Big Hero 6 (Part 1)

You've now officially arrived in the beautiful city known as San Fransokyo, a large, futuristic city located in the bay area of California. It's got quite the history on how it went from San Fransisco to San Fransokyo... and quite frankly... who doesn't love Japanese cultures?

Anyways, you're currently on top of a building, overlooking the city with awe and amazement.

Y/N: "Amazing! It's almost like I'm back home... minus everything being all animated and such, and my powers, but still."

While you're gawking and geeking out at the sight of this amazing city, you hear what sounds like a big crowd cheering in the distance, in some shady area no sane person would enter.

Y/N: "Ooh, I hope I can get there on time."

And so, just like Sora can, you lept from building to building with great speed, agility and dexterity, hoping to keep a certain troubled youth from getting a beatdown.

[A/N: Because of his continued use of his magical abilities, Y/N can now hear things miles away... if he chooses to. His magic also protects him from things that can harm his hearing, like high frequencies, so don't worry about him going deaf.]

[Stop at 3:17]

Y/N: "Yoo-hoo, uglies! Over here!"

Suddenly, the goons look in your direction.

[You transformed into your Wisdom form]

Y/N: *mockingly* "Ha-ha, made you look!"

You aim your keyblade at the goons and fire off a few magic projectiles at them in a few short bursts, then a long burst. They grunt from the pain and take off to avoid you. You half right in front of Hiro and look to him with a concerned look.

Y/N: "You okay, kid?"

Hiro: "Uh... yeah, I'm fine."

And right on cue, his brother shows up in his moped.

Tadashi: "Hiro! Get on!"

Hiro: "Tadashi! Oh, good timing" *climbs on*

Tadashi put a helmet on Hiro, but...

Y/N: "Here, allow me."

You then aim your keyblade at the brothers and shoot a light that makes them vanish before your very eyes. Little did they know... you just wind up teleporting them back to their Aunt Cass' shop and now that leaves you to deal with a few goons.

Yama: "You! You let my money escape."

Y/N: "Technically, you lost to him fair and square "Tons of Fun," so that's his money now."

Even though you were surrounded by more of his henchmen, you still weren't scared of them.

Yama: "Such a big mouth for a little squirt."

Y/N: "Well then... can a squirt do... this?"


You cast a spell that created a magnetic field, which pulled in all the baddies for a brief moment just in time for you to escape. Only now, you're spotting red and blue flashing lights in the distance which could only mean one thing and one thing only...

Y/N: *thinks* "WHOOP! WHOOP! Thassa sounda da police!!!"

And turning around, you YEET the hell outta there and revert back to your normal form and leap up from the walls of the neighboring buildings "Super Mario" style and land atop one of the roofs and make a quick detour towards the cafe the boys' aunt owns and runs.

With any luck, she might still be open considering her two nephews didn't wind up in a jail cell. But... you can't exactly be sure she'll be happy to know her youngest nephew got into trouble with yet another bot-fighting incident, that's for sure.

Some time goes by and you find the cafe and sure enough, you've got an hour left before she officially closes up shop. You enter and are greeted by the he fandom's favorite MILF.

[A/N: Seriously guys, I know you all have a raging hard-on for this foxy mama, I could see you flooding the comment section with thoughts of bedding her so badly, lol.]

Cass: "Hello and welcome." *sees you* "Oh, you must be new here, nice to meet you. I'm Cass."

Y/N: "The name's Y/N. And yeah, I am new here. Just arrived in town, thought I'd grab a snack."

Cass: "Well, you've certainly come to the right place. What can I get you for today, sir?"

Y/N: "I'll have a glazed donut and... hit me with a double venti orangic chocolate brownie, caramel frappuccino. Extra hot, with one inch foam... non-fat."

Cass: "Oh, alrighty then, lemme just total you up."

She then tells you your total and you pay up. Then, Tadashi and Hiro come down the stairs, about to head out somewhere, when suddenly, they spot you right away.

Tadashi: "Hey, I know you!"

Cass: "Huh? Tadashi, you know this guy?"

Tadashi: "He saved my little brother when Hiro almost got jumped by these group of thugs. We were about to escape, but he did something that got us here in mere seconds."

Cass: *to you* "You... saved my nephews?"

Y/N: "I couldn't just let them get hurt. I mean, what would their parents say if they found out their own children got hurt?"

Hiro: "I dunno. They died when I was young."

Y/N: *thinks* "I knew he'd say that." *aloud* "Oh... uh... sorry to hear that, I had no idea, it must've been hard for you."

Tadashi: "It was. He's learned to move on and... he's a brilliant kid, even graduated high school at 13, but... he just refuses to stop living dangerously for some quick cash."

Y/N: "What?! Graduated from high school at 13 and he's messing with the dangerous parts of the world by himself? How old is he now?"

Hiro: "14. Shouldn't that make me old enough?"

Y/N: "Kid, you might think you're old enough, but that kind of thinking is what makes you naive. You still have the mindset of a child. Believe me, I've been around long enough to know how the world works and it can be both beautiful... and dangerous at the same time."

Tadashi: "Precisely... which is why I plan on taking him for a little stroll downtown, but first I gotta stop somewhere."

Cass: "Please tell me he's not going bot-fighting again."

Y/N: "Bot-fighting?"

Tadashi: "It's an illegal practice in San Fransokyo. Sort of like street fights, but they use RC robots to fight. Sometimes, they get so out of hand, people would sic their own bots on their opponents and... well, the modifications they add to them can be fatal."

Y/N: "Oh, I see. Not exactly the kind of hobby I'd choose to indulge in my spare time, though."

Tadashi: "Thank you!"

Hiro: "Are we done yet, Tadashi? Can we go?"

Tadashi: "Yeah, yeah. Come on. We'll be back later, Cass."

Cass: "Be careful out there!"

So, the two brothers leave the cafe and... you know where Tadashi's really gonna go at this time of night.

Y/N: "Heh, something tells me he's gonna give his little brother a quick detour he'll never forget."

Cass: "I sure hope so. It's already hard enough raising those two boys on my own and managing the cafe by myself. But anyways, here's your caramel frappuccino and glazed donut."

She walks over and sets down your snacks.

Y/N: "Thanks. So, you're those boys' aunt, right?" *bites into donut, then sips from cup*

Cass: "I sure am."

Y/N: "I think those boys are really lucky to have such a devoted, loving and beautiful, young aunt in their lives."

Cass: "Oh, stop it. You're just trying to be nice. Besides, I'm not actually that young or beautiful."

Y/N: "Oh, I know some people who would beg to differ."

Cass: *giggles* "Well, thank you for making me feel special, young man, but you don't wanna waste your time a little old me."

Y/N: "You are not old. And despite how I look, I'm actually a bit older than you think I am."

So, after chatting for another 15 minutes and finishing your snacks, making her laugh, you decide to head out.

Y/N: "Thanks again for the frap and donut. Take care."

Cass: "Come again! Oh and if you ever feel like visiting Tadashi, you can find him over at the Sanfransokyo Institute of Technology, he's been working on a big project there."

Y/N: "Will do."

And so, with another happy customer come and gone, Cass could now officially close up shop. Still, she found you quite interesting, considering how nice you were to her. On top of your kind nature, she also felt a great deal of gratitude towards you. Her own nephews were in trouble and you got them out of a tight jam. Perhaps, maybe one of these days, if she gets lucky, she'll pay you back tenfold.

Meanwhile, as you disappear out of sight from Cass' Cafe, you run up the building walls like Sora did in the KH3 game and landed on a rooftop and proceeded to make your way to the university Tadashi and Hiro are likely to be at... mostly because you wanna see... him.

[Timeskip because REASONS!!!]

You actually made it to the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology and it is a whole lot bigger than you imagined.

Y/N: "Wow... this place is pretty cool. Let's see... they've gotta be in the robotics lab somewhere on campus by now."

You wander around the campus to search for said brothers and eventually come across the robotics lab.

Y/N: "Here we are. Now, to find those two... and see that project Tadashi's got hidden away."

You make your way into the building and look around, trying to find the room where you'd find the two brothers. It's by this time, you hear a familiar cry of pain from a certain boy.

Hiro: "Oh! Dude! Ow!"

You then peek inside the room and spot the two brothers and right as a certain huggable bot friend awoken.

Y/N: "Wow!"

The others saw you and were surprised to see you here.

Tadashi: "It's you! H-How'd you find us here?"

Y/N: "Your aunt told me about this place, thought I'd come and say hi and... who is this huggable fellow over there."

Tadashi: "Oh, well I'm glad you asked. This... *gestures to Baymax* ...happens to be my latest project I've been working on.

Just then, the huggable marshmallow bot then waddled his way towards Hiro, then bumps into a stool. He stops, looks down, then grabs it and puts it somewhere else. He refocuses on Hiro and waddles over to him and stops right in front of him and waves.

Baymax: "Hello, I am Baymax. Your personal healthcare companion. I was alerted to the need for medical attention when you said "Ow."

Hiro: *skeptic* "A robotic nurse."

Y/N: "I like him."

Baymax: *displays chart on chest* "On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?"

Hiro: "Physical or emotional?" *turns to Tadashi, deadpanned*

Tadashi just playfully gives his little bro a sad look.

Baymax: "I will scan you now." *scans Hiro* "Scan complete. You have a slight epidermal abrasion on your forearm. *holds up finger* I suggest an anti-bacterial spray.

Hiro: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's in the spray, specifically?"

Baymax: "The primary ingredient is *shows on screen* Bacitracin."

Hiro: *clicks tongue* "That's a bummer. I'm actually allergic to that."

Baymax: "You are not allergic to Bacitracin. *screen fades* You do have a mild allergy to *holds up finger* peanuts."

Hiro: *nods, impressed* "Not bad." *to Tadashi* "You've done some serious coding on this thing, huh?"

Baymax proceeds to spray Hiro's forearm with the bacitracin while the brothers converse.

Tadashi: "Uh-huh, *opens hatch* programmed him with over 10,000 medical proceedures. This chip is what makes Baymax, Baymax."

Hiro then puts his chip back inside and inspects the huggable plush bot some more by poking at his soft body.

Hiro: "Vinyl?"

Tadashi: "Yeah, going for a non-threatening, huggable kinda thing."

Y/N: "I got a soft spot for anything huggable."

Hiro: "Looks like a walking marshmallow. No offense."

Baymax: "I am a robot. I cannot be offended."

Y/N: "He looks like a comfy, cuddly pillow."

Hiro: *looks at eyes* "Hyperspectral cameras?"

Tadashi: "Yep."

Y/N: "Tadashi, you've invented yourself a masterpiece. If we had more of him out in the world, we'd be helping millions of lives!"

Tadashi: "Thank you."

Hiro then looks through Baymax's body.

Hiro: "Titanium skeleton?"

Tadashi: "Carbon fiber."

Hiro: "Right. Even lighter." *gasps, excited* "Killer actuators. Where did you get those?"

Tadashi: "Oh, machined them right here, in-house."

Hiro: "Really?"

Tadashi: "Yup. He can lift a thousand pounds."

Hiro: *astonished* "Shut up."

Y/N: "Hiro... it's not really my business to have a say in this, but you'd benefit a whole lot more if you enrolled into college. From what I can tell, Tadashi is already making waves. He's come up with something that can benefit the lives of everyone. Imagine what you can invent here, instead of wasting away with those bot fights."

Hiro: "...Maybe..."

Baymax: "You have been a good boy. Have a lolipop.

He gives Hiro the candy and he accepts it.

Hiro: "Nice."

Baymax: "I cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care."

Hiro: "Well then, I'm satisfied with my care."

And just like that, Baymax goes back to his station and you wave goodbye to the cute, waddling pillow bot.

Y/N: "I can already tell, he's gonna help lots of people... though I am curious, what kind of batteries does he use?"

Tadashi: "Lithium ion."

Hiro: "You know, supercapacitors would charge way faster."

They say all this as Baymax enters his station and deflates to recharge his batteries and wait for his next patient.

???: "Burning the midnight oil, Mr. Hamada?"

The three of you turn to see an older man by the doorway, whom you already know by name.

Tadashi: "Oh, hey, Professor."

???: "And, who's this?" *looks at you*

Y/N: "Just a visitor. I know these two. I ran into them when I came into town and rescued this guy's younger brother. I'm Y/N."

???: "Really now? Well, I hope you're enjoying your visit here at the institute, my name is Professor Callaghan."

Y/N: "Pleasure to meet you." *shakes hand*

Tadashi: "And I was just finishing up."

Callaghan: *to Hiro* "You must be Hiro. Bot-fighter, right?"

Hiro: "Yeah."

Callaghan: "When my daughter was younger, that's all she wanted to do."

Y/N: "Seriously? If you ask me, I would've chosen to study here, what with the many new possibilities to explore."

Callaghan: "Ah, I like your thinking." *to Hiro* "May I?"

Hiro: "Uh, sure," *hands him mega-bot*

Callaghan: "Hmm... Magnetic-bearing servos."

Hiro: "Pretty sick, huh? Wanna see how I put it together?"

Tadashi: "Hey, genius! He invented them."

Y/N: "Ooh, that's pretty impressive."

Hiro: *realizes* "You're Robert Callaghan? Like as in... the Callaghan-Catmull spline and Callaghan's Laws of Robotics?"

Callaghan: "That's right. Ever think of applying here? Your age wouldn't be an issue."

Y/N: "Hmm... You know what... if I ever get the chance, I'd definitely wanna enroll here and earn my degree." *thinks* "Imagine being able to combine science with magic. I could even help improve conflicts across the Disney and Pixar multiverse!"

Tadashi: "For him, *points to you* definitely. But for Hiro, I dunno, he's pretty serious about his career in bot-fighting.

Hiro: "Well, k-kind of serious."

Callaghan: "I can see why. With your bot, winning must come easy.

Hiro: *doubting* "Yeah... I guess."

Callaghan: "Well, if you like things easy, hen my program isn't for you. Y/N, can you explain to him why?" 

Y/N: "I think I can. Hiro, if you're looking for the easy life, then this place ain't for you because at universities like this, the staff and students like to push the boundaries of robotics here. It's the teachers' jobs to help their students shape the future."

Callaghan: "Couldn't have said it better myself. Nice meeting you, Hiro and Y/N, good luck with the bot-fights. And Y/N... if you ever do decide to enroll, our door is always open."

And so, after that wonderful chat with the professor and getting to see Baymax up close, it was now time for the brothers to head home while you try to find a place to stay.

Tadashi: "So, how did you manage to get here again?"

Y/N: "Eh, I took a cab. But now, I'm gonna have to walk."

Hiro: "Hold on, do you have a place to stay?"

Y/N: "Uh... not really, but I'll find someplace to stay."

Tadashi: "Tell you what, why don't we let you crash in our garage? It's not much, but it beats sleeping out in the streets."

Y/N: "You sure you wanna do that? I don't wanna be a burden to you guys or cause trouble."

Tadashi: "Dude, you saved my brother from getting pummeled by gang members and somehow spared us from the cops. The least we can do is let you sleep somewhere warm."

Y/N: "Well, if you insist."

Tadashi: "Anyways, we'll head back home after I drop off this little guy to his next bot-fight.

Hiro: "I HAVE to go here! "I-If I don't go to this nerd school, I'm gonna lose my mind! *desperate* How do I get in?"

Aaaand Tadashi's won him over.

[timeskip because REASONS!!!]

Tadashi arrives back at the house with you and Hiro. Tadashi showed you to the garage and loaned you his sleeping bag and pillow, allowing you to rest up for the night. Afterwards, he met up with Hiro upstairs and stapled a flier for a showcase to the wall.

Tadashi: "Every year, the school has a student showcase. You come up with something that blows Callaghan away, you're in. But, it's gotta be great, really great!"

Hiro: *confident* "Trust me. It will be."

The confident young teen then prepares himself for a long day of planning and... after some grueling minutes of hard-thinking...

Hiro: *slamming head on desk* "Nothing! No ideas! Usless! Empty! Brain!"

Tadashi: *laid back* "Wow. Washed up at 14. So sad."

Hiro: "I got nothing! I'm done. I'm never getting in."

Tadashi: "Hey, I'm not giving up on you."

The older brother then grabs Hiro by the ankles and carries him over his shoulders, shaking him like crazy.

Hiro: "What are you doing?!"

Tadashi: *bouncing* "Shake things up. Use that big brains of yours to think your way out."

Hiro: "What?"

Tadashi: "Look for a new angle."

Hiro lets out a sigh and just looks around from his upside-down position until... he spots his mega-bot on the desk. Then, as he looks at it rightside up... the idea comes flooding in.

Sure enough... it was time to go into hardware mode the next day and headed back into the garage to get started.

By this point, you were well-rested up.

Y/N: "So, what's on your agenda, kid?"

Hiro: "No time to lose, we've got work to do. Think you can help with loading up the product when I've made enough?"

Y/N: "Sure, I don't mind a little labor."

And so, the long hours of inventing and mass producing went underway as you and Hiro worked together to help make his newest invention while also having Tadashi and his group of friends pitch in some of their ideas on how to make it really good.

The days rolled by and eventually, you and Hiro had finally made 12 large bins worth of Hiro's newest and greatest invention. It was now time to load up and make way for the showcase. And having a look at the newest invention, the bros shared a fist bump.

Finally, you arrive at the showcase and, you're not gonna lie, the whole place was amazing. It almost felt like a giant science convention and you're loving every second of it.

At the moment, you, Tadashi and Hiro were having a moment alone with Hiro, who looks really, really serious.

Hiro: "I really want to go here."

Tadashi: "Hey. You got this."

Y/N: "You're gonna do great, kid. Remember, you invented this, just like how you'll invent more amazing stuff. Now go up there and show Callaghan what you're made of."

Hiro needed to hear those words and now, he's ready and so he steps up to the podium and starts his presentation.

[Start at 1:25]

 Y/N: "You see? I told you you had it in you!"

???: *approaches Hamada* "Yes. With some development, your tech could be revolutionary."

Hiro: "Alistair Krei!"

Krei: "May I?"

Hiro hands him one of his micro bots to inspect it himself.

Krei: "Hmm, extraordinary. I want your microbots at Krei Tech.

Hiro: *in awe* "Shut up!"

Callaghan: "Mr. Krei is right. Your microbots are inspired piece of tech and you can continue to develope them, or you can sell them to a man who's only guided by his own self-interest."

Y/N: *thinks* "No doubt he's still fuming about what Krei did to his daughter on that day."

Krei: "Robert, I know how you feel about me, but it--"

Callaghan: "This is your decision, Hiro. *subtly warning* But you should probably know, Mr. Krei has cut corners and ignored sound science to get where he is."

Hiro: "I... uh... Y/N?"

Y/N: "It's like he said, kid. You gotta decide. Those microbots were made by your hands, so it's up to you. You can keep them and further improve and/or develope them, or you can sell them for a quick buck, the choice is entirely up to you, kid."

Hiro: "I... alright. In that case... I appreciate the offer, Mr. Krei, but the microbots are not for sale."

Despite Krei trying to make a last ditch effort to change his mind, Hiro stood firm and Tadashi even pointed out the microbot he still had in his hand before giving it back to Hiro. After that, the CEO then headed off, along with his secretary, too.

 Callaghan: *to Hiro* "I look forward to seeing you in class." *hands him a letter of acceptance*

Hiro looks at it with joy and excitement while you nod and look at him with a proud smile.

Y/N: "Ya done good, kid. Ya done good."

[A/N: And here it is, the first chapter of the long-awaited Big Hero 6 adventure you all have been dreaming of. Enjoy it to your hearts content and I will have more out soon.]

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