Intermission 2 - (Part 1)

And here you are, at your newest castle. To be honest, this castle is a much better improvement than the previous one. Mostly because it took time for Cinderella and Snow White to adjust properly to all the futuristic tech they've never seen before. Hopefully they're adjusting to the new place a lot better.

Baymax: "My sensors indicate that two people are at the front door of the castle, one male and one female."

Y/N: "Hold up... there's a man here?"

Baymax: "Yes."

Y/N: "That's odd... I wonder if he's one of the guests. Come on, Baymax, let's go check inside and see who it is."

Baymax, still tucked in his little station followed you up to the castle gate, which open automatically for you. You and Baymax go inside and notice a man and a woman by the elevator on the other side of the room, which made you more curious.

Y/N: "Hmm... Can I help you with something."

The two individuals then turn around and lock eyes with you and vice versa and right then and there, a whole flood of emotions come crashing at you all at once. You know these people, you never forget their faces, no matter how long it's been. After all, they were there for you ever since the day you were first born.

Y/N: *whispering, choking up* "M...Mom? ...Dad?"

M/N: "Y/N?"

D/N: "Is it... really you, kiddo?"

Y/N: "MOM! DAD!!!"

You rush over to your parents, they rush over to you and join you in the middle for one big hug. The wet sensation of your mother's tears can be felt on your shoulder as she cries and holds you, never letting go and your father roughs up your hair.

M/N: *sobbing* "I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!"

D/N: "We heard about how you got hit by a train when you saved someone's life and tried to go and see you."

Y/N: "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry I left you!"

M/N: "No, don't you feel sorry, honey! We're just happy to know you're okay and you did the right thing."

D/N: "After we found out about the accident, we were devastated and held a memorial for you back home. And after we called it a night, we somehow winded up in this place. Not sure how, or why, but some elderly man with a beard and a pointy, star hat told us to wait here."

Y/N: "Wait... you met Master Yen Sid?"

M/N: "Is that what his name is?"

Y/N: "Yeah, he's sort of like a mentor to me. Did he tell you anything else other than to wait here for me?"

D/N: "No, he seemed cryptic about it."

Y/N: "I figured as much. In that case, come with me. There's something I wanna show you all."

M/N: "Okay, but... why are you taking the elevator? Wouldn't the residents here get upset if you showed up unannounced?"

Y/N: "Not really. They know me quite well and I come and go from here as much as I please. Here, I'll show you why."

D/N: "If you say so."

You then guide your parents and Baymax into the elevator and take them all the way up to the top floor. As soon as the doors open up, you and your parents take in the sight of the dream home they never thought would be possible to live in.

D/N: "Are you sure we're in the right place?"

M/N: "It feels like a dream!"

Y/N: "I'm positive this is the place." *thinks* "Did Yen Sid have something to do with the remodeling, or did he have some help from my wives in sprucing the place up?"

Just then, you and your parents hear what sound like footsteps and from around the corner, you spot all of your wives coming out from one of the hallways before spotting you.

Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel and her sisters all emerge and all of her sisters appear to be in their human forms.

Your wives: "Y/N!"

Y/N: "I'm home!"

Your parents: "WHAT?!"

All your wives rush over and hug you in a big group hug and you hug them back, giving each of them a kiss.

M/N: "Wh-Wh-What is all this?! 

D/N: "Either this is a dream or we've gone koo-koo!"

Baymax: "My sensors indicate this is all indeed reality."

Snow: "Honey, we've missed you so much! How did it go with your adventures, did you make any new friends?"

Cinderella: "You didn't get hurt too badly, did you?"

???: "Alright! Alright, ladies! Give the guy some room to breathe, he just barely got home!"

Suddenly, another familiar face shows up and you recognize her  even in her human form.

Y/N: "Hi, Vitani. It's been a while."

Vitani: "Sure has. Glad to have you back. By the way, who are those people behind you and... what's that?"

She gestures to both your parents and Baymax.

Y/N: "Oh right. Everyone, these are my parents. My mom, M/N and my dad, D/N, they're the reason I exist. And this helpful guy chilling out next to my parents is Baymax. He's a robot who's programmed by a good friend of mine to be our personal... healthcare companion."

Baymax: "Hello."

Y/N: "Mom, dad, these are my beautiful wives. There's Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Attina, Alana, Aquata, Arista, Adella, Andrina and lastly, there's Vitani."

The two parties exchange greetings before your mom taps you on the shoulder and says this.

M/N: "Honey, can we have a word, please?"

Y/N: "Sure." *to your wives* "Honeys, I'll be back in a minute, my parents and I need to talk."

Aurora: "You sure?"

Y/N: "Don't worry, I'll be quick about it."

You then follow your parents to a secluded spot. And to make sure no one was listening, you made sure to completely seal off the door after closing it, making the room soundproof.

Y/N: "Alright... I know what you're thinking... how the hell am I married to Disney Princesses?"

D/N: "Uh yeah, I'd like to know, too. And how are you married to MORE THAN ONE princess?"

Y/N: "The Disney universe became real as soon as I died from getting hit by the train. I was reincarnated in Snow White's world first and... after she and I got married, we were pulled from her world and she came to this world with some help from me and Yen Sid."

M/N: "But... that just can't be, magic isn't real!"

Y/N: "It wasn't real in our old world, but it IS in this realm. You see, this world we're in... is actually my new domain. Master Yen Sid gave me this new world so I could start a new life here, but... being in a new world... I also have a task that can't be ignored."

D/N: "What do you mean?"

Y/N: "Apparently... I am not only a permenant resident here, but apparently, being the owner of this castle means I have to take charge and in order to ensure my reign as king doesn't end... I have to produce some offsprings and that means... finding suitabl brides."


D/N: "You... You mean to tell me that... you've been traveling from world to world, collecting wives as you go? I... I dunno whether to be proud or... disappointed about this."

Y/N: "I know what you're thinking. And you're wrong. Every single one of those ladies you saw just now, I love and care about each and every one of them with all my heart. I will admit, it's going to be a tough job what with me being their only husband. But I have to try, otherwise how can I call myself a proper husband? After all... I know of some other people who made their marriage work."

M/N: "Who?"

Y/N: "You, of course. *they flinch in surprise* If anyone is living proof that they can make their marriage work, it's you two. You made it work because you had each other to support and on top of that... you had me, so I take it that made you extra devoted, right?"

D/N: "I... wow, son. You sure have changed a lot since we lost you, when did you get this wise?"

Y/N: "Let's just say... I've learned a lot since I began my newfound journey and now that you're here... I finally got the chance to introduce you all to my beloved wives. They've all been wanting to meet you, even though I had no way of bringing you here."

M/N: "How come, sweetie?"

Y/N: "Because my magic isn't as strong as Yen Sid's. He's had lots more years of experience with this sort of thing."

D/N: "Ah, I see. Well, you'd better hit those books if you ever wanna measure up to him."

Y/N: "Psh, yeah right, that'll never happen! But I definitely will try and learn more about the different magical spells." *thinks* "At this rate, I have no choice but to learn them. I can't use the keyblade as I am now, so I have to improvise and broaden my horizons. Hopefully, next time I won't have to resort to turning into that monstrous dark form, that... that insidious and savage Anti-Y/N form."

M/N: "Is everything alright, sweetie?"

Y/N: "Yeah, it's fine. But, uh... one more thing. Don't bring up the fact that they existed in movies I used to watch when I was a kid, otherwise they might begin to ask some difficult questions, ones that might be too difficult to answer and they might take it the wrong way."

D/N: "Well... okay, we'll try to make sure to keep that part a secret, mostly because they'll think everything up to this point might've been a lie or a huge mistake."

Y/N: "Exactly."

M/N: "You have our word, honey."

Y/N: "Thanks, you two. Now then, let's go on and head out so you can properly get accquainted with my wives. I'm sure they've got lots of stories to tell you about how they met me."

D/N: "Oh, I'm sure they do. But... *sly grin, smug* have we got some stories to tell them about you as well."

M/N: "Ooh! It's a good thing that kind wizard was nice enough to teleport our picture books with us to this place."

At this point... all you can think of to say is...

And so, after the little talk with mom and dad and clearing things up with them, you all make it back to the living room where your wives begin to talk with your parents, telling stories about your valiant adventures throughout their worlds and others places. Meanwhile, you're sitting and chilling on the couch.

Needless to say, your parents were impressed upon hearing about your accomplishments in the worlds you visited. The villains you beat, whether by sending them off to prison, or to their graves, either way, you certainly made a name for yourself. And your parents couldn't have been more proud of all you've done.

Then... the worst moment for any child. Your parents showing everyone the pictures of you as a baby... one of the most humiliating moments for any child ever, no matter how old you are. And yet, your wives find you so adorable in them, so much so that most of them are actually hoping to have a bundle of joy of their own.

And that is when your trusty friend spoke up.

Baymax: "It's already happening."

Y/N: "Hmm?"

M/N: "What's that, Baymax?"

D/N: "Yeah, what's happening?"

Baymax: "My sensors indicate signs of life being created inside both Snow White and Cinderella."

D/N: "Life signs? Son, does this..."

Y/N: "I was kinda hoping to surprise you guys, but yeah. Mom... dad... I'm going to be a father. And you're going to be grandparents."

Snow: "That's right. Cinderella and I are pregnant."

Your parents sit there on the couch, their jaws, hitting the floor until your mom screams out loud like a crazed fangirl. Next, your dad jumps up and pumps his fist in the air. Both of them surprising your wives, including you, thinking they'd react differently.


M/N: *proudly* "Grandma's gonna spoil her grandbabies!!!"

Aurora: "I have to admit, your parents seem ecstatic."

Y/N: "Yeah, though I wonder if they'll keep reacting that way when I bring more and more kids into this world. If not, I wouldn't be surprised since I'm probably gonna be PACKED with kids and on top of that... well... I'll worry about that when the time comes."

Ariel: "Same here. By the way, do they know about what happened after you took me and my sisters in?"

Y/N: "No, and... quite frankly... I'm not sure I can stomach telling them what recently happened."

M/N: "Hmm? What do you mean, sweetie? What happened?

D/N: "Yeah, how bad could it be?"

Y/N: "...It... was a difficult journey with many hard choices, but if you all wanna hear the story, I'll tell you everything."

Vitani: "If you want, I can confirm the events that happened as an eye witness and even give my side of the story."

Snow: "Honey... what happened?"

[Loop the video because he's gonna tell a long story.]

Y/N: "...Listen carefully, because what Vitani and I need to tell you is something I've been meaning to tell you for a while. And it all started when Yen Sid helped send me back to the Pride Lands to see how Simba and his family were doing all this time."

"It was nighttime and I decided to see Rafiki. I was told that recently... Kiara, Simba's daughter, had met this cub named Kovu."

Vitani: "He's my younger brother."

M/N: "Younger... brother?"

D/N: "Wait, you said he was a cub. Do you mean a lion cub?"

Y/N: "Yes. Vitani here, is actually a lioness."

Vitani: "Yen Sid gave me a special, magic ring that allowed me to transform between my human form and lion form at will."

The lioness then used her ring and engulfed herself in a light for a brief moment before showing her lion form. 

Vitani: "Relax... I'm not gonna eat anyone." *changes back* 

Y/N: "Anyways, when I got to the Pride Lands, things weren't going so well, because Scar had met this lioness, Zira, who was Vitani's mother and she was hellbent on overthrowing and killing me and Simba all because I exiled Scar from the Pride Lands last time."

D/N: "How come you weren't eaten?"

Y/N: "My magic transformed me into a lion when I visited the Pride Lands, so I could adjust to my new surroundings. Since humans and wild life didn't mix, I had to put on my lion facade to blend in with the crowd and try not to make too many enemies."

"Anyways, Rafiki was running out of options on how to solve th dilemma with the outlanders, so I suggested that we unite Kovu and Kiara together because I felt like this would be the best path to stopping a war between the outlands and the Pride Lands."

"Rafiki was against the idea at first, but I convinced him. So, the plan was in motion and next morning I paid a visit to Pride Rock and noticed that that day... was Kiara's first hunt. I... was absolutely proud of how much she had grown."

D/N: "Why do you sound like a proud parent?"

Y/N: "Because Kiara happens to be my goddaughter. I baptized her on the day of her birth when Simba and Nala asked me."

Everyone: "Awww."

Y/N: "Yeah. So, Kiara was ready to hunt and headed off to provide for her family, but... Simba just wasn't ready to let go. He sent Timon and Pumbaa to "make sure she doesn't get hurt."

M/N: "I wouldn't blame him, I mean I'd be scared, too."

Y/N: "Yes, but... Simba was too absorbed into being a father that he'd rather keep all eyes on his daughter at all times. And she wasn't even a cub anymore, so naturally, Kiara found out and she was VERY disappointed that her father lied about letting her go alone. And when she ran further out... a fire had been started."

M/N: "Oh dear! What happened?"

Vitani: "That... was me and my older brother, Nuka. Mother told us to set the hunting grounds on fire and we did so using these burning wooden sticks so she could begin phase 2; Having Kovu rush into the flames and rescue Kiara from death."

D/N: "But... why set up something to make him look like the good guy, I just don't understand."

Vitani: "Her plan was to have Kovu get close enough to Kiara so she can get close to Simba. And after he gets Simba alone, she'll have Kovu kill him while she and Scar went for Y/N."

D/N: "What?! That's awful!"

Y/N: "Yes. And so far, Kovu DID rescue Kiara and up until that point, Simba and I arrived on scene with a few others. There was tension between everyone and... I added fuel to the fire when I told Simba it was his fault for being so overbearing and overprotective of his "adult" daughter and he did not like being called out."

Cinderella: "I can understand that. No parent likes to be told how to do their job as a parent."

Y/N: "Yeah. Just then, Rafiki put it out halfway by calling out Kovu's heroics while Zazu explained how Simba was indebted to Kovu for saving Kiara's life and while he was skeptical about Kovu, he decided to let him into his pride... but not entirely, though. At first, Simba wouldn't let him sleep in the den and I was getting fed up with Simba's stubbornness, so I decided to sleep outside instead."

"Morning arrived and... Simba and I got to talking. He was having doubts about whether or not he was a good parent. I told him that he is a good father, but he needs to learn to balance out his royal duties and his parental duties properly and because Kiara is all grown up, he has to learn to let her be her own lioness."

Attina: "Since when did you get so wise?"

Y/N: "When you spend 4 years in the Pride Lands after saving a king and a prince from death, you tend to pick up on certain life lessons and they stick to you for a long time."

Everyone: "FOUR YEARS?!"

M/N: "But... honey, you're still 19!"

Y/N: "Physically, yes. But time works different between this world and the worlds I travel to. For example, I spend 4 years in the Pride Lands, which equals to 4 days here. I then spend 2 years being married to Ariel and her sisters in their world. That's 2 days here. So, technically that makes me 25 years old."

[Y/N's age: (physically) 19, (techically) 25]

Y/N: "Anyways... After my talk with Simba, I then got approached by his parents on a serious matter regarding him. Needless to say... I was horrified when they told me something I never wanted to hear, because it went against everything I stood for."

Parents: "What?"

Y/N: "If Simba doesn't shape up, they'd use their authority to strip him of his title as King of the Pride Lands and then leadership would fall onto me until Simba was ready to rule... again."

Everyone gasped.

D/N: "Did... Did it happen?"

Y/N: "Unfortunately, it did. And here's how and why. On that same day, Kovu and Kiara were having a fun time with each other thanks to some help with Rafiki uniting them. Later that night, Simba finally allowed Kovu to sleep in the den, thanks to some convincing from Nala."

Vitani: "Around that time, I was waiting for Kovu to kill Simba, but he never did, so the next day, we hatched a backup plan. We would scout and observe Kovu and Simba to see where we could ambush them, along with Y/N and act like this was Kovu's plan."

Y/N: "Simba fell for it and we both got attacked by the unrelenting fury of the outlanders and we wound up at the bottom of a dried up river that was blocked by an unstable dam."

M/N: "Oh no! What happened?"

Y/N: "Simba managed to escape, but I stayed behind when I noticed that Nuka had lost his footing trying to knab Simba. He got trapped between two logs and almost got crushed to death by a falling log, but... I jumped in and used all my power to break the log with my two hinde paws and let out my fiercest lion roar!"

Alana: "You saved her brother? But... why? He's the enemy!"

Y/N: "Because no matter how evil she may be, I couldn't let Zira suffer the loss of one of her own flesh and blood. Nuka was her first born and I wasn't planning on letting him die in front of her... and so, his life was spared and he still breathes to this day."

Aquata: "You... truly are a hero."

Y/N: "Yes, but... I'm not perfect. I still made one big mistake that still haunts me to this day. However, I'll get to that soon, but right now, after Nuka was savd, Zira wanted to take her anger out on someone and she did so... on her youngest son, Kovu. Smacked him right upside the head and left a scar over his eye."

Arista: "That's awful!"

Y/N: "Understatement of the decade. I was LIVID! I scolded Zira for being an abusive mother and causing more pain. But nay, all she cared about was the fact that Simba got away and she blamed Kovu for allowing it to happen and almost caused his brother's death. Kovu... was wracked with guilt and ran off, so I chased after him, hoping I could at least settle his nerves down a little bit."

Vitani: "When he saved Nuka... I began to see him from a new perspective and... believe it or not, so did Scar and Nuka. We were beginning to 2nd guess whether what we were doing was right or not, even when our mother decided to take the Pride Lands by force."

Y/N: "When Kovu and I got back to the Pride Lands... every other species of animals were there and they heard about the ambush. I told Kovu that I'd try to talk to Simba about what really happened, but... he wasn't having it because he was still very angry with Kovu, thinking he orchestrated the attack on us. And as a result... Kovu was exiled from the Pride Lands unfairly without speaking."

Adella: "That... must've been horrible."

Y/N: "It was. And it got worse from there. I got into a fight with Simba about his stubborn attitude and close-minded way of thinking, including his overprotective toxicity, which made him very mad and we were almost at the point of sinking our fangs into each other."

Andrina: "Oh please no! Anything but that!"

Y/N: "Thankfully, Mufasa and Sarabi, or... Simba's parents, stepped in and stopped us before that ever happened. But... unfortunately, my worse fears came to pass. Mufasa and Sarabi stripped Simba of his title and appointed me as the ruler of the Pride Lands."

Ariel: "Oh no! What happened after that?"

Y/N: "Simba... had lost all respect for me in that moment. He started rambling on about how this was my plan from the beginning. But I tried to tell him I didn't want the throne, yet he refused to listen to reason and took off in a blind rage, leaving me to govern the wildlife kingdom. As much as I hated to admit it... I was stuck there and decided to fill in until Simba was deemed ready to rule again."

Cinderella: "Where was Kiara at the time?"

Y/N: "Kiara was crossed with Simba and took off by escaping through a small crack behind Pride Rock from the inside. She met up with Kovu and were making their way back home. I, on the other hand, had to go out in the storm to prevent a war. Zira had arrived with her pride and she was out for blood, big time. Before we could fight, I asked her what she'll do if she wins and takes the Pride Lands."

Vitani: "And she explained how she was going to dominate over the weak-willed so the strong can prosper."

Y/N: "It was clear to me that she wasn't in any mood to reconsile and things only got more heated when Simba showed up. By that point, all hell broke loose. Zira's pride and Pride Land lionesses were locked in an epic struggle while I was trying to stop Simba. He came at me with unrelenting fury, clawing and biting at me... while I refused to fight him back, because it wouldn't solve anything."

D/N: "That's horrible!"

Aurora: "Please tell me things settled down."

Y/N: "Almost. Zira decided to go after Simba after I was too wounded to fight back, but before they could clash, Kiara and Kovu stopped them and finally opened up everyone's eyes. Kiara was told by a wise king "We are one," and how she finally understood the meaning. After taking another careful look around him, the outlanders and his own pride... he realized that Kiara was right all along."

Vitani: "Zira, unmoved by this, ordered me to attack, but me, my brother and Scar, along with all the other lionesses eventually turned against her and chose peace over war. But mother would never let it go, so... she took one last gamble... and charged at Simba."

Y/N: "That's... when everything went downhill from there."

Vitani: "You're... still torn up about it, huh?"

D/N: "What's wrong, son?"

Y/N: "Kiara and I tried to save Zira and Scar. You see... Scar decided to defend his nephew, Simba by tackling Zira down into the steep gorge and the two were stuck against the stone walls as the dam that blocked the river finally broke and the rushing rapids filled the gorge with a raging current that swallows up anything."

M/N: "Oh no!"

Y/N: "Yes... and I tried my hardest to save him. I even pleaded for him to keep trying because I knew that deep down, there was still good in him and I wanted everyone to know. But... Scar told me that... it was too late for him and it would only be a matter of time. If only I had been faster and stronger, he would've still been alive and making amends with his family... but he chose another way."

Cinderella: "Did he..."

Y/N: *trembling, slightly sobbing* "Yes... in his final moments, he whispered in my ear... "Long live the king." And with his last strength, he jumped at Zira and pulled her into the gorge with him, shoting his farewell before the river swept them both away. Scar... had sacrificed himself to save his family... and I was... broken up. Even now... I can't get over the fact that I had failed to save one lion."

"I DIDN'T DESERVE TO BE CALLED A HERO!!! And that... is exactly what happened after my adventures in the Pride Lands came to an end and why it still haunts me to this day."

Snow: "Oh, dear... I'm so sorry you feel this way."

Vitani: "But you left out something important. Scar wouldn't have wanted you to feel guilty for what he chose to do. He knew you had your own limitations and he had his. I know you wanted him to live, but sometimes there's no way save someone once they've made up their mind, but don't think of this as the end... think of it as a lesson to take to heart and fight to protect those who're still alive."

D/N: "She's right, son. The hardest part about the job is... you can't always save everyone."

M/N: "And besides, sweetie. The fact that you still care enough to keep trying, it shows that you're already an amazing hero. Never lose sight of who you truly are and you'll be fine. And on top of that, you've always got us to have your back, no matter what. So... do you feel any better now after that little talk?"

[Music loop stops here]

Y/N: "Y...Yeah... thanks, everyone."

Soon, your wives, parents and even Baymax lean in and group hug you, after having recovered from that telling that long story of your perilous journeys around the Pride Lands. It felt good to finally let it all out, including shedding a few tears as well. Having kept those emotions bottled up inside you was so taxing.

And now that that's passed, it was only a matter of time before things in the house would get heated up really quick. Hope you've got enough stamina and fuel in the tank, because you'll be stuffing some turkeys... and I mean LOTS of turkeys.

[A/N: "That concludes the first part of the intermission. I bet you're glad to know Y/N's parents are here. I decided to have Yen Sid bring them here because it wouldn't feel right to have them be all alone without their son and plus... they will now be staying in this new world and live in the castle as well. Anyways, hope you enjoyed, I got more chapters to come, so stay tuned.]

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