Intermission 3 - Part 1
[A/N: Before we begin, I want you all to know, this intermission will NOT have any lemons. It will focus more on Y/N having some R&R with his current wives and mistresses, socializing with the people he befriended from other worlds and preparing himself for the biggest challege of his life. And now, on with the chapter.]
Back in the kingdom of Sylvantra, up in the castle, the newest residents have been able to settle into their brand new home. Helga, Roark's former lieutenant, is now getting in a good workout in the training room a couple of floors down, along with Vitani and Jasmine. The training room was state-of-the-art, unlike anything these tough girls had seen before.
Helga is decked out in a black sports bra with thigh-high shorts that showed off her curves nicely as she was punching and kicking the sandbag. Vitani is stuck doing yoga since she's carrying your child in her belly. Jasmine is getting a good workout on the treadmill, jogging at a steady pace, controlling her breathing.
Jasmine also has a black sports bra, but has knee high blue shorts that hug her legs nicely. Vitani has a purple training bra on with long sweats that hug her legs.
Fifi, the maid and former feather duster, is up in the top floor in the main house, she's currently keeping the house clean while Angelique is enjoying the view out on the rooftop pool. She's not swimming, but she is enjoying the view, yet feels somewhat overwhelmed.
The triplets, Naji, Taji and Maji, are also by the pool, getting in some sunlight and living it up in the lap of luxury. As for Aisha and Abbas, the two kids were happily watching TV with your mom and dad, their new foster parents. Your parents were overjoyed to have additional kids in their lives, even if they weren't originally theirs.
On the subject of you, a portal soon opens up in the living room, getting everyone's attention. Your current, pregnant wives that were present, see you coming out and rush over to hug you... but stop when they see you walking in with your head hanging, your hair covering your eyes.
Snow: "Y/N? Are... Are you alright?"
Cinderella: "What's the matter, dear?"
Y/N: *sighs sadly* "I just... came back from a funeral."
Aurora: *gasps softly* "Oh no. Who was it, darling?"
Y/N: "...It was... Mufasa. Simba's father. He passed away from old age..."
Your gaze remains fixated on the ground, your body trembling from Mufasa's final words... and the speech you gave at his funeral. And on top of that, reminiscing of the moment his eyes closed for the final time... it broke you and cause the tears to run down your cheeks.
Ariel: "Oh, Y/N... I'm sorry you had to go through that. But I'm sure he lived a long, fulfilling life."
Cinderella: "If I've learned anything from day 1 about your first journey to the Pride Lands, it's that I know Mufasa would've been proud that you were there for him."
Aurora: "Both in the beginning and the end."
Snow: "Mhmm, and in my opinion, that makes you a true friend in his eyes, never lose faith in that, honey."
Y/N: *sniffs, wipes tears away* "Thanks, honeys. And you're right. I was there for him and I'll be there for his son his friends... and even my god daughter."
A wave of relief washes over you as you hold your wives close, hugging them dearly before settling in.
Ariel: "Oh and before we forget, Yen Sid sent us this thing-a-ma-bob a couple of minutes before you came back."
Y/N: "What thing-a-ma-bob?"
The youngest mermaid princess shows you a CD disc and you take it, inspecting its contents.
Y/N: "A CD? Why'd he send this for?"
Inspecting it fully, you see it's got a title that says "Please Watch." You're not sure what your master has in store, so you bring it to the TV and pop it in the DVD player. Your siblings were pouty and upset their cartoons were interrupted, but this was important.
Your parents changed the channel to the DVD input.
Ariel: *Calling out* "LADIES, COME ON OUT! Y/N'S BACK!"
The entire living room rumbled from the many footsteps racing into the room to greet you. All your wives and mistresses arrive to greet you. You greet them all with hugs and kisses while the CD displayed a blast from the past.
M/N: "Everyone! Look!"
The girls present look towards the TV and see a video of you waking up in Snow White's land, the day your journey began.
Y/N: "What the?"
Snow: "Oh my. How are you there, but still here?"
Y/N: "It's... It's a recording. This is the day I started my journey. The day I... *looks to Snow* ...met you, honey."
Your wives all gasp and take a seat, watching how your journey began. While they were doing that, you look to your parents.
Y/N: "Hey, mom? Dad? Where's Jasmine and Belle?"
M/N: "Belle's in the library at one of the lower levels of the castle. Jasmine's in the gym room with Helga and Vitani."
Y/N: "Alright, thanks."
Angelique: "Allow me to take you to them, monsieur Y/N."
Y/N: "Thanks, Angelique. But please... just call me Y/N. We're family now."
Angelique: "Right, sorry. Still new to this."
You nod in understanding before heading for the elevator. The rest of the family stays behind, watching your chronicled journey up 'til now. All the people you met, all the decisions you made, the impact you left, they wanted to see it all.
Back to you, you're reaching one of the lower levels of the castle tower. That being the gym and there, you find Helga lifting weights, keeping her strong, sexy body in shape. She looks to you with a smirk.
Helga: "Well, look who decided to show up. Welcome home... King Y/N."
Jasmine: *peeks out from another doorway* "Did you say "Y/N?" Is he back?"
You get wide-eyed in seeing Jasmine, wrapped in nothing but a towel and is all wet. She realizes her lack of clothing, especially when the towel falls, exposing... the forbidden treasure.
Angelique: *yelps, covers your eyes* "Please! Don't defile her by staring!"
Jasmine: "Too late on the "defiling" part." *picks up towel, covers up* "But it's fine, as long as it's him, I don't mind."
Vitani: *looks over, still doing yoga* "Hey there, love. So, how'd your latest adventure go?"
Y/N: "It went as well as could be expected. Although, I had to make a quick detour back to the Pride Lands for a short while."
Vitani: "Really? Did something happen."
Y/N: "Sadly, yes. Former King Mufasa... passed away."
The lioness in human skin blinked in surprise and shock. Jasmine gasped in shock, but Helga looked more confused on the matter.
Helga: "Who's this... Mufasa?"
Vitani: "He's a lion who used to rule the Pride Lands before his son took over."
Y/N: "He passed away from old age. We held a ceremony in his honor. He's gone now... but he will never be forgotten."
Helga: "A lion? How can you befriend a lion without getting turned into a snack?"
Y/N: "With magic."
Helga: *squints eyes* "Really? You're going with that excuse?"
Y/N: "Yup, pretty much."
Vitani: "He befriended me... well... actually I chose him as my mate and... boy, did he really define the word "mate" when he--" *rubs her belly while getting cut off*
Y/N: "Okay! That's enough! The point is, I came back from burying my old friend and now, I'm here for a little R&R."
Helga: "Well, in any case... welcome home, soldier."
The former leutenant then pats your back rough before wrapping her arm around you. It's been a rough ride since coming back from these different worlds and even moreso since beginning this entire journey. But the biggest reward of it all was coming home to your loving family and beloved wives and mistresses.
For the past few months, you spent your time enjoying some down time and enjoying the company of your family. Yen Sid hasn't called you back to begin another "princess collecting" journey as of late.
You, on the other, hand, decided to get in some exercise in the private gym with Helga and some of the other girls. If you were gonna be taking a break from adventuring, you might as well keep in shape or risk becoming an easy target.
As for your wives, Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel and her sisters are drawing ever closer towards delivering their kids. They were just 3 months closer to giving birth and you couldn't wait to see them.
Downside... their mood swings and cravings were kicking in, so that means constant runs to the local stores to get them their snacks of choice. And when others say they got a serious case of the munchies, that's the understatement of the year.
On one such night, you came home late after another agonizing round trip to and from the store just to settle your wives cravings. At the moment, you're crashed out on the sofa, snoring loudly, clothes all wrinkled and messy, your hair wild and feathered out.
It's almost noon and you're tapped on the cheek by a hand. You groan and wave your hand to make it go away.
Y/N: *groans* "5 more... hours." *snores*
Just then... *SLAP*
Y/N: *jolts awake* "OW! HEY, WHO'S THE WISE GU--"
You pause upon seeing Helga, all decked out in her work-out clothes.
Helga: "You have a nice sleep, soldier?"
Y/N: *sighs, tired* "Hardly... I'm exhausted."
Helga: "Well, get used to it. You're in for some serious hell with those pregnant wives of yours. Just how many honeys are you planning to bring home and how many grandkids are your parents gonna spoil?"
Y/N: "...Don't ask."
Helga: "A lot, huh? *winces* Tough break, soldier."
Y/N: "Gee... thank you for your honesty."
Helga: "I know. But, you sound like you could use some winding down. Think you can join me in the gym for a little... work out?"
Y/N: *deeply inhales* "Yeah, why not?"
Helga: *wraps arm around your shoulder* "Good answer. But first... you need to get changed out of those clothes. *holds nose* I'm not about to be training someone in beg rags that stink to high heaven, now get dressed in some proper exercise gear so we can get to work."
You sigh and head over to your bedroom to get changed... A minute later, you show up in your workout attire.
Helga: "...Hmm... not gonna lie, that outfit of yours is really working out for you, soldier."
Y/N: "Thanks. Black is a pretty cool color."
Helga: "I'll say. So... you ready for another training session?"
Y/N: "Yup... let's do it."
You head out to the gym a couple of floors down and begin another hard day's training with Helga, starting with a 15 minute jog on the treadmill just to get your body awake.
Helga: "Y/N... I'm still kinda shocked they turned these treadmills into a tool for exercise rather than keep them as a torture tool."
Y/N: "They used these to torture people?"
Helga: "They were used to punish prisoners back in the 19th century, so for them to evolve into something beneficial for everyone, it came as a shock to me... even moreso with how far these things have come in life."
Y/N: "A lot can happen when times change."
Helga: "You're telling me. It took me a while to get used to all these new changes I've come across in this place."
Y/N: "Trust me, when I got this place, I was having a difficult time taking it all in myself."
After working up a nice sweat for 2 whole hours and taking a 15 minute long shower, you head back into the living room and slump down on the couch, sighing all tired. Sadly, fate decides to torture you some more in the form... of an empty stomach.
Y/N: *groans* "Ugh... Jiminy mother-loving toaster strudel. A guy can't catch a break."
M/N: *walks in, sits on couch* "It's only gonna get harder from here, sweetie."
Y/N: "Hi, mom."
M/N: "You know, dear. Your father went through similar hardships with me when I was pregnant with you. And you, you're going through 10 times what he's gone through. But all that hard work is going to pay off when you get to see your precious babies."
Y/N: "Yeah, I know that."
M/N: "Yes, but if anything, I think you deserve a little break from everything, so why won't you go out and explore the town. All you did in the past when you got here was relax and... well, having your fun. The majority of your time here was mostly in this castle and the only time you left the place was to get food to help with your wives craving."
Y/N: "Mom... you have no idea... how perfect that idea sounds." *chuckles* "Hey... where's dad and my siblings?"
M/N: "Oh, he's showing them around the town."
Y/N: "Oh, so, they're having some fatherly time?"
M/N: "Mhmm."
Y/N: "That's nice to hear. *gets up* I'm gonna take your advice and head off into the town for some down time."
M/N: "You do that, sweetie. I'll see to it your pregnant wives are taken care of while you're away."
Y/N: *hugs her, she hugs back* "Thanks mom. I'll be back later."
With a sigh of relief, you leave the living room and head for the elevator and take it all the way down to the bottom floor. During the slow descent down, you reflect on all that's happened in your adventure throughout the Disneyverse.
Y/N: "I never thought I would be making a name for myself all throughout the magical worlds Disney has created. Enemies, I've conquered. Conflicts, I've resolved. Friends, I've made. Hearts, I've won... if anything, I hope to keep this momentum going."
Moments later, you arrive at the bottom floor and head out the exit of your castle, but as you leave through the front door, you stop when you spot a few friendly faces walking up.
[Prince Charming from Cinderella is actually referred to as Henry, according to Google, so that's what his name will be.]
Y/N: "No way... *smiles, excited* Guys? Is that you?"
The other princes look with joy and greet you with handshakes and bro hugs, delighted to see each other.
Y/N: "It's so good to see you guys, how'd you get here?"
Phillip: "A man named Yen Sid gave us these magic rings that allow us to travel to your world."
The charming group of guys show you the rings Yen Sid gave them.
Y/N: "Hmm... not bad. Nice to know my master's resourceful."
Eric: "He's your master? That's impressive! No wonder you were strong enough to beat Ursula."
Henry: "Ursula?"
Phillip: "He also took down Maleficent when I couldn't."
Y/N: "Hey, here's an idea. Why don't we all head off into the city and we can talk more over a nice lunch, because I am hungry."
Adam: "Oh? How hungry are you?"
Y/N: "I could literally eat... uh..."
Adam: "A beast?"
Obviously, he hinted it jokingly before laughing it off.
Y/N: "Hah, good one. But seriously, who's up for lunch? My treat."
Adam: "Sounds like a good idea."
Henry: "I'm all for it."
Phillip: "Me too."
Eric: "Sure, I could go for a little lunch."
[A/N: There's part one of my intermission. The next one is coming up soon, so hang on tight for it. Also, I changed up this chapter because a REALLY good reader gave me some very good critisism on how I can improve it and he was right. So anyways, I'll get to work on the next part of the intermission, so... STAY TUNED!!!]
[And to make sure everyone knows which arcs I'm doing next, I'll write them down here in every chapter.]
Next arcs in this order:
1. Pocahontas
2. Mulan (followed by Mulan 2)
3. Treasure Planet
4. The Incredibles (followed by The Incredibles 2)
5. Intermission #4
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