
The light faded from your eyesight and the scenery before you began to clear up as you find yourself in your brand new home... or should you say... your brand new paradise.

This new world... was unlike any other. It's like stepping into the future and it was all yours. Well, technically, you don't own any of the land, you just live in this new land. And what a land it is, it's even got places from your old home, including some of the biggest food chains, grocery stores and electronic stores as well.

But even so... there's still the bit of the matter of finding where you live, along with your two loving wives. Just then, your keyblade appeared on your hand, only this time... it was the size of a house key for some strange reason and not its usual sword size.

Next thing you knew, it starts glowing and levitates off your hand, pointing in a random direction as if it's trying to lead you somewhere, but you don't know where... but you do have a hunch.

Grabbing it, you walk down the busy sidewalk, allowing your key to guide you to where you need to go. With every twist and turn, you'd think this entire city was a more advanced labyrinth compared to the busy streets of New York back in your world.

Eventually, after 30 minutes of endless walking, the keyblade glew brighter, pointing straight ahead of you. You looked up ahead and your jaw drops to the ground.

[The big building on the right is your home]

You're not sure how or why, but for some reason this building, this... gigantic heaven-piercing building might actually be where you're supposed to live at.

Y/N: "What... the... actual... fuck? Well... might as well check the place out and see if I got the right place."

You made your way to the front entrance of the building and the place had an advanced security system that could keep out just about anybody who'd try to break into this thing. First, your body was scanned, then a computer monitor got in your face along with a mic.

Com voice: "Please state your name."

Y/N: "Uh... Y/N L/N."

Com voice: "Processing..." *computer noises* "Welcome home, Master Y/N, would you like to head straight to the top floor?"

Y/N: *thinks* "Whoa, wait... Master? That's kinda pushing it, but I shouldn't complain too much about it." *aloud* "Yes please and how are my wives doing so far?"

Com voice: "Snow White and Cinderella are both at the top floor, waiting for your return."

Y/N: "Alright. Don't tell them I'm here. I want to surprise them when I get to the top floor."

Com voice: "Understood. Please enter."

The monitor then retracted into its original spot and the doors open up, letting you inside. You look around and notice the lobby was extremely spacious from your perspective. But you'll worry about that later after you say hello to your beloveds.

You make your way towards what appears to be the elevator. You step inside and check which floor was the top one. Come to find out, it's actually the 50th floor.

Y/N: "Just... how?!"

At this point, you're wondering if it has something to do with the magic of Disney or something. Oh well, you press the button and soon, the elevator SHOOTS UP at great speeds. You reach the 50th floor and as soon as the doors open, you just keep getting surprised.

The whole place was luxurious and beautiful. You internally thanked Yen Sid for blessing you with such an amazing home. And now... it's time to surprise your wives.

Y/N: *clears throat* "HONEYS, I'M HOME!!!"

Just then, you hear the sound of pitter-pattering feet and sure enough, both Snow White and Cinderella show up from around the corner, Snow in her usual blue and yellow clothing and finally, there's Cinderella in her dish maiden outfit.

Snow: "Sweetheart!"

Cinderella: "About time you came home!"

Both ladies run up to you, group-hugging you. You hug them back and peck them both on the lips before setting yourself down on the comfy bed, as do your wives.

Snow: "So, honey, how was your adventure?"

Cinderella: "Was it any fun? Was it dangerous?"

You chuckle at their enthusiasm before filling them in on all the details that went on during your stay in the Pride Lands. The two were left speechless at how dangerous things got for you when you got dog piled by those nasty hyenas and almost eaten alive.

Luckily, now that the war's over and the land has a new king, you got to leave with no regrets. And both Cindy and Snow were relieved to have you back with them... for the time being.

Cindy: "You know, you really had us worried. But at least now we have you all to ourselves."

Snow: "You must be hungry from all the traveling and fighting you've done, right dear?"

Y/N: "I sure am."

And the two lovely ladies waste no time in rushing to the kitchen and start whipping up a nice, tasty homemade dinner for you. Meanwhile, you just lay all cozy and comfy in your bed. You let out a long sigh of relief after all that running around, gathering your very own harem and honing your combat skills... as a lion.

These adventures were unlike anything you've experienced back home, exciting, yet extremely exhausting at the same time. You look over and watch your two lovely ladies moving around and prepping a feast, smiling at how hard they're working for you.

Y/N: *thinking* "Look at them, working their fingers to the bone all to welcome me home. I've had such an incredible adventure so far that... I just hope I can make it last somehow. The moment I finish my R&R, it's back to world-hopping I go. Although... I wonder who's gonna be next on my list to add to my harem. Well, one thing I know is... I'm gonna visit the Pride Lands again after this."

Almost an hour later, Snow and Cindy both set up the table and came over to get you.

Snow: "Dinnertime, honey."

Cindy: "Hope you're hungry, dear."

Y/N: "You have no idea."

You quickly get up from the bed and walk towards the dining table, having a gander at the stupendous spread. Cinderella and Snow had prepared some tasty roast beef, French onion soup, taragan mashed potatoes, freshly baked baguettes, a lovely box of truffles and... for dessert... Cinderella's homemade chocolate pudding, along with a freshly baked gooseberry pie made by Snow White.

Y/N: "Wow... it looks so... delicious."

Cindy: "You might want to wash your hands though."

Snow: "Or you will not get a bite to eat."

Y/N: "You don't gotta tell me twice, my dears."

You willingly went over to the sink and washed your hands before returning to the table and sat down in your chair. Cinderella pours you a cup of ice cold water, then to Snow and herself before sitting herself down, scooching up close to the table.

Snow: "Okay. Before we eat our scrumptous meal, why won't we have our Y/N make a toast?"

Cindy: "Sounds great. What do you say?"

Y/N: "Alright then," 

You grab your cup and stand up with your wives. You look both of them in the eye before clearing your throat.

Y/N: "I've been through all sorts of ups and downs in my lifetime, can't tell you how, but I've pulled through every time. And nowadays, I've come to find a new life and adventure that I will always cherish to this day until the day my time comes. And I just wanna say... that you girls... will always be my greatest adventure. A toast to our most glorious, wonderful life of romance and adventure!"

You clink your cups together before taking a sip and sitting back down and finally serving yourselves a plate of food. Everything tastes so good and so fresh, too. The roast beef was nice and juicy, even easy enough to through like butter. The soup was divine and the mashed potatoes were out of this world.

Later on, after dinner and dessert, you slumped back against your chair, sighing in relief. 

Y/N: "Oh man, I'm so full, I might not have to eat another bite for at least a whole year."

Cindy: "That'll be the day."

Snow: "Still, eating 3 whole slices of my pie and 3 servings of Cinderella's pudding, you must have a big appetite."

Y/N: "Trust me, my appetite changes every now and then, like sometimes I'll only eat small portions and sometimes, I'll eat huge portions, like I just did earlier. It's different every time. But anyways, I'm gonna go ahead and take a shower."

Then, the two wives looked at you with concern.

Snow: "Uh... shower?"

Y/N: "It's uh... sort of like how Cinderella has her bird friends help her with a sponge bath, only... here, I'll show you."

So, your wives follow you into the bathroom where, you gotta say, looks pretty fancy, too.

Y/N: "Wow... this place just keeps getting fancier and fancier, talk about going the extra mile."

Snow: "What... is this?"

Cindy: "It's unlike any bathroom I know."

Y/N: "Well, that's mostly because you girl haven't seen the kind of stuff I'm used to since I'm from another world. Here, I'll show you how it works in case you wanna bathe easier."

So, you gave your wives the details on how the shower works, how to make it run soft, or hard, even how to control the temperature of the water and how to turn it off.

Snow: "Still... I never expected something like this could exist, it feels so... so new to me."

Cindy: "I agree. And all I've been doing is cleaning myself with a water-soaked sponge every morning, and believe me, it's so cold, especially when it splashes all over you."

Y/N: "If that's how you ladies feel, then let me be the first to say "welcome to the future!"

Your wives giggled at your enthusiasm.

Snow: "Oh you!"

Cindy: "Come on, Snow. Let's let Y/N wash himself. He's been through a lot lately, so let's wait and relax a little."

Snow: "Alright then."

And soon, the ladies escorted themselves out of the bathroom, leaving you all alone to finally do your business. You strip yourself naked and then step into the shower, adjust the temperature and put it on medium blast before feeling the shower water beat down on you.

Y/N: "Ahhh. That feels so good."

The water from the shower drain continues to rain down and dance upon your entire body, soaking you from head to toe slowly, but surely and you merely stand there. Eyes closes, mouth gaping open, head slightly pointed up, it was absolute heaven. Why, you can't even remember the last time you had a proper shower.

You keep standing there, soaking up the tap water as it washes the dirt off your entire body. After about 5 minutes or so, you grabbed your shampoo and started washing out your dirty hair and let the water rinse it off as all the dirt and dust (you couldn't see) washes down the drain, leaving your hair smelling nice and fresh.

Now, onto your body. You grab your bath sponge and get some body wash on it before scrubbing yourself thoroughly. This was well worth the wait after traveling from world to world. In a way, it's like being reborn all over again and it feels so warm.

Soon, after you finished, you were about to turn off the water when suddenly, you felt something wrap around your torso and two soft, fleshy bumps pressing against your back.

You look over your shoulder and find out who it is.

Y/N: "Snow? What are you doing?"

Snow: "It's been too long since we last had any interaction with one another and I've missed you so much. Who knows how long you'll be away next time when you bring more wives. That's why I've decided that I'm going to make the time last with you."

Cindy: *walking in* "She's right you know."

You and Snow turn to see Cinderella walking in while she removes her own clothes until she was just as naked as you and Snow.

Cindy: "Every day, she and I would wait for you join us and hoping you'd make it back safely. At one point, Snow cried herself to sleep because of how much she missed you."

Y/N: *wracked with guilt* "Aww, Snow. I... I'm so sorry."

Snow: "It's okay now, Y/N. I know you didn't mean it. This is just something I'll have to get used to when you head out again. But just know this, no matter where you go, no matter what kind of trouble you're in... we'll always be there for you in the end."

Before you knew it, Cinderella was now in the shower with you, hugging you from the front. How lucky can you get?

Y/N: "Aww, Snow, Cindy. You know what, you're right. If I'm ever in a jam, I know I've got your love and support to back me up, so thank you both for being such amazing wives."


Snow: "Oh, Y/N..."

Cindy: "Come here, dear..."

Y/N: "My beloved Snow and Cindy..."

No more words were said as Snow moved to the front and was the first to capture your lips. She doesn't beat around the bush when it comes to her love and affection towards you. After about 15 seconds, you turn to Cinderella and lock lips with her.

While having some lip action with Cindy, she and Snow start pulling down on your shoulders. You sit down just like they want you to and lean against the glass for support. Next, your two queens give you and your... stiff little friend the "royal" treatment.

You feel both pairs of breasts surround your stiff meat pole, rubbing together while they lick and suck on your meatsicle. With the shower water still beating down on you three, you gaze at your horny wives, feeling your heart skip a beat by their natural beauty.

Y/N: *thinks* "Why are they so sexy when they're wet?"

That... is one of life's great questions. But as you contemplate this question, Snow moves away from your manly stick and leans against you, pressing her beautiful, naked body against you. She wraps her soft, smooth arms around your neck, gazing at you with her half-lidded eyes before closing the gap.

Her soft lips touch yours in yet another passionate make-out session as she moans softly. Cinderella, on the other hand, goes full titty-fuck blowjob combo on you. You wrap one arm around Snow, caressing her naked figure, even touching her cute, soft, round butt and place your other and on Cindy's head.

You stroke Cindy's wet hair while she bobs her head up and down on your meat volcano. She moans and hums, enjoying the love she was being given by you. So much so, she sucks on your harder while you keep getting some lip action with Snow.

Her tongue dances elegantly with yours. Snow's soft, cute moans ring true to your ears, as does the sound of the shower rainfall. Snow then pulls away, gasping for air, blushing beautifully. Next, she leans up and pushes her chest against your face.

Snow: "You can play with them."

Play? Oh no, you don't just play with such bountiful, majestic jugs like these all willy-nilly. You worship them, smother them... and most important of all... you love them. And so you do by nuzzling into them and kissing Snow's subtle rack and massaging them.

Snow's soft, subtle gasps are a clear sign you're treating her two special girls right and she loves it to death.

Meanwhile with Cinderella, who's working your cock well, she has now taken the extreme route of not only sucking on your "beef boy," but also your two delicious nuts, too. Your body jolts from this intense pleasure and you stiffen up from this.

Cinderella was hella thirsty at this point and who could blame her with how long she waited for you to come home. Still, it surprises you that she's even able to fit your entire length AND your two large coconut-sized family jewels into her mouth.

This would be a first for you and it feels so good. So good that you feel your lower regions tingle from her efforts.

Y/N: "C-C-Cindy... I can't..."

And this time, Cindy stops and lets go of your girthy meat rod and ballsack, panting heavily after enjoying her snack. She then crawls behind Snow and puts her hands on Snow's hips. 

Cindy: "Then let's take care of this... the right way."

The naked dish maiden helped move the fairest of them all right on top of your still-hardened little friend. Snow then adjusted herself and your beef pole until you feel it enter her. Snow grabs onto your shoulders and slowly rides your massive girth.

Snow moans in delight, having missed this sensation for so long, she wanted to lose control. Yet, at the same time, she wants to savor it just like she did the first time.

Meanwhile, for Cindy, she takes a seat next to you with her back turned to you, relaxing with you under the warm shower water. 

Cindy: "Aren't you gonna service me... dear?" 

Y/N: "Absolutely, honey."

Dividing your attention to Cindy, you wrap one arm around her and cup one of her soft, wet, bountiful bosoms. She moans softly while playing with herself as you fondle her jug. You wrap your other arm around Snow while she's still riding you.

Despite having lost her virginity, Snow's insides are tighter than ever, squeezing your manhood like a vice grip. Yet, thanks to her juices and the shower water, you still slide in and out with ease, reaching so deep into her moist, warm depths. 

Wet slaps and lewd moans ring beautifully in your ears. Cinderella then turns around and leans up to you, capturing your lips. Oh, how you love those warm, wet lips of hers. Her tongue dancing with yours, just as elegantly as the two of you did at the ball.

Your body tingles from how good it feels, having your two, loving queens pleasure you and smother you with their love. So much so that you can feel your lower regions churning. You try to warn Snow White, but Cinderella doesn't allow it.

She keeps making out with you, wrapping her arms around your neck, locking you in place. Your eyes turn to Snow, then back Cinderella every few seconds, wondering if they planned this. Snow's pace was getting faster and Cindy's practically silencing you.

And soon... your massive volcano explodes inside fairest of them all, gushing at a rapid pace, filling up every nook and cranny of her love tunnel with your man milk. Snow White screams in ecstasy, holding onto you for dear life, arching her head back.

Your massive thing keeps throbbing and pumping away, eventually having her stomach bloat a little bit. After that sweet love session with Snow, she collapses onto you, out of breath. Cindy then lets go of your lips, licking her own as she stares into your eyes.

Y/N: "Geez, you two really know how to push my buttons."

Cindy: "Can you blame us? You're gonna be hopping from world to world, making your family and kingdom bigger and bigger. And when the time comes for you to settle down for some R&R, you can bet we'll always be waiting for you to spend quality time."

Y/N: "And I'll cherish every moment."

In that moment, Cindy's eyes look to be sparkling. Looking into those crystal blue eyes of hers, you can just tell she loves you dearly and knowing you'll always find time for her, Snow and whatever other wives you bring home, makes her happy. It's just as the old saying goes from a certain bird; Happy wife, happy life.

Finally, you stand up, lifting Cinderella up to her feet as well, then plant one more kiss on her soft, warm, wet lips. Afterwards, she turns around and leans against the wall. Looking right over her shoulder, she gives you a teasing smirk while shaking her round bottom.

And white a sight to behold. This session wasn't even close to finished as Cindy wanted some of that hot, sticky love, too. As she waits and shakes her naked ass, you grab her two hot buns, making this cute, sexy dish maiden yelp and giggle a little. You guide your meat piston into her warm, wet passage and reach deep.

Cindy: "Mmm! Have you gotten bigger since last time?"

Y/N: "I dunno, how about I... demonstrate and you tell me if I've gotten bigger or not since I've been gone."

But before she could answer, you began your thrusting rhythm, ravaging her secret spot. Cindy lets out moans of pleasure, doing her best to keep herself standing. Each time you slam home inside her love dungeon, you keep knocking against her womb entrance. You also frequently hit her sweet spots like a pro.

Each time you did, her walls would clamp hard around your massive meat pole, or she'd cum a little bit. Though, the latter, you could barely feel due to the shower. Cinderella's head arches up frequently, still moaning like crazy, unable to control herself.

Your hips were now moving on their own. You spank Cinderella's plump rear and pick up your pace, panting heavily. Your session with Snow had nearly wiped you out. But then again, the more you do it, the more experience and more stamina you'll get, right? You're not sure how sex works, but you still learn as you go.

Anywho, you lean forward and caress Cinderella's perfect, glorious, naked body, giving it every ounce of love you can muster and driving her crazy for you. As she glances at you over her shoulder, you could've sworn you saw hearts in her eyes. You could also make out her heavy breathing, which sounded real shaky.

Her heavy, shaky breathing, mixed in with her moans of pleasure rang in your ears like a sweet, melodias symphony. As you continue to make wet plapping noises with this dish maiden of a queen, you began to feel your balls churn once again. Cinderella's inner walls clamp all around your massive phallus, ready to cum, too.

There was no need to warn her this time. You just speed up your rhythm, panting silently as you plow her deeper. In no time flat, the volcano down below erupted fiercely into her love cave. Cinderella couldn't stop herself from screaming to the heavens. She threw her head up, eyes shot upwards, big smile, tongue lolled out, her lady juices spraying your crotch and washing down the drain.

You grunt a few times, allowing your hardened member to throb and pump lots of hot jizz inside of her. Cinderella's legs quiver and look like they're about to buckle soon. At the same time, her stomach bulged out a bit from how much you've filled her up.

When all is said and done, you pull out of her used nether regions and turn your precious queen around, pulling her in a hug.

Y/N: *whispering* "How'd you like that?"

Cinderella: *exhausted* "Feels... so... good."

You stare into her eyes and capture her soft, wet, warm lips one last time before pulling away for some air.

After that fiasco, along with Snow White regaining consciousness, the three of you decide to wash up one last time before turning off the shower and exiting the bathroom together.

[Later that night]

As the night sky begins to blanket the land, you merely relax in bed with your two wives, all naked and buried under the blankets, snuggling up to each other to keep extra warm. However... the night was young and neither of you felt tired right now.

Snow: "Y/N, honey..."

Y/N: *looking up at the ceiling* "Hmm?"

Snow: "How long are you planning on staying here?"

Cinderella: "Are you planning on staying here for just today, or are you staying here for longer than that?"

Y/N: "Good question. Umm..." *thinks about it* "...How about this; every time I come home to relax, I'll stay here for at least 2 weeks just so we can spend some time together. There's no telling how long I'll be gone after I leave to expand our family."

Snow: "2 weeks? You'll stay here that long? I thought you'd only stay here for a couple of days."

Y/N: "No, Snow. When I said I wanted to spend as MUCH time with your girls as possible, I really meant it. 2 weeks should be more than enough time before I go out venturing."

Cinderella: "We understand. And we're grateful. Still, I'm gonna be honest about this; I've never, in my wildest dreams, thought it'd be possible to live this way. I always thought I had everything I needed when I used to live at my father's chateau. You know... after getting Drizella and my step mother arrested back then. But... now, here we are, resting in a place many would truly call... the lap of luxury."

Snow: "And it's all ours to keep. There's even a special room in this tower where the wild life can roam around peacefully. Sometimes, I like to visit my animal friends down there every now and then, just to stretch my legs out a little more, you know?"

Y/N: "I didn't know this place had a wildlife reserve floor. And yeah, living in a place like this is definitely far more different than how it was back at your old homes. It'll take some time to get used to, but I'm sure that within due time, it'll feel like home."

Cinderella: "Yes, but in the meantime..."

Just then, Snow (on your left) and Cinderella (on your right) both move themselves on top of you, grinning at you with their half-lidded, beautiful, star-spangled eyes.

Snow: "Would the king like a 2nd helping of his loving queens before he retires for the night?"

Y/N: ". . . Oh... this is going to be good."

And from that point on, the night continued with you and your two beautiful queens making sweet, sweet love. And within time, it won't be long before new life begins to grow. Better start buying some diapers, because you'll need LOTS of them.

As the journey continues...

[A/N: Alright, there you go. I've made the Intermission chapter, so I hope you like your new world, new home. I put a lot of thought and hard work into this chapter. But understand, ladies and gentlemen... this... is only the beginning.]

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