Cinderella Part 1
As you continue to drift through the rift onto the next world, you began to think about what kind of surprises were in store for you. It hurt you to have to leave Snow White in your new home all by herself, but at least she'll be safe and sound. Still, it was still a shock to you, knowing you had to wed several other girls.
It's even more shocking to hear Snow White's consent about it if it meant being able to stay in your brand new home. With that last thought, the light enveloped you, blinding you for a few seconds before everything went dark all around you.
While waking up, your eyes were trying to adjust to what looked like the night sky, but you kept seeing spots everywhere. You attempted to get up, but hit your head against something hard, making yourself dizzy and falling down unconscious.
You're not sure how long you've been unconscious, but as you woke up, you felt yourself being shaken side to side. Your eyes had now adjusted to the darkness of the night sky. Looking up, you notice a type of feminine figure sitting next to you.
Her clothes looked like they got into a fight with a lawn mower, yet her beauty seemed to make up for her torn rags.
???: "Are you okay?"
Y/N: (groans) "I... think so. (rubs your head) Ow! What exactly did I just hit when I was trying to get up?"
???: "Uh... that would be the bench you were laying under. But, I have to ask... how did you get here and who are you?"
Y/N: "I, uh... well, how I got here is kind of a long story. But... my name is Y/N L/N, I'm what you would consider... a wandering traveler, nothing more, nothing less. And... I don't mean to be rude, but... what exactly happened to your dress?"
The woman seemed a bit saddened when you brought up her dress, even though you meant no ill will.
???: "Oh, well... It's... kind complicated, so you might want to sit down, if you're willing to listen."
Y/N: "Sure, I'm all ears." (goes to sit on bench, thinks) "If my hunch is right, I think I might've figured out who's world this is. And if so, I might've arrived at the time after... the fight."
???: "First, let start off by introducing myself, since I forgot to tell you in the beginning. Hi... my name is Cinderella."
Y/N: (thinking) "Called it!" (aloud) "I see. Forgive me for being forward, but I gotta say, you're as lovely as your name."
Cinderella: (blushes slight) "Oh, umm... thanks. Anyways, recently today, we got a letter from the king, stating he was holding a ball in honor of welcoming home the prince. And it said that by royal command, every eligible maiden is to attend."
Y/N: "I see. Then... something happened to prevent you from going to the ball, I assume?"
Cinderella: "Afraid so. I was given so much work to do around my father's stately chateau by my step mother. When I thought I couldn't go, some... friends of mine helped improve my dress. I was about to join my step family on their way to the castle, but..."
Y/N: "...but she tricked you, didn't she?"
Cinderella: (nods sadly) "She hinted at my step sisters the accessories I used for my dress, Drizella's beads and Anastasia's sash, they torn them off and ruined my dress." (about to cry)
Y/N: "What? Gosh, that's awful. But wait... if this is your father's estate, why didn't he do anything to stop them?"
Cinderella: (choked up) "Because... he... he got sick and died back when I was just a little girl. And now... it feels like my dreams have been stomped on and I have nothing left."
In that moment, Cinderella began to cry to herself, but being the kind man you are, you rushed to her side and gave her hug. She sobbed on your shoulder quietly, sad and broken. The things her step family put her through, it makes your blood boil.
Y/N: "I'm sorry you went through all that. But... maybe there'll be another chance for you."
Cinderella: (sobbing) "Oh, no. No, it isn't true."
Y/N: "No? Come on, Cinderella, you can't give up, now."
Cinderella: (still sobbing) "It's just no use. No use at all."
Y/N: "Don't say that. You've just... gotta believe."
Cinderella: (sobbing) "I can't believe. Not anymore. There's nothing left to believe in. Nothing."
However, as you're trying to comfort her, you noticed some magic sparkles gathering around the two of you and sure enough, you see the Fairy Godmother appear before you.
F.G: "Nothing, my dear? Oh, now you don't really mean that."
Cinderella: "Oh, but I do--"
F.G: "Nonsense, child! If you'd lost all your faith, I couldn't be here. And here I am."
Realizing there's someone else here, Cinderella looks up and sees the Fairy Godmother right before her very eyes. You stood there, astonished to see her from this up close. She then takes notice of you and her warm smile still remains as warm as Spring.
F.G: "Ah, and how can I forget about you? I'm proud of the way to came to her aid, young man."
Y/N: "Uh... s-s-sure, anytime." (thinks) "Get it together, Y/N, you don't wanna look like a punk in front of the Fairy Godmother!"
F.G: (to Cinderella) "Oh, come now. Dry those tears. You can't go to the ball looking like that."
Cinderella: "The ball?"
Y/N: "Hold it, the ball?"
Cinderella: "Oh, but I'm not--"
F.G: "Of course you are. But we'll have to hurry, because even miracles take a little time."
Cinderella: "Miracles?"
F.G: "Mhmm. Watch." (looks for wand) "What in the world did I do with that magic wand? I was sure I...
Cinderella: "Magic wand?"
F.G: "That's strange. I-I always...
Cinderella: (realizes) "Then you must be..."
F.G: "Your Fairy Godmother? (nods) Of course." (frustrated) "Where IS that wand? I... (figures out) Oh, I forgot. I put it away." (summons her magic wand out of thin air.)
Both you and Cinderella are left speechless, but your reaction, that time, was just for show, so you could keep your cover.
Y/N: "Now that's magic."
F.G: "Now, let's see. Hmm. I-I'd say the first thing you need is, umm... (she points) a pumpkin."
Y/N: (thinks in head) "Oh snap... I forgot. This is also the part where she sings her magic spell. Better brace myself."
Cinderella: "A pumpkin?"
F.G: "Mhmm. Now, uh, the magic words."
[Stop the video at 0:43]
Even now, seeing how she transformed that simple pumpkin into a carriage was a hell of a jaw-dropping experience. Especially when you get to see it up close.
Cinderella: "Oh, it's beautiful."
F.G: (chuckles) "Yes, isn't it?"
Y/N: "You'll definitely be traveling in style, Cinderella."
F.G: "You're going with her, too. Young man."
Y/N: (eyes shrink) "Me? Really?"
Cinderella: "Well, you were the first friend I've ever made, aside from my little animal friends, who actually treated me nicely."
Y/N: "Aww, Cinderella. You're gonna make me blush."
F.G: "Yes, yes, yes. Now, with an elegant coach like that, of course, we'll simply have to have..."
The horse then stood proudly, thinking Fairy Godmother would choose it for the task of pulling the carriage. But...
F.G: "...Mice!"
That wasn't the case for it.
Y/N: (acting confused) "Wait, mice?"
Cinderella: "I, uh... forgot to tell you. My other friends are... little mice, I hope that's not going to be a problem."
Y/N: "Uh... no, not at all. I actually used to own a pet mice back in my childhood days... before he passed from old age."
F.G: (laughs lightly) "Oh, this really is nice. Why we'll have a coach and four when we're through. Just a wave of my stick and to finish the trick, bibbidi, bobbidi, boo."
And with that, she changes 3 of the 4 mice into noble steeds.
Y/N: "Uh... I think one got away."
F.G: "Gracious, what did I do? I was sure there were four. There... There should be one more." (finds him and chuckles) "There you are."
And there's Gus, the chubby little mouse as he runs away from her, but turns the other way when that fat cat, Lucifer comes and tries to capture him with a simple bowl.
F.G: "Bibbidi, bobbidi, boo."
She enchants Gus with a spell, turning him into a horse. Lucifer checks under the bowl, but finds no trace of the mouse. When he sees the horse glaring at him, he gets startled. Gus, in his horse form, neighs angrily, scaring off Lucifer from his back. The fat little shit falls into the fountain water and takes off running.
Y/N: (laughs intensely) "RUN, YA SILLY FURBALL!!!"
Cinderella: (laughs lightly) "Poor Lucifer."
F.G: "Serves him right, I'd say. Now, um... Where were we?" (thinks for a moment, then realizes) "Oh, goodness, yes. You can't go to the ball without, um... a horse."
Y/N: "Hmm? Why do we need another horse?" (thinks) "I wonder if her horse can speak in his human form"
F.G: "But tonight, for a change, you will handle the reins, and sit in the driver's seat, too. (floats horse in air) For instead of a horse, you're the coachman, of course. Bibbidi, bobbidi, boo."
With that, the horse has become a full-on human. He checks his surroundings and lifts his hat out of respect.
F.G: "Well, that does it, I guess, except for... Oh, yes! The finishing touch, and... that's you."
Cinderella prepares herself, thinking she's the finishing touch, but is yet again faked out.
F.G: "Yes, Bruno, that's right, you'll be footman, tonight. (enchants Bruno with magic) Bibbidi, babbidi, boo."
And just like the horse, Bruno was turned into a human being, though a bit shorter, but he didn't seem to mind.
F.G: "Well, well, hop in, you two. We can't waste time."
Cinderella: "Oh, but--"
F.G: (stops her) No, don't try to thank me."
Y/N: "That's not what she meant, but we do appreciate the help. But I think you're forgetting about the... dress code for the ball? I doubt these old rags of mine'll cut it."
Cinderella: "And while we both appreciate all you've done for us, don't you think my dress--"
F.G: "Yes, they're both lovely. Lov--" (finally sees both your clothes and is shocked) "Good heavens, children. You can't go in those."
Y/N: (thinks) "I wonder what my suit'll be like. I know what Cinderella's will be like and I feel like my heart is gonna explode."
F.G: "Now, let's see, dearies. Your size and the shade of your eyes. Mhmm. Something simple, but daring too." (gasps excitedly) "Just leave it to me, what a gown this will be."
Boy... When she said simple, yet daring, she wasn't kidding around when she made that dress.
Y/N: (thinks) "This should be the part where I say "I'm a married spud, I'm a married spud." But... I can't!"
Cinderella: "Oh, it's a beautiful dress. (lightly twirls) Did you ever see such a beautiful dress?" (looks down) "And look. Glass slippers." (shows off her slippers)
Y/N: "You look wonderful, Cinderella."
F.G: "Now, it's your turn, young man."
Y/N: "You can call me Y/N."
F.G: (chuckles) "Of course, dear."
And now for you, your normal clothes and turned into a fine suit you recognized all too well.
[Minus the suitcase]
Y/N: "Hey, now THIS is what I call fancy. I could definitely get used to these amazing threads."
Cinderella: (nods) "You look very handsome." (to F.G) "Why, it's like a dream, a wonderful dream come true."
[A/N: Okay... just for the record, just having to type that line makes me cringe... hard. No disrespect or anything, I just don't like using the phrase "dream/wish come true. But, regardless, I have to type it in since it's part of the story.]
F.G: (pleased) "Yes, my child. (serious) But, like all dreams, well, I'm afraid this can't last forever. You'll have only till mightnight, then..."
Cinderella: "Midnight? Thank you."
Y/N: "Hold on, Cinderella, let her finish. (to F.G) what'll happen?"
F.G: "You must understand, my dears. On the stroke of 12, the spell will be broken and everything will be as it was before."
Y/N: "I get it. After 12, we revert to our normal selves. Well, it's a small price to pay, but I can live with that. What about you, Cinderella?"
Cinderella: "Oh, I understand, but... it's more than I ever hoped for."
F.G (pleased) "Bless you, my children. I... (realizes) Goodness me, it's getting late. Hurry up, dears, the ball can't wait. Have a good time, dance, be gay. Now off you go you're on your way."
And right off the bat, you and your date for the ball head into the pumpkin carriage and head off for the party of a lifetime. You both wave goodbye at Fairy Godmother as she waves back before disappearing into sparkling fairy dust.
During the trip, Cinderella decided to fill you in on some stuff you already knew about her, but wanted to hear her out. Both to be a gentleman and to not blow your cover.
Cinderella: "You know... before my mother died when I was a little girl, she told me to always have courage and be kind. I was barely born when she told me those words. My father told me about it and we've been happy for the most part."
Y/N: "Oh? What was your father like?"
Cinderella: "He was very kind and devoted. But still, I could tell that deep down, he was sad, both for himself and me. I guess he couldn't stand the thought of me growing up without a mother, which is why he... re-married to my step mother."
Y/N: "Hmmm. Cinderella?"
Cinderella: "Yes, Y/N?"
Y/N: "Did you ever wonder, as you got older, if maybe your dad made the right call in marrying your step mother? I mean... did she love him back like he loved her?"
Cinderella: "To be honest... I don't know. I mean... things seemed normal between me and my step-mother when my father was alive, but... when he died on that rainy night, it's like dawned on a different persona, it's almost as if she... she..."
Y/N: "Came out of her shell? Showed her true colors? Dropped her facade and revealed her true nature, or something?"
Cinderella: (nods) "For years, ever since she took over the house, it nearly fell into disrepair and I had to constantly fix it up all by myself while my step mother squandered our family's fortune on my step sisters and I kept being abused and humiliated. I was a servant in my own home."
Y/N: "That's horrible." (comforts her)
Cinderella: "It's okay. Because I had my animal friends to help me out and my dreams of happiness to keep me going. And now, I can finally live the dream I've always wanted. And it's all thanks to you and Fairy Godmother for that."
The sweet and loveable dish maiden then leaned over and gave you a warm kiss on the cheek, causing you to blush.
Y/N: "Aww shucks."
Cinderella: (giggles) "So, what about you? What are your parents like or what were they like?"
Y/N: "Oh, they're... kind of like yours. Kind, loving, supportive, a little bit protective, but they're the best parents a son could ask for. Still... it hurts that I had to leave them to travel the world, but... they told me to not let my dream be just a dream."
Cinderella: "I'm sure they're very proud of you and understand how you must've felt when you had to leave."
Y/N: (nods, thinks) "I wish I could introduce her to my parents, but... that'll never happen, not with my predicament. Even so... I wonder how she's gonna react when she finds out how I REALLY came to be here, along with my new home and... my 1st wife."
A lot will be explained in due time. But for now, the royal ball is awaiting you and your date on this magical evening. Let's just hope things go alright between you and Cinderella, or the prince might just fall for her like he did in the canon movie.
Best of luck, lover boy.
[A/N: Okie dokie. That should do it for the 1st part of the Cinderella chapter, so stay tuned for another exciting chapter. Also, on another side note, I will be including a few other worlds that do NOT involve romance or Disney Princesses, but I will make lemons out of a few of them if they got pretty ladies. However, I'm limiting to writing only HUMAN lemons for obvious reasons.]
[So, take this time to vote here. Which world would you like to see some action in?]
The Lion King
Toy Story
Lilo and Stitch
Big Hero 6
Wreck-it Ralph
Alice in Wonderland
Monsters Inc.
Monsters University
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Oliver and Company
The Fox and the Hound
[And to be fair, I will go by order of most votes all the way down to least votes and I will do one adventure after two Disney Princess chapters so that everyone is happy.]
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