Big Hero 6 - (Finale)

We now turn our attention to a brand new institution that has been constructed and funded by wealthy businessman, Krei. At the moment, he's giving his speech before initiating the grand opening of his newest school, not knowing someone is out to get him.

Krei: *into a microphone* "This beautiful new campus is the culmination of a lifelong dream. But none of this would've been possible without a few bumps on the road. Those setbacks made us stronger, and set us on the path to a bright future!"

Some people cheered before pointing out the horrors that were about to unfold, which catches Krei's attention. 

Yokai: *crossed* "Setback?!"

Yes, Yokai had shown up with his army of microbots. The vengeful man charges at Krea, who tries to make a run for it. But he's ensnared in the masked man's grip. All the other people make a run for it, fearing for their lives... just as Mr. Yokai wanted.

Or more importantly... Mr. Callaghan. The enraged, grieving teacher lifted up his mask to look Krei in the eye.

Callaghan: "Was my daughter a "setback?"

Krei: *shocked and surprised* "Callaghan! But you... Your daughter, that was an accident. I-"

Callaghan: "NO! You knew it was unsafe. My daughter is gone because of your arrogance."

Turning his attention to one side of the campus, he has the microbots carry the pieces of the portal he savaged from all over the bay ares and is about to assemble them as one.

Krei: "What are you doing?!"

Callaghan: "You took everything from me when you sent Abigail into that machine, now I'm taking everything from you."

Right off the bat, the pieces were in place and the portal was now open and began absorbing everything in the campus Krea had built and even paid for little by little.

Krei: "No, you can't!"

Callaghan: "You're going to watch everything you've built disappear... then it's your turn."

Hiro: "Professor Callaghan!"

The angry professor turns to his right and spots Hiro and his friends arrive at the scene, but... one of them was different.

[A/N: This is just a temporary suit. Hiro and Tadashi made this for you so you can help fight in the battle. With this suit, you can fly using your jet boots, a plasma rail run that can shoot short bursts or switch it to cannon mode and the blast will be 10 times stronger, but it will have to recharge itself.]

Callaghan: "Who is that?"

Y/N: *retracts helmet* "Remember me, Callaghan?"

Callaghan: "You!"

Y/N: "That's right, it's me. But that's not important!"

Hiro: "He's right Callaghan. Let him go."

But Callaghan didn't move.

Hiro: "Is this what Abigail would've wanted?"

Callaghan: "Abigail is gone!"

Y/N: "No! She lives on inside you, you're just too blinded by your own rage to even see that she's weeping for you!"

Hiro: "This won't change anything. Trust me, I know."

Krei: "Listen to the kid, Callaghan. Please, just let me go. I'll even give you anything you want!"

Callaghan: *grieving anger* "I want my daughter back!"

And soon he goes on his rampage, trying to stop you all, but you all dodge out of the way.

Hiro: *climbs on Baymax* "Go for the mask!"

He and Baymax propel over to Callaghan, but he dodges and grabs Baymax by the legs and throws him against the building, making Hiro lose his grip and fall inside the campus. As he gets up, he feels himself getting pulled up to the ceiling.

Baymax sees his patient in trouble and tries to help him, but Callaghan grabs the healthcare companion with his microbots. He slams the friendly armored marshmallow onto the ground after that, prompting the other to step in and help him out.

Friends: "Baymax!"

Wasabi, Fred, Gogo and Honey all charge in to lend a hand.

Fred: *mega jumps* "Leaping into action!"

The comic geek then shoots a ferocious flame at Callaghan, but he blocks it without effort.

Y/N: "I got you now,"

You take aim with your plasma rail gun and fire a shot, which Callaghan barely blocks, but it takes a chunk of his microbots out before he sends some after you. You use your jet boots to dash out of there, trying to avoid getting caught by this mad teacher.

Hiro is still in trouble. The ceiling he's stuck two breaks apart and gets sucked into the portal, but he stops himself by latching onto one of the metal poles sticking out of the debris.

Gogo skates towards Callaghan, who counters by jabbing his microbots at her, but she maneuvers and dodges like a boss until he traps her in a microbot ball. And slowly, he intends to shrink the ball and potentially crush her inside the thing.

 Fred is still hopping around, blasting the bots with his flamethrower attacks, but it doesn't do squat and he's grabbed and slammed into the wall before being pulled back down. Callaghan commands the bots to stretch out his limbs and rip his suit apart.

Wasabi is doing his best to slice and dice the microbots coming at him, but then he gets trapped as the bots try to squish him using two large metal pieces of the roof. He deactivates his plasma blades to avoid cutting himself with them by accident.

Wasabi: "Getting a little tight!"

Meanwhile, Honey is conjuring up different chemical balls and trying to trap some of the microbots, but the attacks just keep coming and she's forced to hide herself in a shield. But it doesn't last long as the microbots already break through it and try to jab her.

With everyone being pinned down or immobilized, Hiro tries his hardest to not lose his grip, but he can't hold on for much longer with the portal becoming too strong. Just when he thinks there's no stopping Callaghan, he notices some of the microbots being sucked into the vortex and this gave him an idea how to beat him.

Hiro: "That's it! I know how to beat him! *to his friends* Listen up, use those big brains of yours and think your way around the problem, look for a new angle."

With that helpful advice, Wasabi gets out of his tight situation by digging a hole through the ceiling, avoiding getting crushed. Honey used her chemical balls to create a sticky substance around one of the microbot tendrils, latch onto it and escape her shield.

Fred: "My arms! They can't go any further!"

Just then, he realizes that he can still use his own arms.

Fred: "Wait a second, it's a suit. *peeks outside* Hello, sign. Care to go for a little spin?"

The comic fanatic grabs a piece of this sharp debris and slices one of the microbot arms stretching his suit. Then some more and gets himself free before hopping away.

Meanwhile with Gogo, she was about to make her grand escape out of her shrinking prison. She skates in a circle as fast as she can instantly cuts her prison ball in half, escaping unharmed.

With you, you keep maneuvering in the sky, avoiding Callaghan's microbot tendrils and blasting them with your rail gun. But all too quickly, you're blindsided from behind and get grabbed and suspended in mid-air, but you still have another trick up your sleeve.

Y/N: "What, you thought the rail gun was my only weapon?" *aims hand at one of the tendrils* "Sucks to be you."

And like that, you pull an Iron Man on Callaghan and blast the microbots with a repulsor from your hand, then fire a few more times and break free from his firm grip.

Baymax is still pinned by the microbots and can't seem to get out and it isn't until he hears Hiro's distress that he eventually catches his 2nd wind and breaks out. The loveable marshmallow bot takes off at blazing speeds and rescues Hiro.

Krei: "I love that robot!"

Callaghan then shoves Krei up against the wall and traps him there using his own logo to immobilize him. Meanwhile, the 7 of you regroup with Hiro having a new game plan.

Hiro: "Okay, new plan. Forget the mask. Take out the bots, they'll get sucked up into the portal."

Wasabi: "Now THAT is a plan!"

Hiro: "Honey, Fred, can you give us some cover?"

Fred: "Like you have to ask."

Honey: "Let's do this!" 

Right away, Honey tosses up 4 blue chemical balls and Fred ignites them on fire, which activates them immediately. The heat from the flames causes them to explode and create a massive smokescreen to confuse Callaghan and conceal the others' presence.

Callaghan grows more igitated and ascends to higher ground. He sees Hiro and Baymax descending towards him, so he commands his bots to stop them. But Baymax and Hiro maneuver past them with ease before diving down and breaking them apart.

This causes more microbots to get sucked into the vortex, just as Hiro is predicted it. Meanwhile at lower ground, Wasabi makes use of the smokescreen and slices and dices up more huge chunks of the bots like the badass he's made out to be.

Gogo has a go at it by riding up one of the microbot pillars and breaking it apart using her sharp disks, which work so well.

Fred: "Double sign spin!"

Yes, another made-up move he invented, but this one seems pretty handy as he uses the flamethrower built in the suit to ignite two sharp signs on fire and spin them around like a couple of large shuriken stars and begins slashing up a few microbot pillars.

Honey has some fun by planting her lab purse into one of the pillars and pull out an explosive ball before throwing it at her purse, causing a huge, yet beautiful explosion.

Honey: "Now that's a chemical reaction!"

With you, you decide to get a little creative with your attacks and spin around in mid-air and fire two repulsor rays from your hands, taking out a huge chunk of the pillars before stopping and landing on the ground in a badass pose like a certain millionaire does.

Y/N: "And that is how its done."

Back up at higher ground, Callaghan sends more of his microbot army at the duo, but Hiro and Baymax counter him.

Baymax: "Back kick. Knifehand. Roundhouse. Hammer fist."

Just as they were getting close, Callaghan finally catches the two with his remaining microbots. He holds them in place and plans to finish them off once and for all.

Callaghan: "This ends now!"

But when he tries to command his other bots... nothing happens... and he tries again, the same thing happens. Nothing.

Hiro: "Looks like you're out of microbots."

Callaghan looks down and sees only 4 pillars of microbots left. Two are keeping him above ground level while the other two are used to keep Hiro and Baymax suspended.

Hiro: "Baymax!"

The helpful marshmallow bot breaks out of the hold and dives down at the helpless professor and so he covers himself, thinking this is the end of him, but... he sees that they've stopped and then sees you hovering right next to the duo with a calm stare.

Hiro: *smiles, assuring* "Our programming prevents us from injuring a human being."

Y/N: "You should really take notes. Maybe next time, you'll think twice before trying to murder your own students."

You then snatch the mask from Callaghan and give it to Baymax, who then crushes it, disabling the microbots for good. Callaghan almost gets sucked into the portal, but Baymax saves him and you follow the two to the ground, safe and sound. But now, there's only one problem left... shutting down the portal for good.

Hiro: "It's still on! We have to shut it down!"

Krei: *worried* "We can't! The containment field is failing. The portal is gonna tear itself apart!"

Hiro: "We need to get outta here, now!

The others are about to leave, but then...

Tadashi: *through comms* "Wait! Guys... I'm picking up something from Baymax's and Y/N's scanners right now!"

Hiro: "What?"

Y/N: "I can see it, too, Tadashi."

Baymax: "As do I. My sensor is detecting signs of life."

Hiro: "What?"

Y/N: *points* "They're coming from inside the portal. Life signs indicate they are female."

Baymax: "She appears to be in hyper-sleep."

Hiro: *realizes* "Callaghan's daughter. She's still alive!"

Callaghan: "Abigail."

Hiro: *climbs on Baymax* "Let's go get her."

Y/N: "I'm coming, too!"

Krei: "The portal's destabilizing. You'll never make it."

Y/N: "But if we don't get her out now, she'll be lost forever! Abigail still breathes and someone has to help her!"

Hiro: "Y/N's right. This could be our only chance. I say we take it, what do you say, buddy?"

Baymax: "Flying makes me a better healthcare companion."

Wasting no more time, both of you fly into the portal. Inside, you can see an endless void all around you.

Hiro: "Careful! There's Krei Tech debris everywhere!"

Y/N: "No kidding."

Carefully maneuvering past the debris, eventually Baymax gives the two of you good news.

Baymax: "I have located the patient."

You and Baymax then find the space pod.

Hiro: "Hurry!"

You three fly over and catch the floating pod. Peeking in through the window, you all see Abigail currently in hyper-sleep.

Hiro: "Come on, guys. Let's get her home."

Y/N: "Agreed."

Combining their team efforts, you and Baymax focus on flying out while Hiro acts as your guide to make sure you don't hit any of the lingering Krei tech debris in the void. And at first, it seems like smooth sailing from here on in, but then an unexpected piece of debris comes out of nowhere, entering your flight path.

Baymax rushes to protect the both of you by using his own body to shield you from the impact. Unfortunately, Baymax's armor suffered critical damage and worst of all...

Baymax: "My thrusters are inoperable."

Hiro: "Grab hold!"

You grab Baymax's hand and bring him to Hiro.

Y/N: "Hold on tight guys. I'm about to do something crazy."

Hiro: "What do you mean?"

Y/N: "Watch me."

You take out your rail gun and then switch it to cannon mode before attaching it to the back of your suit.

Y/N: "With a little luck, we should be able to get out of here unscathed, including you, Baymax."

Tadashi: *comms* "Y/N, be careful! If you add too much thrust power in to the cannon, you'll shoot out of the portal too fast. You could end up suffering some serious injuries."

Y/N: "There's no time to think about that! Now... on the count of three, we blast out of here." 

Hiro looks at you with concern, but he agrees and holds onto the pod tight, as does Baymax.

Y/N: "One..."

Hiro: "Two..

All: "THREE!!!"

Diverting all energy into your jet boots and your plasma rail cannon, you blast off at high speeds, but wobble a little since the force of the blast was too strong to stay in control. Nevertheless you kept trying to keep it steady on your way out of the void.

And in that split second, the three of you emerged from the portal just before it exploded. But just as Tadashi predicted, you went too fast and wound up landing farther out and tumbled along the ground before coming to a stop after the momentum died down.

Y/N: *groan* "Yup... that hurt."

You get up and retract your helmet into your suit. Looking over to where Hiro and Baymax are, you're glad to see they're safe.

Y/N: *thinks* "Thank goodness. I couldn't stand the thought of Baymax being lost in that void just like in canon.

Wasabi: "Hiro! Y/N! Baymax!"

Fred: "Yeah! They made it!"

You look and see the others running towards you three.

Y/N: "We did it, guys. She's safe now."

Hiro: "That was a risky move you did back there. But if it wasn't for you, we'd be sitting ducks."

Y/N: "No, Hiro... if I hadn't done what I did... Baymax would've sacrificed himself just so we could've escaped."

Hiro: "W-What?"

Baymax: "It's true. He's not lying. I would've used my rocket fist to launch Hiro and Abigail out of the void while I stood behind."

Y/N: "I couldn't allow it to happen. I just... wouldn't be able to live with myself if Hiro lost you."

Wasabi: "We understand, man. What you did... I'm sure Hiro and Tadashi appreciate what you did for Baymax."

Tadashi: *comms* "I do appreciate it. But you know, even if Baymax did sacrifice himself, Hiro and I would make another one."

Hiro: "Yeah. I agree."

Moments later, after the paramedics and police arrive, Abigail is taken away on a stretcher after waking up from hyper-sleep. Meanwhile, her father is being dragged into a patrol car.

Callaghan: "My... My daughter!"

Y/N: "Officers, would it be alright if I explain something to him before you cart him off to prison?"

To ensure you won't hurt him, you disable your suit and revert to your normal clothes.

Officer 1: "Make it quick."

Y/N: "Yes sir." *looks directly into Callaghan's eyes* "Well, it looks like you got your wish. You got your daughter back. But the way I see it, the cost was much too great."

Callaghan: "He took her away from me!"

Y/N: "And you think Abigail's gonna praise you for all this? You were supposed to set an example for her when she disappeared. When you thought she was dead, you should've honored her memory by living life to the fullest, teaching the next generation on how to change the world for the better, but you just... threw it away! And now that Abigail's back, how do you think she'll feel about you?"

Callaghan: "I... well, I..."

Y/N: "For your sake... and for Abigail's sake. I hope the courts show you some leniency and when she does learn the truth... I hope she'll have others to support her in her trying times."

You turn around, never looking back at Callaghan as he's then put into the patrol car and forced to watch his daughter leave in an ambulance while you walk away a disappointed man.

Y/N: "Then again... parents grieve in their own way in order to deal with the loss of their child. Callaghan just... did it the wrong way and was too stubborn to carry on."

Later on that day, everyone is gathered at the cafe, having some well-earned snacks before day classes start. Unfortunately...

Y/N: "Well guys... it was fun while it lasted, but I gotta go."

Tadashi: "You're leaving? Where are you going?"

Y/N: "Home. My family's probably worried about where I might be and I kinda miss them. Plus, there's not much to do. Tadashi's alive, we saved Abigail, Callaghan's in prison, Baymax gets to stay, everyone's happy and that means it's time for me to hit the road."

Hiro: "Wait! If you're leaving, at least let us give you a souvenir to take home with you."

Wasabi: "Will we ever see you again?"

Y/N: "Yeah, of course! You can always come to visit me from time to time and vice versa."

Hiro: "Great. Then come with us."

Tadashi: "And we're not taking no for an answer."

Honey: "Trust me, they never take no for an answer."

Y/N: "Okay, okay. I'm coming."

You and the rest of the group finish up your grub before heading out to the university for another hard day's work. Well... they're in for a hard day's work at least, you're just a visitor.

The hours go by and eventually you're brought into Tadashi's lab where he and Hiro show you what they made.

Y/N: "You... you made me my own Baymax?"

Hiro: "It's our way of saying thank you."

Tadashi: "Everyone deserves a Baymax. Even you. And he's got all the same functions as the original Baymax. Best part about this one... is he can move while still in his charging station, so you won't ever have to worry about his battery running low."

Y/N: "That's... that's really nice of you guys. Thanks."

After that, you say your goodbyes to Tadashi and Hiro and encourage them to keep making a difference in the world. After that, you leave the campus grounds and head off to a secluded place in the city where no one would think to look for you.

Naturally, Baymax 2 followed you as well.

Baymax: "I fail to see how a warehouse can be your home."

Y/N: "The warehouse isn't really my home."

Just then, a keyhole came out of nowhere inside the warehouse.

But unlike the last few times, the keyblade appears out of thin air and seems to be acting on its own, shooting a beam of light at the keyhole, making the same (un)locking sound as before.

The light from the keyhole engulfs everything around you until nothing remains but an empty white void.

Yen Sid: *appears* "Welcome back, Y/N. I trust things went well after you stopped your foe."

Y/N: "Yes, sir. My friends even gave me a gift."

You gesture to Baymax, who's still chilling in his cute little charging station observing things.

Yen Sid: "Yes... I can see that. Well, while you still have yet to balance out the darkness in your heart, you did make great progress nonetheless and now... it is time for some relaxation. And before you go... there will be some... special guests awaiting for you."

Y/N: "Special guests?"

Yen Sid: "You'll know them when you see them."

So, the master sorcerer whips out the book containing your world just like all the other times. 

The keyblade unlocks the books on its own before disappearing and Yen Sid opens it up, revealing a portal to your castle. The time has come for a much-needed break. And something tells you you'll be taking a much longer one after all you've done.

[A/N: It's that time again, folks. Time to wind down and see what new features await you in your home world. The castle has a new look on the outside, but what will it look like on the inside and who are these special guests waiting for you, you ask? Well, you'll have to find out, so tune in NEXT TIME!!!]

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