that big, loud sneeze, he blew most of his fellow dwarfs away. Dopey was lifted off the ground, his clothes catching the wind, Bashful tumbled forward, Happy spun around on the floor, Doc was on a chair, holding onto his hat and Grumpy held onto his hat, trying to walk against the wind coming from Sneezy's sneeze.

Grumpy: "Hey!"

Eventually, his sneeze wind subsided and the dwarfs crashed into the wall, knocking down some of their pottery.

Meanwhile, you're standing in the corner, away from what just happened and while you couldn't be seen, this is how you looked like right now from seeing that funny incident.

5 dwarfs: "Shh!"

Sneezy: (wipes nose)

Grumpy: "Ya crazy fool! Fine time ya picked to sneeze!"

Sneezy: "I couldn't help it. I can't tell. When you gotta, you gotta. I... I... I gotta... (tries holding in his sneeze) "It's comin'!" 

Grumpy and the other dwarfs then dog-pile onto Sneezey, trying to stop him from sneezing.

Sneezy: "Oh! Ah... Ah... AH!" (pulled back down)

The dwarfs kept at it until they finally tied a piece of cloth over Sneezy's nose to stop him.

Happy: "There, that'll hold him."

Sneezy: (sighs in relief) "Thanks--"

Happy: "Shhh!!!"

Grumpy: "Quiet, you fool! You want to get us all killed?"

Y/N: (Thinking) "Damn it... it's too much! I can't..." (snickers)

The dwarfs all jumped at the sounds of your snickering.

Happy: (stammering) "What's that?"

Doc: "That's it."

Bashful: "Sounded close."

Grumpy: "It's in this room right now."

Unfortunately, your laughter couldn't be contained anymore.


The dwarfs then scattered around and hid in certain places. As they hid, your invisibility was beginning to wear off and you saw it. You gasped silently before quickly and silently rushing upstairs in the bedroom to take cover from them.

The dwarfs all came out of their hiding spots and tip-toed over to the staircase leading up to their bedroom.

Doc: (whispers) "It's up there."

Bashful: (whispers) "Yeah. In the bedroom."

Doc: (stutters) "One of us has gotta go down and chase it up. (Stutters) Up. Down."

The dwarfs all nod in agreement and then turn their attention to Dopey, fluttering their eyes. Dopey thinks that one of them is behind him and checks to see, only to realize they want him to go upstairs. He gets scared and tries to sneak away, but the dwarfs quickly get him and hold him  in place before pulling him back.

Doc: (nervously) "Here, take it. Don't be nervous."

He tries giving Dopey the candle, but his body keeps shaking in fear and so Dopey tries to grab it. But then Doc just hold's Dopey's hand in place before giving him the candle. Afterwards, the other dwarfs push him up the stairs to find the "monster."

Dopey then slowly walks up the steps, making creaking noises on each step until one of them was so loud, it made him jump. He then turned around to see if the others were close. The poor silent dwarf was upset that no one's moved a muscle except him.

Doc: "Don't be afraid. We're right behind you."

All 6 dwarfs: "Yes! Right behind ya."

Dopey had no choice but to trust the others and nodded before gulping nervously and then continued on. Dopey silently creaked the door open to the bedroom and peeked one eye inside. All seemed fine at first, so he pushed open the door all the way.

The silent dwarf then tip-toed inside the room. He turned back to see if the others really were behind him still, only to be startled by the sound of something yawning. He turns over quickly to see something moving big moving in the sheets. 

By this point, he couldn't do it anymore and screamed as he ran out the room in a blind panic.

Grumpy: "Here it comes!"

Dopey then rushed out and tackled the other dwarfs down the stairs, startling them as well. The 6 dwarfs ran out the door and left Dopey inside, not knowing he was the one who scared them. In an effort to keep the "monster" away, they closed the door and held it shut. Dopey tried to escape, but the dwarfs were too scared to open it.

Nevertheless, he tried his hardest to open it. And in doing so, Dopey pulled off the door handle, but wound up crashing into one of the cupboards and was now covered in a pottery mess.

He stumbled around as he frantically fled the house. Once he was far enough outside, the dwarfs hid behind a tree to attack the monster. Once close enough, they sprung out and battered Dopey until all the stuff that covered him up was off.

Doc: "Hold on there. It's only Dopey."

Sneezy: "Did you see it?"

Happy: "How big is it?"

Grumpy: "Was it a dragon?"

Sneezy: "Has it got horns?"

Bashful: "Does it breath fire?"

Happy: "Was it droolin'?"

Sneezy: "What was it doin'?"

Dopey: (makes snoring noises)

Doc: "He says it's a... a monster asleep in our beds!"

Grumpy: "Let's attack.

Sneezy: "While it's sleeping."

Sleepy, Happy and Bashful: "Yeah, while it's sleeping."

Doc: "Hurry, men. It's now or never!" 

Happy: "Off with its head."

Sneezy: "Chop it to pieces! We'll kill it dead."

And so, while the dwarfs went in a 2nd time, you decided to lay down next to Snow White under the covers. Though, as risky and embarrassing as it was, you didn't have much of a choice since you'd be found out eventually and Snow White won't be sleeping forever.

Sure enough, all seven dwarfs enter the bedroom and sneak inside, not making a sound. And of course, Snow White, who was sleeping next to you, made these cute yawning sounds.

Sneezy: "Jiminy Crickets!"

Bashful: "Gosh!"

Happy: "Gee!"

Sneezy: "What a monster!"

Bashful: "It covers three beds."

Doc: "Let's kill it before it wakes up."

Happy: (Loudly) "Which end do we kill?"

Doc: "Shh!"

All (except Happy): "Shh!!!"

They made their way to the beds that were being used and readied their weapons on both you and Snow White. You closed your eyes, pretending to be asleep. The moment Doc removed the sheets, the dwarfs almost swung at you two, but stopped just in time.

[A/N: Picture yourself next to Snow White]

Doc: (smiles) "Well, eh, ah..."

Happy: "What is it?"

Doc: "Why, it... it's a girl! And... (looks at you) "...and a young man."

Sneezy: "She's mighty purdy."

Bashful: "She's beautiful, just like a... angel."

Grumpy: "Angel, hah! She's a female! And all females is poison! They're full of wicked wiles."

Bashful: "What are wicked wiles?"

Grumpy: "I don't know. But I'm agin' 'em."

Doc: (to Grumpy) "Shhh!!! Not so loud. You'll wake 'em up."

Grumpy: (shouts) "Aw, let 'em wake up! They don't belong here, nohow!

Y/N: (thinks) "Well... best humor them."

Right on cue, you jolt up with a snore, but with your eyes closed, but Snow White slowly tosses and turns, waking up.

Happy: "Look out."

Sneezy: "They're movin'."

Happy: "They're wakin' up."

Sneezy: "What'll we do?"

Doc: (stutters) "Hide."

And the dwarfs soon hide behind the foot of their beds just as you stand up on the floor boards and lean against the wall, yawning.

Snow: "Oh, dear." (yawns) "I wonder if the children are...

Y/N: (snores) "Hmm? Children?" (looks to the foot of the beds).

You and Snow see the 7 dwarfs peeking out from behind the bed.

Snow: "OH!" (grabs the blankets)

The 7 little men get startled and duck behind the bed before slowly peeking upwards with their big noses poking out one by one.

Snow: "Why, why, you're little men!" (smiles)

Y/N: "Oh, so THAT explains the tools and the lack of children's toys, you're all men already," (thinking) "I could never make fun of someone who's height challenged. It's just... inhuman."

The dwarfs all looked at each other with confusing before hesitantly showing themselves to you and Snow White.

Snow: "How do you do?"

They didn't seem to know the term and looked more confused.

Y/N: "She means "Hello," gentlemen,"

Grumpy: "Who are you calling a gentleman?"

Snow: "Oh, you can talk! I'm so glad! Now, don't tell us who you are. Let us guess your names. I know... You're Doc."

She refers to the dwarf with the red tunic and glasses.

Doc: (chuckles) "Why, why, why, yes. Yes! That's true."

Snow: "And you're, (teasingly to the shy dwarf) "You're Bashful."

Bashful (blushes) "Oh, gosh!

Sleepy: (Yawns)

Snow: "And you, you're Sleepy."

Sleepy: "How'd you guess?" (chuckles)

Y/N: "Let's see, you are..." (To the sneezy dwarf)

Sneezy: "Ah-ch... Ah-ch... Ah-ch... AH..." (stopped)

Y/N: "You're definitely Sneezy."

Sneezy: (sighs before sneezing slightly)

Everyone laughed.

Y/N: "Oh, and you, my jolly friend, must be..."

Happy: "Happy, young man. That's me. And this is Dopey, (points to the silent dwarf) he don't talk none."

Y/N: (acting surprised) "He can't talk?"

Happy: "He don't know. He never tried."

Dopey shakes his head left and right, confirming Happy's claims. 

Y/N: "Aww, poor guy." (looks at Grumpy)

Grumpy: (Makes a scowling face)

Snow: "Oh! (teasingly) "You must be Grumpy."

Everyone, except said dwarf got a laugh at Snow White's pleasant humor, pointing out Grumpy's natural behavior.

Doc: "Oh, yes! Yes!"

Grumpy: "Hah! We know who we are. Ask them who they are and they're a-doin' here."

Doc: "Hmph! Yeah! What are you and who are you doin'? (stutters) What are you... Who are you?"

Snow: "Oh, how silly of me. I'm Snow White."

Doc: "Snow White?"

All (not Dopey): "The Princess?"

Snow: "Yes."

Y/N: "And I'm Y/N. I'm sort of, uh... her... uh..."

Snow: "He's my newest friend." (she scooches over and holds your hand, surprising you.)

Doc: "Well... Well, my, my dear Quincess... uh, Princess. We're, uh we're honored, yes, we're, uh, we're, uh--"

Grumpy: "Mad as hornets!"

Doc: "Mad as hornets! (stutters) No, no, we're not. We're bad as cornets... No, no, as bad as... What was I sayin'?"

Grumpy: "Nothing! Just standin' there sputterin' like a doodlebug!"

Doc: "Who, who, who, who's butterin' like a spoodledug? (stutters) Who's... Uh, gutter..."

Grumpy: "Aw, shut up and tell 'em to get out!"

Y/N: "Whoa, slow down for a second, gentlemen!"

Snow: "Please don't send us away! If you do, she'll kill me."

Dwarfs: "Kill you?"

Happy: "Who will?"

Doc: "Yes, who?"

Snow: "My stepmother, the Queen."

All (not Dopey): "The Queen?"

Y/N: "She's right, guys. Why, just earlier today, she ordered her huntsman to try and kill Snow White, but he stopped himself just as I went and tackled him to the ground. He told us to run away and find someplace to hide and never come back."

Bashful: "She's wicked!"

Happy: "She's bad!"

Sneezy: "She's mighty mean!"

Grumpy: "She's an old witch! I'm warnin' ya. If the Queen finds her here, she'll swoop down and wreak her vengeance on us!"

Snow: "But she doesn't know where I am!"

Y/N: (thinks) "I wish I could tell her that the Queen has a magic mirror, but... if I do, I'd be blowing my cover."

Grumpy: "She don't, eh? She knows everything. She's full of black magic, she can even make herself invisible. Pfft!"

Y/N: (Thinks) "No, not the Queen... but I can." (smiles slightly)

Grumpy: "Might be in this room right now."

Dopey gets scared and looks around for the Queen, even looking underneath Happy's beard before Happy bonks him on the head.

Snow: "Oh, she'll never find me here. And if you let us stay, we'll keep house for you. I'll wash and sew and sweep and cook and..."

All (not Dopey): "Cook?"

Doc: "Can you make dapple lumpkins... Uh, lumple dapplins?"

Grumpy and Sleepy: "Apple Dumplings."

Doc: "Eh, yes! Crapple dumpkins."

Snow: "Yes, and plum pudding and gooseberry pie...

All (not Dopey or Grumpy): "Gooseberry pie? Hooray! She stays!"

Grumpy: "What about you, young 'un? Anything you can cook or do I have to throw ya out on yer kiester then?"

Y/N: "Uh... I can cook up something like, uh... yankee pot roasts, some clam chowder, maple baked ham and beans, roast turkey with chestnut stuffing and... apple cinnamon pie!"

The dwarves were even more happy and allowed you to stay, though Grumpy wasn't convinced, but he allowed it.

[So, here's the gist of what's happening. Yes, you have the Ultima Weapon keyblade, you can fight, but there's no heartless, just your normal Disney villains. You have magical abilities, even ones that weren't included in canon.

Fire, Water, Blizzard, Thunder, Gravity, Aero, Stop, Reflect, Magnet, Cure, etc etc, as well as invisibility like how you saw earilier.

Now onto your Bio.

Name: Y/N L/N

Age: 19

Height: 6 ft

Weight: 175 lbs.

Body type: Athletic

Hair length/color: you decide

Eye color: you decide

Skin color: you decide]

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