Intermission 2 - (Part 2)

Later on that day, you and your wives held a special dinner for you and your parents to honor your reunion with them. Needless to say, the buffet was massive it was a good thing there were plenty of mouths to feed, or the fridge would be overstocked with leftovers. Most of the food was vegetable based since Ariel and her sisters were vegetarians and you respected that, but luckily there's meat, too.

Needless to say, the dining room and kitchen had gone through some SERIOUS upgrades since the last time you were here.

After everyone served themselves a plateful of their dishes, they all said their grace before digging right in.

M/N: "Mmm, my goodness, this is very good."

D/N: "Nothing beats a homecooked meal."

Y/N: "My wives are amazing cooks. If I'm being perfectly honest, their cooking skills are way better than mine."

M/N: "Hmm? I didn't know you could cook!"

Aurora: "Is that true?"

D/N: "I gotta hear this."

Y/N: "Yeah, I can cook, more or less. I picked up some lessons from Snow White before I went to Cinderella's world. After I dropped her off at home after the ball, I fixed myself up a dish I never tried before, but I saw it in a video game once back home."

Vitani: "What's a video game?"

Y/N: "It's a type of game you play on a television set. They come in different genres like action, adventure, rpg, visual novel, horror, etc etc, and they have diffe:rent game consoles, too."

Ariel: "What kind of dish did you make?"

Y/N: "If I remember correctly, it was... Bird and Beast Pilaf."

Snow: *gasp* "What... kind of bird is used in it?"

Y/N: "It's usually chicken. Not sure about the beast part, but the pilaf is actually a special kind of rice dish. It turned out pretty good."

D/N: "Maybe one of these days, you should make it."

Y/N: "Okay. But right now..." *bites into food, gulps down* "Man, this is so good, I can't stop myself from eating!"

Cinderella: "Thank you, dear."

Ariel: "By the way, Mrs. L/N."

M/N: "Yes, Ariel, sweetie?"

Ariel: "Y/N once told me that when he was little, you always kept him locked away in the house because he was your... "miracle child," what made you decide to stop holding him back?"

M/N: "Well... as much as my husband and I wanted him all to ourselves, forever safe from the cruelty and horrors the world had lurking around, I couldn't stand to see him so sad. He looked so... miserable being locked up in a cage for so long. Having no friends to talk to, no fun things to explore, it just... felt so wrong."

D/N: "Same here. I hated myself for thinking we could keep him from exploring the world. But as every parent knows... no matter how much you wana hold onto your kid, you can't stop time from moving on, just like you can't stop them from growing up."

M/N: "And in our case, we didn't realize it until he was almost an adult and a handsome one, too. And Y/N... I know I've said this a hundred times over, but I am so... so sorry."

Y/N: "Mom... it's all water under the bridge. Besides... I've got everything I could ever want now. A new home, a new life, my loving wives... and I got you two again. *realizes* But... I'm curious, how DID you wind up here in this world from back at our home world."

D/N: "We're not sure. One night we're laying in bed, your mother crying herself to sleep after we lost you. And as soon as we fell asleep, we wound up in this empty void and found that wizard you mentioned, Yen Sid and told us he brought us there for a reason. Then he took us here and moments later, that's when you came."

Y/N: "So... you didn't die?"

M/N: "No, at least I don't think so."

Y/N: "Phew. I would've been devastated if you did die."

Attina: "Okay, if we're done with the subject of death, can we please enjoy the rest of our food?"

Y/N: "Yeah... let's keep eating."

So, dinner went off without a hitch after that and later on you all got to washing the dishes before enjoying the rest of the night doing whatever you would to relax.

When the time came for bed, you brought your parents to one of the guest rooms where they'll be sleeping.

Needless to say, this kind of lifestyle living is something they never thought they'd get to experience in their lives. What a stroke of luck for you and your parents. Now, in addition to reuniting with them, you now have a new place for them to call home.

And as for you, you and your wives head for the master bedroom for a goodnight's sleep. And WHAT a bedroom it is compared to how it was when you first came here.

Y/N: Hey, even the bed's bigger, too!"

Snow: "Mhmm, Yen Sid made some major changes while you were gone and now we have more room to sleep in. Although, despite the new changes, it's taking a bit of time for Aurora, Vitani and Ariel, along with her sisters to adjust to this new lifestyle.

Cinderella: "Still, even Snow and I are still trying to adjust. And I know you'll only be staying here for a while before heading out into other worlds, but I do have to ask you something?"

Y/N: "What is it, honey?"

Cinderella: "Your parents. Are they familiar with all this futuristic stuff and if so, will they be able to teach us most of it?"

Y/N: "Most of it, yes. And while I may not know all there is to know about this futuristic lifestyle you're all in, I can make time to show you around town so you can live the experiece."

Aurora: "I think that sounds wonderful."

Ariel: "I agree."

Vitani: "I never thought I'd be experiencing the life of humans... I'm actually kinda nervous and looking forward to it."

Attina: "Oh, that's right. You're a lion in human form."

Y/N: "Not to worry, Vitani, I'll make sure to help you fit right in so you won't feel out of sorts."

Ariel: "We'll all fit in. But, in the meantime... I'd say we've all earned a little rest from today."

Snow: "I agree. *yawns* I'm a little sleepy myself."

Right afterwards, you and your wives all climb in bed and get under the blankets, then feel your wives snuggle up close to you. As expected, since you've been away for a while. WIth a sigh of relief, you bask in the warmth of the blankets and your wives' warm embrace as you let your fatigue get to you and fall asleep.

[The next day...]

Another beautiful day passes by and at the moment, you're currently out on the rooftop of your castle where, surprisingly, an outdoor pool was added to the accomedations. Best part, it's big enough to fit everyone currently living here at the moment.

Nothing special really happened this morning, just a normal breakfast you'd expect from a big, happy family. After that, well... everything just seemed normal. Another thing you found out is that an outdoor roof pool was added while you were away.

And apparently, Ariel and her sisters are making good use of the pool outside, wanting to make sure they don't forget how to swim. It's nice to see that they're adjusting to their new life alright here and are having the best fun they could ever have. And while it's nice to be back with family, a part of you also wanted to relax solo.

So, at the moment, Ariel and her sisters are swimming out by the pool, Snow and Cinderella are reading books and listening to some music on the TV, your parents are chilling in their room, Aurora is outside, relaxing and Vitani... well, you're not sure where she's at, but you, on the other hand, you're alone in the master bedroom.

Perfect time to enjoy a little solo flute playing. You couldn't thank Prince Eric enough for giving you his flute. It's been years since you actually played such an instrument.

Y/N: "Well, let's hope I haven't lost my touch."

Bringing the musical instrument to your mouth, you take a deep breath and start playing your favorite tune.

While you played this wonderful tune, you don't hear the door slowly opening up behind you, or notice the person peeking from behind the door and slowly make their way inside. They slowly, silently close the door behind them and tip-toe their way towards you.

The moment you make it to the halfway mark of your little tune, they pounce and you're tackled to the ground.

[stop halfway]

Y/N: "AAH!!! Okay, who the hell interrupted me?"

You're then turned around and lo and behold, there's Vitani, still in her human form and... holy shit, she's got a scary grin.

Vitani: "Surprise."

Y/N: "Uh... heh... you got me, Vitani. But... uh... what's with the surprise pounce, did you need something from me?"

Vitani: "Hmmm... you could say that. Tell me, Y/N... do you know what happens every now and then to different kinds of animals during each particular season of the year?"

Y/N: "Uh... lemme think... uh..."

You genuinely did NOT know.

Vitani: "They go into heat."

Oh... shit.

Y/N: *realizing* "Aaaaaand, you're in heat, too. But wait... how can you be in heat when you're in your human form?"

Vitani: "My lion DNA's mixed with my human DNA. So I still go into heat whether I'm human or not and right now... it's just you and me and no one is gonna stop us from having fun."

At first, a part of you is scared because she is part lion. But then again... another part of you can't help but get turned on by how forward and alluring she is, so... why the hell not?

Y/N: "Alrighty then. First... allow me to show you the wonders... and pleasures... of the naked human body."

You grab Vitani by the shoulders and pick yourself up, hoisting her over your shoulder and then set her down on the bed. You then quickly strip your clothes off until you're fully naked.

Vitani: "Hmm... what's with your stomach?"

You look down, noticing she's pointing at your 6-pack, which is developing quite nicely.

Y/N: "Those are my abs. If they're visible it shows that human being is both healthy and is keeping in shape."

Vitani: "Nice. And... whoa, are all humans this big?"

Y/N: "Some of them are. Now then..."

You climb onto bed and then remove Vitani's clothing, now having this tanned beauty fully displayed in the newd.

Vitani: "Huh? What are these things?" *gropes her boobs*

Y/N: "Your breasts. All ladies have breasts. They come in different shapes and sizes and yours seem to be good size."

Yes, she looked to be a solid CC-cup right now.

Vitani: "Nice. So... how do you humans start off with the mating, lions usually get straight to the main event."

Y/N: "Ah, allow me to demonstrate. First..." *leans in, presses face close to her wet passage* "...we make sure our partner is extra stimulated so they'll be ready much sooner."

As a demonstration, you lick her warm, soaking passage, getting Vitani to jolt in surprise. You keep doing this and slurp up some of her leaking juices while she starts panting and moaning, biting her lower lip, not knowing how to handle this new sensation.

Vitani: *thinks* "Ahh! What the hell? He's... He's licking me down there... it feels so weird, yet... I can't get enough!"

And it only gets better. She can hear you make your own growling noises that almost sound predatorial like hers. But man... the way you do it is turning her on and she can only squirm and moan to the sounds of your manly, vicious, hungry growls as you eat her out.

She leaks out more and more of her juices. It's already clear she's well-lubed up enough to be taken now. But just for good measures, you give her wet, warm entrance one last, long lick, even flicking her love button, getting her to climax a little bit. You lick your lips and hover directly above your hot and bothered mate.

Y/N: "Mmmm, such a divine taste. Are you ready?"

Vitani: "Do it, my king... Take me!"

Well, no time like the present. Your hardened shaft throbs, waiting and begging to be put inside her warm entrance. You grab it and graze it against her swollen, soaking lower lips and then give the lady exactly what she wants, easing your massive thing inside.

She grips the bed sheets, gasping and shuddering from how much of your thing is going inside of her. You slowly pump in and out of her warm passage and hold her close. Vitani grabs onto you too, unsure of what she can do other than have her fun. Her tight, warm, wet inner walls clamp tight around your shaft.

The feeling of her warm love dungeon squeezing your massive driller is unlike anything you've felt before. Yes, you've had your fair share of fun with multiple girls, but never have you ever had sex with a woman who was half animal... AND could go into heat. So this new experience is one you'll definitely treasure for years.

You keep on going, plowing Vitani's love dungeon for a good 10 minutes until the pressure within your family jewel sack starts building up and it's obvious what'll happen next. In the heat of the moment, you capture Vitani's warm, soft lips and kiss her. Somehow, during your time away, she picked up on how to kiss as you could feel her tongue enter your mouth and dance with your tongue.

She moans in the heated make-out session while you speed up your thrusts, plunging deeper into her love cave. At last, you hilt at the very end, breaching past her inner entrance and explode all of your seed into her fertile breeding chambers. She lets out a muffled scream of joy and pleasure, locking her grip around you even tighter and comes down with her own climax at the same time.

There's no telling how many times you felt your shaft jolt and throb, but man, this felt so good. After finishing, you pull out of her and let her rest on the bed, but also make sure to cover her up so she's not exposed to anyone walking in the room later.

You then take a whiff and notice... pee-yew! You smell like sweat and sex and now it's time for a nice, relaxing shower. Grabbing a fresh change of clothes, a towel and putting on a black robe, you exit the bedroom and head off for the bathroom.

As soon as you're about to open it up... you hear the sound of running water coming from inside. You can also hear the familiar voice of a certain beauty rare princess. Oh, how you wish you could ignore the temptations, but... it's just too good to pass.

You stealthily sneak in and quietly close the door behind you, locking it (surprising how she forgot to lock it herself.) Then you tip-toe inside and... the bathroom looks different.

Making good use of this new environment, you make sure to stay out of sight every time Aurora is turning to face in your direction. So far, she doesn't know you're there. She turns her back to you and you sneak in much closer towards her this time. You put your stuff down just before you reach the door to the shower. She's still singing to herself, not knowing her own husband's about to surprise her.

You sneak inside the shower, fully naked. Finally, you surprise her with a hug from behind, making her gasp.

Y/N: "Surprise, my showerin' beauty."

Aurora: "Y/N, dear! You came out of nowhere! Wh-What are you doing, can't you see that I'm taking a shower?"

Y/N: "I can see that. Thought you'd like some company. After all... I miss being around my many lovely wives." *gropes her bosom*

Aurora: *moans* "And we miss you, too, but... *moans some more* ...oh, who am I kidding, I've longed to feel your touch again."

Y/N: "That's what I like to hear. Now turn your head over and let's see those luscious lips."

She swoons from your alluring, yet dominating voice and turns her head your way and you capture her soft, warm lips. She moans and presses her body up against yours. Her shiny, wet butt grinds against your hips, up and down your hardened shaft. Your hands keep fondling her big, soft girls like balls of dough.

Her tongue dances with yours just like how you two danced that night after reuniting her with her beloved parents. Before you knew it, she turns her whole body around and now she's entirely facing you and keeping her lips locked on yours. 

She then gets forceful and pushes you against the wall. You feel yourself slowly going down and... surprisingly, this new shower has benches to sit on... how convenient. Aurora then grabbed your hardened excalibur and guided it into her warm passage while she sat on your lap, now being one with you once again.

Aurora: "I've missed you so much, love."

Y/N: "Me too, hun... me too."

You two gaze into each other's eyes and soon, Aurora starts riding your thick pole, moaning beautifully and softly. Her soft, wet skin rubbing against yours only makes you hard for her even more, but you let her stay in control and not ruin this magical moment. She continues to ride you and her breasts keep bouncing.

She keeps her gaze fixated on you... for the most part. Sometimes, she'll lean in and give you a few smooches. Your hands travel all over her body while she keeps riding you. First her breasts, giving those globes of love some tender loving rubs. Then you slowly make your way down to her perfectly round, soft ass. 

Aurora looks at you with a teasing expression. She can tell you like her butt and gives her hips some added sway every time she brings her hips down, just to get you excited.

Aurora: "Mmm, you like that, dear?"

Y/N: "You kidding me? I'm loving every moment of it."

Her glistening smile melted your heart. She quickens her movements and rides you faster. She also sinks your hardened shaft deeper while squeezing it with her inner walls. She continues her quieted pantings and soft moaning in your ear, pressing her body up against yours.

You stroke her golden locks and caress her entire body some more, showing her how much you love every inch of her. But knowing her, she already knows how much you love her and she can see how much you're smothering her the way you are. She couldn't have asked for a better husband and rewards you once more.

The once sleeping beauty pulls you in for round 2 of a hot, wet, passionate kiss with some tongue action. She's really doing well taking charge in the art of the tongue and sex. Your ears can't stop taking in the sweet sex sounds coming from her body and the shower water beating down and dancing on your bodies.

Aurora: "As punishment, you will not leave this shower until you've given me... a bundle of joy."

Y/N: "As you command, my love." *thinks* "That was my plan from the get-go though."

Feeling extra-motivated, you stand up and go to pin your wife against the wall and drill her warm, wet passage with your mighty excalibur, hitting deep inside her. Aurora could only gasp and moan at your powerful thrusts, turning her once again into your woman. Her mind goes on a trip down memory lane to that night when you both exchanged the love you had for each other, mating like rabbits.

And now, to be doing it in the shower, Aurora couldn't comprehend how amazing it felt. The fun goes on for another 10 minutes until she eventually feels that familiar sensation down below. Her inner walls clamp down on your shaft and it throbs and hardens, ready to blow.

Aurora holds onto you for dear life and the two of you share one more passionate kiss as you grunt and explode all of your hot seed into her wanting chambers. She moans in the smooch, spraying her lady juices like a sprinkler, feeling her body jolting. There's not a doubt in her mind that she'll get pregnant from this load. 

Having experienced the joys of love-making yet again, Aurora is now officially exhausted and cannot stand on her own 2 legs. And as any gentleman would do, you sat her on the bench inside the shower so she can recuperate later on. Meanwhile, you exited the shower and turned it off so as to save the hot water. You then grabbed a dry towel from the cabinet next to the shower and dried off.

Y/N: "Phew... she can certainly put me under a spell and she doesn't even have to use magic."

Taking your leave, you silently closed the door behind you and head out into the living room area for a quick break. You decide to watch some TV and kick back to relax... but then you have your field of vision blocked by a pair of soft, velvety hands.

Snow: "Guess who."

Y/N: "Heh, hello Snow. How's my fairest of them all?"

Snow: "Plenty happy, thank you for asking."

Your sweet 1st wife then leans in and pecks you on the lips.

Y/N: "You wanted some company?"

Snow: "A part of me does, but... I came to tell you that... Ariel and her sisters are acting strange over by the pool."

Y/N: *having a hunch* "Strange? How strange?"

Snow: "I'm not sure. But they've been swimming around in a peculiar pattern and... there's this strange scent around them."

Y/N: *figures it out* "Oh... I think I know what it is. It's nothing too serious, but I think they might need some help."

Snow: "How do you know?"

Y/N: "Well... I dunno how to explain it, so I'll just say it. *deep breath* Snow White... it's mating season under the sea."

Snow blinked in surprise.

Y/N: "Well, Ariel and her sisters are part fish, so it's only natural they go through this cycle."

Snow: "How come people don't go through this?"

Y/N: "Actually, we do. It's just a little different for us. The process for humans is called "puberty." For ladies, they become sexually mature between the ages of 8 and 13. For the boys, it starts from the ages of 9 to 14 and we're already adults, hun."

Snow: "In other words... adults are allowed to mate?"

Y/N: "Yes, but with each other's consent and as long as it's between two adults... or in my case more than that. However, that kind of love between minors and adults is forbidden... among other things, but we'll get to that some other time. Right now... I have some mer-wives I need to take care of... or they'll go into a frenzy."

Snow: "Okay. Be careful, dear."

Y/N: *leaves* "I will."

Oh, if only you knew what you were in for. Hehehe, good luck, lover boy, you're gonna need it.

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