Big Hero 6 (Part 3)

Tadashi: "No... freaking... way. You mean to tell me someone not only stole my brother's invention, but is also mass producing them for their own selfish uses?"

Hiro: "But... I thought they were all destroyed in the fire!"

Y/N: "No, Hiro. For some reason, I don't think they were destroyed in the fire, but were actually stolen from you. And I have a hunch... that the fire was no accident at all."

Hiro: "But, what would he want with my microbots?"

Y/N: "I'm not exactly sure, Hiro. But that guy in the Kabuki mask that attacked us, he might have started the fire to cover his tracks and probably almost costed you your brother."

Tadashi: "What? Why me?"

Y/N: "You weren't his priority target, but you did almost wind up a casualty... one he probably didn't count on."

Tadashi: "I... I can't believe it! Then... then this guy... he might also have been responsible for Callaghan's death!"

Y/N: "Possibly." *thinks* "But you're far from close." *aloud* "Either way, this guy's on a mission and he will try to stop anyone who gets in his way and with all those microbots at his disposal, it's going to take more than just one person to take this guy down."

Hiro: "I hate to say this, but he's right. Tadashi... we have to stop this guy, he could seriously hurt someone real bad."

Tadashi: "I hear you. Let's go."

After recharging Baymax's battery to full, the three of you sneak out of the house while Cass is busy watching a movie. The three of you arrive at the garage to begin strategizing.

[Start at 0:14 and picture Tadashi and Y/N helping out in this scene anywhere at all.]

Tadashi: "Well, as much as I don't like Baymax being used for fighting, I'm glad to know his healthcare protocols stay inside. Still, even I have some concerns with his armor."

Y/N: "Think of it as a prototype battle suit. If it fails in the field test, we'll simply upgrade him to a stronger, more suitable armor."

Hiro: "Yeah, what he said. Anyways, fist bump!"

Baymax: "Fist bump" is not in my fighting database."

Hiro: "No, this isn't a fighting thing. It's what people do sometimes when they're excited or pumped up."

Hiro then helps Baymax out with the secret fist bump handshake he has with his brother and once he mimcs the explosion.

Baymax: "...Balalalala."

Y/N: "Heh, I love Baymax."

Tadashi: "Who doesn't?"

Baymax: "I will add "fist bump" to my care-giving matrix."

Hiro: "Alright, let's go get that guy. Y/N, where was the last place you saw the guy in the kabuki mask again?"

Y/N: "At an old warehouse, but he's probably long gone by now, so our best chance is to follow the microbot we have on us."

Tadashi: "I'll go ahead and phone the others to come and help us out, you never know when you might need some backup."

Y/N: "Good idea."

While Tadashi phones up his friends, you and Hiro check the microbot and see where it's trying to lead you. 

Hiro: "Hmm, let's go."

Y/N: "Not yet. Let's wait until the others show up. Then we'll find out where this bot wants to go. Sound like a plan?"

Baymax: "I have no objections."

In a matter of minutes, a small car pulls up and there, you find Wasabi, Gogo, Honey Lemon and Fred all waiting for you three.

Wasabi: "We came as soon as you called. So what's up?"

Gogo: "This better be worth my time."

Fred: "Dude, are we going on a treasure hunt? Oh! I got it, we're being visited by alien invaders!"

Honey: "Maybe we should listen to what they have to say."

Tadashi: "We'll explain on the way. Y/N, you know what to do."

Y/N: "Right. Follow me, guys!"

Just then, you whip out your keyblade, getting everyone astonished, but what happens next is you transform into your Valor Form.

[Once again, for this form, you have both Ultima Weapon as your main weapon and Fenrir as your secondary one.]

Fred: "Dude... that was AWESOME!!!

Y/N: "Try and keep up."

Taking the microbot you have in the container, you follow to where it's pointing you to at very high speeds.

Wasabi: "D... Did my eyes play tricks on me or did he just blast off at he speed of light just now?"

Tadashi: "Follow that red wonder!!!"

Tadashi, Hiro and Baymax all followed you on the moped while the others followed you by car. You made sure to not go too fast so they can see where you've gone and catch up to you.

Sure enough, your search led you to the harbor where a bunch of  freights are stacked on top of each other. You can tell the guy is close by and you had to be on your guard.

The others arrived and the two brothers then went up to you to see where the microbot was pointing at. 

Tadashi: "So... what now?"

Y/N: "He's here... stay frosty."

You all wait for a while and then suddenly, the microbot then escapes out of its container and joins with the rest of its friends. In the foggy distance, you can see the shadowy silhouette of the man making his way towards land, using the microbots.

Y/N: "Quick, take cover!"

Everyone quickly does so. They were even smart enough to hide their vehicles out of sight. Peeking from behind one of the freight boxes, you can see the man pulling out a piece of machinery from the ocean with some sort of symbol on it.

Tadashi: "What... is he doing?"

Y/N: "Looks like he's carrying some sort of industrial machinery, but... I could've sworn I saw that symbol somewhere before.

Wasabi: "Please tell me we're not gonna fight this guy."

Y/N: "No, it's too soon. We still need some more clues on who this guy is and why he's doing all of this." *thinking* "Callaghan... is this really what your daughter would have wanted?"

Gogo: "So... what, are we supposed to just let him wander free and do nothing in the process?"

Y/N: "No. We need to keep gathering intel on this guy. The more we know about our enemy, the better our chances of beating him. We'd better head back to garage and strategize." 

Fred: "No way, too small. I got just the place for us!"

Honey: "Really? Where?"

Fred: "Duh, my place."

Hiro: "You sure that's alright, Fred?"

Tadashi: "We barely have enough equiptment and space in our little garage, Hiro, our best bet is to find someplace bigger."

Y/N: "Then it's settled, let's get outta here before--"

But before you can escape quietly, ol' Mr. Yokai found you after lifting a few tons of freight.

Y/N: "Oh snap... Run! RUN!!! He's gonna crush us!!!"

The others book it for their vehicles just as the man throws the freight box at you all, but you stop it just in time using your magnetic spell to keep it airborne for a while. You give the others some time to get as far away from here as possible by taking this guy on.

While still in your valor form, you go on the offensive and unleash a relentless barrage on this guy's microbots. But not matter how many you attack, they just keep coming. You leap around, trying to give him a harder target to take down.

Y/N: "You know... mass producing someone else's microbots in secret is considered copyright infringement, right? For your sake, I hope you got a good lawyer!"

That's right, keep him busy like a certain hero in red and blue tights would do by using that whitty banter.

Y/N: "By the way... IN YO FACE!"

Just then, you revert back into your normal form at wil land hit him with a flash of lightning, stunning and blinding him. You make a quick, hasty retreat to meet up with the others. Hopefully, that lightning strike stunned him long enough.

Meanwhile, with the others, Wasabi parked his car on the curb over by this very large mansion. Tadashi, Hiro and Baymax parked behind them and climbed off the moped. Fred then exits the car and walks up the front door of the mansion, but...

Wasabi: "Fred, what are you doing?"

Fred: "Oh... welcome to "mi casa." That's French for "front door."

Honey: "It's really not."

Gogo: *ticked off* "Listen, nitwit. A lunatic in a mask just tried to kill us and Tadashi and Hiro's friend is out there trying to hold him back, I'm not in the mood for any--"

The door then opens up, revealing a middle-aged butler.

???: "Welcome home, Master Fredrick."

Fred: *enthusiastic* "Heathcliff, my man! *reassuring* Come on in, guys, we'll be safe in here." *to Heathcliff* "Gimme some!"

He fist bumps his butlet and the others walk in.

Baymax: *fist bumps Heathcliff* "Balalalala."

As soon as everyone is about to go inside, Baymax hears something in the distance and sees you leaping off a building and landing on your feet with an awesome front flip.

Y/N: "Baymax, where is everyone?"

Baymax: "They are currently inside of Fred's house."

Y/N: "Right. Could you let them know I'm here, please?"

Baymax: "Of course. Please wait one moment."

The waddling marshmallow then heads inside and lets the others know you have come back. Fredrick then shows up and gives you permission to come inside of his mansion. You walk in and meet up with the rest of the guys, then get ambushed by a group hug.

Wasabi: "You nearly gave us a heart attack! You sure you're okay, no injuries, no blood?"

Y/N: "No, just shaken up a little. Glad to see you guys made it out alright and... wow... this place is off the charts!"

Gogo: "I thought Fred lived under a bridge."

Y/N: "Gogo, that's stereotyping and it's offensive."

Gogo: "What? It's called being honest."

Y/N: "Really now? I'm surprised these guys even tolerate you."

Gogo: "What'd you say?"

Y/N: "See what I mean?"

Aaand, now she gets it.

Gogo: "Okay, maybe you're right."

Fred: "Hey, no need to squabble over my living quarters. It's alright, besides, this place, technically, belongs to my parents. They're on a vacay on the family island."

Y/N: *sees picure* "Hmm... your father kinda reminds me of a brilliant man I knew once before... a man who made me a true believer."

Fred: "Really? That's awesome!" *claps hands*

Just then, the doors in front of you open up on command and reveals Fred's entire bedroom.

Gogo: "You've got to be kidding me."

Wasabi: "If I wasn't just attacked by a guy in a kabuki mask, I think this would be the weirdest thing I've seen today. Ugh... My brain hates my eyes for seeing this."

Tadashi: "So, Y/N, care to fill the others in on what you know?"

Honey: "You know something about this?"

Y/N: "Yeah and it's nothing good."

The others gathered around to hear the full story.

Y/N: "The man who attacked us, the one in the kabuki mask, he might've been behind the explosion back at the showcase. He's also the one who stole Hiro's microbots and is probably using those bots to build... or possibly rebuild something that may have been laid to rest long ago and he doesn't want any interference."

Hiro: "What about that symbol on the piece of hardware?"

Y/N: "I'm not sure what it is, but I remember seeing the same symbol back in the warehouse where he was reproducing your microbots and it seemed like he had a map of San Fransokyo with certain areas marked on it before Baymax and I escaped.

Tadashi: "What do you suppose they could mean?"

Y/N: "Call it a hunch, but... I think they might be hidden places where the remaining hardware might be located. Similar to the piece he was carrying earlier tonight. He's planning to probably rebuild something and whatever it is... it just can't be good."

Wasabi: "So what do you suggest we do?"

Y/N: "We need to find a way to track him down, apprehend him and find out more about what he plans to do with those parts."

Gogo: "Hello, we don't even know who he is."

Fred: "I have a theory." *hands out comics*

Wasabi: "Dr. Slaughter, MD?"

Fred: "Actually, millionaire weapons designer. Malcolm Chazzletick."

Hiro: "The Annihialator?"

Fred: "Behind the mask, industrialist Reid Axworthy."

Y/N: "I think I know what you're getting at. Whoever's controlling the microbots has to be someone who comes from some serious money, whether by family fortune or by making it through a very seriously large company they own."

Gogo: "You actually get this?" 

Y/N: "For the most part, yes."

Fred: "And you'd be right, my friend. The man in the mask who attacked us is none other than..." *turns on TV* "Voila! Alistair Krei."

Hiro: "What?"

Tadashi: "You know... he might have a point, but I'm still not sold on the idea, I mean Krei is a CEO, but I just don't see him abusing his authority to break the law to get what he wants. The guy is just too high profile, he knows the consequences."

Honey: "Then who was the guy in the mask?"

Y/N: "Good question. If it's not Krei, then it has to be someone who was at the showcase, knew exactly how the microbots worked and had to have used the fire to cover their tracks. He has to be some kind of genius, but that's all we know about him."

Baymax: "His blood type is AB-negative. Cholesterol levels are..."

Hiro: "Baymax, you scanned him?"

Baymax: "I am programmed to assess everyone's healthcare needs."

Y/N: "Baymax, you just made our jobs a whole lot easier! Good job!"

Tadashi: "I knew I was right to make you! We can use the data from your scan to find him!"

Gogo: *bluntly* "Uh, you'd have to scan everyone in San Fransokyo and that might take, I don't know, forever."

Y/N: "With the way his scanner is right now, it would take forever, but there's always another angle to every solution."

Hiro: "Yeah, we just need to find it." *sees toy robot, grabs it* "Got it! I'll scan the whole city at the same time! I just have to update Baymax's sensor to do so."

Then, just as he looked up to get a good look at some action figures, he then gets another idea as he turns to his friends.

Hiro: "Actually, if we're gonna catch this guy, I need to upgrade all of you, even you, Y/N."

Wasabi: "Upgrade who-now?"

Fred *excited* "Oh, okay! I like where this is heading."

Wasabi: "We can't go against that guy, we're nerds!"

Honey: "Hiro, we want to help, but we're just us."

Hiro: "No. You can be... way more."

Tadashi: "If that's the case... I'll just provide logistics from the sidelines, then let you guys handle the field work."

Gogo: "Tadashi almost died for us. It's time we do something for him and the guy who saved him that night."

Y/N: "Oh, I'm still gonna help out."

Fred: "Oh man, this is so awesome! We're gonna be superheroes!"

Then finally, there came your training session and boy, were you fitted out with a badass suit.

With one swift motion, you rush at the butler, then maneuver around him at speeds so fasts, you'd think you were leaving behind after images and then removed his mask. You then slowed down and walked back to the others, handing it over to Hiro.

Hiro: "Awesome work, everyone."

Fred: "Woo-hoo!"

Honey: "I love it!"

Gogo: "Not bad."

Wasabi: "Anybody else's suit riding up on them?"

Y/N: "Not really."

Hiro: "Guys, check this out!"

You all follow Hiro around the corner and right before your very eyes, there he stands.

Hiro: "Allow me to introduce... Baymax 2.0."

Fred: "He's glorious!"

Baymax: *friendly* "Hello."

Yup, he's still the sweet, adorable marshmallow, even under all that armor and he soon sees a butterfly passing by. He goes to try and let it land on his finger, but Hiro stops him.

Hiro: "Whoa, hey! Focus! Now, show 'em what you got, buddy. The fist, show them the fist."

Baymax: *extends fist* "Balalala!"

Hiro: "No, not that. The thing, the... other thing."

Baymax then activates his rocket-powered projectile punch and blasts his fist right through the stone wall and right through a hedge in the back, making everyone's jaws drop.

Fred: "Rocket fist make Freddie so happy!"

Baymax's rocket punch then retracts back to him.

Hiro: "That's just one of his new upgrades! Baymax, wings!"

Y/N: "Did you do all this yourself, or did Tadashi help you out?"

Hiro: "Yeah, Tadashi had a hand in part of this. Now watch this."

The younger Hamada brother then climbs on Baymax's back. Thankfully, Hiro invented some magnetics to help him stick to Baymax for when they travel by flight.

Hiro: "Activate thrusters."

Baymax: *starts thrusters* "I fail to see how flying makes me a better healthcare companion."

Hiro: "I fail to see how you fail to see that it's awesome! Full thrust!"

And... the takeoff starts a little rocky, Baymax being unable to control his flight patterns seeing as he's barely learning. They go on a little flight tour around the city, nearly missing every building and car they fly past until they finally gain control by the Golden Gate Bridge and then stop for a moment at the top.

Hiro: "Oh, man! Maybe... Maybe enough flying for today. *short of breath* What do you say?"

Baymax: "Your neurotransmitter levels are rising steadily.

Hiro: "Which means what?"

Baymax: "The treatment is working."

Just then, Baymax purposely leans over the edge and takes a dive straight down and then at the last second, he blasts off, flying across the salty sea surface and Hiro is shouting with joy. They go for another flight trip around the city, testing out Baymax's upgrades more. Even going through a subway tunnel, too.

They even circle their way up one of the skyscrapers and then maneuver past some of the kites that propel high in the sky before making a quick stop on one of the blimps.

Hiro: "That was..."

Baymax: "Sick... It is just an expression."

Hiro: "That's... that's right, buddy."

The two friends then continue to watch the sunset from atop the blimp, enjoying the nice, quiet late afternoon.

Hiro: "I'm never taking the bus again."

Baymax: "Your emotional state has improved. I can deactivate if you say you are satisfied with your care."

Hiro: "What? No, I don't want you to deactivate. We still have to find that guy, so fire up that super sensor."

Baymax stands up and begins his superscan.

Baymax: "Functionality improved. 1000% increase in range." *beep* "I have found a match. On that island." *points*

Moments later, Baymax goes and picks you guys up and head on over to the isolated island.

Gogo: "Killer view."

Wasabi: "Yeah. If I... If I wasn't terrified of heights, I'd probably love this, but I'm terrified of heights so I don't love it!"

Y/N: "Just close your eyes and picture yourself on a beach with a relaxing, yet strong breeze."

The lot of you were closing in on the island and sure enough, Hiro spots a way in through an abandoned facility door.

Hiro: "There! Baymax, take us in."

Baymax goes for the landing and safely lands everyone, allowing them to walk once more.

Fred: "Yes! Our first landing together as a team!"

Hiro: "Guys, come on."

Wasabi: *points at sign* "Quarantine? Uh, do you people know what "quarantine" means?"

Baymax: "Quarantine." Enforced isolation to prevent contamination that could lead to disease, or in some cases... death."

Wasabi: "Oh! There's a skull face on this one. A SKULL FACE!"

Tadashi: *through your intercom* "Y/N, do me a favor and scan the place for any dangerous contaminated parts there."

[A/N: Tadashi fitted each of the members suits with intercoms so he can keep track of them and can even see what they're seeing with the cameras he installed in their helmets.]

Y/N: "10-4, Tadashi. Scanning now." *scans area*


Y/N: "Negative on contamination. The area's clean."

Wasabi: "What?! But then why...?"

Y/N: "Sometimes quarantined places are just a way to cover-up something more sinister that lurks within."

Just then, they hear rustling behind them and... they flip out and attack behind them, but you... you remained still and turned to see, oh look, it's just a freaking pidgeon! And it flies off.

Y/N: *unamused* "There, there, you guys, I'll protect you all from the scary wittle pidgeon."

Honey: "Well, at least we know our gear works."

Gogo: *to you* "Not... a word... about the bird."

Y/N: "Yeah, no worries. Now stand aside."

Brandishing your weapon, you give it one might swing and dent open the metal doors before retracting it.

Y/N: "Let's go."

The gang then heads inside while Fred starts singing this made-up song as they go and... as funny as it is, the lyrics are horrible.

Wasabi: "Fred... I will laser hand you in the face!"

Hiro: "Guys, shh! Any sign of him, Baymax?"

Baymax: *tries using scan* "This structure is interfering with my sensor."

Wasabi: "Perfect, the robot's broken."

Y/N: "Wasabi, seriously... would it kill you to stop being pessimistic for one second here?"

Wasabi: "Excuse me for being scared!"

Honey: "Uh guys, you might want to see this."

You all stop and look to see what Honey's looking at. You all head inside of a room and it looks like some kind of testing room and... the place looks to be destroyed.

Gogo: "What do you think it is, genius?"

Hiro: "I-I'm not sure. But look."

You all look and find the same symbol from before.

Y/N: "It's a match! This must be where it originated from."

Honey: "Up there!"

She points up and you all look to find a control room. You all head up to do a little research, hopefully unearth some major clues. Hiro then looks at a monitor and presses a button. On the screen, there's a single video log that was saved on it.

Hiro: "Krei..."

Hiro wanted to find out more, so he hit the rewind button to find out everything that went on.

Krei: *on video* "We were asked to do the impossible. That's what we did, we've reinvented the very concept of transportation. Friends, I present Project Silent Sparrow."

Soon, two gateways opened up in the video.

Krei: "General, may I?"

The general hands him his hat. Krei tosses it into the left portal and it comes out from the right portal, still in tact. It's caught by one of the scientists who gave him a thumbs up.

Fred: "Whoa! Magic hat!"

The scientist then throws it back into the portal and it comes back out on Krei's end.

Krei: "Teleportation. The transport of matter instantaneously through space, not science fiction anymore, gentlemen. Now, we didn't spend billions of tax dollars to teleport hats. Ladies and gentlemen, you are here to witness history in the making. *to his suitable volunteer* Ready to go for a ride, Abigail?"

Abigail: *jumps into capsule* "We've invited all these people, might as well give 'em a show."

The next big teleportation test finally begins in T-minus 30 seconds, but unfortunately.

Scientist: "Sir, we're picking up some irregularity in the magnetic containment field.

General: "Mr. Krei, is there a problem?"

Krei: "No, no problem. It's well within the parameters. *firmly* Let's move forward."

Sure enough... Abigail makes the big jump, but unfortunately... something goes wrong.

Scientist 2: "Field containment breach! Abort! We've lost all contact with the pod.

The people then try to fix the problem, but the portal on the right burns out and destroys itself in the process. Eventually the entire project shuts down and soon, everyone watching this today can clearly see what caused all of this commotion to begin with.

Hiro: "The government shut down Krei's experiment."

Honey: "And he's using your microbots to steal his machine back."

Hiro: "Krei's the guy in the mask."

Baymax: *looks behind him* "Oh no."

And by the time you all looked, a piece of debris crashed into you all, thrown by Mr. Yokai. But his plan backfires as Baymax breaks the debris and frees you all from your stone prison.

Hiro: "Go for the transmitter. Behind the mask!"

Y/N: "I've been meaning to give this guy a proper scolding for trying to kill us for a LONG time!"

The man then attacks you all with his microbots, but Baymax uses some of the debris to try and shield you all. He still gets pushed back and you rush at the man super fast. He sends his microbot army to stop you, but you breeze right past the little buggers and cut off some of the appendages to help clear the way.

Fred: "My turn!" *comes at him* SUPER JUMP! Gravity Crush! *gets whacked upside the head* "Falling hard!"

With no other option, the others join in to try and get the mask, with Gogo using her speed and agility to skate around the premesis and toss her disks at him, even hitting him in the face. The masked man gets ticked and chases after her while Honey tries to sneak around him, using her bag of handy chemical bombs.

However, their plan backfires as one of Gogo's disks hits Honey Lemon after the masked man dodges her and Honey's little chemical ball creates an icy floor that robs the friction.

Wasabi: "Hey!"

The masked man turns to Wasabi.

Wasabi: "Uh, you want to dance, masked man? Huh? 'Cause you'll be dancing with these *draws out plasma blades* Hand over the mask, or you'll get a taste of this! And a little bit of that!"

The masked man humored the timid hero and sent a barrage of microbots his way and he sliced and diced them, unknowingly scattering them all over his feet, trapping him.

Wasabi: "Hey! I did alright! That all ya got?" *looks down* "Oh, you got that, too?"

He comically points to the right and tosses Wasabi with the rest of the gang, even bumps him against Fred. Now he was about to finish the job and crush them once and for all. But he's surprise attacked by you and Baymax from opposing sides.

You and the super-charged bot maneuver around the man and dodge his microbots again as you close in on him. And then both you and Hiro tackle him and knock the mask of his face. The bots all go limp and Hiro quickly takes the mask away. The man is still breathing and so, Hiro decides to confront the man who stole his work.

Hiro: "It's over Krei."

Tadashi: *through intercom* "Hiro, it's not Krei, it's..."

When the man turns, Hiro and the others, minus you are surprised to see that it's actually...

Hiro: "Professor Callaghan?"

Tadashi: "I knew it. I didn't want to believe it, but it's true."

Y/N: "Hmm... So the explosion back at the showcase... you were the one that stole Hiro's microbots and shielded yourself from the blast... the one that you caused."

Callaghan: "That's right."

Y/N: *upset* "Do you have any idea how much pain you've caused, the lives you tried to take from your own students?"

Hiro: "And... Tadashi, he... He tried to save you."

Callaghan: "Give me the mask, Hiro."

Y/N: "Tadashi almost DIED trying to save you!"

Callaghan: "That was HIS mistake!"

Oh shit... he should NOT... have said that.

Tadashi: *going into speaker mode* "And it was YOUR mistake to try and kill me, my brother and my friends lately!"

Callaghan: "Then stop getting in my way and I won't have to bury you brats 6 feet under!"

And that... was the last nail in his coffin.

Baymax: *turns to you* "Oh no."

The others look to you and see this dark mist coming out of the air gaps of your suit and see you trembling... with rage.

Hiro: "Y/N? What are you..."

Y/N: "You disrespect your own student... you willingly try to murder the lives of these promising students who looked up to you... the same ones who mourned your death. And for that... I won't let you BREATHE ANOTHER BREATH OF AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIR!!!"

Just then, your suit explodes into piece and a large mass of darkness fills the room and surrounds you completely. The others are blown away from the blast for a moment. But when they see what's happened to you, they're horrified by the sight.

Hiro: *gasps, urgent* "Baymax! Hurry! Stop Y/N before he seriously hurts Professor Callaghan!"

Baymax quickly acts and tries to grab you, but you rush away from him and tackle Callaghan with a demonic screech. You then toss him in the air and jump up, following it up with a rapid dark barrage that looks damn near ruthless for anyone to see.

This was Anti-Y/N.

The others then rush into the action to try and stop you, but you wind up fighting back to ward them off. All that was on your mind was Callaghan's demise and in the most brutal way. The keyblade you had on you had long since disappeared the moment you went into your anti form and laid the hurt on Callaghan.

In the midst of the skirmish, Hiro had dropped the mask while he and the others tried to hold you at bay. Callaghan seized his moment and grabbed the mask before making his getaway with the microbots and the last remaining machine part. 

With Callaghan long gone, the others try to hold you down, but you kept on flailing in their arms.

Wasabi: "Quick! Do something! We can't hold him forever!"

Anti-Y/N: *Screeches demonically*

Hiro: "I... think I might have a way. Baymax... defibrillators, now!"

Baymax: "As you wish." *activates hand defibrillators* "Clear."

He approaches you calmly, even as you keep flailing and then stop to screech in Baymax's face one final time before he shocks you and... the shock knocks you out. The gang puts you down gently and watches as the darkness around you fades away.

Tadashi: *intercom* "Guys, let's bring Y/N back. Callaghan's long gone and we need regroup for another meeting... right after our dark friend wakes up from his nap."

Hiro: "What... was that?"

Fred: "I dunno. But it was way too brutal."

Honey: "It was just so... so horrible!"

Gogo: "I've never seen so much rage manifest like that, it's like... he changed into an entirely different person."

Baymax: "Y/N should awaken within the next couple of hours."

Hiro: "Alright... let's go. Come on, guys."

After the events that unfolded today, everyone was left horrified by what had transpired in the wake of this epic battle. As the gang heads back to the city, they are left with so many different unanswered questions that flood their minds all at once.

Why is Callaghan repairing the teleportation machine? Why would he risk the lives of his own students to do so? Will Y/N give into the darkness now that he's unleashed it? Will he try to kill Callaghan again and how will he be able to fix this mess? 

Only time will tell.

[Bet you never saw that one coming. Anyways, here you go, I hope you enjoy this latest chapter I put together. Expect more surprises in the next chapter, my friends. Tootaloo!]

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