Sleeping Beauty Part 2

[In your dreamscape]

There you stood, gazing up at the night sky, at the millions of stars up above in the vast, wide-open space. All while the strange flowers below you illuminate such a beautiful glow. You stood there, wondering about your current adventure and whether or not you should go through with your current plan with Princess Aurora.

Y/N: "What do I do? I've... I've always thought I had to show my true nature in order to win their hearts, but... now... I'm stumped. How am I supposed to win over Aurora if she's already engaged to be married... especially when she's been pre-engaged since birth? No matter how I try to go about doing it, I'll just wind up an enemy."

Yen Sid: *appears right next to you* "And you've studied how the story goes from beginning to end, I take it?"

Y/N: "Yeah... I've seen the whole scenario play out hundreds of times and... I'm not sure if I'm the right guy for Aurora."

Yen Sid: *chuckles* "Y/N... do you recall the times you changed the way things ended with Cinderella, Mufasa and Simba?"

Y/N: "Yeah, I... I asked the prince if he could talk to his dad about placing Cinderella's step family under arrest for abusing her over the years and as for what happened in the Pride Lands, I..."

And then... it clicked.

Y/N: "Wait... so, I can..."

Yen Sid: "Mhmm. So you finally realize it. Remember, it never hurts to explore other options and... just because something is pre-determined, doesn't mean it'll happen the way it originally did, so cheer up, stand tall and ready yourself, Y/N. You've a princess to save."

Y/N: *Nods, determined* "RIGHT!"

At that moment, the area around you fades out into black and you wake up, groaning from that nasty bump. You summon your keyblade and heal yourself a bit, removing your bump and the splitting headache you were suffering from right now.

Y/N: "Ow... Nice going, Y/N." *adjusting your eyes* "Ugh... how long have I been out and... what time is it--"

As you fully adjust your vision, you can see it's already past sunset, making you gasp and jolt up to your feet.

Y/N: "No! I'm too late! Aurora's probably asleep already. And more importantly, where's Prince--"

You stop the moment you hear hoofsteps approaching and what sounds like whistling, too.

Y/N: "He hasn't been captured. I'd better warn him!"

Shaking whatever lingering sleep you had on you, you rushed off in the direction of where you heard his whistling. It didn't take long to find the prince just a few meters away from the cottage, not knowing Maleficent had set up a trap inside.

Just as he climbs off his horse, you rushed over and tackle him away from the cottage as quick as a flash.

Phillip: *confused* "Ow! What the--" 

Y/N: *you cover his mouth* "Shhhh! *whispering* Listen... whatever you do, do NOT go inside that cottage!"

Phillip: *removes your hand, aloud* "Why not?"

Y/N: "Shhh! *whispering* Listen, I know this is gonna sound crazy, but if you go in there, you're walking right into a trap! If you know what's good for you, you'll stay from there!"

Phillip: "What? That's ridiculous, are you sure you didn't hit your head on that tree too hard? Hmm? How do I know for a fact that you're not making this all up? If you have feelings for the peasant girl, you can always be honest with me, I won't hold it against you.

Y/N: "What?"

Phillip: "Are you in love with the peasant girl as well?"

Y/N: *thinking* "Wow... and here I thought he'd accuse me of trying to steal the girl of his dreams, but... he's actually taking this way better than I thought? GAH!!! Great, now I'm getting sidetracked, I gotta keep myself focused right now!" *aloud* "My feelings for the girl aren't the issue right now, it's what's inside the cottage that's got my body trembling in anticipation and not in a good way."

Phillip: "Well, if you feel that way, then why don't I go ahead and take a peek inside the cottage and if you're right, then at least I can trust you to come and get me." *offers hand* "Partners?"

Y/N: *thinks* "I... I don't believe my eyes. This... actually worked out better than I thought." *aloud* "Alright. Partners." 

Upon shaking his hand, the prince then went up to the cottage door and knocked on it.

Woman: "Come in."

Phillip then opens the door and steps in. You walk up close to the door and just as it was about to shut, you lodged your foot in the way and peeked through the gap, watching the many ugly freaks subdue and tie up Prince Phillip while Maleficent watches. Though the prince tries his hardest to fight them off, he's hopelessly outnumbered and is ultimately captured by the minions of darkness.

Maleficent: *approaches him* "Well. This is a pleasant surprise, I set my trap for a peasant and lo, I catch a prince!"

Y/N: "Or so you thought."

The evil witch is taken aback upon hearing your voice and all of a sudden, a flash of lightning strikes the minions, even the annoying crow, turning it into a pile of ashes. Maleficent turns to the doorway and finds you leaning against it, one arm in your pocket and your right arm holding your keyblade and looking pissed.

Maleficent: "Who are you?"

Y/N: "Y/N L/N, a wandering traveller. And a part-time crime fighter and you've committed some very heavy sins against the kingdom and country, so now I'm here to stop you."

Then, at light speeds, you rushed by Phillip with your keyblade swung outwards and in that moment, the ropes around him are cut into ribbons, freeing the prince.

Maleficent: "You fool! I will NOT allow you to interfere WITH MY PLANS, YOU MEDDLER!!!"

She fires a powerful lightning spell at you, but you aim your keyblade back at her, countering her attack with a lightning attack of your own, resulting in a stalemate. 

Y/N: "Phillip! Run!"

Phillip: "What about you?"

Y/N: "Just get out of here! I'll handle this!"

Even though he didn't want to leave you behind, he had no choice but to let you handle this sinister witch alone... for now.

Phillip: "I'll be back with help!"

And he books it out of the cottage just in time for you to send a massive shockwave at Maleficent that knocks her back.

Maleficent: "You foolish little child. You think you can defeat me, me, the mistress of all evil?!"

At that moment, her magic skyrocketed and blew a hole in the ceiling before she blasted you out of the cottage.

Y/N: *a bit hurt* "This lady's no joke. But there's no way I'm gonna let her beat me so easily! Bring it on, demon!"

Maleficent, using her dark magic, lifted a large chunk of the land off the ground with herself stand atop the floating chunk of dirt, kind of like a floating platform.

Her minions, whom have shaken off the affects of your attack, now try to ambush you, but you use your superhuman abilities to bypass their group assault and slash at them. As you do so, your body moves through the air as you're in control of your own gravity.

But at the same time while you fend off the lesser freaks, Maleficent prepares her own tricks. Her staff charges up and she laughs her evil laugh, conjuring up a black portal a distance away while she puts up a force field around herself for some reason.

Maleficent: "Meteors of Heaven, UNLEASH THY FURY!!!"

From amidst the portal, multiple blue meteors shoot out towards you, while also destroying her minions of darkness. As you try to block one, your efforts prove fruitless. The meteors were too big and moving too fast for you to try and block them.

Even so, you refuse to stand down and run towards Maleficent just as she lowers her force field. As you got close enough...


You conjure up another magic spell... a gravity spell, which causes her platform to fall to the ground, giving you the perfect chance to attack this evil sorceress. You leap onto the platform and clash your keyblade with her staff, trying to protect herself.

The dark sorceress is being forced back. She might have the edge when it comes to magic, but her physical attacks are definitely lacking and you take advantage of this. You keep up your relentless assault, eventually landing a few clean shots.

All the while, Prince Phillip returns and this time... he's brought help and he's well-armed with a sword and shield. Accompanying him are Flora (red fairy), Fauna (green fairy) and Merryweather (blue fairy).

Phillip: "Need a hand?"

Y/N: "Be my guest. But watch out for her magic!"

Phillip quickly makes use of his window of opportunity, leaping into the platform and delivering a swift blow to Maleficent, leaving a long, but shallow slash mark on her. 

Flora: "Quick, dears! To the castle while she's stunned!"

Phillip: "Will do!" *gets on horse* "Wanna ride?"

Y/N: "Nah, I can get there fine on foot... LIKE SO!"

[Music stop]

Concentrating with all your might, you reach deep within your being and transform from your normal state... to your Valor form.

And on top of your new form, another keyblade is appears before you, now leaving you armed with two.

Fauna: "Why... I've never seen such a transformation before!"

Merryweather: "We might just have a fighting chance!"

Flora: "Young man, you have our thanks."

Y/N: "We can express gratitude after we save the princess. And for the record, yes, I've heard the stories of how she was cursed and put to sleep, so I know just enough."

At first, the good fairies and Prince Phillip were shocked to hear what you already knew, but then agreed that it'd be best to continue onward and worry about it later. The 3 good fairies followed Prince Phillip as he rode off on his noble steed... whereas you, now in Valor Form, took off at remarkable running speed, staying with the others.

The castle is almost within reach, just a little more and they'll be able to rescue the princess in no time... well... one of you will be able to save Princess Aurora from eternal slumber.

But before you could reach it, lo and behold, Maleficent appears and has recovered from that humiliating small defeat. And this time, she was planning on going all out.

Maleficent: "Now, shall you deal with me, O Prince... and you two, you insufferable meddler... And all the powers of HELL!!!"

Conjuring all of the powers of Hell, the dark sorceress shrouds herself in a burst of green flames, undergoing a transformation. When the flames clear up, you and Phillip stood there in awe, gawking at the towering dragon Maleficent has now become.

Y/N: "Looks like it's do or die time."

Phillip: "What a monster!"

Now trapped and locked in combat, Maleficent blasts a stream of fire at the two of you, which you bolt out of the way, while Prince Phillip blocks with his Shield of Virtue. You make a mad dash towards the towering tyrant and leap high in the air, slashing at its underbelly, but it doesn't seem to be doing much damage to her.

Maleficent locks her jaws onto one of your keyblades and swings you around in the air.


She then slams you down hard on the ground. She then goes after Phillip and chomps at him while he swings his Sword of Truth at her, trying to get her to back off.

You get up, still aching from that harsh landing, but you kept persuing your hellish foe. The battle rages on, Phillip slashing at Maleficent's long, scaley snout, you still trying to cut through her underbelly, but only making this demon dragon more angry.

With a swift swipe of her tail, she knocks the two of you back a few feet, at the same time, you run out of time with your Valor form and revert back to your normal state. You and Phillip pick each other up wile Maleficent slowly inches towards you two.

Y/N: "This isn't working! We're never gonna get past her if she keeps brushing off our attacks!"

Phillip: "Then we'll just have to strategize. She's bound to have some kind of weakness that we haven't thougt to exploit."

Flora: "There is!"

Y/N: "Really? What is it?"

Fauna: "When we gave Phillip his weapons, we forgot to enhance them with the power to vanquish all evil."

Merryweather: "But it has to aim for her cold, cruel heart in order to have any effect on her!"

Y/N: "If that's what it takes, then I'll gladly help. Phillip, I've got an idea on how it'll work."

Phillip: "Lay it on me, I'm all ears."

You whisper in his ear your plan and he nods in agreement on how to execute the plan.

Phillip: "If you're sure it'll work, I'm right behind you."

Y/N: *nods* "Let's do it! NOW!"

And with curiosity, the good fairies watched. Phillip runs up to Maleficent and stops a few feet away before looking back at you, signalling you to come to him. You do so and run as fast as your legs would carry you with sheer unrelenting determination.

Phillip then ducks down and puts his shield above him. You then leap onto his shield for a brief moment before...

Y/N: "LAUNCH!!!"

The valiant prince then pushes his shield upwards with all his might while at the same time, you leap off of it like a spring, meeting Maleficent face-to-face with her ugly dragon mug.

Y/N: *utter quietly* "You are one ugly motherfucker."

Somehow, she hears you and shoots a stream of fire at you full blast, but you counter her quickly with your own attack.

Y/N: "WATER!!!"

You blast a stream of water, countering this evil dragon, but she doesn't stop her attack and you're not sure how much of your magic you can use to hold her back.

Y/N: "GET HER!!!"

Right away, the three good fairies gather around Phillip and do what these ladies can do best.

Flora: *enchants Phillip's sword* "Now, Sword of Truth, fly swift and sure, that evil die and good endure!"

With the blessing from the good fairies, Phillip throws the sword at Maleficent, jamming it into her body. However... the sword only got lodged in her stomach, not her heart. She lets out a screeching roar of pain, but the evil witch is not dead yet.

She drops down on all fours, causing a shockwave that sends Phillip flying backwards, hitting a tree and almost passes out. With Maleficent in her weakened state, but Phillip not having any weapons, it was all up to you to put a stop to this evil witch once and for all.

Y/N: "Drat... I thought that plan would work. Oh well... it looks like it's onto plan B, then."

Armed with your keyblade, you concentrate all the magic energy that you had left within you for one final attack.

Realizing this could be the deciding factor of the battle, the three good fairies loan you their aid, strengthening your magic, even replenishing it to full power while you levitated in the air. Your body is enveloped by a bright yellow glow that outshines the sun.

Maleficent sees what you're doing and stands on her hind legs, roaring at you, still unable to cope with the pain.

Y/N: "Maleficent... the time has come. For the crimes committed against the kingdom and country... and against God himself, you shall now spend an eternity repenting for all your evil deeds in the fiery depths of Hell... AND YOU SHALL NEVER RETURN!!!"

Taking aim, you charge up a strong energy beam at the end of your keyblade and fire a piercing shot straight through Maleficent's cold, blackened hard, even leaving a hole in the front and back of her body, causing her to scream in agony. The damage, this time, was enough to cause this demonic sorceress to collapse and become engulfed by her own green flames... until she's nothing... but this.

[Music ends]

At last... now with the evil sorceress vanquished, the world can rest a little easier, knowing that Maleficent is gone. You slowly float to the ground and then collapse on your knee, exhausted.

Flora: "Are you alright, dear?"

Fauna: "Will you be okay?"

Merryweather: "Oh, please tell me you're not hurt."

Y/N: *panting lightly* "I'll survive. That fight just took a lot out of me, so it's gonna take me a while to replenish my magic."

Flora: "Oh, thank goodness."

Fauna: "That's a relief."

Merryweather: "What you did back there was very brave of you and we can't thank you enough."

Flora: "Oh yes, and King Stephan and the Queen will be so delighted to hear what you've-- oh my, I forgot!"

Y/N: "The princess?" *the fairies nod, you stand up* "I'll go and get Phillip, see if he's okay."

Shaking off the aftermaths of the battle, you walk over to Phillip and help him onto his feet.

Phillip: "Did... Did we win?"

Y/N: "Yeah... we won."

The prince smiles in relief and the two of you make your way to the castle for your final task. Everyone in the kingdom, as expected, was under the sleeping spell. Of course, you have the three good fairies to thank for that and good thing, too.

All 5 of you keep moving throughout the castle grounds and eventually make your way up to the tower where there lies the sleeping beauty herself... in all her glory and grace.

Y/N: "Well... there she is."

Phillip: "I... I don't believe it. The... peasant girl is--"

Y/N: "Is actually Princess Aurora. Yeah.

Phillip: "Well... this... is certainly a surprise. Well... wish me luck."

You nod and watch as he's about to break the spell. You wanna look away, but let's face it, it won't change the fact that he's destined to break her out of her sleeping curse. But... the moment he kissed her... she did not awaken from her slumber.

Phillip: "Huh? What's this?"

You blink in surprise as Phillip tries again, yet she still sleeps.

Phillip: "It's... It's not working!"

Flora: "What?"

Fauna: "But... that's impossible!"

Merryweather: "But... the kiss should've worked... unless..."

Y/N: "Unless... what?"

Flora: "Unless... the princess has fallen in love with someone else."

All: "WHAT?!"

Fauna: "But that can't be?"

Merryweather: "And who could this other person be?"

Phillip: "I think I know."

Y/N: "You do?"

Phillip: "Yup. There's only one other person she might've come to grow fond of before me. And he's standing... right... here."

Right away, he, along with the fairies all look at you.

Y/N: "Wha... Me? She's in love with me?!"

Flora: "I'm afraid Prince Phillip is right, dear. You're the only one who's ever met Aurora first."

Y/N: "Yeah, but... there's no guarantee it'll work."

Fauna: "It will. After all, you must've felt it deep within your heart when you first met her."

Merryweather: "After all, the spell I casted on her makes it so that true love conquers all."

Phillip: "Go for it."

Y/N: "But... are you sure?"

Phillip: "Listen... you don't have to worry. We'll explain everything that happened to my father and Aurora's parents. After all... this is the 14th century and I would rather choose my own future bride instead of having one pre-decided for me."

Y/N: "I... I guess you're right."

Phillip: "Of course I am. Now, go on."

He gives you a small nudge towards the sleeping princess and you let out a big sigh to calm your nerves down. Moving forward, you approach Princess Aurora and kneel down at her bedside, gazing at her, admiring her beauty even as she sleeps.

Your heart feels like it's about to leap out of your chest, but you put on a courageous look and plant your lips on hers.

In that moment, a shining glow coated Aurora's sleeping figure and expanded wide, stretching out far and wide, reaching all around the kingdom as the curse breaks. Once you've done what you could, you pull away and watch, hoping she'll awake.

Your heart skipped a beat when her eyes slowly opened and gaze up at you... followed by her beautiful smile.

The good fairies watch with joy as the spell is lifted and the princess is now fully awakened.

Y/N: "H... Hi there... Princess."

Aurora: "Hello... my brave savior."

Y/N: *thinks* "I can't... believe it. I saved her."

Phillip: "Congratulations, Y/N. Now... I believe it's time we had a little chat with our families about this matter."

Flora: "Oh, that's right. Everyone has to know."

Fauna: "Then let's not waste anymore time, dearies!"

Merryweather: "Let's have everyone assemble in the throne room, do you think you can you do that for us, Prince Phillip?"

Phillip: "Leave it to me."

[Later on...]

After everyone had awoken from their slumber, Phillip had arrived and asked his father to talk to Stephan about a meeting in the throne room... with everybody in attendance.

Many of the citizens gathered around, some stayed outside because there wasn't enough space, but eventually with everyone now in attendance, Phillip decided to drop the truth bomb.

K. Hubert: "What's all this about, son?"

K. Stephan: "Yes, please, do tell us."

Phillip: "Father, your majesty, as you all should know... I had an encounter earlier with the evil sorceress known as Maleficent."


K. Stephan: "Why that... that... vile, repulsive creature!"

Phillip: "Settle down, settle down! Maleficent is gone. I... had some help with defeating her."

K. Hubert: "Y-Y-You did? B-But how? And do you have any idea who foolish it was to go after such an evil witch?"

Phillip: "I didn't pursue her, she tried to kidnap me by chance because... I had unknowingly fallen in love with a peasant girl who lived in a cottage over in the glen."

K. Stephan: "Peasant girl? Cottage?"

Phillip: "Yes, but hear me out... turns out that girl... was actually your daughter, Princess Aurora. But she wasn't there when I returned, it was Maleficent and her minions."

The audience gasped.

Queen: "So... how did you escape?"

Y/N: "Perhaps I can answer that for you."

The audience and the royal family all turn to a staircase where they see both you... and Princess Aurora standing next to you, along with Flora, Fauna and Merryweather in front of you two.

K. Stephan: "Aurora! And... w-who are you?"

Flora: "This man, your majesty, is the man who helped save Prince Phillip from Maleficent and also helped save your daughter."

Y/N: "I am Y/N L/N, pleasure to meet you." *bows*

K. Hubert: "But... how... and... w-where did."

Y/N: "Allow us to explain, sires."

After that, you, Aurora and the good fairies told everyone about what had happened when Maleficent attacked, all the way up to where they found out who Aurora's true love was. And when the story is done, Kings Stephan and Hubert, along with the queen, are left in shock about the horrors that unfolded right outside the castle walls.

But afterwards, they felt relieved that the evil witch was gone forever and that Princess Aurora was back with her family where she belongs... and more over, King Stephan and is queen both had this to say about yours and Aurora's special bond.

K. Stephan: "You know, my dear boy, I never expected a young man so full of valor and courage to be willing to go so far as to help keep our people safe, even if it meant you thought you wouldn't be rewarded for all of your efforts and we're truly grateful."

Queen: "Even though this is different from tradition, the most important thing that truly matters is our daughter's happiness. And I can tell she's very happy to be with you."

Y/N: "And... I'm glad to be with her, too. Still... when I first got here, I wasn't sure if I'd ever have a chance of at least... getting to know her as a friend, but... after the time we spent in the woods, talking about our dreams, what we hope for in the future, I just... couldn't deny the fact that I had developed a bond with Aurora. But back then... I wasn't sure if she was already taken or... if she was already engaged."

Flora: "And you chose not to follow your heart back then because you feared it would bring more harm than good?"

Y/N: "Yes. I thought I'd make an enemy out of everyone. And the last thing I wanted was a big conflict between myself and two kingdoms, so I chose not to pursue Aurora back then."

K. Stephan: "I understand, my boy. You needed feel ashamed anymore and... you have my blessing if you choose to marry my beloved Princess Aurora if you'd like."

K. Hubert: "And my blessing as well! Anyone who would choose to aid my son in battle against the forces of evil is okay in my book! And as for what Phillip told me... well, this is the 14th century and he should be free to choose whom he wants to marry."

Now that everyone knows the truth, a huge weight had been lifted off your shoulders... and your heart and it was now time for everyone to know what you truly want.

Y/N: "In that case... I have one last question. *turns to Aurora* "Princess Aurora, beauty rare, gold of sunshine in your hair, lips that shame the red, red rose, walking with Springtime wherever you go, will you do me the honor... of marrying me?"

Everyone watched in astonishment, then watching in anticipation for the princess' response.

Aurora: *with glee* "Of course! I would love to!"

The audience cheered and in that moment, you and Aurora embraced each other, arms wrapped around each other, lips intertwined.


And indeed it does. Soon, everyone makes their way into the grand hall where they all make room as you and your 3rd bride-to-be hold each other and dance together.

Meanwhile, up in the balcony, where the three good fairies watched you two, Fauna had got a little teary-eyed.

Flora: "Why, Fauna. What's the matter, dear?"

Fauna: "Oh, I just love happy endings."

Flora: "Yes, I do, too." *sees Aurora's dress* "Blue?"

Even though Aurora didn't seem to mind it, neither did you, Flora decided to fix Merryweather's mess... again.

Flora: "Pink!" *casts spell*

[Start at 3:06, replace Phillip with yourself]

From that night on, you and Aurora had become inseperable and it was only a matter of time before the real fun would begin later once the holiday comes to an end.

[A/N: AND here it is, the 2nd chapter of Sleeping Beauty. I had LOADS of fun writing the battle with Maleficent. But don't go away, because there's still one more thing to do before we can end this arc properly, so... stay tuned.]

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